Chapter 1 - Enoch’s encounter with the two angels of God
1. There was a very wise man and a worker of great things: God loved him, and
received him, so that he should see the heavenly abodes, the kingdoms of the
wise, great, inconceivable and never-changing God, the Lord of all, the
wonderful and glorious, and bright and all-beholding station of the servants of
the Lord, and the unapproachable throne of the Lord, and the degrees and
manifestations of the incorporeal hosts, and should be an eye-witness of the
unspeakable ministrations of the multitude of creatures, and of the varying
appearance, and indescribable singing- of the host of Cherubim, and of the
immeasurable world.
2. At that time he said: Hardly had I accomplished 165 years, when I begat my
son Methusal: after that I lived 200 years and accomplished all the years of my
life, 365 years.
3. On the first day of the first month I was alone in my house,and I rested on
my bed and slept.
3. And as I slept a great grief came upon my heart, and I wept with mine eyes in
my dream, and I could not understand what this grief meant, or what would happen
to me.
4. And there appeared to me two men very tall, such as I have never seen on
5. And their faces shone like the sun and their eyes were like burning lamps;
and fire came forth from their lips, Their dress had the appearance of feathers:
their feet were purple, their wings were brighter than goW; their hands whiter
than snow. They stood at the head of my bed and called me by my name.
6. I awoke from my sleep andsaw clearly these men standing in front of me.
7. I hastened and made obeisance to them and was terrified, and the appearance
of my countenance was changed from fear.
8. And these men said to me: "Be of good cheer, Enoch, be not afraid; the
everlasting God hath sent us to thee, and lo ! to-day thou shalt ascend with us
into heaven.
9. And tell thy sons and thy servants, all who work in thy house, and let no one
seek thee, till the Lord bring thee back to them."
10. And I hastened to obey them, and went out of my house. And I called my sons
Methusal, Regim [and Gaidal], and told them what wonderfuF things the two men
had said to me.'
Chapter 2 - The Instruction
1. Hear me, my children, for I do not know whither I am going, or what awaits
2. Now, my children, I say unto you : turn not aside from God: walk before the
face of the Lord and keep his judgements and do not worship vain gods, who did
not make heaven and earth, for these will perish, and also those who worship
3. But may God make confident your hearts in the fear of Him.
4. And now, my children, let no one seek me till the Lord brings me back to
Chapter 3 - The taking up of Enoch
1. It came to pass when I had spoken to my sons, these men summoned me and took
me on their wings and placed me on the clouds. And lo! the clouds moved.
2. And again (going) higher I saw the air and (going still) higher I saw the
ether, and they placed me in the first heaven.
3. And they showed me a very great sea, greater than the earthly sea".
Chapter 4 - The Angels who rule the Stars
1. And they brought before my face the elders, and the rulers of the orders of
the stars, and they showed me the two hundred angels who rule the stars and
their heavenly service;
2. And they fly with their wings and go round all (the stars) as they float.
Chapter 5 - How the Angels guard the Habitations of the Snow
1. And then I looked and saw the treasuries of the snow and ice and the angels
who guard their terrible store-places;
2. And the treasuries of the clouds from which they come forth and into which
they enter.
3. And they showed me the treasuries of the dew, like oil for anointing, and its
form was in appearance like that of all earthly colours: also many angels
keeping their treasuries, and they shut and open them.
Chapter 6 - How Enoch was taken into the second Heaven
1. And the men took me and brought me to the second heaven, and showed me the
darkness, and there I saw the prisoners suspended, reserved for (and) awaiting
the eternal judgement.
2. And these angels were gloomy in appearance, more than the darkness of the
earth. And they unceasingly wept every hour, and I said to the men who were with
me: "Why are these men continually tortured?"
3. And the men answered me: "These are they who apostatized from the Lord: who
obeyed not the commandments of God, and took counsel of their own will and
transgressed together with their prince and have been already confined to the
second heaven".
4. And I felt great pity for them. And lo! the angels made obeisance to me and
said to me: "O man of God! pray for us to the Lord."
5. And I answered them: "Who am I, a mortal man, that I should pray for angels?
Who knows whither I go, or what awaits me: or who prays or me?"
Chapter 7 - How Enoch was taken into the third Heaven
1. And these men took me from thence, and brought me to the third heaven, and
placed me in the midst of a garden — a place such as has never been known for
the goodliness of its appearance.
2. And I saw all the trees of beautiful colours and their fruits ripe and
fragrant, and all kinds of food which they produced, springing up with
delightful fragrance.
3. And in the midst (there is) the tree of life, in that place, on which God
rests, when He comes into Paradise. And this tree cannot be described for its
excellence and sweet odour.
4. And it is beautiful more than any created thing. And on all sides in
appearance it is like gold and crimson and transparent as fire, and it covers
5. From its root in the garden there go forth four streams which pour honey and
milk, oil and wine, and are separated in four directions, and go about with a
soft course.
6. And they go down to the Paradise of Eden, between corruptibility and
incorruptibility. And thence they go along the earth, and have a revolution in
their circle like also the other elements.
7. And there is another tree, an olive tree always distilling oil- And there is
no tree there without fruit, and every tree' is blessed.
8. And there are three hundred angels very glorious, who keep the garden, and
with never ceasing voices and blessed singing, they serve the Lord every day.
And I said: "What a very blessed place is this!"
9. And those men spake unto me: "This place, Enoch, is prepared for the
righteous who endure every kind of attack in their lives from those who afflict
their souls:
10. who turn away their eyes from unrighteousness, and accomplish a righteous
judgement, and also give bread to the hungry, and clothe the naked, and raise
the fallen, and assist the orphans who are oppressed, and who walk without blame
before the face of the Lord, and serve him only. For them this place is prepared
as an eternal inheritance.
Chapter 8 - Here they showed Enoch the terrible Places
1. And the men then led me to the Northern region, and showed me there a very
terrible place.
2. And there are all sorts of tortures in that place. Savage darkness and
impenetrable gloom; and there is no light there, but a gloomy fire is always
burning i, and a fiery river goes forth. And all tbat place has fire on all
sides, and on all sides cold and ice, thus it burns and freezes.
3. And the prisoners are very savage . And the angels terrible and without pity,
carrying savage ^ weapons, and their torture was unmerciful.
4. And I said: "Woe, woe! How terrible is this place!". And the men said to me:
"This place, Enoch, is prepared for those who do not honour God; who commit evil
deeds on earth, vitium sodomiticum, witchcraft, enchantments, devilish magic;
and who boast of their evil deeds, stealing, lying, calumnies, envy, evil
thoughts, fornication, and murder.
5. Who steal the souls of wretched men, oppressing the poor and spoiling them of
their possessions, and themselves grow rich by the taking of other men's
possessions, injuring them. Who when they might feed the hungry, allow them to
die of famine; who when they might clothe them, strip them naked.
6. Who do not know their Creator and have worshipped gods without life; who can
neither see nor hear, being vain gods, and have fashioned the forms of idols,
and bow down to a contemptible thing, made with hands; for all these this place
is prepared for an eternal inheritance."
Chapter 9 - How Enoch was taken into the fourth Heaven
1. And the men took me and conducted me to the fourth heaven, and showed me all
the comings and goings forth and all the rays of the light of the sun and moon.
