Prophecy 2:
Homosexuality is a perverted spirit of lust and not a birth defect but sin and it is sent by satan to mock YAHUVEH's union called marriage.
Propehcy 4:
Homosexuality is SIN!
Prophecy 11:
Your laws can legalize homosexual marriages but I decreed it is sin. It is a mockery of marriage and what I created to be Holy. It is not legalized in MY eyes. Pastors, some of you have joined in these love feasts of strange flesh by saying nothing, you have partaken in it.
Prophecy 18:
America, repent for the veil of darkness that comes from Hell that makes you think what you do in secret will not be exposed. Homosexuality is just another life style you want to teach, but it's the darkness from Hell that has kept you from seeing the light of truth. This is an abomination unto ME! I sent you AIDS for a wakeup call and you ignored ME and try and find cures. I am sending a far worse plague than that. BLACK BOILING BLOOD PLAGUE! This will come upon all those that force feed your children the spirit of homosexuality on silver spoons. It starts with Ellen Degenerate (Degeneres) and it has gone into the White House. You mock ME. You think because I am invisible I do not hear or see what you have spoken and done. You think the Holy sanctity of marriage is to be mocked. You think MY Ten Commandments are not of value for this time and age. I am ANGRY and I say unto all those that flaunt your unholiness in MY face. You will see I am not a GOD to be mocked. You shall suffer, your children shall suffer and your country shall suffer. But not those that belong to ME, I will protect, shelter, bless and guide all MY Children who have given their hearts, lives, Spirits and souls to the GOD of Creation and GOD of Salvation.
You heathens who do abominations in MY eyes, and put it on the media and even in your songs, you who want everyone to have a choice for abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality, you who take away the rights of the parents to rear their children with a Godly fear and respect. You will find I am YAHUVEH and I am a GOD in equal balance to love and wrath and you will see what happens when this punishment comes upon you from nowhere but MY hand. No where to flee but to ME. This new plague has already begun great fatigue, great fever, your blood will appear to look black, no immunity, your blood will pour out of your mouths, hemorrhaging! For you mocked the Holy Blood Shed for you at Calvary and now I will mock you back with blood that will show the unholiness in your blood. You will pray to die but death will not come easily. REPENT NOW! Stop killing MY unborn babes. Stop corrupting the youth and this world with your stench of unholiness. REPENT NOW America! Watch as those you consider leaders are leaders no more. REPENT NOW! The blasts from Hell that curses all that is Holy on your media, that the young ones repeat and not even understand how they anger ME must stop. I am going to beat you with MY ROD of wrath until you repent.
Prophecy 20:
Homosexuality that had been in the minority now you see flaunted in front of MY Holy Children and their children and even the heathen's children saying, "It's just another life style as long as it's love, who are we hurting?" I will tell you who you have hurt, you have heaped MY wrath upon you, the GOD that decreed and gave the Ten Commandments to Moses and forbid such things and even commanded a woman that lieth with another woman, or a man that lieth with another man, to be put to DEATH so this evil could not be spread.
The ones that have sex with animals were to be put to DEATH. Oh, but now this evil land flaunts all that is unholy in MY face. Do what you can do as long as it feels good is their motto. Pornography, homosexuality, adultery is a trap of satan for it has an unquenchable appetite for more debauchery and whoredom and tries to out do the last act. Satan seeks to defile a human more each time through these spirits. Satan loves NO one, not even those that worship him. He entices them through these sins and yes even rewards them sinful pleasure, but in the end it will cost you your souls if it goes unrepented and if you do not turn away from these sins, it will end in damnation for eternity and you have been warned.
The curse of this damnation is carried in their blood. For as they refused Holiness and turned to unholiness, passing laws where same sex is legal, promoting that which was in the minority and now a spirit of homosexuality is running rampant.
Prophecy 23:
You (pastors) don't teach homosexuality and adultery is a sin and leads to Hell if not repented of.
Prophecy 32:
'I AM' is not in the popularity of the ministries you seek autographs from for shame. MY Servants are to serve the people and instead they are enticed to sin with bribery to stay silent from the government's who give tax exempt status and warn you if you speak you will pay for it financially. For the sake of money you muzzle yourself. You prove what God you serve when you do not speak that homosexuality is sin. Abortion is sin! This war is sin! The ways of the world is sin! Anyone who is a friend to this world is not a friend to 'I AM' or MY Son YAHUSHUA, BEWARE!
