Prophecy 63:
Can you not see, Oh Israel, the old covenant has passed away. I do not desire animal sacrifices. Only the Blood of MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA who came from the tribe of Judah can be Israel's Blood Covenant and the whole world's blood atonement for sins. There is only one sin than cannot be forgiven, rejecting YAHUSHUA and the Life and the Blood HE sacrificed at Calvary. Beware, mocking and rejecting the RUACH ha KODESH is blasphemy. There is no remission of this sin except YAHUSHUA's Life and Blood and through HIS NAME is the only remission of sin. I gave you this gift at Calvary; I gave the world this gift.
Prophecy 92:
Beware of people who make excuses for false prophets. A false prophet is a man or woman that gives a date, and a thus saith the Lord is spoken, and that date passes and what they prophesied does not come to pass. Some Prophets who have done this unknowingly must repent publicly and apologize since they spoke the word to the masses, through books, letters, the internet, or spoken word. They can be forgiven if they did not prophesy falsely for their own motivations. People, you are not helping them repent if you are making excuses for them. You will also be held accountable for doing this. People, you must discern whether it is prayer that delayed the prophetic message or whether it was a prophecy of the flesh. Prayer will delay MY judgments for a short time, but woe be unto the people when that delay has ended, it will be greater devastation than that which was prophesied.
Prophecy 93:
Oh MY Beloved Treasured Ones, even though YAHUSHUA did not come on the date that you set, do not be discouraged for your job is not yet done. But I command you to get angry and call the prophets who are false, false. Do not encourage them to lie anymore. You know when a dream is just a dream of the flesh. You know when a dream is just a dream of deception. For the date will come and the date will go. You know when a prophecy is just a prophecy of the flesh. A prophecy of deception. For the date will come and the date will go. Now some innocently have done this and all WE command them to do is repent. Humble themselves, admit they missed it. Do not make excuses.