And I measured their goings, and computed their light,
2. And I saw that the sun has a light seven times greater than the moon. I
beheld their circle, and their chariot on which each goes like a wind advancing
with astonishing swiftness, and they have no rest day or night coming or going.
3. There are four great stars; each star has under it a thousand stars at the
right of the chariot of the sun; and four at the left, each having under it a
thousand stars, altogether eight thousand-
4. Fifteen myriads of angels go out with the sun and attend him during the day,
and by night one thousand. Each angel has six wings. They go before the chariot
of the sun.
5. And a hundred angels keep warm and light up the sun.
Chapter 10 - The very marvellous elements of the sun
1. And I looked and saw other flying creatures, their names phoenixes and
chalkadri wonderful and strange in appearance, with, the feet and tails of
lions, and the heads of crocodiles; their appearance was of a purple colour,
like the rainbow; their size nine hundred measures.
2. Their wings were like those of angels, each with twelve, and they attend the
chariot of the sun, and go with him, bringing heat and dew as they are ordered
by God.
3. So the sun makes his revolutions, and goes under the heavens, and goes under
the earth with the light of his beams unceasingly.
Chapter 11 - The angels took Enoch and placed him in the east at the sun’s gates
1. These men brought me to the East and showed me the gates by which the sun
goes forth at the appointed seasons, and according to the revolution of the
months of the whole year, and according to the number of the hours, day and
2. And I saw the six great gates open, each gate having sixty-one stadia and a
quarter of one stadium; and I truly measured them and understood their size to
be so much, by which the sun goes forth ; and he goes to the west and makes his
course correspond. And he proceeds through all the months.
3. And by the first gates he goes out forty-two days; by the second gates
thirty-five days; by the fourth gates thirty-five; by the fifth gates thirtyfive;
by the sixth gates forty-five.
4. And so he returns from the sixth gates in the course of time: and he enters
by the fifth gates during thirty-five days, by the fourth gates thirty-five, by
the third gates during thirtyfive days; by the second gates thirty-five.
5. And so the days of the whole year are finished according to the alternation
of the four seasons.
Chapter 12 - They took Enoch to the west
1. And then these men took me to the West of the heavens and showed me six great
gates open, corresponding to the Eastern gates, opposite to which the sun goes
out by the Eastern gates, according to the number of the days three hundred and
sixty-five, and the quarter of a day.
2. So he sets by the Western gates. When he goes out by the Western gates four
hundred angels take his crown and bring it to the Lord.
3. And the sun revolves in his chariot and goes without light for seven complete
hours in the night - And when he comes near the East at the eighth hour of the
night, the four hundred angels bring his crown and crown him.
Chapter 13 - The elements of the sun, the Phoenixes and Chalkydri broke into
1. Then sang the creatures called the Phoenixes and the Chalkidri. On this
account every bird claps its wings, rejoicing at the giver of light, and they
sang a song at the command of the Lord.
2. The giver of light comes to give his brightness to the whole world.
3. And they showed me the calculation of the going of the sun. And the gates by
which he enters and goes out are great gates, which God made for the computation
of the year.
4. On this account the sun is great.
Chapter 14 - They took Enoch and again placed him in the east at the course of
the moon
1. The other, the computation of the moon these men showed me; all the goings
and revolutions. And they pointed out the gates to me, twelve great gates
extending from the West to the East, by which the moon enters and goes out at
the customary times.
2. She enters the first gate when the sun is in the West thirty-one days
exactly; by the second gate thirty-one days exactly; by the third gate thirty
days exactly; by the fourth gate thirty days exactly; by the fifth gate
thirty-one days exactly; by the sixth gate thirty-one days exactly; by the
seventh gate thirty days exactly; by the eighth gate thirty-one days exactly ;
by the ninth gate thirty-one days exactly; by the tenth gate thirty i° exactly;
by the eleventh gate thirty-one days exactly; by the twelfth gate twenty-eight
days exactly.
3. And so by the Western gates in her revolutions, and corresponding to the
number of the Eastern gates she goes, and accomplishes the year.
4. And unto the sun there axe three hundred and sixty-five days and a quarter of
one day.
5. But in the lunar year there are three hundred and fifty-four days, making
twelve months of twentynine days and there remain eleven days over, which belong
to the solar circle of the whole year, and are lunar epacts of the whole year.
[Thus the great circle has five hundred and thirty-two years.]
6. The fourth part (of one day) is neglected during three years and the foui'th
year completes it exactly. On account of this they are omitted from the heavens
during three years, and are not added to the number of the days on which account
these change the seasons of the year in two new months, to make the number
complete and there are two others to diminish.
7. And when she has gone through the Western gates, she returns and goes to the
Eastern, with her light, and so she goes day and night in the heavenly circles,
below all the circles more quickly than the winds of the heavens, and there are
spirits and creatures, and angels flying, with six wings to each of the angels.
8. And seven (months) are computed to the circle of the moon during a revolution
of nineteen years.
Chapter 14 - The singings of the angels, which it is impossible to describe
1. In the middle of the heavens I saw an armed host serving the Lord with
cymbals, and organs, and unceasing voice. I was delighted at hearing it.
Chapter 15 - The taking of Enoch on to the fifth heaven
1. The men took and brought me up into the fifth heaven, and I saw there many
hosts not to be counted called Grigori; and their appearance was like men, and
their size was greater than that of the giants-
2. And their countenances were withered, and their lips are always silent. And
there was no service in the fifth heaven. And I said to the men who were with
me: "Why are these men very withered, and their faces melancholy, and their lips
silent, and there is no service in this heaven?"
3. And they said to me : "These are the Grigori, who, with their prince Satanail,
rejected the holy Lord.
4. And in consequence of these things they are kept in great darkness in the
second heaven; and of them there went three to the earth from the throne of God
to the place Ermon ; and they entered into dealings on the side of Mount lermon,
and they saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, and took unto themselves
5. And they made the earth foul with their deeds. And they acted lawlessly in
all times of this age, and wrought confusion, and the giants were born, and the
strangely tall men, and there was much wickedness.
6. And on account of this God judged them with a mighty judgement. And they
lament for their brethren, and they will be punished at the great day of the
7. And I said to the Grigori: "I have seen your brethren and their works, and
their great torments. And I have prayed for them, but God has condemned them (to
be) under the earth, till the heaven and earth are ended for ever."
8. And I said: "Why do ye wait, brethren, and not serve before the face of the
Lord? and perform your duties before the face of the Lord, and do not anger your
Lord to the end."
9. And they listened to my rebuke. And they stood in the four orders in this
heaven, and lo ! as I was standing with these men, four trumpets resounded
together with a loud voice, and the Grigori sang with one voice, and their
voices went forth before the Lord ^ with sadness and tenderness.
Chapter 16 - The taking of Enoch to the sixth heaven
1. And these men took me thence and brought me to the sixth heaven, and I saw
there seven bands of angels, very bright and glorious, and their faces shining
more than the rays oV the sun. They are resplendent, and there is no difference
in their countenances, or their manner, or the style of their clothing.
2. And these orders arrange and study the revolutions of the stars, and the
changes of the moon, and revolutions of the sun, and superintend the good or
evil condition of the world.
