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Prophetic Dream: the HOLY SPIRIT is Angry!

“HE who blasphemes against the HOLY SPIRIT will never be forgiven but is subject to eternal condemnation” (Mark 3:29).

Elisheva Eliyahu was given a revelation regarding the identity of the HOLY SPIRIT in Prophecies 89 Secrets of the RUACH ha KODESH & 90, What Is The Name Of The RUACH ha KODESH? found on the AmightyWind website.

(If we go back to the Aramaic and Hebrew translations of the Bible, {see www.scripture4all.org Hebrew Scripture,} before it was translated into English, you see that when the Scripture would refer to the HOLY SPIRIT, it would read “SHE”.

According to the book of Isaiah, the HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT OF WISDOM and in Proverbs Wisdom is referred to as “SHE,” hence, consider the following revelation from Prophet Elisheva Elijah.

[On January] 13, I had a dream that the HOLY SPIRIT was furious with this earth and SHE was sending me to give the Message that it’s not just the FATHER that’s angry, that’s going to send judgment to this earth. It’s not just the SON YAHUSHUA that’s angry but it is [also] the HOLY SPIRIT that is furious.

And I was trying to warn people and they wouldn’t listen. And then all of a sudden something happened. It appeared to be something that came from Heaven that hit this earth.

Then they believed me. Before that I had gone before—this was the latter part of the dream. In the beginning part of the dream, there was a man who claimed that his sister was the HOLY SPIRIT and I told this man no human being can possibly be the HOLY SPIRIT! There is but ONE [and is no human]—and the HOLY SPIRIT is of course part of the TRINITY and is GOD!

And this man did not want to believe me and he kept telling me, “No my sister is the HOLY SPIRIT.”

From that part it went into the other part where SHE [the HOLY SPIRIT] is so furious with this earth because of the wickedness in it—and because of those who claim they belong to YAHUSHUA and [yet] don’t have HER SPIRIT in them.

And I never, ever thought of this before. I know the FATHER’S angry. I know that the SON, YAHUSHUA’S angry. Well for one thing, in the Prophecy [where] SHE says WHO SHE is, [Prophecy 89], and in the Book of Wisdom it says that SHE is the ONE that drowned the soldiers in the Red Sea you know.

Heb. 11:29

“By faith they passed through the Red sea as on dry land: which the Egyptians attempting to do were drowned.”

Book of Wisdom 10: 17-19

“To the Holy people SHE (WISDOM) gave the wages of their labours; SHE guided them by a marvellous road, HERSELF their shelter by day — and their starlight through the night. SHE brought them across the Red Sea, leading them through an immensity of water, whereas SHE drowned their enemies, then spat them out from the depths of the abyss.”

So if you look at the Book of Wisdom, that’s there.

Of course THEY’RE all GOD and of course THEY’RE all angry!
And that was my dream on January 10, 2013. And I never have had a dream like this before! Ever. And this can no longer be delayed. That Word has got to get put into a video.

Book of Wisdom: 10:16-19

“SHE entered into the soul of a servant of the LORD, and withstood dreadful kings in wonders and signs. Rendered to the righteous a reward of their labours, guided them in a marvellous way and was unto them for a cover by day and a light of stars in the night season; brought them through the Red Sea, and lead them through much water, but SHE drowned their enemies, and cast them up out of the bottom of the deep.”

From Prophecy 89: “Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH” “…You want to know one of the things that grieves ME? You want to know one of the things that offends ME? Elisheva, when you feel MY anger and MY rage…they speak of the FATHER’S rage, of ABBA YAHUVEH’S rage, you do not have a clue of the rage of the MOTHER of CREATION! You just have a fraction of MY rage! When you feel that volcano ready to blow inside of your head and it’s in the name of righteousness, you just have a fraction of MY rage!” This is a warning. For all those who do such blasphemy like false prophet Linda Newkirk who said that GOD told her that she is the QUEEN OF HEAVEN. Do not repeat the foolish mistake of Linda Newkirk where she went and crossed the line to the point of no return dooming her very soul for blaspheming the HOLY SPIRIT.

Beware of the deceptions that the enemies of this Ministry fabricate, that the Holy Spirit we speak of is “the spirit of Jezebel” or “The Whore of Babylon”. This is a lie from satan himself. The anointing/Holy Spirit that is spoken of in this Ministry is the same ONE that YAHUSHUA MASHIACH said is the Comforter, and that will convict us of sin, righteousness and Judgment (John 16:8), NOT “the spirit of Jezebel” or “the whore of Babylon”. These spirits would never convict you of sin like the RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT.