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Why do the Heathens Rage?

October 25, 2007
Released on January 8, 2008

O' MY precious Children, look not to man or woman to save your soul. Anyone that put their trust in a man is accursed already. Who is ‘man’ that you should give glory to him. Instead give ME glory. "I AM" the living one, I was dead and behold "I AM" now alive.

Draw close to ME and I will draw close to you. MY Children hide yourself in your prayer closet and I will reveal myself to you. The time is coming where MY Name and prayer will be forbidden in public places. Don’t forget to anoint your room or home because demons have been unleashed in all directions. America is feeling the heat and California is beginning to know the word, suffocate. Yet, seek ME in a quiet place and know I will not disappoint you.

O' MY precious Son and Daughter. I have so many things I want to show you, yet your flesh will always war with your spirit and your spirit against your flesh. You know that spirit leads to life. Obey ME and I will bless you. When I tell you to do something, do it right away. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Remember, obedience is better than sacrifice. I never said that it would be easy, but know what you put into practice will become easier. Be anxious for nothing, but instead give ME thanks. May you continue to show love for one another just as I shown you. You are a beautiful lit candle in a dying world so live a life that bears much fruit. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you.

America, you are Babylon. Your nation is no lady at all but instead a harlot who prostitutes herself. When your people are taught to call themselves little gods, you know your land is in trouble. When your pastors are looked upon as some Greek God, you know your doomed. When your government is setting you for disaster, you know the end is near. O' Babylon, you cannot stop I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH from coming back!

(I see a vision of a horse, America you are that horse. Your head has already been cut off. Now, there is a sword being held to your two front legs. Repent America, before it is too late!)

Woe, Woe, Woe, to you, America. Your American flag consist of red, white and blue. Yet if you don’t repent, all you will see is red, red, red, the color of bloodshed.

America will fall like a slay giant. Return to ME and I will return to you. Stop legalizing laws that I have not decree and adding these demonic laws that is despicable to ME. These legislators who do these things will not go unpunished. Your country that was set apart for ME is about to fall apart. MY precious children jam your city halls and capitols, protest and remind these ‘suppose’ law makers I am not to be mocked, for what a man sows he shall reap. I, YAHUSHUA am not please with those that say they work for ME but in reality, work against ME. Legislators, House of Representatives, senators, policy committees, governors will all reap the repercussions for they no longer uphold MY laws but rather desecrate MY laws. Most of them have the spirit of the antichrist, they are workers of iniquity, and their one goal is to bring in the new world order.

America, your white house and capitol that I call whitewash tombs look so beautiful from the outside. Yet it makes ME want to puke with your perversion, promiscuity and demonic spirits. Even your government has become sour grapes in MY mouth. No one is above MY law remember that. Be carefully, not to take bribes or show partiality or else I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will bring out MY own sentence against you. It will be the gavel of MY ALMIGHTY fist that will fall. I AM the defender of the orphans, widows, foreigners and the poor. For the LORD your GOD is LORD of LORDS and KING of KINGS, the GREAT YAH, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH defend the fatherless and the widows and love the foreigners giving him food and clothing. (deut 10:17-18)

Arnold Schwarzenegger, they called you governor, yet your no governor in MY eyes. I called you a bigot and a Judas Iscariot. How dare you pass a bill declaring that school promotes homosexuality and make it a part of public education? It would be better for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH to tie a millstone around your neck, Arnold S., than for you to cause these little children to sin before ME. Arnold Schwarzenegger, you’re a rotten apple with a worm inside. Your core is as rotten as can be, for you are leading California to destruction. You’re not even lukewarm anymore. They called you terminator but I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is about to exterminate you.

Can a leopard change its spots? Only I, YAH knows! Arnold Schwarzenegger, George W. Bush, Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Pope Benedict XVI, just as you betray ME during the first earth age proves you have not changed. As Cain was mark for killing Abel, so too have I already marked. Your all part of that secret society. Your United Nations is all a conspiracy to bring in the New World Order.

During Katabole, you decided to follow satan and now I expose YOU to the world that you will indeed do it again. The price I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH pay for you wasn’t good enough, now you will pay with your souls.

Beware of Magicians David Blaine and Criss Angel, they are deceivers that I forewarned would come. They work for the antichrist and in the Great Tribulation, you will see them for who they really are. They are just a small example of what you will see during the Great Tribulation. Just as there were magicians and soothsayers in Daniel’s time so too will it be in these times. Do not be surprise when you see a person rise from the dead before your very eyes. Criss Angel already mocks ME, only satan would send this chameleon, to walk on water. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH tell you, Criss Angel will fall right into the pits of hell like the falling angel he is. David Blaine has made a pact with the devil. He is filled with legions of demons. Your eyes are the window to your soul, are they not? Yet David Blaine soul is covered with blackness. He is no seer in MY eyes for belong to the Son of Ra, his father Lucifer. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH tell you, David Blaine is sealed for eternal damnation.

