IMMAYAH's Encouraging Words to The Holy Prayer Warrior Intercessors
The Word was given to Gayl January 29, 2008
“How pleased HE (YAHUSHUA) is of you all for your willingness to serve HIM.
To treat HIM with the respect HE is due as your LORD and SAVIOUR. No other
MASTER have you for it’s in HIM you live, move and have your being. Take not HIS
commands idly MY children for HE does not give them lightly. HE wishes you to
revere HIS Name above all names. The time is so short for HIS return to judge
the living and the dead. Do not be caught up with the cares of this world that
you forget the reason you are here, to submit yourselves to HIS care that HE may
watch over you as the GOOD SHEPHERD that HE is.
Try HIM not. HE will only forebear with you for so long. HE will lead your way
if you let HIM light your path. Say, ‘YAHUSHUA, show me where to go, what to do
and I will obey only YOU for YOU are my GOOD SHEPHERD, I have none other. The
ways of this world hold no allure for me. I am YOURS, lock, stock and barrel.
What is it YOU command me to do my LORD, my SAVIOUR?’ And HE will speak to your
souls and tell you exactly what it is you are to do in HIM, for HIM.
Cherish one another. Get to know one another. Share your stories one with
another. (i.e. testimonies) You have all paid a high price to get where you are.
You have stored up for yourselves treasures in Heaven. One by one, you work on
the earthly deeds put before you. Some of you have larger volumes of work that
others but all work is for HIS Glory, none other. It is an honour to behold you
MY Children, MY Little Ones. Your FATHER YAHUVEH and I, your MOMMA RUACH HA
KODESH, who is your MOMMA SHKHINYAH GLORY, and your MOMMA WISDOM, are very
pleased with you. Do you hold US dear in your heart? WE love to hear you say so.
What parent isn’t pleased of his child’s accomplishments? Walk in union MY
Little Ones. Talk with one another about your cares and woes, lift them up in
prayer to US and I, your MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH, will blow them to PAPA on a
kiss, a prayer, a Heavenly prayer whispered to MY BELOVED.
Oh HE savors the sweet aroma of your prayers, your love reaches up to HIM and
puts a smile on HIS face. HE has so little that makes HIM smile now. Remember to
thank HIM for all that HE has done for you for HE has removed demons you know
not existed as they sought to destroy what HE is doing in your life. They came
crashing down with loud thunder to the belly of the underworld, toast were they
after HE finished with them. (such sweetness and light is our MOMMA SHKHINYAH
GLORY as HER voice permeates my spirit while SHE speaks) Light, love, purity,
Holiness of spirit is all we desire from you. Let not the cares of this world
get you down for you are not of this world MY Children. You were/are Heaven sent
and Heaven bound. WE desire you not to forget that. Succumb not to the
temptations of the flesh, so brief and fleeting are they in the grand scheme of
things to come.
End of Word
Lately YAHUSHUA has been asking me to hold HIS hand and I ask HIM to keep my
footsteps on the path, for sometimes the flesh is weaker than other times.
ABBA YAHUVEH may we all stay on the path YOU have put before us. May we not
stray into temptation, the things of the flesh, for they are not of YOU. For the
spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Lead us not into temptation but deliver
us from evil, for THINE is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever and
ever. Amen. Amen. Amen. Precious LORD we pray to do all that YOU have commanded
us to do, in YOUR perfect way and in YOUR perfect timing. Give us obedient
hearts I pray YAHUSHUA. Do not give us more than we can bear. Help us walk on
our paths, the paths of righteousness for YOUR Name’s sake I pray.
I ask all this in the Name above all names, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YAHUSHUA, our