3. And they arrange teachings, and instructions, and sweet speaking, and
singing, and all kinds of glorious praise. These are the archangels who are
appointed over the angels! They hold in subjection all living things both in
heaven and earth.
4. And there are the angels who are over seasons and years, and the angels who
are over rivers and the sea, and those who are over the fruits of the earth, and
the angels over every herb, giving all kinds of nourishment to every living
5. And the angels over all souls of men, who write down all their works and
their lives before the face of the Lord.
6. In the midst of them are seven phoenixes and seven cherubims, and seven
six-winged creatures, being as one voice and singing with one voice; and it is
not possible to describe their singing, and they rejoice before the Lord at His
Chapter 17 - Hence they took Enoch into the seventh heaven
1. And these men took me thence and brought me to the seventh heaven, and I saw
there a very great light and all the fiery hosts of great archangels, and
incorporeal powers and lordships, and principalities, and powers; cherubim and
seraphim, thrones and the watchfulness of many eyes. There were ten troops, a
station of brightness, and I was afraid and trembled with a great terror.
2. And those men took hold of me and brought me into their midst and said to me:
"Be of good cheer, Enoch, be not afraid."
3. And they showed me the Lord from afar sitting on His lofty throne. And all
the heavenly hosts having approached stood on the ten steps, according to their
rank: and made obeisance to the Lord.
4. And so they proceeded to their places in joy and mirth, and in boundless
light singing songs with low and gentle voices, and gloriously serving Him.
Chapter 17 - How the angels here left Enoch, at the end of the seventh heaven
1. They leave not nor depart day or night standing before the face of the Lord,
working His will, cherubim and seraphim, standing round His throne. And the
six-winged creatures overshadow all His throne, singing with a soft voice before
the face of the Lord: "Holy, Holy, Holy: Lord God of Sabaoth! heaven and earth
are full of Thy glory!"
2. When I had seen all these things, these men said unto me: "Enoch, up to this
time we have been ordered to accompany thee. And those men departed from me, and
I saw them no more. And I remained alone at the extremity of the heaven, and was
afraid, and fell on my face, and said within myself: "Woe is me! what has come
upon me!"
3. And the Lord sent one of His glorious archangels, Gabriel, and he said to me:
" Be of good cheer, Enoch, be not afraid, stand up, come with me, and stand up
before the face of the Lord for ever."
4. And I answered him, and said: "Oh! Lord, my spirit has departed from me with
fear and trembling! call to me the men who have brought me to this place: upon
them have relied, and with them I would go before the face of the Lord."
5. And Gabriel hurried me away like a leaf carried off by the wind, and he took
me and set me before the face of the Lord. I fell down and worshipped the Lord.
And the Lord spake with His lips to me: "Be of good cheer, Enoch, be not afraid
: rise np and stand before my face for ever.'
6. And Michael, the chief captain, lifted me up, and brought me before the face
of the Lord, and the Lord said to His servants making trial of them: Let Enoch
come to stand before My face for ever!
7. And the glorious ones made obeisance to the Lord, and said: "Lift Enoch
proceed according to Thy word"
8. And the Lord said to Michael : "Go and take from Enoch his earthly robe, and
anoint him with My holy oil, and clothe him with the raiment of My glory."
9. And so Michael did as the Lord spake unto him. He anointed me and clothed me,
and the appearance of that oil was more than a great light, and its anointing
was like excellent dew ; and its fragrance like myrrh, shining like a ray of the
10. And I gazed upon myself, and I was like one of His glorious ones. And there
was no difference, and fear and trembling departed from me.
11. And the Lord called one of His archangels, by name Vretil, who was more wise
than the other archangels, and wrote down all the doings of the Lord.
12. And the Lord said to Vretil, "Bring forth the books from my store-places,
and give a reed to Enoch, and interpret to him the books." And Vretil made haste
and brought me the books, fragrant with myrrh, and gave me a reed from his hand.
Chapter 18 - How Enoch wrote about his wonderful Goings and the heavenly Visions
1. And he told me all the works of the heaven and the earth and the sea, and
their goings and comings, the noise of the thunder; the sun and moon and the
movement of the stars; their changings ; the seasons and years; days and hours;
and goings of the winds; and the numbers of the angels; the songs of the armed
2. And everything relating to man, and every language of their songs, and the
lives of men, and the precepts and instructions, and sweet-voiced singings, and
all which it is suitable to be instructed in.
3. And Vretil instructed me thirty days and thirty nights, and his lips never
ceased speaking; and I did not cease thirty days and thirty nights writing all
the remarks.
4. And Vretil said to me: "All the things which I have told thee, thou hast
written down. Sit down and write all about the souls of men, those of them
which. are not born, and the places prepared for them for ever.
5. For every soul was created eternally before the foundation of the world.
6. And I wrote all out continuously during thirty days and thirty nights, and I
copied all out accurately, and I wrote 366 books.
Chapter 19 - The great Secrets of God, which God revealed and told to Enoch
1. And the Lord called me and said to me: "Enoch, sit thou on My left hand with
Gabriel." And I made obeisance to the Lord.
2. And the Lord spake to me: "Enoch, the things which thou seest at rest and in
motion were completed by me I will tell thee now, even from the first, what
things I created from the nonexistent, and what visible things from the
3. Not even to My angels have I told My secrets, nor have I informed them of
their origin, nor have they understood My infinite creation which I tell thee of
4. For before anything which is visible existed, I alone held my course among
the invisible things, like the sun from the east to the west, and from the west
to the east.
5. But even the sun has rest in himself, but I did not find rest because I was
creating every thing. And I planned to lay the foundations and to make the
visible creation."
Chapter 20 - GOD tells how out of the Darkness, there comes forth the visible
and the invisible
1. And I commanded in the depths that visible things should come out of
invisible. And out came Adoil very great, and I gazed upon him. And lo! his
colour was red, of great brightness-
2. And I said unto him: "Burst asunder, Adoil, and let that which comes from
thee be visible."
3. And he burst asunder, and there came forth a great light, and I was in the
midst of a great light, and as the light came forth from the light, there came
forth the great world, revealing all the creation, which I had purposed to make,
and I saw that it was good.
4. And I made for Myself a throne, and sat upon it, and I said to the light "Go
forth on high and be established above My throne -, and be the foundation for
things on high."
5. And there was nothing higher than the light, and as I reclined, I saw it from
My throne.
6. And I summoned a second time from the depths, and said: "Let the solid thing
which is visible come forth from the invisible." And Arkhas came forth firm and
heavy and very red.
2. And I said: "Be thou divided, O Arkhas, and let that be seen which is
produced from thee. And when he was divided, the world came forth, very dark and
great, bringing the creation of all things below-
3. And I saw that it was good. And I said to him: "Go thou down and be thou
established. And be a foundation for things below"; and it was so. And it came
forth and was established, and was a foundation for things below. And there was
nothing else below the darkness.
Chapter 21 - How God established the Water, and surrounded it with Light
1. And I ordered that there should be a separation between the light and the
darkness and I said : "Let there be a thick substance, and it was so-
3. And I spread this out and there was water, and I spread it over the darkness,
below the light.
3. And thus I made firm the waters, that is, the depths, and I surrounded the
waters with light, and I created seven circles and I fashioned them like
crystal, moist and dry, that is to say, like glass and ice, and as for the
waters, and also the other elements, I showed each of them their paths, to the
seven stars, each of them in their heaven, how they should go; and I saw that it
was good.