Many of the world’s top music artists are an abomination to ME. Their music will sway you like dazed young fans who are spellbound. They are under occultic tunes, yet they know it not. Their music has been blessed by satan and witches, use as pawn to control, hypnotize and mind manipulate the naive. Fergie, who do you think you’re fooling? I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH see you for the wiccan you are. So many young boys and girls love you, they think you’re so pretty and sing so beautifully. Yet, you are perishing inside because of your sins. New age religion can’t save you, believing in strange mystic spirits can’t save you. Your corroded silver and short lived fame can’t save you, only I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can.

Parents, I am warning you. This is your child's soul at stake. You really want to know what’s behind this worldly music? Spirit of murder! Spirit of whoredom! Spirit of suicide! Spirit of the antichrist! This is just the start. I tell you, children will be accused of murder and they will be as young as 8 years old. Think teen pregnancy can’t get any worst? Imagine children as young as 10 years old getting pregnant. Satan wants your children. Yet they won’t be his prey if you listen to ME. If your children are precious to you, they are precious to ME. Warn your child, if they refuse to listen. Pray for them and dedicate them to I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Do you believe it is possible? “For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also” (Luke 12:34)

WAKE UP young people, WAKE UP pastors, WAKE UP parents. Remember, the power of life and death remains in the tongue. If it is not glorifying ME, who is it glorifying?

Woe, to these religious charlatans, O' phony priests. Why do you blindly involve yourself in illegal rituals? These fake priests splash the blood of bulls, goats, rams and pigeons on terrify souls who pay large sums of money in exchange for a few prayers! In doing so, you deluded leaders not only violate MY law on sacrificial offerings, but you pour contempt on MY sacrifice and blood. What does the scriptures say about those who trample under foot the blood of MY eternal covenant? (Heb 10:29) Spiritual swinders! Who are in fact nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing. Little do you know what is in store for you! You are filling up the cup of MY wrath, unless you repent, you will surely drink to the very last drop.

I have not only called this messenger of mine to you, United States of America, but also to you, Canada and you, Mexico. Do not follow in your big sister’s (America) footsteps. She is rebellious and soon her rebellious ways will catch up to her.

Catastrophes are coming to these surrounding cities. Los Angeles, California, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mexico City, Mexico, San Francisco, California, Toronto, Canada, New York City, New York.

I will finally send that mighty earthquake that I, YAHUVEH have withheld for so many years. Los Angeles will be the epicenter as I cut the land like a cookie cutter. Other states will no longer recognize California as invincible. Las Vegas, time is ticking. Certainly, you are no better than your close companion. Sin city, your about to feel the hot breath of ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH upon your desert plains.

Mexico City, the earthquake of years pass that has haunted your land for so long will be reminisce once again. Your spirit of whoredom I had enough of. Your land has been entice and seduced by that Babylon whore. Mary has become your MEssiah not I, YAHUSHUA. Your apparitions you see, are demonic manifestations send to deceive you. Come out of the Roman Catholic Churches, the world’s religious system. When you put your trust in a ‘mere man’ you curse yourself. But now, I tell you return to ME, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the ONE and ONLY MESSIAH that even MY mother, Mariam (Mary) needed.

Be warned San Francisco and Toronto, Canada. Terrorist attack are coming your way and calamities will hit when you least expect it in ever increasing destruction upon major cities. New York, O' New York, I will bring MY judgment once again. Your NASDAQ market will crash. Millions will lose everything in moments. It will be worst than the 1929 stock market. America will no longer be the financial powerhouse of the world but those that trust in America will also feel the ill-effects.

Time after time, I have sent MY faithful messengers to warn, yet your city officials and mayor say thanks, but no thanks. Since you refuse to believe, I had them shake the dust of their feet. Did I not have them give warning about 911? Hurricane Katrina? Tsunami in Indonesia? 1989 San Francisco earthquake? May you learn from the past. "I AM" the same, today, yesterday and forever. The times and the season changes but I remain the same.

Repent, and I, YAHUVEH will spare you in the day of trouble. Your sins I will remember no more. Chose life that you may live for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am the Way, the Truth and the Life. California, you are no exception, your fate has already been determined. Know that I will protect and make a way for those that belong to ME.

Despite all this, a harvest of souls will come and return to ME. MY Jewish people and gentiles alike. They will return to the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

There is coming a false revival of morality and religion in America. Religious and political leaders will call for unity and peace on your land. Just like September 11, it will all be a front. They will tell you, America will prevail, yet its nothing but lies. It will not be America that will prevail, but those that put their trust in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. A false gospel message will bring in God and religion which will become popular but MY Name won’t be. The deception of Christian religion will become so great, it will be almost impossible to recognize the true teachers and prophets from the counterfeit. Counterfeit signs and wonders will take place and deceive many people even the elect if that were possible.

