Prophecy 17:
Does not MY Word say, "Lay not up for yourselves silver and gold on this earth where the thief steals, moth and rust does corrupt, but store up your treasures in Heaven."
Prophecy 32:
You bring shame upon yourselves as you hunger and thirst after signs and satan gives you what you desire. What will you do when satan says bring me your pennies and I shall turn the metal into a pile of gold? Don't you yet understand your greed is blinding your eyes? Don't you discern the churches that have opened themselves up to this also have the laughing, mocking spirit of chaos in their churches? Can't you see that this is another form of deception to keep you from being without spot or wrinkle? This is another deception to get your eyes away from MY coming? You who have been deceived and not repented, you are not MY Bride.
I charge you now, you who call yourselves spiritual leaders, you who march to the tune of the world's drummer. Why do you not hear MY voice tell you to speak out against unholiness? You teach MY People to sin by staying silent and no matter what is done by your political leaders you say, 'I AM' wants them not to fight against what is unholy, nor speak out against the leaders of the nations doing these things. Pray for them to repent. But do not let the spiritual leaders and political leaders lead you into the bowels of Hell. Do not let the blood of others soak your garments. Do not be blinded by the fame and fortune satan offers in this world.
Prophecy 34:
Continue to build your treasures up in Heaven and not on earth for one is eternal and the other is temporal.
Prophecy 62:
Hide yourself, MY Children, for yet just a little while. For all of Heaven rages, and against satan and his demons war rages. It is waged, for the KING IS COMING! The Earth quakes and shutters in fear in various parts of the world. You are seeing floods, these are MY tears. Remember when the floods came in the time of Noah. Remember how he was mocked and they mocked up until the time the rains came. But I told MY Children, Noah and his family to get in the ark and bolt the door, and when the floods came the ungodly ones pounded on that door. Then they wanted in, then they believed who 'I AM', but it was too late for them and the floods swallowed them.
Such it will be again. Those that stand in MY Son's righteousness, those that have anointed their homes, those that hide in MY Word, those that strive to obey, those that love and serve and put ME first, those that know the treasures of this earth will not be what they can take to their Heavenly home. In this world they realize thieves break in. Moth and rust does corrupt that which you think is a treasure on earth you cannot take with you when you leave this earth.
Instead, MY True Children, instead MY True Bride build up their Heavenly treasures where moth and rust and thieves cannot corrupt. Thieves cannot steal your treasures in Heaven. So many go in lack, but they do it for MY sake, forsaking luxuries so souls can be saved. These are MY Beloved; these are MY True Treasures on earth. Those that cry out in MY Son's NAME, in the NAME of YAHUSHUA and pray so many times a day they cannot even begin to count, These are MY Children, these are the ones the KING is coming for.
Prophecy 71:
California, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, Canada and all over the world you have felt the heat of MY wrath one way or another. Why do you not put your Creator and Savior first in your life and love? Why do you love your homes more than the Creator that gave you your homes land wealth and possessions? Do you not realize how not only did the fires come but how many lives I spared because of MY mercy and love? This is only a sample of what is to come before the Great Tribulation. Get your priorities straight now before it is too late. (Deut 9:3)
I, YAHUVEH do not give you the wealth, land and possessions to build up your treasures on earth where fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes and thieves can take it away in seconds. I admonish you now, to use your income and possessions to bring I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA Praise, Honor and Glory. Build up your treasures not on earth but in Heaven, for I warn you, do you not realize how many reading this now, should you make it to Heaven, will find out in Heaven it will be as though you were bankrupt, your storehouses and vaults are empty.