this year, public-school students in Madison, Wisconsin, were given an
assignment to “pretend you are Muslim,” while students in Florida were
instructed to “recite the Five Pillars of Islam as a prayer, make Islamic prayer
rugs and perform other Muslim rituals,” ACLJ said Monday.
Nearly 120,000 people have signed ACLJ’s petition demanding a halt to such
teaching. “What if your child or grandchild’s public school forced them to write
out the Shahada – the Islamic conversion creed – while having skipped
Christianity?” the organization asked.
“What if your child’s study guide had a section called ‘Origins of Islam’
that included statements such as, ‘Around the age of 40, the angel Gabriel told
Muhammad that he was to be a prophet of Allah.’ “Stated as fact, not belief,”
the ACLJ said.
Columbia Daily Herald in Middle Tennessee reported details of the allegations.
In the Maury County school district, the paper reported parent Brandee
Porterfield said her daughter “brought home school materials containing the Five
Pillars of Islam.”
School officials explained, she told the Herald, that Christianity was not
part of the state’s standards, so it wasn’t covered.
“I have a big problem with that. From a historical point of view, that’s a
lot of history these kids are missing,” Porterfield told the newspaper. “Also,
for them to spend three weeks on Islam after having skipped Christianity, it
seems to be that they are making a choice about which religion to discuss.” She
said her concerns were about her seventh-grade daughter being taught the “Shahada,”
the profession of Islamic faith.
“Imagine the outcry from the ACLU, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF),
and other leftist and angry atheist organizations if a study guide states,
‘Jesus is the Son of God,’ and forced children to recite the Lord’s Prayer.”
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