Prophecy 50:
The BLOOD, the BLOOD, the BLOOD is on your own hands. It is you who in fear would not rise up against abortion. It is you, It is you, who were silenced when you said homosexuality is wrong. You fill the churches and you fill the pews, and you sit behind a shepherd that is no shepherd at all. You watch them as they rake in the millions and say that it is by MY hand, when surely it is blood money given to them by the power that runs this land. I have pulled MY Mightiest Warriors from the churches. They sit there with no shepherd but the great ELOHIM 'I AM'. MY True Shepherds know not where the next dollar comes from, but they know that the great ELOHIM 'I AM' will supply their needs. It is these that I will bless and continue to bless for they weep and they wail for what they see. But they do not stay silent. For there is fire within their bones just as surely as this handmaiden feels like she's on fire for it is MY Fire, MY Fire that burns within them. They cannot keep silent even though they want to. They cannot stop weeping, though they want to. This is the Mark of MY True Ones. This is the Mark of the Chosen Ones.
Prophecy 58:
Why do you think I weep less over the murdered tortured unborn babes, than the hundreds of thousands of lives, too many for you to count in a single day. Hell claimed the majority of them today. You know not how many yet but you will realize that those that dictate what you hear and see have led you astray. Christians, why do you allow sin to pervade your homes? Why do you not speak out against the sinful lifestyles and that which I call an abomination? Israel, even you do not speak out, instead you make laws to protect and encourage this evil mockery of what I intended a marriage to be, one man and one woman, you know what I am speaking of. Dare not think I am blinking at this alternative lifestyle for you are reaping what you have sowed.
Propehcy 59:
How dare New York, after I poured forth MY mercy and MY love. I spared untold uncounted souls from Sept. 11, 2001 from many days hence as they unburied those that they thought were dead. As I had MY angels chase them out before the buildings collapsed and now they dare to defy what is Holy, they dare to profane the name 'marriage,' that which I have given as a symbol for the Bride and the Bridegroom. It is not man- man. It is not Adam and Steve, it is Adam and Eve. MY anger and MY rage will burn New York if they continue on. I have warned them and I have warned them that Sept. 11 was only a sample. How dare them and every state including Canada and the Providences that follow who dare to do the same. I remind you what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Their fate shall be the same.
Prophecy 61:
Elisheva, I give you this responsibility to speak forth these words now. That this ministry is going to speak forth this warning now. Even as Elisheva slept, I spoke to her to tell her what to say, even as her flesh now desires still to sleep. Even as her eyes are still closed, I speak forth these words. It is September 11th, 2002 and as I look over mankind to see what they have done with their allotted time, the extra time that I have given earth, what is it that I see? What is it that MY eyes behold? For I answer the prayers of the righteous ones who call out in MY NAME, in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, MY Son. They call out to ME and say, "Give us more time to reach the lost souls" and so I have done this.
This is what MY eyes behold. Man lying with man, woman lying with woman, babies murdered in the wombs, man bent on being more evil each day. It is no different than in the time of Noah when I destroyed the earth. But I spared the righteous ones, the obedient ones, Noah and his family. So again I say and I warn, "I will only spare the righteous ones." September 11, 2001, is spoken of all over this world, but only of the tragedy, only of the destruction. How few give ME the Glory, for I saved lives that did not even merit saving. But instead of remembering this day to bring ME Glory for the miracles that I have done, instead I hear MY NAME slandered of, "How could God have done this?"
Even MY own preachers who preach MY Word speak as though I have no right to bring judgment to this earth. I am the Creator. You forget you are the created ones, and so this day I grieve as I hear this again and again. Do you forget who is the judge of all creation? Since when are the created ones to judge the Creator? I look at the word 'marriage'. I see what it represents to you. I created Adam and Eve. Then why are the same sex marrying? Everything that I said is an abomination, why does this earth now lift up? As if in pride they take the sins of this earth and fling it in MY face and now dare say, "We are the creators, we will create a new human race."
Prophecy 64:
This is a Babylonian religion, the one that despises the True Sabbath. For this man made Sabbath MY True Children will shun. Go to your pastors and warn them and if they will not listen, then flee. For you will have proven that the RUACH ha KODESH has truly spoken through thee. Flee children from the churches of Babylon for there coming crashing down. The Crystal Cathedrals are a stench to MY nostrils. These pastors who won't even speak the truth, homosexuality is an abomination unto ME. Abortion is murder; sexual intercourse without marriage is fornication.
