July 28, 1999
MY sheep, OH! MY sheep; MY lambs, OH! MY lambs.
I, the Good Shepherd, have mercy and compassion on you.
I want to carry you in MY arms and stroke your pain away.
Heal your wounds and care for you.
Remove the brier and ticks from your coat.
Protect you from the elements and the wolves.
I see your pain, I see your seeking,
A pasture, to enter where the grass is green,
And the waters flow clear and pure.
You come to eat, you come to drink.
You come for the refreshment, I prepare for you.
But, the shepherd is no where to be found.
I see the other sheep, bleating, running.
Seeking the best grass and water.
Protecting it as though it were theirs alone.
They isolate themselves into little clicks.
Placing invisible barriers around themselves.
You are isolated and left without MY comfort.
OH! Blind shepherds,
Seeking after their own needs.
The Son of Man had no place to lay HIS Head.
Did I not say, Be anxious for nothing?
Yet, some still seek to feather their nests.
Ignoring the needs of MY sheep and lambs.
I see your programs,
I see your big important plans.
Yet, the poor insignificant stragglers, I send,
You are unable to care for.
How can I send more?
When you do not see and you do not hear.
Did not MY disciples seek to send away the multitude?
You cater after sheep who would feather your nests.
While the poor and struggling are referred to ME.
Did I not instruct MY disciples to feed them?
MY sheep are ignored, until they go away into foreign pastures.
Forsaken and ignored, they go away to die.
I see the strange sacrifices that are offered to ME.
It is a stench to MY Nostrils.
Return to ME.
Return to your first love.
Purify yourselves and be a sweet smelling savor.
Return to ME, undefiled and holy.
See through the Eyes of the Spirit.
Hear through the Ears of the Spirit.
Feel with the Heart of MY Spirit.
Those who have eyes to see,
I call to see through MY Eyes.
Hear through MY Ears and feel through MY Heart.
The poor, weak hungry sheep and lambs,
Blind, deaf, tattered, wounded and infested,
Have come into pasture to graze.
MY poor sheep and lambs, neglected and ignored.
Where are MY shepherds?
Are they busy doing their thing?
Why do they not see?
Healthy sheep who push and shove,
Stomp and ignore the weak and helpless.
Could they have missed ME?
As I came to them, disguised as a stranger.
OH! How MY Heart aches!
I see MY pastures and waters polluted.
I see MY sheep lost without a shepherd.
I see MY sheep crying and neglected.
I see MY sheep dying.
Where are MY shepherds?
Do they not see, do they not hear?
Could MY shepherds be to busy?
Stroking each other's wounds?
Placing each other on the pedestal?
Building their towers of Babel?
Feathering each others nests?
Discussing important scriptural debate?
Are they shepherds or are they hirelings?
Those Apostles who followed ME,
Denied themselves, left family and friends.
Trusted ME and were faithful to ME.
They drank of the cup of persecution.
They followed not the ways of the world.
MY trusted Apostles changed the world,
And MY power was demonstrated through them.
I see a faithful remnant,
Who have laid down their lives for MY sheep.
Theirs will be a great reward.
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
For those who have already received their reward,
Will their works pass the test of fire?
Will they try to tell ME of all the fine things done for ME?
Will they stand before ME with pride regarding their accomplishments?
Must I say, depart from ME I never knew you.
Or, Well done good and faithful servant?