4. And I separated between the light and the darkness; that is to say, between
the waters here and there. And I said to the light: "Let it be day"; and to the
darkness, "Let it be night." And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Chapter 22 - How GOD created all the heavenly and earthly forces and all moving
1. And thus I made firm the circles of the heavens, and caused the waters below,
which are under the heavens to be gathered into one place, and that the waves
should be dried up, and it was so.
2. Out of the waves I made firm and great stones, and out of the stones I heaped
together a dry substance, and I called the dry substance earth.
3. And in the midst of the earth I appointed a pit, that is to say an abyss.
4. I gathered the sea into one place, and I restrained it with a yoke. And I
said to the sea: "Lo I give thee an eternal portion and thou shalt not move from
thy established position." So I made fast the firmament and fixed it above the
5. This I called the first day of the creation. Then it was evening, and again
morning, and it was the second day.
Chapter 23 - Then it became evening and morning again, and it was the second day
1. And for all the heavenly hosts I fashioned a nature like that of fire, and My
eye gazed on the very firm and hard stone. And from the brightness of My eye the
lightning received its wonderful nature.
2. And fire is in the water and water in the fire, and neither is the one
quenched, nor the other dried up. On this account lightning is brighter than the
sun, and soft water is stronger than hard stone.
3. And from the stone I cut the mighty fire. And from the fire I made the ranks
of the spiritual hosts, ten thousand angels, and their weapons are fiery, and
their garment is a burning flame, and I ordered them to stand each in their
4. One of these in the ranks of the Archangels, having turned away with the rank
below him, entertained an impossible idea, that he should make his throne higher
than the clouds over the earth, and should be equal in rank to My power.
5. And I hurled him from the heights with his angels. And he was flying in the
air continually, above the abyss.
Chapter 24 - Then it became evening and morning again, and it was the third day
1. And so I created all the heavens, and it was the third day. On the third day
I ordered the earth to produce great trees, such as bear fruit, and mountains,
and every sort of herb and every seed that is sown, and I planted Paradise, and
enclosed it, and placed fiery angels armed, and so I made a renewing.
2. Then it was evening, and it was morning, being the fourth day.
Chapter 25 - Then it became evening and morning again, and it was the fourth day
1. On the fourth day I ordered that there should be great lights in the circles
of the heavens.
2. In the first and highest circle I placed the star Kruno; and on the second
Aphrodite; on the third Ares; on the fourth the Sun; on the fifth Zeus; on the
sixth Hermes; on the seventh the moon.
3. And the lower air I adorned with the lesser stars.
4. And I placed the sun to give light to the day, and the moon and the stars to
give light to the night; the sun that he should go according to each sign of the
Zodiac; and the course of the moon through the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
5. And I fixed their names and existence, the thunders, and the revolutions of
the hours, how they take place.
6. Then it was evening and the morning, the fifth day.
Chapter 26 - Then it became evening and morning again, and it was the fifth day
1. On the fifth day I commanded the sea to produce fish, and winged fowls of all
kinds and all things that creep upon the earth, and four-footed things that go
about the earth, and the things that fly in the air, male and female, and every
living thing breathing with life.
2. And it was evening and morning the sixth day.
Chapter 27 - Then it became evening and morning again, and it was the sixth day
1. On the sixth day I ordered My Wisdom to make man of seven substances, His
flesh from the earth; his blood from the dew; his eyes from the sun; his bones
from the stones; his thoughts from the swiftness of the angels, and the clouds;
his veins and hair from the grass of the earth; his spirit from My spirit and
from the wind.
2. And I gave him seven natures: hearing to his body, sight to his eyes, smell
to the perception, touch to the veins, taste to the Mood, the bones for
endurance, sweetness for thought.
3. I purposed a subtle thing: from the invisible and visible nature I made man.
From both are his death and life, and bis form; and the word was like a deed
both small in a great thing, and great in a small thing.
4. And I placed him upon the earth; like a second angel, in an honourable,
great, and glorious way.
5. And I made him a ruler to rule upon the earth, and to have My wisdom. And
there was no one like him upon the earth of all My creations.
6. And I gave him a name from the four substances: the East, the West, the
North, and the South.
7. And I appointed for him four special stars, and I gave him the name Adam.
8. And I gave him his will, and I showed him the two ways, the light and the
darkness. And I said unto him: "This is good and this is evil"; that I should
know whether he has love for Me or hate: that he should appear in his race as
loving Me.
9. I knew his nature, he did not know his nature. Therefore his ignorance is a
woe to him that he should sin, and I appointed death on account of his sin.
10. And I caused him to sleep, and he slumbered. And I took from him a rib, and
I made him a wife.
11. And by his wife death came, and I received his last word. And I called her
by a name, the mother; that is Eve.
Chapter 28 - God gives over paradise to Adam, and gives him a command to see the
heavens opened
1. Adam had a life on earth,... and I made a garden in Eden in the East, and (I
ordained) that he should observe the law and keep the instruction.
2. I made for him the heavens open that he should perceive the angels singing
the song of triumph. And there was light without any darkness continually in
3. And the devil took thought, as if wishing to make another world, because
things were subservient to Adam on earth, to rule it and have lordship over it.
4. The devil is to be the evil spirit of the lowest places; he became Satan,
after he left the heavens. His name was formerly Satanail.
5. And then, though he became different from the angels in nature, he did not
change his understanding of just and sinful thoughts. He understood the
judgement upon him, and the former sin which he had sinned.
6. And on account of this, he conceived designs against Adam; in such a manner
he entered and deceived Eve. But he did not touch Adam.
7. But I cursed him for (his) ignorance: but those I previously blessed, them I
did not curse,
8. nor man did I curse, nor the earth, nor any other things created, but the
evil fruit of man, and then his works.
Chapter 29 - After Adam’s sin God sends him away into the earth from where he
took him from
1. I said to him: "Earth thou art, and to earth also from whence I took thee
shalt thou return. I will not destroy thee, but will send thee whence I took
thee. Then I can also take thee in My second coming"; and I have blessed all My
creation, visible and invisible.
2. And I blessed the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, for in it I rested from
all My labours.
Chapter 30 - God shows Enoch the age of this world, its existence of seven
thousand years
1. Then also I established the eighth day. Let the eighth be the first after My
work, and let the days be after the fashion of seven thousand.
2. Let there be at the beginning of the eighth thousand a time when there is no
computation, and no end; neither years, nor months, nor weeks nor days, nor
3. And now Enoch, what things I have told thee, and what thou hast understood,
and what heavenly things thou hast seen , and what thou hast seen upon the
earth, and what thou hast written in books, by My wisdom all these things I
devised so as to create them, and I made them from the highest foundation to the
lowest, and to the end.
4. And there is no counsellor nor inheritor of My works I am the eternal One,
and the One not made with hands: My thought is without change. My wisdom is My
counsellor and My word is reality; and My eyes see all things, if I look to all
things they stand fast. If I turn away My face, all are in need of Me.
5. And now pay attention, Enoch, and know thou who is speaking to thee, and do
thou take the books which thou thyself hast written.