Prophecy 69:
Israel no longer can the world look upon you in Holiness. For you have the abortions, you have the homosexuals, you have pornography, there is no sin that has not permeated Israel within. Pharisee's now rule your government and yet they don't even have the form of godliness. I am going to judge in 2003 the states, the nations that appear as a Sodom and Gomorrah to ME. I will not even speak what will happen in 2004, for if you think MY judgment fell in 2002 and the world holds their breath for 2003, the words would be so fearful even this Apostle would be afraid to speak.
Prophecy 71:
'I AM' YAHUVEH Ancient of Days; MY demand for Holiness has not changed. I, YAHUVEH have been patient but I cannot be patient much longer or I will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen 18:20-19:30) Oh evil and perverse end time generation, you cannot consecrate and ask MY blessings on the seed of satan or on a bishop ordained from Hell which I will vomit out of MY mouth. (Rev.3:16) Church of the Episcopalians I warn you now, to those who have condoned this evil, those who did not protest first against abortion and now homosexuality, you have made your bed with Jezebel (Rev. 2: 20-23) and if you do not flee this church of Babylon you shall make your bed in Hell and the Lake of Fire.
You who stay silent in the churches, You who are pew warmers and attend services regularly, you who sing psalms and hymns to I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and you quote Holy Scriptures and yet you do not demand your spiritual leaders to speak out or protest against these sinful abominations. You see those who call themselves bishops, pastors, spiritual leaders, political leaders and Christian musicians leading souls astray by not doing anything to protest, not even holding all night prayer intercessions. Abortion is murder! Homosexuality is an abomination! You who call yourself MINE, call yourself Holy and yet do not warn others, I hold you accountable as well as your spiritual leaders. You have remained silent too long.
Why are MY Holy people not rallying, boycotting, or protesting loudly when lesbian musicians promote the spirit of homosexuality directed at the youth of this world? With an open mouth kiss between Britney Spears and Madonna mockingly called a kiss that was felt and heard around this world. Do you not yet recognize the seed of satan? Is this what you want your children to become? There was another kiss long ago felt and heard around this world and it was when Judas kissed YAHUSHUA on the cheek. So satan uses a kiss to mock again and where are the Holy people to shout loudly and protest? (Lev 18:22) (Rom 1:24-32)
I, YAHUVEH first created Adam and Eve, as male and female and this is a mockery of marriage and I, YAHUVEH will not be mocked. All you people, pastors, spiritual and political leaders who remain silent or change MY laws will feel the wrath of YAHUVEH in a way you have not known before. Be not deceived same sex marriage I have not decreed. How long will you continue to mock I, YAHUVEH, America? Woe, Woe, Woe, be unto you America. You have done and will do what no nation on the face of this earth has yet done. Did I, YAHUVEH, not prophesy through this Handmaiden Elisheva, America I, YAHUVEH save the worst for last, for you. California, do you not feel the heat of MY anger as I, YAHUVEH fanned the fires with MY breath and blew flames on you. Phoenix Arizona, did I, YAHUVEH not warn through MY Prophets you would burn, still how few repented.
All those who promote homosexuality, boast, flaunt, participate or teach others this is only another alternate lifestyle, teach others they were born this way, this is a lie of satan and you who refuse to repent you are a rebel and you have not changed. You will reap what you have sowed before the foundation of this world. (Rom 1:24-32) 'I AM' YAHUVEH the Creator of creation. You rebels who are like unto a Judas, you rebels worship the creation and worship created objects. You rebels refuse to obey I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA before the foundation of the earth and now you refuse to obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA today.
Prophecy 73:
So you want to mock ME? Now I will show you what happens when I the Creator mock you. The institution of marriage was created so we would be one. It certainly was never created for same sexes to be one. You even mock the institution of marriage. Hurricanes shall come that are unproportioned, like as never seen before. Tsunami waves shall wash upon the shores, they shall be MY tears. The earth shall quake in waves all around the world at the same time. As your eyes are fixed upon the skies, horror you shall see as satan comes in disguise. For you are on a collision course and you shall reap MY wrath for I AM the GOD YAHUVEH Almighty there is but one.
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT for I alone am the Supreme Judge and you will see that I am not a GOD to be mocked. You will see what I do to the enemies, those who sit so rich and pompous and kick the poor in the dust. Judgment, judgment, judgment as I force open your mouth, to pour in MY wrath. Those who shout, "I am homosexual, I am gay and I am proud." Diseases shall come upon you, plagues shall come upon you, people will run in fear from you and you will hide and you will cower and you will shout, "Kill me for this pain I can no longer bare."
