O' Enemies of MINE, do you find it amusing to cast your curses and hurl insults
at this last chance ministry only to have it return to your very own bosom? Can
you fight against YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and win? The lives of my enemies I,
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will hurl away like the pocket of a sling. Whoever hates
this ministry, know it is I, YAHUSHUA that despises you. To those that love this
ministry and call it a blessing, know I, YAHUSHUA love you. For this is not no
‘man’ or ‘woman’ ministry but it was ordained from heaven to be a blessing to
you to go where no other ministry would even dare touch. The enemies will know
this is no ordinary ministry for I am not a God to be mocked for long!
Can a man walk on hot coal and not be burned? Better yet, can a man curse his
Creator and be held guiltless? BEWARE, those that come as sheep, but carry a
counterfeit anointing, the spirit of the antichrist. When you seek the
destruction of MY Ministry and MY Elijah of New, you are only storing up blood
upon your own heads. REPENT! While there is still time before MY rage becomes a
raging inferno, the point of no return. MY Words have not changed, ‘Touch not MY
Anointed or do MY Prophets harm.' For, I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH have only one
Elijah of New that I have called to prepare the way. Yet, I, YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH will have MY John the Baptists, MY King Davids, MY Ezekiels, MY
Jeremiahs, MY Daniels, MY Esthers, My King Solomons and even MY Mordecai’s. The
list is endless. They will administer justice, subdue nations, be powerful in
battle, strip kings of their armor, set the captives free, break down the iron
bars, proclaim liberty, stand in the gap and worship ME with kisses to the lips.
When they call to ME, I, YAHUSHUA will answer them. There is nothing I will not
do for them.
Tell them for ME, my son, tell them. Is MY arm to short to deliver? Can I not
hear the voice of the righteous? I, YAHUSHUA will send financiers for I know
what you need before you even ask. This 2008, I will give greater revelation,
wisdom, knowledge and yes, understanding to those that seek the higher
anointing. ‘Seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given to you, knock and
the door will be open.' You will not be denied. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will
give you a double-portion if you so desire.
YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers, I have called and anointed each of you to stand in
the front lines where the battle is the fiercest. Give no place to the devil.
Have no time for self-pity but instead REBUKE the LIES! You are no ordinary
demon stomper, but MY army describe in Joel 2, hidden with the gifts of the
RUACH ha KODESH. Many are called but few are chosen. Yes, only the Bride of
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will remain. Now, I tell the rest of you, despise not small
Behold, the GREAT "I AM" is about to do a new thing. I now set this Holy Prophet
eastward to the land where his forefathers lived long ago. China, crouching
tiger, hidden dragon I, YAHUVEH will deal with you at the appropriate time. I
have seen the tears of MY Children. You WILL hear MY ROAR!!! For I am the
ROARING Lion that reigns from the tribe of Judah.