6. And I give thee Samuil and Eagnil who brought thee to Me. And go with them
upon the earth, and tell thy sons what things I have said to thee, and what thou
hast seen from the lowest heaven up to My throne.
7. For I have created all the hosts, and all the powers, and there is none that
opposes Me, or is disobedient to Me. For all are obedient to My sole power, and
labour for My rule alone.
8. Give them the works written out by thee, and they shall read them, and know
Me to be the Creator of all; and shall understand that there is no other God
beside Me.
9. They shall distribute the books of thy writing to their children's children,
and from generation to generation, and from nation to nation.
10. And I will give thee, Enoch, My messenger, the great captain Michael, for
thy writings and for the writings of thy fathers, Adam, Seth, Enos, Kainan,
Malaleel, and Jared, thy father.
11. And I shall not require them till the last age, for I have instraeted My two
angels, Ariukh and Pariukh, whom I have put upon the earth as their guardians.
12. And I have ordered them in time to guard them that the account of what I
shall do in thy family may not be lost in the deluge to come.
Chapter 31 - God convicts the idolaters and sodomitic fornicators
1. For I know the wickedness of men that they will not bear the yoke which I
have put upon them, nor sow the seeds which I have given them, but will cast off
My yoke and accept another, and sow vain seeds and bow to vain gods, and deny Me
the only God.
2. And they will fill all the world with wickedness and iniquity, and foul
impurities with one another, sodomy and all other impure practices, which it is
foul to speak about.
3. And on this account I will bring a deluge upon the earth and I will destroy
all, and the earth shall be destroyed in great corruption.
Chapter 32 - God leaves one righteous man of Enoch’s tribe with his whole house
1. And I will leave a righteous man of thy race, with all his house who shall
act according to My will. From their seed after some time will be raised up a
numerous generation, but of these, many will be very insatiable.
2. Then on the extinction of that family, I will show them the books of thy
writings, and of thy fathers, and the guardians of them on earth will show them
to the men who are true, and please Me, who do not take My name in vain.
3. And they shall tell to another generation, and these having read them, shall
be glorified at last more than before.
Chapter 33 - God commanded Enoch to live on earth thirty days
1. And now, Enoch, I give thee a period of thirty days to work in thy house. And
tell thou thy sons, and all thy household before Me; that they may listen to
what is spoken to them by thee; that they read and understand, how there is no
other God beside Me; and let them always keep My commandments, and begin to read
and understand the books written out by thee.
2. And after thirty days, I will send My angels for thee, and they shall take
thee from the earth, and from thy sons, according to My will.
3. And God called one of His greatest angels, terrible and awful, and placed him
by me, and the appearance of that angel was like snow, and his hands were like
ice; he had a very cold appearance, and my face was chilled because I could not
endure the fear of the Lord; just as it is not possible to endure the mighty
fire and heat of the sun, and the frost of the air.
4. And the Lord said to me, "Enoch, if thy face is not chill here, no man can
look upon thy face".
Chapter 34 - Mathusal had Hope, and awaited his Father Enoch by his Bed, Bay and
1. And the Lord said to those men who first took me: "Take Enoch with you to the
earth, and wait for him till the appointed day."
2. And at night they placed me upon my bed, and Mathusal, expecting my coming by
day and by night, was a guard at my bed.
3. And he was terrified when he heard my coming, and I gave him directions that
all my household should come, that I might tell them everything.
Chapter 35 - Enoch’s pitiful admonition to his sons with weeping and great
1. Listen, my children, what things are according to the will of the Lord. I am
sent to-day to you to tell you from the lips of the Lord, what was and what is
happening now, and what will be before the day of judgement.
2. Hear, my children, for I do not speak to you to-day from my lips, but from
the lips of the Lord who has sent me to you. For you hear the words of my lips,
a mortal man like yourselves.
3. I have seen the face of the Lord as it were iron that is heated in the fire,
and when brought out sends forth sparks and burns.
4. Look at the eyes of me, a man laden with a sign for you. I have seen the eyes
of the Lord shining like a ray of the sun and striking with terror human eyes.
5. You, my children, see the right hand of a man made like yourselves assisting
you. I have seen the right hand of the Lord assisting me, and filling the
6. You see the compass of my actions, like to your own. I have seen the
measureless and harmonious form of the Lord. To Him there is no end.
7. You therefore hear the words of my lips, but I have heard the words of the
Lord, like great thunder, with continual agitation of the clouds.
8. And now, my children, listen to the discourses of your earthly father. It is
terrible and awful to stand before the face of an earthly prince terrible and
very awful because the will of the prince is death and the will of the prince is
life; how much more is it terrible and awful to stand before the face of the
Lord of lords, and of the earthly and the heavenly hosts. Who can endure this
never-ending tenor?
Chapter 36 - Enoch admonishes his children truly of all things from the Lord’s
1. And now, my children, I know all things from the lips of the Lord; for my
eyes have seen from the beginning- to the end,
2. I know all things and have written all things in the books, both the heavens
and the end of them, and their fulness, and all the hosts, and I have measured
their goings, and written down the stars and their innumerable quantity.
3. What man has seen their alternations and their goings? Not even the angels
know their number; I have written down the names of all.
4. And I have measured the circle of the sun, and I have measured his rays; and
his coming in and going out, through all the months, and all his courses, and
their names I have written down.
5. I have measured the circle of the moon, and its waning which occurs during
every day, and the secret places in which it hides every day and ascends
according to all the hours.
6. I have laid down the four seasons, and from the seasons I made four circles,
and in the circles I placed the years; I placed the months, and from the months
I calculated the days, and from the days I have calculated the hours.
7. Moreover, I have written down all things moving upon the earth - I have
written down all things that are nourished, all seed sown and unsown, which
grows on the earth, and all things belonging to the garden, and every herb and
every flower, and their fragrance and their names.
8. And the dwellings of the clouds, and their conformations and their wings, how
they bring rain and the rain-drops, I investigated all.
9. And I wrote down the course of the thunder and lightning, and they showed me
the keys, and their guardians and their path by which they go. They are brought
forth in bonds, in measured degree, and are let go in bonds, lest by their heavy
course and vehemence they should overload the clouds of wrath and destroy
everything on earth.
10. I have written down the treasuries of the snow, and the store-houses of the
hail, and the cool breezes. And I observed the holder of the keys of them during
the season: and how he fills the clouds with them, and yet does not exhaust
their treasuries.
11. I wrote down the abodes of the winds, and I observed and saw how those who
hold their keys bear balances and measures, and in the first place they put them
on a balance, in the second they let them go in measure moderately, with care
over the whole earth, so that with their heavy breathing they should not shake
the whole earth.
12. For I have measured the whole earth, its mountains and all hills, fields,
trees, stones, rivers; all things that exist I have written down, the height
from earth to the seventh heaven, and down to the lowest hell, the place
ofjudgement and the mighty hell laid open, and full of lamentation. And I saw
how the prisoners suffer, awaiting the immeasurable judgement.
13. And I wrote out all of those who are being judged by the judge, and all the
judgement they receive, and all their deeds.
Chapter 37 - How Enoch wept for the Sins of Adam
1. And I saw all our forefathers from the beginning with Adam and Eve, and I
sighed and wept, and spake of the ruin (caused by) their wickedness: Woe is me
for my infirmity and that of my forefathers.