Prophecy 74:
I gave you a warning in Ezekiel 9; I am sealing those who will be protected from MY wrath as your eyes are focused on war after war. You forget, Oh enemies of MINE, I will have the last word. I speak from the sky and very quickly you shall see that I am not a Creator YAHUVEH that will be mocked easily. I am reserving MY wrath for MY enemies, for all those that take the word marriage and defile even the name. The same sex marriages to this world they proclaim. They march in their gay parades; they flaunt their sins before the world. Oh, but foolish Men and foolish Women I, YAHUVEH will have the last word. You are only working your way down to the level of Hell of which you will descend.
Prophecy 75:
Lastly, those who live in America, I have given this Prophet of MINE a warning to give to you. I gave her a mandate to also share a dream I gave her and it will be done. I know those with the gift of discernment look at George W. Bush and you know he has a form of Godliness but no Godliness within. I, YAHUVEH say to you, "George W. Bush is the lesser of two evils." You know what is wrong with George W. Bush, yet he has not compromised in some things, although the pressure is on him to compromise his stance, as Vice President Cheney betrays him again. Cheney knows no shame and defends his reprobate homosexual daughter like his name says he is chained to the prince of darkness.
George W. Bush stands against Abortion, Partial birth Abortion, Stem Cell research, filthy abominations unto ME which is homosexuality and same sex marriages. Do not take it for granted George W. Bush will win the next presidential election. As I told MY Daughter in a dream, if you stand by and do nothing and do not vote or intercede in prayer, the Democrats will win the next Presidential election and the blood will flow in this land and the innocent will be in prison, for they will be accused of crimes they did not commit. John Kerry and his wife are servants of satan, make no mistake and they will not even feign Holiness. You have been warned. I warn you now John Kerry and his wife will make you regret you did not listen when I warned you through this Prophetic Handmaiden of MINE. Picture the most evil and reprobate rejoicing on Election Day. The wolves in the white house now try and disguise themselves but they will rip their own masks off on this day, there will be no limit to the evil that will be done and to the loss of freedom to those that fear YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.
A woman named Ellen Degeneres will openly mock ME, portraying to be Almighty GOD. She is not only openly gay but she is the first in America to be embraced by the White House which included the President of the U.S.A., as they held a dinner for her and her same sex partner she claims to have married. I, YAHUVEH call Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen Degenerate. She is reprobate and knows no shame as she is rewarded by satan with fortune and fame for she was the first to claim same sex marriage and knows no shame and is proud of her name. Start protesting and boycotting and warning all who will listen. Anyone that watches this film and listens to her mock I, YAHUVEH and does not protest in fear will reap what she will sow.
I prophesied through MY Daughter Elisheva and that prophecy has been posted for years now for all to read [Prophecy 20], Ellen DeGeneres spoon fed the children and people the spirit of homosexuality while laughing about it. Because of this I, YAHUVEH prophesied she would be the first to taste the Boiling Black Blood Plague when she will beg to die as black blood will spew from her mouth. All the sexually immoral will suffer this end time plague. I, YAHUVEH prophesied this through this Handmaiden of MINE because I knew what Ellen DeGeneres' master satan would have her do and that is to mock the Creator of all Creation.
Prophecy 76:
Verily I say unto you, the True Bride of YAHUSHUA, you know all of this and your sole desire is to obey YAHUVEH's every word and I am that Word that was made Flesh. I am the Living Torah. Verily I say unto you, that you the Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to obey and go the extra mile, what ever it takes to obey Abba YAHUVEH, to do what others deem foolish such as observing the Holy Feast Days and keeping the true Sabbath and flee man-made religions that changed the Sabbath to Sunday. MY Bride you know anything that is corrupt or perverted is not Holy and is an abomination unto YAHUVEH such as abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriages. MY Bride, you do not remain silent but loudly protest these things and condemn anyone who does not do so, calling them a coward and a hypocrite.
Prophecy 79:
Fall on your faces before ME before it goes too far and there is no way back to ME. Do not grieve MY RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). MY Son YAHUSHUA did not come to cancel MY laws; MY Son YAHUSHUA came to fulfill MY laws. Be grateful that I now no longer hold you accountable for 613 laws. I hold you accountable for ten laws and you throw up your hands and say, "That's too much for me." You prefer to listen to man who rewrites MY laws. They tell you that to kill innocent babies in the womb is not a sin. They legalize abortion. The preachers teach in your churches, "Do not speak against this law." The organized churches who meet on Sunday have taken the bribe of the governments of this world; they have taken the spirit of fear and worn it as garments. Where are MY Holy ministers who have not compromised and still speak against sin? Your man-made laws legalize what I said is an abomination; they call it same-sex-marriage. Not even in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah have there been such sins although the abominations of homosexuality abounded but they did not dare call it a marriage.