MY power works best in a weak vessel. Broken clay that I can restore and fill with MY precious RUACH ha KODESH till it overflows. I use the things that are not to confound the wise, that is why I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH give prophetic messages to prove that it is not by man’s name alone but by MY SPIRIT. Don’t think he wanted to say these things. Know that every word given will be fulfilled. (Joshua 23:14) MY Words cannot return back void but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I send it. (Isaiah 55:11)

Be carefully not to call a somebody a nobody for I have MY diamonds in the rough hidden away. The world recognizes them not. They are faithful to ME and when this world least expect it. The veil will be remove for everything that is hidden will be revealed.

Be assured, what man does, I will do the complete opposite. Man looks outward, but I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH look inward. What man despises, I look with beauty and admiration, what man hate, I love with MY heart. What man don’t see, I see. In MY kingdom, you are first. For this will fulfilled the scriptures, the first will be last and the last will be first. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH has seal you with a kiss. It is the stamp of MY love and approval upon your forehead.

MY Bride, Elect and Chosen ones your mortal body has already taken on an immortal body. You, have passed from death into life. Eternal life is yours. Yes, as I said before, judgment has already begun in MY house. It starts with MY Children first, starting from the top.

I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is not a respecter of person. As I said before, every ministry that has a name after themselves will continue to fall whether it be past, present or future. Paul Crouch, you pay hush money to hide your homosexual rendezvous and even have the audacity to brag about your deviant behaviors in secret. Let ME tell you something Paul Crouch, nothing is hush, hush from I, YAHUVEH. I will put you to shame along with your bestiality network.

May the marriage bed be kept pure. "I AM" against those that make a vow to ME and then break it. Nothing is hidden from MY sight! Homosexuality is ever increasing, now it is becoming prevalent in marriages, where spouses have gone whoring, even forsaking their natural sexual relation for one another. It is not him that knows, it is I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH that knows! There better be no one that says they belong to ME, yet go prostituting themselves and encouraging others. Repent, for heaven and I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH stands as your witness.

I, YAHUVEH will use whomever I choose. Don’t ask ME, Why? How? When? Just know I am the GREAT "I AM" and nothing is impossible with ME. I don’t look at your gender, stature, status or past. Know I have chosen you to be holy and acceptable before ME not man. I do not call the qualify but I qualify the call. In the near future, a great procession of MY Holy prophets will prophesy in one accord. Yet, you won’t even know this, but that will the beauty when you shout in unison. MY WORDS within you will burn so intensely that you will have no other way than to speak it forth. Don’t worry about what you will say. Am I, MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH not the spirit of counsel and power?

“I will pour out MY Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old man will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. Even on MY servant, both men and women. I will pour our out MY spirit in those days.” (Joel 2:28-29)

When a great multitude of you shout! You will be a witness to one another that will make this world tremble. The people living will know that ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH has spoken through his Holy Prophets. As we approach MY second coming, you will speak with such accuracy and precision, everything I put in your mouth will come to pass so fear not! Some of the words I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH give you to speak will make your flesh quiver. Yes, it will be so strong that you will feel reluctant to release it. Yet, it must be done and will be done for this world is evil in MY sight. What many deem impossible and will never occur, will happen.

Even he writing this message is pondering everything I am giving him. Yet, I tell him, I am not here to bring you any shame. Many false prophets have already come. They have their own agenda to promote themselves on their lips are lies, deceit, hypocrisy and destructive heresies. I will use MY TRUE prophets, the unknown in the world’s eyes to prophesy against the counterfeit that are now prophesying out of their vain imaginations (Ezk 13) these false teachers called MY true prophets false but when indeed they are false and have depraved minds.

O' Evil men and women. You serve a God but it is not ME, but the God of this evil world. You attack MY messengers! You, try to wear down their bodies and attack their minds so the prophetic words can’t be loose. I gave you time to repent! Yet you continue to wax more evil. The more the WORD exposes you, the more bent on evil you get. You want to destroy them, even make their graves for them. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH got news for you. I will make you lie in that same grave. MY enemies are already under a curse. Now I will put a dark cloud of misery over them. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will turn their health against them. I will make their own bed a stumbling block. Their homes will no longer be a safe haven. I will put oppression on their heads. I will also throw a spirit of depression on them. I will strike their knees with sores and pains whenever they touch MY messengers.