2. And I meditated in my heart and said: "Blessed is the man who was not born,
or, having been born, has never sinned before the face of the Lord, so that he
should not come into this place, to bear the yoke of this place!"
Chapter 38 - How Enoch saw the key−holders and guards of the gates of hell
1. I saw those who keep the keys, and are the guardians of the gates of hell,
standing, like great serpents, and their faces were like quenched lamps, and
their eyes were fiery i, and their teeth were sharp. And they were stripped to
the waist.
2. And I said before their faces, "Would that I had not seen you, nor heard of
your doings, and that those of my race had never come to you! Now they have only
sinned a little in this life, and always suffer in the eternal life".
3. I went out to the East, to the paradise of Eden, where rest has been prepared
for the just, and it is open to the third heaven, and shut from this world.
4. And guards are placed at the very great gates of the east of the sun, i. e.
fiery angels, singing triumphant songs, that never cease rejoicing in the
presence of the just.
5. At the last coming they will lead forth Adam with our forefathers, and
conduct them there, that they may rejoice, as a man calls those whom he loves to
feast with him; and they having come with joy hold converse, before the dwelling
of that man, with joy awaiting his feast, the enjoyment and the immeasurable
wealth, and joy and merriment in the light, and eternal life.
6. Then I said, "I tell you, my children: blessed is he who fears the name of
the Lord, and serves continually before His face, and brings his gifts with fear
continually in this life, and lives all his life justly, and dies".
7. Blessed is he who executes a just judgement, not for the sake of recompense,
but for the sake of righteousness, expecting nothing in return: a sincere
judgement shall afterwards come to him.
8. Blessed is he who clothes the naked with a garment, and gives his bread to
the hungry.
9. Blessed is he who gives a just judgement for the orphan and the widow, and
assists every one who is wronged.
10. Blessed is he who turns from the unstable path of this vain world, and walks
by the righteous path which leads to eternal life.
11. Blessed is he who sows just seed, he shall reap sevenfold.
12. Blessed is he in whom is the truth, that he may speak the truth to his
13. Blessed is he who has love upon his lips, and tenderness in his heart.
14. Blessed is he who understands every work of the Lord, and glorifies the Lord
God; for the works of the Lord are just, and of the works of man some are good,
and others evil, and by their works those who have wrought them are known.
Chapter 39 - Enoch shows his children how he measured and wrote out God’s
1. Lo! my children, the things which I have gained on the earth and meditated
upon from the Lord God I have written down both winter and summer. I have
compiled the account of all, and concerning the years I have calculated each
hour; I have measured the hours and written out the lists of them and I have
ascertained all their differences.
2. As one year is more honourable than another, so is one man more honourable
than another. This man on account of many possessions, that man on account of
the wisdom of the heart; this man on account of understanding, another on
account of cunning; this man for the silence of the lips; this man on account of
purity, that on account of strength; this man on account of comeliness, another
on account of youth ; this man on account of sharpness of mind, another on
account of quicksightedness of body, and another for the perception of many
3. Let it be heard everywhere; there is no one greater than he who fears God. He
shall be the most glorious for ever.
Chapter 40 - Enoch instructs his sons, that they revile not the face of man,
small or great
1. God made man with His own hands, in the likeness of His countenance, both
small and great the Lord created him. He who reviles the countenance of man,
reviles the countenance of the Lord.
2. He who shows wrath against another without injury, the great wrath of the
Lord shall consume him.
3. If a man spits at the face of another insultingly, he shall be consumed in
the great judgement of the Lord.
4. Blessed is the man who does not direct his heart with malice against any man,
and who assists the man who is injured, and under judgement, and raises up the
oppressed, and accomplishes the prayer of him who asks!
5- IFor in the day of the great judgement, every measure and standard and
weight, which is for traffic, namely, that which is hung on a balance and stands
for traffic, knows its own measure, and shall receive its reward by measure.
Chapter 41 - God shows that He does not wish Sacrifices from Man, nor
1. He who hastens and brings his offering before the face of the Lord, then the
Lord will hasten the accomplishment of his work, and will execute a just
judgement for him.
2. He who increases his lamp before the face of the Lord, the Lord increases
greatly his treasure in the heavenly kingdom.
3. God does not require bread, nor a light, nor an animal, nor any other
sacrifice, for it is as nothing.
4. But God requires a pure heart, and by means of all this, He tries the heart
of man.
Chapter 42 - How an earthly ruler does not accept from man abominable and
unclean gifts
1. Hear, my people, and pay attention to the words of my lips. If any one brings
gifts to an earthly prince, but having unfaithfulness in his heart: if the
prince knows it, will he not be angry with him on account of that, and he will
not take his gifts, and will hand him over to condemnation?
2. Or if a man flatters another in his language, but (plans) evil against him in
his heart, will not the other understand the craft of his heart, and he himself
will be condemned, so that his unrighteousness will be evident to all?
3. But when God shall send a great light, by means of that there will be
judgement* to the just and unjust, and nothing will be concealed.
Chapter 43 - Enoch instructs his sons from God’s lips, and hands them the
handwriting of this book
1. Now, my children, put my thoughts in your hearts; pay attention to the words
of your father, which have come to you from the mouth of the Lord.
2. Take these books of the writings of your father, and read them, and in them
ye shall learn all the works of the Lord. There have been many books from the
beginning of creation, and shall be to the end of the world, but none shall make
things known to you like my writings.
3. But if you shall preserve my writings, you will not sin against God. Por
there is no other besides the Lord, neither in heaven nor on earth, nor the
depths below, nor the solitary foundations.
4. God established the foundations upon things that are unknown, and stretched
out the visible and invisible heavens, and made firm the earth upon the waters,
and established the waters on things that are not fixed. Who has created all the
innumerable works of creation?
5. Who has numbered the dust of the earth, and the sand of the sea, and the
drops of rain, and the dew of the morning, and the breath of the wind? Who has
bound earth and sea with bonds that cannot be broken up: and has cut the stars
out of fire, and beautified the heavens, and placed the sun in the midst of them
so that.
Chapter 44 - The sun’s passage along the seven circles
1. The sun goes in the seven circles of the heavens, and I gave him 182 thrones
when he goes on a short day, and also 182 thrones when he goes on a long day.
2. And he has two great thrones on which he rests, returning hither and thither
ahove the monthly thrones. From the month Tsivan after seventeen days he
descends to the month Thevan, and from the seventeenth day of Thevad he ascends.
3. And so the sun goes through all the courses of the heaven; when he goes near
the earth, then the earth rejoices and produces its fruit; when he departs, then
the earth is sad, and the trees and all the fruits have no development.
4. All this by measure and minute arrangement of time He has arranged by His
wisdom, both in the case of things visible and invisible.
5. He has made all things visible out of invisible, Himself being invisible.
6. Thus I tell you, my children, distribute the books to your children, in all
your families, and among the nations.
7. Those who are wise let them fear God, and let them receive them and let them
love them more than any kind of food, and read them.
8. But th ose who are senseless and have no thought of the Lord and do not fear
God will not receive them but turn away, and keep themselves from them, the
tenible judgement shall await them.
9. Blessed is the man who bears their yoke, and puts it on, for he shall be set
free in the day of the great judgement.
