I had a dream on January 20, 2006, that YAHUSHUA told me I am to share with
you, and feel free to share it with everyone you know. Please pray for
discernment on this dream, I believe I already have much of it.
I owned a mansion of a house. In it was 3 single men who had apartments in my
house. They were in different sections of this huge mansion. All the huge
apartments all looked identical in every way, there was nothing different. The
apartments were very clean.
I watched the man sitting in the first apartment sitting calmly in a chair. I
heard music start to play and then I saw and heard a huge explosion as soon as
the music started playing. The song playing was "Pray For The Peace of
I ran to the 2nd apartment in my mansion because I had to stop the next
explosion and find out what was different in this room from the other room where
the man was now killed and the room was demolished, no longer looking like a
room. I saw a man sitting in a chair, doing nothing although this man heard the
explosion and knew of the death from the other tenent to the apartment.
I searched the room under every piece of furniture, the room appeared spotless,
and then I heard the music start to play "Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem." Then
BOOM!...the explosion and the room exploded and the man was dead.
I ran to the 3rd apartment in my mansion, I was determined to find out what was
different in these 3 rooms. If I could just find out what was different I might
be able to stop the impending explosion. I saw a man sitting in a chair all the
chairs were wooden chairs that the men sat in, he wasn't moving a muscle and yet
he knew that the other tenents were dead and his was the last apartment.
I remember searching the floors even for a shred of paper on the floor and yet I
could not find anything different. I was desperate knowing as I searched I
couldn't find anything different. Then the music started the first 3 words
singing were identical to what I had heard before "Pray For The Peace of
I knew the next thing I would hear was the explosion and I knew I had failed to
stop the explosion. I awoke and prayed aloud for Jerusalem knowing that YAHUVAH
is full of rage at what America is forcing Israel to do divide the land of
Israel. Please prophets send me your interpretation of the dream.