Spoken Through Vinny
September 22, 2007
Released on October 25, 2007
Note: This Prophecy was given on Yom Kippur (9-22-07), however, it has taken
this long because the Lord was dealing with me on some issues in my life. I was
told by YAHWEH, to release it before Halloween (10-31-07). More than anything
now, I desire his love to be made perfect in me as Corinthian 13 puts it in the
end; "And now these things remains; faith, hope and love but the greatest of
these is love."
I just wanted to say if you have been called to be YAHUSHUA's beautiful Bride or
desire to be….. Please don’t give up. Give him your best, (firstfruits) for he
knows our heart. It is still not too late but time is short. Even though I know
it is not a pleasant thing, I welcome the work of purification in my life. Truly
we are not too far from the Lord's return. May we return to our first Love and
live a life of purity and consecration. In closing, YAHUSHUA spoke so clearly
and now I share as told, a (financial) economic crisis would occur crippling
America, affecting the world and a false Revival would take place in America so
beware, the counterfeit comes before the genuine. More will be spoken on the
upcoming prophecy. I only strive to obey what the Lord tells me.
Happy reading
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Thus saith YAHWEH;
I will send MY messengers to the churches whom I called MY service, man and
woman. They will come in MY scared holy name. These are the ones that come to
the throne of Zion where I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH dwell ready for the service
that has been decree to them.
Read and understand Ezekiel’s call. They have already taken the scroll and only
in these last days have I made them an unyielding vessel and their foreheads
like flint. Do you remember when I sent Moses to warn Pharaoh again and again
before they were destroyed.
So too, have I sent MY messengers to warn and rebuke you a final time before MY
judgment comes. You will know when I send them with MY SHKHINYAH Glory. I,
YAHWEH have MY plans in Holy order.
Lucifer’s demon's can try to reign and bring bondage over every city and
continent and your government can continue to betray you. I have ordained those
to form a Spiritual allegiance and alliance over their countries, states,
providence, cities and towns. MY troops and Spiritual armies have already been
assembled and aligned. Everyone on the front lines has already been called
forth. I have MY sealed ones already and MY Holy ones ready.
MY Children are taking their stand. MY Watchmens are already position MY HIdden
ones that I said, “now is the time” has come out for their specific purpose but
yet I, YAHWEH say listen closely, I have reserved for myself a remnant who will
not bow down to the knees of Baal (Roman 11:4).
MY enemies, you can read this and gnash your teeth in rage because your fate has
already been determined beforehand. I, YAHUSHUA have only given you the tip of
the iceberg.
America, as your government continues to show a form of godliness, I tell you
it’s a façade, nothing more than a one-trick pony. You can fool the mass
majority but I see your true colors.
New diseases are coming because of man's sins against their creator. I, YAHWEH
will use MY enemies as an experiment. When you see this done, know that it is no
longer a ‘new’ experiment but an ‘old’ to remind the heathens if they continue
to spit upon MY Living Torah, I will spit back upon them.
America, your government is corrupt, you call the ‘innocent guilty" and ‘guilty’
innocent. That is why I spit upon your government and called your governmental
offices whore houses. OH, so few represent ME anymore.
America, that corruption has now contaminated your healthcare system. You,
doctors and physicians will be the first to taste of MY new found disease
because you have gone the way of Dr. Kevorkian (Dr. Death).
I, YAHWEH have many prophets that speak MY Word but yet I send you this prophet
not to soothe your itching ears but to make it tingle. You poor politicians are
a poor example, your nothing but politics and I, YAHUSHUA call you a heretic.
Political leaders and Religious leaders, you call yourself the rich and famous.
You have taken a Blood Oath, you want all the riches of the world? Don’t you
know it will cost you your very soul? Since you refuse I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
precious blood by taking a false oath and doing detestable acts I abhor.
MY fierce anger will be pour out against you as I destroy you and make you an
object of cursings, condemnation and reproach (horror). You will fall by the
sword and perish by famine and plagues. MY NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and only
through ME, is their redemption and forgiveness.