Chapter 45 - Enoch instructs his sons not to swear either by heaven or earth
1. For I swear to you my children, but I will not swear by a single oath,
neither by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other creature which God made. God
said:"There is no swearing in me, nor injustice, but truth. If there is no truth
in men, let them swear by a word, yea, yea, or nay, nay".
2. But I swear to you, yea, yea, that there has not been even a man in his
mother's womb, for whom a place has not been prepared for every soul; and a
measure is fixed how long a man shall be tried in this world. O! my children, be
not deceived there is a place prepared there for every soul of man.
Chapter 46 - How Nobody born upon the Earth can hide himself, nor are his Deeds
1. I have laid down in the writings the actions of every man, and no one bom on
the earth can hide himself, nor can his deeds be concealed; I see all.
2. Now, therefore my children, in patience and meekness accomplish the number of
your days, and ye shall inherit the endless life which is to come.
3. Every wound, and every affliction, and every evil word, and attack endure for
the sake of the Lord.
4. And when you might have vengeance do not repay, either your neighbour or your
enemy. For God will repay as your avenger in the day of the great judgement. Let
it not be for you to take vengeance.
5. Whoever of you shall spend gold or silver for the sake of a brother, shall
receive abundant treasure in the day of judgement and stretch out your hands to
the orphan, the widow, and the stranger.
Chapter 47 - Enoch instructs his sons, that they hide not treasures in the earth
1. Stretch out your hands to the poor man according to your powers.
2. Do not hide your silver in the earth assist the honest man in his affliction,
and affliction shall not come upon you, in the time of your labour.
3. And whatever violent and grievous yoke shall be put upon you, endure all for
the Lord's sake, and so you will receive your reward in the day of judgement.
4. Morning, afternoon, and evening, it is good to go into the house of the Lord
to glorify the Creator of all.
5. Wherefore let every thing that hath breath glorify Him, and let every
creature visible and invisible give forth praise.
Chapter 48 - God instructs His faithful. Servants how they are to praise His
1. Blessed is the man who opens his lips to praise the God of Sabaoth, and
praises the Lord with his heart.
2. Cursed is every man who opens his lips to abuse and to calumniate his
3. Blessed is he who opens his lips to the blessing and praise of God!
4. Cursed is he who opens his lips to swearing and blasphemy before the face of
the Lord all his days.
5. Blessed is he who blesses all the works of the Lord.
6. Cursed is he who speaks ill of the works of the Lord.
7. Blessed is he who looks to raise his own hand for labour.
8. Cursed is he who looks to make use of another man's labour.
9. Blessed is he who preserves the foundations of his fathers from the
10. Cursed is he who breaks the enactments of his fathers.
11, Blessed is he who establishes peace and love.
12. Cursed is he who troubles those who are at peace.
13. Blessed is he who does not speak peace with his tongue, but in his heart
there is peace to all!
14. Cursed is he who speaks peace with his tongue, but in his heart there is no
15. For all these things in measures and in books will be revealed in the day of
the great judgement.
Chapter 49 - Enoch confirms the word from the Lord’s lips to his children
1. And now, my children, do not say; Our father stands before God, and prays for
us (to be released) from sin; for there is no person there to help any man who
has sinned.
2. You see how I have written down all the works of every man before his
creation, which is done in the case of all men for ever.
3. And no man can say or unsay what I have written with my hand. For God sees
all things, even the thoughts of wicked men, which lie in the storeplaces of the
4. And now, my children, pay attention to all the words of your father which I
say to you: that ye may not grieve afterwards and say : Our father for some
cause or other, never told them to us, in the time of this folly.
Chapter 50 - Enoch instructs his sons, that they should hand the books to others
1. Let these books which I have given you be the inheritance of your peace: do
not conceal them but tell them to all desiring them and admonish them that they
may know the works of the Lord which are very wonderful.
Chapter 51 - Enoch makes a Declaration to his Sons and speaks to them with Tears
1. My children, the appointed day and time have drawn near and constrain me to
2. The angels will come and stand before me on the earth awaiting what has been
ordered them.
3. In, the morning I shall go to the highest heavens to my eternal habitation.
4. Therefore I tell you to do all that is good before the face of the Lord,
Chapter 52 - Methosalem asks a Blessing of his Father
1. Methosalem having answered his father Enoch said: "If it is good in thine
eyes, my father, let me put food^ before thy face and then, having blessed our
houses and thy sons, and all thy family, let thy people be glorified by thee;
and then afterwards thou wilt depart, as God hath said."
2. Enoch answered his son Methosalem and said: "Hear, my child, since God has
anointed me with the oil of his glory, there has been no food in me, and my soul
remembers nothing of earthly pleasure nor do I desire anything earthly".
Chapter 53 - Enoch bade his son Methosalam to summon all his brethren
1. But call all thy brothers, and all your families, and the elders of the
people, that I may speak to them and depart as is appointed for me.
2. And Methosalem hastened, and called his brethren, Regim, Riman, Ukhan,
Khermion, [Gaidal], and the elders of the people, and brought them all before
the face of his father Enoch. And having blessed them, he spake to them.
Chapter 54 - Enoch’s instructions to his sons
1. Listen to me, my sons. In those days when the Lord came upon the earth for
the sake of Adam, and visited all his creation, which He Himself had made.
2. The Lord called all the cattle of the earth, and all creeping things, and all
the fowls that fly in the air, and brought them alP before the face of our
father Adam, and he gave names to all living things on the earth.
3. And the Lord made him lord over all, and put all things under his hands, and
subdued (them) to submission and to all obedience to man. So the Lord created
man as master over all His possessions.
4. The Lord will not judge any soul of beast on account of man, but he will
judge the soul of man on account of the souls of beasts in the world to come.
5. For as there is a special place for mankind for all the souls of men
according to their number, so there is also of beasts. And not one soul shall
perish which God has made till the great judgement.
6. And every soul of beast shall bring a charge against man if he feeds them
Chapter 55 - Enoch teaches all his Sons why they must not touch the Flesh of
1. He, who acts lawlessly with regard to the souls of beasts, acts lawlessly
with regard to his own soul.
2. For a man offers clean animals and makes his sacrifice that he may preserve
his soul. And if he offer as a sacrifice from clean beasts and birds, he
preserves his soul.
3. Everything that is given you for food, bind by the four feet: that is an
atonement: he acts righteously (therein) and preserves his soul.
4. But he who kills a beast without a wound kills his own soul and sins against
his own flesh.
5. And if any one does an injury to an animal secretly, it is an evil custom and
ke sins against his soul.
Chapter 56 - How we ought not to kill a Man, neither with Weapon nor with Tongue
1. If he does an injury to the soul of man, he does an injury to his own soul;
and there is no salvation for his flesh, nor forgiveness for ever
2. He who kills the soul of a man, kills his own soul, and destroys his own
body, and there is no salvation for him for ever.
3. He who prepares a net for another man will fall into it himself and there is
no salvation for him for ever.
4. He, who prepares a weapon against a man, shall not escape punishment in the
great judgement for ever.
5. If a man acts crookedly or speaks evil against any soul, he shall have no
righteousness for himself for ever.
Chapter 57 - Enoch instructs his sons to keep themselves from injustice
1. Now therefore, my children, preserve your hearts from every unrighteousness
which the Lord hates. As a man asks his soul from God, so let him do to every
living soul.
