Written on August 12, 2007
The 'Great I AM' has spoken
Who can tell the Great Yahuveh who he can use and not use?
Do you remember Deborah, Esther, King David, Moses, Daniel, Elijah and Jeremiah?
I appointed Deborah to be the Judge of Israel did I not? Was not Esther sent to
save the Jewish people through the example of holiness and obedience? King David
was the youngest child yet I sent Samuel to bless and anoint him. Did I not send
Moses to warn Pharaoh over and over again before they were destroyed? The king's
dreams could not be interpreted by the astrologers and diviners of the land but
yet I gave Daniel the interpretation to the dreams. Do I need to go on?
I use man, woman, child, and animals if I so choose. My children have hidden
gifts of the RUACH Ha KODESH. I have my children in the 5-fold offices of the
Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors and Teachers and yet some of you know it
not! Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and remarkable secrets
which you do not know. (Jer 33:3)
I choose the things that are not as though they are. My children hidden with the
gifts of the RUACH Ha KODESH are scattered to the four corners of the wind. I,
YAHUVEH am giving you this mandate: BE BOLD and no longer let fear paralyzed
what I have called you to do or their blood will be on your hand. I will put my
two-edged sword (word) in your mouth and protect you from all harm's way.
Test me and see!
In these end times, I will no longer allow my apostles and prophets to be
silence they have been silence too long.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! They have only become bolder!
You will stir up one another's gift new and old. I will connect you with people
so watch for them. You will know them by their fruits. When I send you someone,
why do you doubt what they say? Instead of asking me, is this true Oh Lord,
YAHUSHUA. Again you will know them by their fruits. Selah.
How do you know if they are not sent to bless or warn you? How do know you are
not entertaining angels (as stated in Heb 13:2) Man looks at the outer
appearance but I, I,"I AM" alone the GOD of all creation look at the heart.
I, Yahuveh will anoint your mouth like holy fire speak it forth this day, my
words will cut deep and cannot return back void. Praise Honor & Glory belongs to
If you are puffed up, REPENT TODAY! Remember a proud look is of the "7" deadly
sins that I hate or I will take my hooks and lower your jaws to the ground. If
an angel brings you a different gospel don't receive him! My remnants will not
only be HEARERS of my words but also DOERS of my holy word.
I am gathering my troops together now so join together like the days of
Pentecost. I have given you the technology and ways to do so. Where you are
weak, they are strong and vice versa. One's need shall be all's needs! My
supernatural anointed army across this earth will overthrow the powers &
kingdoms of darkness.
My enemies are cowards! They are intimidated by you because he that is in you is
greater than he that is in the world. Why do you think the enemy of your soul
tries so hard to silence and intimidate you? For he fears the hidden gifts n
you. This world is passing away but he who does the will of my Father, YAHUVEH
will live forever!
Many who read this want to mock? But yet your flesh shudders as you read this.
Why? Because you hear my voice. My voice is like raging waters that is not only
powerful but it will shake you. For those that laugh and mock at my name and
coming wrath. Your own flesh shudders as you hear these words of mine, so how
are you going to handle my bowls of plagues, curses and destruction upon your
frail bodies.
My children are protected by Psalms 91 Who are you protected by? I spare this
earth so far because of the prayers of the righteous as I warn and protect Lot
to flee before I destroy the city. Remember? America, I also spare you because
of the sweet fragrance of the Holy ones. Yet, my wrath is coming soon so humble
yourself, repent and pray to me, my name is YAHUSHUA Ha MASCHIACH (Jesus Christ)
Yes an earthquake is coming to California as I spoken through this prophet of
mine through dreams and visions. His flesh shudders as he writes this, where
does that leave some of you? (Vince speaking, I actually saw back to back
earthquakes not simultaneously though, one small quake would occur as a warning
sign and a second big earthquake would occur if people don't repent and pray!)
YAHUSHUA speaking again, California, you think your better than the other
states! Yet your gay parades, lawlessness, false worship and Sodom & Gomorrah
which I call Hollywood makes me vomit. I will vomit my curses and plagues on you
at the appropriate time.
When I send my children to warn you and the prophets to prophesy my judgement;
you pray it doesn't happen and when I hear your prayers and stop it from
happening at that time, you label them liars and call them false prophets.
SHAME ON YOU! I SAY SHAME ON YOU! So label them false and liars because life and
death is in the tongue and one day I will have you admit you were wrong.
What do you want me to do? I already know!
People of southern California be on alert! I, YAHUVEH the "Great I AM" is
warning you! Many won't listen but you will remember these words. If you hear
these words, contact him, and ask me and I will give you the words. My holy
ones, reach out to this young man and unite in the mighty name of YAHUSHUA HA
MASCHIACH! This is not an easy job so cover him in prayer. I will have him
personally place his email so you can contact him.
My people are among the heathens yet they know it not. I have my anointed among
you, yet some of you know it not! I have my children hidden with the gifts of
the RUACH Ha KODESH among you, yet some of you know it not! I have those in my
5-fold offices among you, yet you know it not! I have my holy ones among you,
yet you know it now! Lest it be your spouse, sons, daughters, fathers, mothers,
widows, orphans or babes.
Let him that has an ear, hear and others remain deaf.