You freemasons who claim to be ‘christians,’ you hide an evil secret. Though you
claim to carry MY Bible, it is the evil Masonic bible you carry. I, Ancient of
Days will unleash MY fury by burning your books to rubble and will crush your
ancient brotherhood to ancient ruins once and for all. Your mix religion is a
false religion, the Harlot of Babylon that will be thrown down never to be found
again You call yourself a secret society, How can it be a secret when I send MY
apostles and prophets to expose you and make your plans come to naught?
You who called yourself illuminati, yet I see no illumination in you! You plot
and you scheme, yet I tell you, its too no avail. Your deceptive ways will be
your downfall as I throw your puny bodies into the Lake the Fire which will be
your home for eternity. You can have all the blood families you want. There is
only one TRUE Spiritual Bloodline and it is through the shed blood of YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH where no devil,demon or unclean evil hands can touch or come near.
You call yourselves the ‘Enlighten Ones’ after your father Lucifer- O’ morning
star. Just as satan, son of the dawn failed miserably, so too will I snuff out
your lamp and spoil your secret schemes.
I, YAHUSHUA am the Root and the Offspring of David and the Bright and the
Morning Star.
I, YAHWEH tell you, build all the Towers of Babels you want. What took you years
to built I will do away in one day. Does not MY Word state: I will turn evil for
You evildoers say, “don’t you see our signs??? What signs??? Now learn this
lesson from a fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out,
you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things, you know it is
near that at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not
pass away until all these things happen. Heaven and earth will pass away but MY
WORDS will never pass away. (Matt 24:32-35)
Do you see MY SIGNS????
To MY Beloved Bride, know I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH your bridegroom is coming back
for you. Many have already come, but yet there is a small remnant that I am
still preparing at this present hour.
To MY enemies, as you see the signs know that your time on this earth is
dwindling and just as you came from the dust so shall you return. The Lake of
Fire awaits you.
(I can hear Father, YAHUVEH laughing!....... now I’m laughing too)
Tell them for ME, MY Child………………..Why do the nations conspire and the people
plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather
together against the Lord and against his anointed ones. ‘Let us break their
chains, they say, and throw of their fetters. The One in heaven laughs and
scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his
wrath saying “I have install my King on Zion, My holy mountain” (psalms 2)
I, YAHWEH say, "Bring your new world order." Your committee of 300, I laughed
at. You bloodthirsty men want to control and have dictatorship. You sold your
souls to hell long ago. You want to trample on the poor, strip them naked and
leave them no more so your black schemes can succeed?
Fools, I YAHUSHUA spit you out of MY mouth long ago! Your like bitter gall.
Does not MY Word state ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven?
Just as I made that serpent lick the dust so shall MY enemies. I, YAHWEH will
multiply cursings on the ground they walk on and curse their hands and
everything they do will be difficult until they perish as the sands on the
seashore. You call yourself the ‘society of the elect’ I, YAHUSHUA has chosen
you for eternal damnation. For how dare you mock MY true elects that I call MY
Who can truly understand how wide and long and high and deep is the love of
YAHUSHUA. No eyes has seen, no ears has heard no mind has conceived what I have
prepare for those that love ME.
Thus I called rejected silver, I did not find you fire-proof therefore you are
only fit for MY judgment. I, YAHUSHUA am like a refiner’s fire, I found you to
be cheap brass.
For those without ears, who say, ‘Who does he think he is.’ I remind you, why
are you questioning ME? MY NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and there is no none
other. When you go before Father YAHWEH don’t forget to mention MY Son YAHUSHUA
because we are ONE and when you go before I, YAHUSHUA, don’t forget to mention
Father YAHWEH because HE sent ME. We are ONE and only through I, YAHUSHUA will I
send you the comforter, Mother RUACH commonly known as the RUACH ha KODESH.
We are a tri-identity. This has fulfilled the requirement of the Trinity.
Satanist, you try to form your satanic symbols mocking MY HOLY TRINITY!
You called your pagan holidays your high holy days as you gather in your asylums
to do abomination in MY sight! I will cast the devil, false prophet and beast
into the abyss to be seen no more (Rev 19 & 20). As I gave you an example
regarding your forefathers so shall I do away with your paganistic holidays,
detestable rituals and magic art. Your spells, omens, sorcery, witchcraft,
divination wizardry, necromancy, demonic tongues, occultic knowledge, black and
white magic will not be able to save you in the day of judgment that is quickly
Repent Today, before the double-edged sword that proceeds out of MY mouth
strikes you down.