Prophecy 84:
Run, run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA, and run from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your faith in ME. Protest while you still have a voice, protest. Jam the capitol's lines, say, "You will not take away our provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our food, you will not ration our water, you will not ration our emergency supplies." Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win? Did I not warn you, how many prophecies ago, that the homosexuals were in the minority but now you believe the illusions lies. America, you are the fabricator of the illusion's lies. Now you've taken that lie across this world and you've spread it far and wide and yet it is a lie. Homosexuality is still in the minority and yet they pass laws and they change laws to approve of that which I said was an abomination. America, you will reap what you have sowed, just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah did.
Prophecy 87:
What defense do you have to allow the abominations such as the homosexual propaganda directed at your youth to pervert them? Why do you welcome what I call an abomination and a mockery of marriage? Do you claim ignorance to MY Tanakh? Do you not understand how you bring shame to all that is Holy for allowing this perversion to enter into what was once called the Holy City?
For those of you in Israel and Jerusalem who do weep and mourn for the evil brought to Israel and you did your best to protest, know that I will reward you in the measure you protest against the homosexual spirit and the evil spirit of Molech called abortion. Why Oh Israel, do your own female soldiers murder the innocent babies while in their womb instead of remaining chaste? Do you not understand I will not bless you until you obey and repent and turn from your wicked ways and be Holy unto I, YAHUVEH?
Prophecy 88:
See, this ministry is for all the Holy. It carries no name of no man, no woman. These words are not hers. This anointing is unlike any other. If you want to share in this anointing, if you want to share in the blessings, if you want to know you're protected like I protect her and the others of the Bride, no longer stand idly by. For the churches of Babylon are whores; they take the tax-exempt status. They allow themselves to be muzzled. They refuse to speak against abortion, homosexuality, they refuse to speak against what their governments do, but not this ministry. There is no price tag on it, for it belongs to Heaven and who dares try to muzzle 'I AM' YAHUVEH? Who dares try to muzzle MY SON YAHUSHUA? Who dares try to muzzle the RUACH ha KODESH? You shall surely pay.
Prophecy 90:
Holy Ones encourage him; do not forget the price he has paid. He did what so few of you do and that is to stand up against the crowd and speak out against what you know is evil. Homosexuality is running rampant. Children are being brain washed at the age of Pre Schoolers to think homosexuality and same sex marriage is normal. What a stench in the nostrils of YAHUVEH the judicial and political systems have become. The churches of Babylon embrace and encourage their congregation not to speak out against sin or sinners. The organized Churches have that which YAHUVEH calls an abomination, standing behind the pulpits and call themselves preachers. The few Holy remnant in these Churches are chased away, or rejected and insulted. The Pastors lie to the congregation and say, "Any day can be a Sabbath" and continue with the manmade Sunday. They will very soon weep for what they shall reap for teaching and doing this.
How YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and I your MOMMA SHKHINAH, cover our ears and eyes in grief as WE hear those who proclaim to be holy, and assemble together, use vile curse words, fornicate with eyes, your mind and body, filling it with lust, even lusting after the same sex and doing all manner of sin against all that is called Holy. Are you really going to try and lean over hell, just to see how far you can lean, before you fall into it head first? Is it not written "Be ye holy as I am Holy" stop making excuses for your sins, rather turn away from satan's traps.
Prophecy 91:
An abomination has started in California . The man of an abomination stands up there puffed up in pride. He thinks merely passing (laws) to the children, to the school system…no more calling them, "Mom and Dad," no more labeling them, "husband and wife" we must not insult the gays! We must not insult the Muslims!" But may I ask, "Where are MY Holy children's rights?" Why did you stay silent? Why oh Holy ones haven't you protested? Did I not give you a Prophecy and warn you, if you didn't stand up for the rights of others, even you if didn't agree with (them), you would see your own freedoms taken from you? Now you have Presidential elections and the one that's supposed to win, it will be the one who will shout the loudest, "Murder the babies within!" The ones that will win will shout the loudest, "Homosexuality is no sin!"
