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Prophecies regarding Passover
Prophecy 31
Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells
Prophecy 33
The Horror, The Horror, The Horror. As In The Time of Hitler, So It Will Be Again!
Prophecy 34
The Walls of Jericho Will Fall Again
Prophecy 35
Betrayed With A Kiss
Prophecy 36
I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday, Today, But Tomorrow, Even In The Darkest Hour
Prophecy 37
Bless and Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Prophecy 38
Red Plague Dream
Prophecy 53
Prophecy 54
Now Is The Time! Stay Focused, Obey Your General...
Prophecy 75
I, YAHUVEH, Command You To Keep and Honor My Holy Days!
Prophecy 76
Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, Arise and Prepare Yourself, For Your Groom Doth Come!
Prophecy 85
Shout It From The Housetops, Shout It To The World!
Prophecy 95
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Says, Pick Up Your Weapon, I Am ALIVE!