Rebellion is increasing by leaps and bounds. Don’t you know in MY eyes,
rebellion is as bad as witchcraft. What must I do to get the church to stop
sinning against ME. Why is sin so prevalent in the church? If you have accepted
ME why do you grieve ME by crucifying ME over and over again. All I see in MY
churches is confusion, misunderstandings, division, envy and strife. Where is
unity within MY body, I tell you, its in shambles. MY Churches are in disarray
and in defilement. It is a foul stench to heaven and MY very nostrils.
I’ll tell you what I must do.................... I have established a Holy
Spiritual Priesthood for MYSELF who will NOT crucify ME over and over again.
They will offer to ME a spiritual offering, a sweet smelling aroma once again
pleasant to heaven and I, YAHUSHUA.
I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is the High Priest and that is why I have selected among
men to offer themselves to ME. OH, how precious they are to ME. They worship ME
in spirit and in truth and MY presence and love I gave to THY. They will become
MY mediator (intercessor) for the body so their sins can be pardoned. (Hebrews
5)They are truly their brother’s keeper just as I, YAHUSHUA am their keeper.
Understand, the Levites were given no inheritance because I, the Lord God of
Israel was their inheritance.
For those that say they belong to ME, don’t keep testing ME, for MY Spirit will
not always strive with man and you know not the day or hour before I spit you
out of MY mouth! How many churches did I find without fault? Only two (Philadephia
and Smyrna) it has been revealed to him the two churches that know and teach the
truth about the Kenites. I will throw all the seeds of satan for persecuting MY
true church into My Great Winepress, squash them like pulps until there is
nothing left. Remember, judgment has already started at the House of YAHWEH and
if it is hard to get saved in MY House, what will be of the heathens?
MY enemies, I can hear your repetitious slanders. You can try to silence and
harm him, kill him if you could for this message. Know that I, YAHUSHUA his
Lord, Savior, King and Bridegroom will make you stumble until you become no more
if you even try. I am always ONE step ahead of you. As I allow your plans to
come into fruition, understand you are falling right into MY hands before I
totally annihilate, you until you become like chaff.
As Golaith become an obstacle for David, surely as David proclaim victory in MY
NAME, Golaith fell victim to the slingshot so shall your enemies become like
I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH have risen up MY Spiritual King Davids with the strength
of Samson throughout the entire land. I have personally trained them and still
am to do battle. Remember, MY ways are not your ways. I have called MY Warriors
to do spiritual battle for you MY Child when you feel overwhelm and vulnerable.
When a soldier receives a command from his commanding officer, does he not
immediately do what he is suppose to do?
Likewise, when you hear MY Command, you will do the same for your brother and
sister in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH because they will also feel vulnerable,
overwhelmed and battle-worn. Your true families are those that do MY will. Who
better to understand you, then those that have gone and continue to go through
the cup of suffering for MY NAME sake.
As Moses hands got tired holding the staff, Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one
on one side and one on the other, so shall the pass repeat itself. When your
feel weak, know ‘others’ will hold up your hand.
Now, when you feel the oppression gone and the attack seize know that I,
YAHUSHUA has subdue these demons and they have succumb. I will battle for you
and send ‘others’ for your behalf. Did I not tell you in the previous
prophecies, one’s need shall be all's needs? As I spoke to MY Beloved, lay your
enemies at the altar of sacrifice, vengence is MINE, saith YAHUVEH. As you lay
them at MY altar, you are telling ME, they are not yours but MINE and the ‘Great
I AM’ will repay them back accordingly. [Rom 12: 9 Dearly Beloved, avenge not
yourselves, but rather give place onto wrath; for it is written, vengeance is
MINE; I will repay, saith YAHUVEH.]
As satan, sends his demons to attack you by ranks and order, I will raise up a
standard against them that they will not be able to conquer. Satan thinks he can
still win? He makes his move and I counter him every time. This chess game was
already over a long time ago. It is said, it is done.