The mouth of YAH has not even begun to speak yet! I have only begun. If I keep on going, I would wear him out to no end. (YAHUVEH’S laughing) Yet I can use other mouthpieces to speak MY word. Be carefull, when someone says apostle and prophets no longer exist. I, YAHUSHUA tell you that is a lie straight from hell. MY prophets will speak with boldness and rebuke such evil people. The more they try to restrain you, the more you will prophesy.

I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will have MY martyrs. It has already been spoken in secret to them. I will give thee the desires of thy heart. The beauty of heaven, the visions I have given you. It is your paradise, no more pain, sorrow, or weeping, just pure bliss. You are so precious to ME, for you will be MY witness to the world. I am interceding for your behalf, I give you MY peace, I give you MY unconditional love, I give you MY courage and I give you MY strength. Either way, MY precious ones will be coming back home. Those that do these things will wish they were never born. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will personally take their blood without any regrets.

If I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH has given you the mandate to intercede for MY two witnesses. If you hear the voice of ABBA YAHUVEH, pray for them. MY Two Witnesses are already established. To all MY enemies that try to harm them, I the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob give you this warning: The sword that you dealt is the sword you will die by. They represent the faithful and true testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the RUACH of ELOHIM (Job 33:4) MY Two Witnesses will come with the spirit of Moses and Elijah. Did not Moses challenge Pharaoh time after time before the land was stricken with various plagues? How about the water turning into blood? Did not Elijah confront Ahab, Jezebel and the false worship of Baal before causing fire to come down from heaven and prophesy a drought would occur? MY Two Witnesses will do things that this world will called unimaginable. Yet, it will happen for I am no man that I should lied. With man it is impossible but with ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH nothing is impossible. Just as the son of perdition is coming into power so too will MY Two Witnesses be endued with a greater anointing that mankind will ever know.

As the rebirth of Israel came to pass in 1948, so too, will I, YAHUVEH bring back the Hebrew language as I purify the lips of MY People. MY Name was YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH before Jesus Christ, that has never changed.

The sealing has already taken place for MY 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel. May they believe who they are. The key of David is theirs. They carry a warrior’s mentality just like I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Prepare yourself for war like never before. Israel, you are MY chosen ally, who will carry out their purpose against Babylon, your arms will be against the Babylonians. What ancient Israel couldn’t do, you, spiritual Israel will succeed. Victory is yours. I speak to the grafted in ones in every tribe as you were grafted in MY son, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Spiritual Israel, you are all now the seed of Abraham born from above. You are scattered throughout the world, come from all walks of life, yet you have this testimony that you please ME. In return, I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will supernaturally protect you during the Great Tribulation. Just know as Shadrach, MEshach and Abednego came out unharmed from the fire so will you walk unscathed during your ministerial period of 3.5 years before you are rapture away along with the dead at that time. You, spiritual Israel, will be protected from that dragon for 1,260 days. I, ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH will gather MY 144,000 to the promised land.

( I am now told to write this out)

Revelation 12: A great and wondrous sign appear in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet a crown of 12 stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was able to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. She give birth to a son, a male child, who will rule the nations with a iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the desert to a place prepare for her by God where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

And there was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven. The dragon was hurled down to earth called the devil, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to earth and his (fallen) angels with him. Then a loud voice in heaven says:

Now come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our MEssiah and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of thy brethren, who accuses them day and night has been hurled down. They overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice you heavens and you who dwell in them. But woe, to the earth and sea because the devil has gone down to you. He is filled with fury because his time is short.

When the dragon saw that he had been hurled down to earth, he pursued the woman who had been given birth to the male child. The woman (Israel) was given the the wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she will be taken care of for a time, times and a half of time, out of the serpent reach. Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring- those who obey YAH’S commandments and hold on to the testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

(YAH speaking again)

Be aware of aliens, for they have been on earth and have made treaties and agreements with your governments. Millions are in secret underground complexes and are responsible for child abductions and cattle mutilations. These alien angels (hybrids) are also hidden in high positions. Yet, I, YAHUVEH have sent countless of MY ministering spirits throughout the entire earth. Many of you have entertained angels without even knowing! Many come in the form of good samaritans. Rest assure, I have MY angels watching over you.

How you have fallen from heaven, O’ Morning Star, Son of the Dawn! (Isaiah 14:12) O' Abaddon, You have been visibly exposed, for you will no longer be the Prince and Power of the air but soon to be the Prince of Power of worms in your own pit! For you have brought a third of your fallen stars with you and so will they too be utterly destroyed. I will in return slaughter all the alien offspring for they will no longer commit fornication.

I am that consuming fire to MY enemies and every nation that is against ME. MY Children that love ME, there nothing but warm affection from that consuming fire and it warms your very soul. As this world gets more evil in MY sight, it only hastens the great and glorious coming of MY return. Take heed, pray and watch. The mouth of the Sovereign LORD YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH has spoken this day.

Given to humble servant of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH