Prophecy 20:
Now again I prophesy through MY Handmaiden. It would do well for you to pray for ears to hear MY voice and eyes to see what is to come very shortly. You shall see a new disease and sickness that will be far worse then AIDS for I have spoken it before but not loud enough.
This Handmaiden is the first one I have chosen to speak forth in boldness and without fear of repercussions. Elisheva Eliyahu has no knowledge of this drug other than what I am speaking now. I allowed this evil to come so MY Children would once again see I am not a GOD that is easily mocked. I will give the sinful world the choice to choose but it comes with a price. Now one more curse shall come upon this miracle sex drug, the new god of this sinful world. For there shall come a lack of this drug so they shall say and it will be harder to get eventually, then you will see murders over this sex drug. But the last and greatest curse of all is, as it gets into the homosexuals and bisexuals hands and they go into the bisexual encounters I prophesy to you now a plague I spoke of earlier that will be far worse in symptoms than AIDS, far more deadly and painful and NO ONE that is taking this drug after MY warning will be spared.
For there shall be a curse upon the blood and raging fever, starvation and unable to eat. Blood pouring out of the mouth and it will be as if the blood has turned black will hemorrhage forth from open parts of the body. Men and women shall get this from ONE sexual encounter with anyone that has it, I say again, if this be MY Prophet that speaks forth and your Spirit will have already witnessed this fact by now, ONE, do you hear ME, ONE, I repeat ONE sexual encounter is all it takes and this plague will come upon them in the same way that this miracle sex drug has come upon the world unexpectantly and in a rush and there will be NO CURE I repeat even after they repent on their death beds.
I have healed AIDS for even the innocent have had the blood supply contaminated and I healed some of them, though this disease originated from sex sin with animals, monkeys. Man mocking what I intended to be Holy, having sex with monkeys. Is it any wonder why man having sex with man, another perverse act, an abomination in MY eyes transmitted it through homosexuality? But then the disease travels in the blood. So shall this new plague for the Blood of YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH was refused and there is Salvation in that Blood, so why shouldn't I curse the blood of those that mock ME as I gave MY Son YAHUSHUA to be their Blood Sacrifice, knowing how few would be grateful.
The ones that have sex with animals were to be put to DEATH. Oh, but now this evil land flaunts all that is unholy in MY face. Do what you can do as long as it feels good is their motto. Pornography, homosexuality, adultery is a trap of satan for it has an unquenchable appetite for more debauchery and whoredom and tries to out do the last act. Satan seeks to defile a human more each time through these spirits. Satan loves NO one, not even those that worship him. He entices them through these sins and yes even rewards them sinful pleasure, but in the end it will cost you your souls if it goes unrepented and if you do not turn away from these sins, it will end in damnation for eternity and you have been warned.
Prophecy 23:
You (pastors) don't tell them, fornication leads to Hell if they don't turn away.
Prophecy 64:
This is a Babylonian religion, the one that despises the True Sabbath. For this man made Sabbath MY True Children will shun. Go to your pastors and warn them and if they will not listen, then flee. For you will have proven that the RUACH ha KODESH has truly spoken through thee. Flee children from the churches of Babylon for there coming crashing down. The Crystal Cathedrals are a stench to MY nostrils. These pastors who won't even speak the truth, homosexuality is an abomination unto ME. Abortion is murder; sexual intercourse without marriage is fornication.
Prophecy 69:
Israel no longer can the world look upon you in Holiness. For you have the abortions, you have the homosexuals, you have pornography, there is no sin that has not permeated Israel within. Pharisee's now rule your government and yet they don't even have the form of godliness. I am going to judge in 2003 the states, the nations that appear as a Sodom and Gomorrah to ME. I will not even speak what will happen in 2004, for if you think MY judgment fell in 2002 and the world holds their breath for 2003, the words would be so fearful even this Apostle would be afraid to speak.
Prophecy 75:
I prophesied through MY Daughter Elisheva and that prophecy has been posted for years now for all to read [Prophecy 20], Ellen DeGeneres spoon fed the children and people the spirit of homosexuality while laughing about it. Because of this I, YAHUVEH prophesied she would be the first to taste the Boiling Black Blood Plague when she will beg to die as black blood will spew from her mouth. All the sexually immoral will suffer this end time plague. I, YAHUVEH prophesied this through this Handmaiden of MINE because I knew what Ellen DeGeneres' master satan would have her do and that is to mock the Creator of all Creation.
