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Behold, the Time of Trial is Here!

September 27,1997

Dearest Sister Elisheva,

Here is one of the PROPHECIES given to me by the HOLY SPIRIT. This one was received on the morning of September 27,1997. When the LORD gives a message to me, he will often instruct me to WRITE it down. However, first I pray, binding the forces of Satan, and his hellish demons. I plead the BLOOD of Jesus over my mind, both conscious and subconscious. I bind demons of false prophecy, lying, deceit, deception and all related demonic forces. I then call on the HOLY SPIRIT to be the only one allowed to write [or speak, if it's to be a verbal prophecy] Then I proceed in faith, believing the LORD Jesus, the Father, and HOLY SPIRIT are giving the message.

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MY Children . . .be encouraged in this . . .I am the LORD GOD of the battle! I purpose to bring forth mighty warriors for my glory. Behold, the day is upon you when every work will be tried in the fire. There will be fires of affliction awaiting some, but rejoice, for in the process I am burning off the dross, and bringing forth pure gold.

Rejoice in the days ahead when men shall persecute you for MY Names sake. Behold, see in MY word of truth, how the false religious leaders in the earth days of MY SON, persecuted HIM, the "LORD of Glory." Does not MY Word say, if they persecuted HIM . . .GOD in the flesh, shall they not persecute you in whom MY Spirit dwells mightily? Rejoice, lift up your heads, for as MY Word says your redemption truly does draw near. Do not concern yourselves with long range plans of human prosperity . . .rather be content with the things you have, and offer praise and thanksgiving to me your LORD GOD, and provider for all physical and spiritual blessings. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD GOD of Hosts, when those within MY Church who teach false doctrine, will be counted on to stand before ME with shame upon their face. I will at that time ask of them, to show by MY Spirit of Holiness, what manner of speech they uttered to confuse MY people. I will ask of them to give account of every idle word they have spoken. Surly, some teachers and pastors have spoken as parrots, simply babbling on concerning false doctrine inherited from prior teachers and pastors, and NOT FROM ME! You must be very careful in the days ahead, to diligently search MY Word, for it is in the Holy Scripture alone that all truth is found pertaining to life and godliness. Do not be swayed by smooth sounding platitudes whereby people, though well meaning, say all manner of ease will be upon you in the days ahead. Rejoice in what I tell you. MY words are eternal truth. What you see written in MY Bible, are unchangeable words . . .infallible, immutable words from everlasting to everlasting. MY Son YAHUSHUA is the WORD . . .the WORD COME IN THE FLESH. Rejoice, MY beloved children in this knowledge, that you are in Christ, and he lives in you by the HOLY SPIRIT. It is this teaching that is ever leading you into ALL TRUTH. Rejoice, and stand fast in the coming victory which shall be given to those who are the called, and chosen and faithful.

You see, my beloved . . .dark clouds are gathering from one corner of the world to the other. Truly, there will not be one area left untouched by the mighty supernatural shaking which is now beginning. In time past I the LORD your GOD, would say unto you . . .behold, the time of trial is coming . . .but now I say unto you, behold, the time of trial is here, and within a few short months your world will be turned down. You will awaken from your sleep and realize drastic changes have come about quickly, oh, so quickly! Do not waste your time babbling about things of little meaning. Do not waste your time planning for things years down the road. Rather, MY Beloved put your energies into seeking the LORD your GOD, and into seeking HIS Kingdom first and foremost. Keep your spiritual ears and eyes open . . .harken diligently to MY Spirit as I lead you in the months ahead. It will be step by step . . .line by line .. . .precept upon precept. You are MY called, my chosen, and you will be MY faithful when I turn this earth upon it's axis and shake everything that can be shaken, you will come froth as gold tried in the fires of affliction. Be encouraged, and rejoice, for there is laid up for you in Heaven exceeding great rewards.

Do not fear when you see the Hand of the Enemy come against your nation. This is part of MY ordained plan . . . your nation will be forced to reap what it has sown. Oh, why MY children, would I spare a nation who kills it's babies, and allows, and even blesses homosexuality? BOTH OF THESE PRACTICES ARE GROSS ABOMINATIONS TO ME, AND BOTH OF THESE EVILS WOULD IN TIME DESTROY YOUR NATION IF I DID NOT INTERVENE. MY intervention will be a national chastisement, which will come in like a flood, and I the LORD your GOD must stand aside, as I allow this time of bitter reaping for sins committed by your leaders and lay people alike. IN THAT DAY OF CHASTISEMENT, I WILL HOLD EACH OF MY BELOVED CHILDREN IN THE PALM OF MY HAND. I WILL COVER YOU WITH THE WINGS OF MY LOVE. I say all these things to you before hand, so that when that day comes upon your nation, you will not faint for fear. Be encouraged now, and stand in the Holy Place and bless the LORD, for He cares for you, and will continually hold you in the palm of HIS Holy Hand . . .thus saith the LORD!