MY final Words I have to say this day, "Holy parents, get your children out of the dens of the antichrist called schools!" Do you not listen? Do you want to follow satan's rules? Protest! Let your voices be heard! I allowed this atrocity for one purpose to see how many of you will speak forth! Boycott the schools! Protest that which is being done in California even when you don't live there! All around the world if you are Holy, speak forth now before it goes to your state, before it goes to your country. This is the spirit of the one that is called the antichrist. This is the spirit of the son of satan who permeates this world with these lies. You have a mouth, use it! Refuse to send your children to school! You sat back and let a minority rule and try to convince you that homosexuality is in the majority. I tell you, this is all a lie. But the ones with the most money have heaped treasure onto the ones that make the rules. But take it back! Take it back! Take the power that I have given you back! Stop allowing only a few to speak out for ME.
Prophecy 92: Homosexuality is an abomination, abortion is murder, do not allow your mind to conform to what the laws of your land deem lawful. Rather read the Bible and see what MY Word decrees as sin. Evolution is a lie of satan, you know all of these things.
Prophecy 95:
I prophesied through this Handmaiden of MINE, what was in the minority, would be the majority if you did not fight this sin and now look at the spirit of homosexuality, where has it not invaded in because you believed a lie. Long ago I told this Handmaiden of MINE, in the beginning it was Adam and Eve, it was never Adam and Steve. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never was this to be and so the boiling black blood plague shall be loosed. You do not have much longer now. All those who condone the spirit of homosexuality or who have stayed silent and said, "Just let them do their own thing." You shall sufferrrr a plague like none other! Those who partake in this abomination unto ME, you shall sufferrrr like none other! And those of you who know it's wrong, even if you don't belong to ME, from this sin, you have fleed and this shall not come upon you. Speak out now! While you still got a voice! You pastors who have embraced the homosexuals so you would not have to confront them, watch and see what I do to you for you shall share in the same plague! Dream of Boiling Black Blood Plague
Prophecy 99:
And America, I have not even begun. Again and again I said, I have saved the worst for last. You have not even, even, even begun to taste MY wrath. And Europe, think not that you will escape your fate. Right now there is only one loud voice protesting that which I find an abomination and I use the Catholic church, remember, as I used the donkey to speak out of, I use the Catholic church to warn, to warn about the sanctity of life. Where are the others? Where are the other organized religions? A worldwide outcry should have gone forth to join together an animal and human embryo, to even devise such a plan, to have a half human and half animal, you do not even begin to know the road that you have started to walk upon. To mock ME with the sanctity of marriage? There should have been a worldwide outcry against same sex marriage! Why is it so silent? Where are the churches? Why don't all those in Islam raise up? They care about a cartoon! They send terror into anyone that does not agree with them. But why are they silent?
Prophecy 103:
Do you speak up and speak out against homosexuality, that which is an abomination you call, "same sex marriage"? That is no marriage! Satan mocks ME through this!
To those who obey ME, to those who put I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and your Beloved RUACH ha KODESH, your IMMAYAH, first, in your life and your love, do not stay silent.
They (Homosexuals, Lesbians and others) march and protest in the streets, saying, "We demand the right for same sex marriage! We demand the right to be acknowledged as lesbians and gays. That's our Constitutional right." The forefathers never meant this who wrote that Constitution. You have no rights in MY eyes! You who promote this are an abomination! You shall suffer the fate of a Sodom and a Gomorrah and the seven cities also destroyed. You have no rights but hell if you do not repent. I judge you by your fruit. By your fruit, I know you.
Prophecy 107: Children now in school are taught, what you don't want just throw it out. Humanity is nothing more than a disposable pan, you use it once, throw it away, never to be seen again. This is what it's boiled down too. This is the new creed the heathen's preach. This is what the President of the United States now stands for and woe be unto any child that survives an abortion, even by MY miraculous hand. I have had some born alive to test them and see what will they do. These precious ones who actually breathed air are thrown in a garbage dump.
Then you have one last category. Those who have a pretense, who pretend to be Holy to make a show before man. They sit in their crystal cathedral or they come in the form of a man named Joel Osteen. The spawn of satan is what I call you. The prosperity pimp preacher to teach you to worship the almighty currency of whatever nation you're from and tell you to heap it upon them. These that preach the false doctrine and tell you homosexuality is not wrong. Same-sex is just as holy as between a man and a woman. I could go on and on, but I need not for you know what sin is.(Revelation 3:14-22)