2. For in the world to come, I know all things how that^ there, are many
mansions prepared for men; good for the good; evil for the evil; many and
without number.
3. Blessed are those who shall go to the mansions of the blessed; for in the
evil ones there is no rest nor any means of return from them.
4. Listen, my children, both small and great: When a man conceives a good
thought in his heart and brings gifts before the Lord of his labours—if his
hands have not wrought them then the Lord turns away His face from the labour of
his hands, and he cannot gain advantage from the work of his hand.
5. But if his hands have wrought, but his heart murmurs and he does not make an
offering of his heart, but murmurs continually, he has no success.
Chapter 58 - How it is proper to bring one's Gifts with Faith, and how there is
no Repentance after Death
1. Blessed is the man who in patience shall bring his gifts before the face of
the Lord, for he shall avert the recompense of his sin.
2. If he speaks words out of season there is no repentance for him: if he lets
the appointed time pass and does not perform the work, he is not blessed; for
there is no repentance after death.
3. For every deed which a man does unseasonably is an offence before men, and a
sin before God.
Chapter 59 - How not to despise the poor, but to share with them equally
1. When a man clothes the naked and feeds the hungry, he gets a recompense from
2. If his heart murmurs, he works for himself a double evil: he works
destruction to that which he gives and there shall be no reward for it:
3. And the poor man, when his heart is satisfied or his flesh is clothed and he
acts contemptuously, he destroys the effect of all his endurance of poverty and
shall not gain the blessing of a recompense.
4. For the Lord hates every contemptuous and proud-speaking man: and likewise
every lying word: and that which is covered with unrighteousness. And it is cut
with the sharpness of a deadly sword, and thrown into the fire, and bums for
Chapter 59 - How the Lord calls up Enoch
1. When Enoch said these words to his sons, and the princes of the people, all
the people far and near heard how the Lord called Enoch. And they took counsel,
and they all said: "Let us go and kiss Enoch!"
2. And the men assembled to the number of 2000, and came to the place Achuzan,
where Enoch was, and his sons.
3. And the elders of the people came together and made obeisance and kissed
Enoch, and said to him: "Enoch, our father; be thou blessed of the Lord, the
eternal King!
4. And now bless thy sons, and all the people, that we may be glorified before
thee to-day.
5. For thou art glorified before the face of the Lord for ever; since God has
chosen thee above all men upon the earth, and has appointed thee as the scribe
of His creation of visible and invisible things, and an avenger of the sins of
men, and a succour to thy family".
6. And Enoch answered all his people saying: "Listen, my children: before that
anything existed and all creatures were made, the Lord made all things both
visible and invisible.
7. When the times of these things had come and were passed, understand how after
all these things He made man in His own image after His likeness, and placed in
him eyes to see; and ears to hear; and a heart to understand, and reason^ to
take counsel.
8. And the Lord contemplated the world for the sake of man, and made all the
creation for his sake, and divided it into times. And from the times He made
years, and from the years He made months, and from the months He made days, and
of the days He made seven.
9. And in these He made the hours and divided them into small portions, that a
man should understand the seasons, and compute years and months, and hours;
their alternations and beginnings and ends: and that he should compute his life
from the beginning till death, and should meditate upon his sin, and should
write down his evil and good deeds.
10. For nothing done is concealed before the Lord. Let each man know his deeds,
and not transgress the commandments and let him keep My writings securely from
generation to generation.
11. When all the creation of visible and invisible things comes to an end which
the Lord has made; then every man shall come to the great judgement of the Lord.
12. Then the times shall perish, and there shall be no year, nor month, nor day,
and there shall be no hours nor shall they be reckoned.
13. There shall be one eternity, and all the just who shall escape the great
judgement of the Lord shall be gathered together in eternal life and for ever
and ever the just shall be gathered together and they shall be eternal.
14. Moreover there shall be no labour, nor sickness, nor sorrow, nor anxiety,
nor need, nor night, nor darkness, but a great light.
15. And there shall be to them a great wall that cannot be broken down; and
bright and incorruptible paradise shall be their protection, and their eternal
habitation. For all corruptible things shall vanish, and there shall be eternal
Chapter 60 - Enoch instructs his sons and all the elders of the people
1. And now, my children, preserve your souls from all unrighteousness, which the
Lord hates. Walk before His face with fear and trembling and serve Him alone.
Worship the true God, and not dumb idols.
2. But pay attention to His command, and bring every just offering before the
face of the Lord. But the Lord hates that which is unrighteous.
3. For the Lord sees every thing; whatever man meditates in his heart, and what
counsel he plans, and every thought is continually before the Lord.
4. If ye look at the heavens there is the Lord, as the Lord made the heavens. If
ye look at the earth then the Lord is there since the Lord made firm the earth
and established every creature in it. If ye scrutinize the depths of the sea,
and every thing under the earth there also is the Lord. For the Lord created all
5. Do not bow down to the work of men, nor to the work of the Lord, leaving the
Lord of all creation; for no deed is concealed before the face of the Lord.
6. Walk, my children, in long suffering, in humility, in spite of calumny, and
insult; in faith, and truth: in the promises, and sickness, in abuse, in wounds,
in temptation, in nakedness, in deprivation, loving one another, till ye depart
from this world of sickness. Then ye shall be heirs of eternity.
7. Blessed are the just, who shall escape the gi-eat judgement! And they shall
be seven times brighter than the sun, for in this age altogether the seventh
part is separated.
8. (Now concerning) the light, the darkness, the food, the sweetnesses, the
bitternesses, the paradise, the tortures, the fires, the frosts and other
things; I have put all this down in writing, that ye may read and understand.
Chapter 61 - The Lord let out darkness on to the earth and covered the people
and Enoch
1. When Enoch had discoursed with the people, the Lord sent a darkness upon the
earth, and there was a gloom, and it hid those men standing with Enoch.
2. And the angels hasted and took Enoch and carried him to the highest heaven
where the Lord received him, and set him before His face, and the darkness
departed from the earth, and there was light.
3. And the people saw and did not understand, how Enoch was taken, and they
glorified God. And they who had seen such things departed to their houses.
Chapter 62 - Conclusion
1. Enoch was born on the sixth day of the month Tsivan! he lived 365 years. He
was taken up into heaven on the first day of the month Tsivan, and he was in
heaven sixty days.
2. He wrote down the descriptions of all the creation which the Lord had made,
and he wrote 366 books, and gave them to his sons.
3. And he was on earth thirty days, and thus he was taken to heaven in the same
month Tsivan on the same day the sixth day; the day on which he was born, and
the same hour.
4. As each man has but a dark existence in this life, so also is his beginning
and birth, and departure from this life. In what hour he began; in that he was
born, and in that he departs.
5. And Methusalem hasted, and all his brethren, the sons of Enoch, and built an
altar in the place called Achuzan, whence and when Enoch was taken up to heaven.
6. And they took cattle, and invited all the people and sacrificed victims
before the face of the Lord.
7. All the people came and the elders of the people; all the host of them to the
festivity, and brought their gifts to the sons of Enoch, and made a great
festivity, rejoicing and being merry for three days; praising God who had given
such a sign by means of Enoch, who had found favour with Him. And that they
should hand it down to their son's sons, from generation to generation, for
ever. Amen.