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Soon Coming Disasters

August 8, 1998
Loose ye . . .Loose ye, the winds of change, thus saith the LORD. Surely, surely, and I say again surely, there is coming a whirlwind, the likes of which has not yet been seen upon the earth. For those that mock ME and spit upon MY Holy Word, I say unto them the wind will be of such great violence it shall catch them away, never to be seen again, until they make their bed in hell.

Oh, MY people, I AM a GOD of great mercy, but I AM also a GOD of vengeance saith the LORD of Hosts. As I have given your nation time and time again to repent of her gross national and personal sins. Your nation by and large continues to flaunt MY Laws and MY Truth in the face of the righteous. The sinners stomp upon MY Law and MY Words, mocking and making mayhem, while the demons of hell are aligning to strike your nation with trial beyond words. I, the Almighty GOD am allowing this. You, MY beloved Children will see with ME, there are no accidents. When the time of Chastisement comes upon your nation for her mockery of MY Laws and MY Words, you are not to fear. Look up and rejoice, for I say surely your redemption draws near. Much nearer than when you first believed.

Cry aloud now, spare not the warning. Time is soon to bring a shift in events unprecedented in your nation. And further, I say the entire world will be caught unawares, as MY Hand of righteousness is raised against all manner of rebellion. Man shall look to the heavens, and fear shall consume them for the things they shall see.

You MY Children have no reason to fear, for I will hold you in the Palm of MY hand, under the shadow of MY Wings, until these calamities be over past. Rejoice, lift up your weary heads and rejoice, for MY SON, YAHUSHUA is coming soon. HE has long been patient, waiting with tears. MY Beloved SON, longing to return to save even the elect before the world destroys all that is good. MY Beloved SON weeps for the sin sick cities, the pain and misery that the sins of the scorners have brought upon the earth. But, rejoice, rejoice, for sorrow is for a night, joy cometh in the morning.

Soon a dark night will fall upon your nation, and upon the world, but rejoice, for joy cometh in the morning. FEAR NOT . . .TRUST THE LORD YOUR GOD. Cover yourselves with the BLOOD OF MY BELOVED SON, YAHUSHUA, for it is only through the Blood of the Lamb that you will be able to stand. It is only through the Blood of the Lamb, that the Angel of Death, and Eternal death to your souls, will be able to PASSOVER.

Yes, MY Children, your PASSOVER is YAHUSHUA, and only those in Christ, will be accounted worthy to stand in time of trial.

Look up now, and rejoice, for your redemption surely does draw near.

Thus saith the LORD your GOD, YAHUVEH.