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Prophecy 4:
Sin is black it is not gray, Holiness is white and it is no other color. Some will now allow satan to take that and make a racial connotation out of it. Stop it now, you know what I mean.

Prophecy 6:
Stop judging one another by their appearance. How many times must I repeat myself? Why won't you listen? Why do you think you're better than another because of the color of skin, or race, outward apparel, or appearance?  

Prophecy 41:
MY Bride has anxiously waited for ME and I'm coming to claim MY Bride. I never see race or religion. Doesn't matter what your race or what your religion is, I seek relationship with ME and I look for one thing, which is the color red which is MY shed Blood at Calvary. So I say again MY home in Heaven will shortly be your home. You will be caught up to meet ME in the air to be drawn by MY side while alive. MY feet shall not touch the ground of the wicked world as it is now, so get ready MY Bride to be caught up while you are alive. Let them scoff and mock, I'm standing at the door and I'll knock. All they have to do is to open the door of their heart and repent and invite ME in and I am faithful and I will forgive them of all of their sins.

Prophecy 43:
Do all apostles and prophets only speak one language? Are they all the same age, race or gender? Are they all from the same nation? NO! I even speak out of the mouth of babes. Stop trying to put "I AM" in a box. Stop trying to say what I will do and what "I AM" won't do. I do what mankind least expects. No man nor woman can really know the mind of "I AM!"  

Prophecy 45:
I raised up MY handmaiden Sherrie, and although the color of her skin is different than yours, both of them share MY RUACH ha KODESH with a desire to love and bless others and lead them to Heaven. This is not about a denomination but about a personal relationship with YAHUSHUA. What kind of relationship do you really have with ME? What kind of faith do you really have in ME?  

Prophecy 86:
Elisheva, you feared going to Africa, you say, "My skin is too light what will they think, will they hate me?" I tell you, those with MY Spirit will embrace and love you the way your sister does. They don't look at the color of your skin, just like you don't look at theirs and I send you there to show you this, in Africa that you are one. You will not lack any good thing. I don't care how small it is. I send you royalty to pave the way (She came with us to Africa) you know one another; you see one another in each others eyes. You [Elisheva (Elisheva)] never experienced this with another [sister].  

Prophecy 107:
MY Darling Daughter, do not fall into satan's traps. The only chosen ones that count on this earth are those who are washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. It matters not what race you are. It matters not which language you speak. It matters not what color your skin is. Do not fall for the spirit of racial discrimination.(Isaiah 56:7) But MY Darling One, I have given you eyes to never see color, but look how many dreams satan fills you with, where you are to notice the color of the skin. This is not I, so rebuke the spirit of racial discrimination.  

An Ethiopian Jew is not a guarantee to a trip to heaven. Only through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA. Only in the obedience of MY Word. Only in the Name of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH are MY chosen ones. There shall be all different kinds of tongues and nationalities in Heaven. I am the one that chooses the color of the skin, but again it has nothing to do with the spirit within. For I love all nationalities. I love all kindred in tongues. Those who belong to ME have the blood of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, but this does not mean the biological bloodline must be of Hebrew origin. It means they have the spiritual bloodline of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH.

Woe be unto those who teach the false heresy, the false doctrine that say no blacks will be allowed in Heaven. They will know and they (those who have already died) have already felt the deepest level of hell. I judge not MY beloved ones on the color of their skin or their nationalities. For I created each one (as an) individual. If I wanted you all to look alike, I would have created you all to look alike. I am not a boring YAHUVEH. If I wanted you all to have the same personality, I would have put all of you in the same category of the (same) personality. I created each one of you, each one of you down to the very strand of your hair. I gave each one of you the DNA that you were born with. You are so fearsomely and awesomely made. I am the one, your Abba YAHUVEH that has determined the number of chromosones in your body, the number of atoms that hold you together and molecules. I, YAHUVEH, I, not only know the number of hairs on your head. (Matthew 10:30) I know the number of hairs on your body. I know the number of hairs on your arms. I know the width of your nails. I am the one that put the lines in your palms. Each one of you are so awesomely made.

So hold on. Don't let anyone separate you because of nationality or color of skin. Hold on. Let the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA be the only thing that identifies you.(Romans 5:9) Hold on and I shall hold on to you and I shall not let you go. Run from sin. Do not even let it be a part of your life. Let satan know you'll have no part of him.(James 4:7) Run from him. Run from anyone who entices you to sin. Rebuke them and fear not offending them.