Prophecy 82:
Now see this vision. It now changes. Now the enemy of your soul beholds MY Holy Bride and says, "I must defile her, she cannot stand there without spot or wrinkle." So he puts a cigarette in her mouth, so she has the stench of smoke. He puts the intoxicating beverages in her hands, so she staggers around like a drunk. Now behold MY Bride, where pornography has been put into her hands, the enemy says, "Don't worry, no one can see this secret, just hide." Now MY Bride, that once was so Holy, has been so defiled. So I turn away, for I cannot come for a Bride like this.
MY Bride does not have the stench of a cigarette. MY Bride does not stagger like a drunk. MY Bride does not read porn behind the doors. That is a false bride and I only accept the genuine. So I give you a choice, for the only fragrance anyone around you should smell is the fragrance of MY anointing oil, the perfume I have given you. Your garments cannot be without Holiness, the garments of MY righteousness clothe you, they cannot have even a spot or a wrinkle. They cannot have any reason for this world to accuse you of sin.
Do you not realize, what your eyes behold, MY eyes behold? Do you not realize, your bodies are the Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH? Do not be deceived, for sin can have no part in thee. You wonder if you are MY Bride. You pray all over the world, "Am I your Bride?" You want to know, Elisheva, how some one who tells you a certain date when I am coming for MY Bride and yet the Word given does not line up with MY Holy Scriptures. This is the beginning of the deception that entered in.
Can you picture a Bride standing there in sparkling white? Now can you picture that gown with nicotine stains? I do not put MY Children; I do not put MY Bride in bondage. Can you picture MY Bride where every word that proceeds out of her mouth is Holy? Now can you picture the stench of alcohol on her breath? Her fingers stained with nicotine? Can you picture MY Bride standing there Holy, only wanting to behold the beauty of ME? Now can you picture the same Bride, behind closed doors she hides, with lust in her eyes, as she looks at porn, her mind filled with filth?
Prophecy 83: I, YAHUVEH say, "Prepare beloved ones, the end is nigh." As I prophesied through Elisheva years ago of the Boiling Black Blood Plague, that would come as a sign of MY wrath, I now speak this forth from MY Ring Maiden. It is has already been loosed. It has begun. The disease is in the incubation stage and there will be no cure. But beloved ones, be assured all who are Holy before ME, living Holy and putting I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their life and love, doing their best to be obedient unto the Holy Scriptures, the Boiling Black Blood Plague will not come upon you. It will be as in the times of old when the plagues were loosed by Moses, speaking forth under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. And the plagues did not touch the Children of Israel, only the Egyptians who served and worshipped other gods and so it shall be again.
Prophecy 90:
How YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and I your MOMMA SHKHINAH, cover our ears and eyes in grief as WE hear those who proclaim to be holy, and assemble together, use vile curse words, fornicate with eyes, your mind and body, filling it with lust, even lusting after the same sex and doing all manner of sin against all that is called Holy. Are you really going to try and lean over hell, just to see how far you can lean, before you fall into it head first? Is it not written "Be ye holy as I am Holy" stop making excuses for your sins, rather turn away from satan's traps.
Prophecy 92: Stay far away from any sexual sin, and stay away from any drug or liquid that intoxicates and twists, controls and perverts your mind. Stay far away from anyone who worships another whom they call god and yet you know is a false god. Do not even listen to their false doctrines, or it opens the door to lying and deceiving spirits to enter into your mind.
Prophecy 95:
I prophesied through this Handmaiden of MINE, what was in the minority, would be the majority if you did not fight this sin and now look at the spirit of homosexuality, where has it not invaded in because you believed a lie. Long ago I told this Handmaiden of MINE, in the beginning it was Adam and Eve, it was never Adam and Steve.Never, never, never, never, never, never, never was this to be and so the boiling black blood plague shall be loosed. You do not have much longer now. All those who condone the spirit of homosexuality or who have stayed silent and said, "Just let them do their own thing." You shall sufferrrr a plague like none other! Those who partake in this abomination unto ME, you shall sufferrrr like none other! And those of you who know it's wrong, even if you don't belong to ME, from this sin, you have fleed and this shall not come upon you. Speak out now! While you still got a voice! You pastors who have embraced the homosexuals so you would not have to confront them, watch and see what I do to you for you shall share in the same plague! Dream of Boiling Black Blood Plague
Prophecy 102:
They cannot touch ME. But because you're in the flesh, the enemy knows where to hurl their weapons at. You live in an evil, evil, evil time where good is spoken of as evil and evil is spoken of as good, where sexual sin is running rampant and the morality line is all blurred; even in the majority of the churches they refuse to speak what morality is! They fear the government more than YAHUVEH! And for this you pastors are going to pay. You sold your soul for this tax exempt status. How ministering for ME could reward you monetarily.
Prophecy 106:
Why is (are) your eyes on the things of the flesh such as pornography?