Southern California, MY hand was against you September 2, 2007. I, YAHUVEH
the "Great I AM" gave you a wake-up call you much desperately deserve.
O' you harden and stubborn generation!
How long will you fight and shake your fist against your creator!
I, YAHUSHUA told my anointed the earthquake would happen because many refuse to
believe it would happen but I also told him it would not touch him or come near
his house even though he was awake when the earthquake occur at 10:29 am and I
even had others call him giving him confirmation.
(Vince speaking) I was watching T.V when the news broke out (4.7 earthquake felt
in L.A, Riverside, S.D and Orange County counties. It was 2:43 pm several hours
pass and I did not know because I felt nothing.
You doubt what he says and even ask where's his track record!
It is not his WORDS! But my WORDS!
He is only the mouth that speaks forth I, YAHUVEH set him like a watchmen to
give the warning and if you refuse to listen, I, YAHUVEH will laugh when
calamity strikes you like a bandit
I, YAHUVEH AM that track record. Read my words and study yourself approved. I,
YAHUVEH, have no beginning and no ending. I, YAHUSHUA am the ALEPH and the TAV,
the beginning and no end
Some of you wanted to test him I, I YAHUVEH the GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
give you your wish
Many of you try to put the "Great I AM" in a box. Is not my power unlimited? Am
Stop putting I, YAHUVEH in a "box" and I the "GREAT I AM" will stop putting you
in a box so my power can be manifested in you!
MY son does not put me in a box? He tests everything. If he doesn't know if it
is from I, YAHUVEH, he doesn't mock. He prays please give me the ears to hear
and eyes to see and seeks my wisdom. If it doesn't line up with my WORD, he
disposes & rebukes it. He is not afraid to humble himself and admit when he is
Learn from this, but more importantly learn from I, YAHUSHUA ha MASCHIACH
As I, YAHUVEH begin to burn up the ground with my droughts and heat. It is only
beginning as I start to turn up the temperature and rise up the intensity of my
wrath against you stiff-necked people!
I, YAHUVEH will turn the elements of the weather against you When you think it
will be 'hot' I will make it 'cold' and when you say 'cold' I will make it 'hot'
Trust not in the news but instead turn to I, YAHUVEH the GOD of All Creation
They say the weather is unusual, of course it is! Because I the "Great I AM" has
turn your weather against you
REPENT TODAY! And only will I turn your weather back to normal.
Stop testing my true Apostles and Prophets or I, YAHUVEH will confound the wise
and make them look foolish
Southern California, You got my wake-up CALL! It was all over your local news,
local airwaves and local papers. Now, BEHOLD, I, YAHUVEH am about to do a new
I now prophesied through this prophet of mine that big earthquake you been
waiting for is coming
The ground is ready to give birth to my wrath and it is awaiting for I, YAHUVEH
to give the sign
This will ring around the world. It will be World News
Southern California, you will go down in a heap. I must bring you down before I
can raise you back up!
Pray however, because I, YAHUVEH will reduce the magnitude if ENOUGH people
repent, fast and pray under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH in the MIGHTY
I, YAHUVEH have not forsaken my children, know that the angel of death and
destruction will not come near you nor your dwelling. MY wrath is not appointed
unto you but unto my enemies MY beloved, PSALMS 91 will be your secret place
MY enemies in Southern California and around the world, I know who you are! Foes
of mine, You provoke I, YAHUVEH with your abominations. Just as your forefather
tested I. I, YAHUVEH destroy them and so shall I do again. Hypocrites, you test
MY Spirit of Grace Now, I, YAHUSHUA will smite you.
REPENT TODAY! So I can spare you in the day of trouble
MY remnants in Southern California, I know who you are! Who know my name You are
seal with my approval. I,YAHUVEH give you this command: Come before I, YAHUSHUA
on your knees more often for this will please ME! Keep your garment clean. Draw
closer to me more than ever. Be holy because you know difficult days are
This prophecy was written for this specific reason
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are coming up
I, YAHUSHUA Ha Machiach is the 'new beginning' and Rosh Hashanah symbolizes the
beginning of the year and is celebrated as a Jewish New Years Day. It is a Ten
Days of Repentance.
I, YAHUSHUA Ha Maschiach is the atonement for your sins. Yom Kippur is a HOLY
Day of Atonement where you come before I, with your fasting, continuous prayers
and forgiveness
These two Holy days I give to thee, to TEST thee and see if thee will obey me!
Let this be a day of redemption and anew.
Don't you know these two days go hand in hand? (Sept 12-22)
What you don't know is revelation, given to you from Heaven!
Don't mock what you don't understand?
California, you want my mercy? I, YAHUVEH give you a test to see where your
heart is. What is your choice?
For those that observe my HIGH HOLY DAYS! Be sure I, YAHUVEH take note and I
will put my extra protection around you!
I, YAHUVEH AM the King of the Universe. MY son, YAHUSHUA ha MASCHIACH is King of
Kings and Lords of Lords and I have you given you the "7" spirits of the Ruach
ha Kodesh
MY children know that I, YAHUSHUA am with you always, even to the end of the age