Prophecy 4:
But I am a HOLY GOD and I demand you to be holy as I am HOLY. I have put MY own Spirit within you so you know right from wrong.
You know what SIN is! Read the 10 Commandments.
Prophecy 48:
Did you ever find ME sinning while I walked among you? No, for I was tempted like any mortal man but I did not succumb to that temptation. I, YAHUSHUA, lived the life as a Jew and observed every Jewish law, for I came not to cancel the laws set by MY FATHER who wrote them with HIS finger on a piece of stone as HE burnt the laws into a tablet of stone, HE burnt them into your hearts so you have no excuse to say you don't know right from wrong. Yet even those laws condemn you for you do not keep the laws, you need someone to intercede in your behalf and I, YAHUSHUA shed MY Holy Sinless Blood laying MY life down for all who call upon MY NAME, there is remission of sin. HaShem ADONAI no longer sees your sins, but instead sees MY Blood that covers your sins, and washes them away. Do not think that means you can live like satan and still love HaShem DONAI and serve him, for this is no excuse to purposely sin and grieve ELOHIM the FATHER. Just to see how close to Hell you can live is very dangerous for you know not the time or hour when your life will end on this earth. Beware death is only the beginning of eternity in either Heaven or Hell.
Prophecy 107:
Then you have one last category. Those who have a pretense, who pretend to be Holy to make a show before man. They sit in their crystal cathedral or they come in the form of a man named Joel Osteen. The spawn of satan is what I call you. The prosperity pimp preacher to teach you to worship the almighty currency of whatever nation you're from and tell you to heap it upon them. These that preach the false doctrine and tell you homosexuality is not wrong. Same-sex is just as holy as between a man and a woman. I could go on and on, but I need not for you know what sin is.(Revelation 3:14-22)