A team of elder Silicon Valley scientists is building an
audacious device that might solve one of humanity’s most profound dilemmas — a
“cloud whitener” designed to cool a warming planet.
The men — retired physicists, engineers, chemists and computer experts from
some of Silicon Valley’s top tech companies — have been meeting four days a week
for seven years in the Sunnyvale lab of the Marine Cloud Brightening Project to
design a tool that creates perfectly suspended droplets of water resembling fog.
Their goal is to launch the nation’s first open-air field trial of
controversial “geoengineering” at a still-unidentified site in Moss Landing.
There, they would test the ability of an energy-efficient machine to hurl tiny
seawater droplets into a graceful trajectory — the first step of a research
project to boost the brightness of clouds to reflect rays of sunlight back into
* “We are interested in an insurance policy for global warming,” said Jack
Foster, 79, a physicist and laser pioneer. “We are not interested in deploying
it unless it’s necessary. But we’d like to have something available, so we know
what works and what doesn’t work.”
The effort to conduct even a small-scale test — overseen by the University of
Washington, which has numerous experts in atmospheric science — represents a
dramatic shift in thinking in the scientific community, which until recently
resisted conversations about deliberate manipulation of the climate.
The reason for the change: There is scientific consensus that even if the
world succeeds in shifting away from fossil fuels, warming of the planet is
inevitable — and it may have catastrophic consequences.
Critics of geoengineering, however, warn against altering nature’s patterns,
arguing that we don’t yet understand all the potential ramifications. And they
worry that if people see a quick fix for climate change, they may not try as
hard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
* “Personally, I doubt that the world is ready for this,” said Stephen
Gardiner, a University of Washington philosophy professor who studies the ethics
of environmental policies. “Geoengineering raises huge ethical and political
questions, nationally and internationally.”
But the Silicon Valley scientists say the world might not have a choice. “We
need to research the technology,” said project leader Armand Neukermans, 74,
whose achievements include the development of the earliest ink jet printers and
who led teams at Xerox Labs, Hewlett-Packard, Tencor and Xros.
None of the men will be alive by the end of this century, when the
concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is expected to be double what
it is now — and temperatures are likely to be so high they will harm ecosystems
and human health and welfare.
* “But all of us have children or grandchildren,” Neukermans said. “We’ve got
to preserve the future.”
The group favors an approach that wafts tiny aerosolized water droplets into
the atmosphere, creating a natural mirror that increases clouds’ reflectivity.
The cloud-brightening concept was first proposed in 1990 by British physicist
John Latham, who published an article in the journal Nature called “Control of
global warming?” And in February, the prestigious National Academy of Sciences
said the concept deserved greater research.
But no one has ever tried to deliberately brighten a cloud.
Lab and computer studies “can only tell us so much about the potential
viability of some proposed climate-intervention technologies,” said Michael
Thompson of American University’s Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment.
The project seemed like a worthy challenge for longtime friends who’d rather
invent things than play golf.
After it was conceived at a 2006 meeting between Latham and top atmospheric
scientists, the team began a feasibility study with Neukermans’ leadership and
$300,000 from the Bill Gates-supported Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy
* “Here in Silicon Valley you can always find unusual guys that have done weird
things,” joked Neukermans, a Belgium native with more than 75 patents to his
name. His optical switch company Xros was bought in 2000 by Nortel Networks for
$3.25 billion in stock.
“No one gets paid here,” he said. “We just show up.”
The team — whose members range in age from 60 to 79 — includes pharmaceutical
chemist Gary Cooper; Suds Jain, formerly with Broadcom; Bob Ormond, with Aqua
Metrology Systems; physicist Foster, who helped create the first supermarket
checkout scanners and was formerly with Sandia National Labs, Sylvania,
Hewlett-Packard and Tencor; and instrument designer Lee Galbraith, formerly with
Tencor and Sandia. He is famed for inventing a way to find flaws on
semiconductor wafers.
* “They are some of the most extraordinary people in their fields,” said the
group’s executive director, Kelly Wanser, CEO of Luminus Networks. “They’re from
Silicon Valley’s previous era of innovation — a very special group.”
They discovered that while there’s plenty of experience in cloud watching —
scientists are monitoring the impact of particles emitted by copper smelters and
slash-and-burn farmers — there’s little research into the physical processes
behind cloud formation.
* “Clouds have one of the biggest impacts on global temperature. But they’re
one of the most poorly understood parts of the atmospheric system,” Wanser said.
“There’s never been a way to do a controlled study of aerosols and clouds. Their
interaction is a big mystery.”
But the questions raised “are not just scientific questions,” noted American
University’s Thompson. “There are complex political questions. … We are
interested in what this process begins — the ‘what’s next’ of this process.”
The National Weather Service’s Warren Blier, a science officer based in
Monterey, noted that “this sort of thing already happens inadvertently all the
time. When large cargo ships go across the ocean, releasing lots of little
particles, we can trace their tracks in offshore marine stratum.”
But, he added, if the technology moves from small-scale trials into a larger
environmental experiment, “then all sorts of questions arise,” such as whether
precipitation patterns could potentially be altered.
By all indications, the scientists seem to be on the verge of building a
successful cloud whitener.
For instrumentation, “we’ve had to beg, borrow and steal,” joked Cooper.
Some tools come from the University of Washington, others from NASA Ames and
Stanford. A lot come from their own garages.
* “We couldn’t do what we’re doing, if not in the heart of Silicon Valley,”
Cooper said. “Everything we need is next door, or we know somebody who has it.”
Through painstaking trial and error, the scientists are designing and
building a nozzle that emits particles that are small enough to rise and remain
suspended in air — 0.2 to 0.3 micrometers, about one-tenth the size of the
period at the end of this sentence. The nozzle’s holes are so narrow that they
fit only two strands of human hair.
In one early effort, tiny nozzle holes got clogged. Another was more
successful, but required too much energy and was corrosive.
* “It looks like a snowblower, but it doesn’t act like a snowblower,” Neukermans said.
To be aerosolized, the particles must be 1,000 times smaller than those
created by snowblowers.
* “If you go to the coast, you see a little haze hanging over rocks. We want
that sort of thing,” Neukermans said. “You can’t see fog, but it seems foggy.”
Funding, not science, could prove to be the group’s biggest challenge.
Because geoengineering straddles the fields of physics, atmospheric science and
engineering, it’s not eligible for traditional government grants, the group
The next phase of the project is a small, land-based “proof of concept”
experiment in Moss Landing, planned for next year. It would cost about $6
Phase Three — conducted out at sea, with blowers mounted on a small ship,
propelling droplets that reach real clouds — is scheduled for 2018 or 2019 and
would cost about $10 million.
The technology could be used for creating fog to cool stressed redwood
forests or overheated coral reefs, the team says. But the day may come,
according to the National Academy of Sciences, when more global strategies might
be explored.
That could entail injecting droplets more than 10 miles into stratosphere, a
far more ambitious and controversial endeavor.
The scientists say there will be deep satisfaction if their project succeeds,
but far better would be a future without global warming.
* “We would be perfectly happy,” Cooper said, “if our method works beautifully
— and it never needs to be used.”
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