MY people, even though you do not believe and cannot phantom how something of
such magnitude, about to hit your planet, could happen, does not mean it is not
the truth. Your lack of faith means you have not taken the time to read my holy
word. MY word refuses to accept man's interpretation. Only through my holy
spirit can open truth and reveal the error of your ways. MY heart weeps for
those who refuse MY truth. Many have decided that they have the only way. Man's
philosophies and so called truth of doctrine, creation, and life will soon get a
wake up call that will specifically reveal their error due to rampant sin.
I cry out to you, take heed, this is your final warning, this is your wake up
call. The time is at hand and all through my house there is much complacency,
lack of truth, lack of MY word, lack of holiness, lack of compassion, lack of
love; replaced with counterfeits. Tell them MY SON, hurry let them know, the
impossible will soon take place before their eyes. Many people will witness a
time that will never again be repeated. You have been warned you are without
excuse. Awaken from your slumber. I have tried to show you my truth in so many
Take time out, a separated time away from this world, spend time with YAHUVEH.
Let me teach you, let me enlighten you into caverns of truth where thing are
made simple with MY love and life which will fill your void. I YAHUVEH see your
void and needs. But you fill your void with this world, the things that do not
last, with things that will destroy your soul. I have provided, I have done all
that I can. I have left nothing unfinished. MY word was spoken. I set it into
place many years ago and every word will be fulfilled.
Do you not see your limitations? Would you rather eat of the fruit of good and
evil than to live by every word that I have spoken, to trust and have faith in
me? Do you think your way is better and you have all the answers? The areas you
do not have answers for, you go to man. Man conforms to man, conforms to this
world, to the flesh, to evil that rebels against my power, authority and
creation. Man refuses my love, man is full of pride, man refuses to repent. MY
OWN know who they are. They are a member of my light. I give them life, for I AM
ALL LIFE. MY own walk on the straight and narrow, the way that leads to MY
heart. MY own wait upon ME for direction and for their needs to be met. MY own
loves one another because I live in them, they read MY word because MY Spirit
dwells within. Man is ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the
truth, my truth, the only truth. Man says my way or the highway, man says my way
or tuff, man says look who I am, see what I have done, look what I have. MY own
says I do not have much, but what I do have I give freely to the LORD. MY own
says I will give to the poor and help the needy. Mine do not invest in the
things of this world. They invest in their future and place their treasures in
heaven. MY own are a part of the body of MY SON YAHUSHUA who lives forever.
Prepare your heart says the LORD. Allow MY Spirit to produce fruit in you. To do
this you must surrender from your ways. MY holy word has all the answers. I have
the answers to ALL questions you have. Pray, listen and follow MY direction. I
AM your creator, the HOLY ONE. I never change, I AM the same yesterday, today,
and forever. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT MUST CHANGE TODAY!!! MY SON's return will soon
be upon you. Will you be one of MY chosen who welcomes the bridegroom and is
filled with joy? or will you hide from MY light and holiness?
This is your wake up call. Do you not hear the alarms? Alarms are going off all
throughout the world. Time is short, this is not a joke. You must wake up and
put on fine clean robes of righteousness. you must go and tell others to
prepare. The fulfilling of my word is upon you. Accept that you have nothing to
offer me. Only MY SON is worthy to open the seals and to end this world as you
know it. MY SON YAHUSHUA shed HIS blood to set you free.
You will never be free until I see the blood on the doorpost of your heart says
the LORD of Hosts on 2-4-98, 5:00 a.m.
(From GOD spoken through JG)