Daughter, write as the Holy Spirit gives the revelation. I want you to know that in the
days ahead you will see a surfacing of debris that will astound you. Do not be afraid, do
not run... rather praise Me your Lord and God, for in this revelation I will cause to
stand forth the sinners of My people, and those who have not yet surrendered to Me. I have
striven long with sin...and I am weary with repenting. FALSE REPENTANCE MEANS NOTHING
TO ME. No. it means less than nothing. False repentance is the scourge of mankind. This is
when one pats themselves on the back for calling out My Name, when their heart is far from
Me. This is a scourge worse than lukewarmness which I also hate. False conversions abound
in this land... that is the main reason for religious confusion. Spirits of deceit are
rampant in this land. This nation is becoming a habitation of demons, as religious spirits
My Daughter, I call upon you in love, to reprimand the prophets who take My calls of
salvation lightly. I, Almighty God, do not take this lightly. I watched in horror as sin
crucified My only beloved Son, the Lord Yashua Messiah. I watched as the pure lifeblood of
His sinless body poured onto the ground, so that My people could receive eternal life,
escaping the fires of Hell.
My Pastors cry, "Close your eyes, and accept YAHUSHUA. Keep it secret, and
accept YAHUSHUA. Come to the altar only if you wish, and accept YAHUSHUA. Don't bother to count
the cost when you accept YAHUSHUA as your Lord and Savior." My Pastors do a grave, grave
disservice by promoting an easy way, for this way leads to many false conversions.
Repentance must take place deep, deep, deep in the heart of those I call to My Son. True
repentance is NEVER a secret thing. It must be proclaimed wide and near. There is never
shame or embarrassment with true Godly repentance. My Holy Spirit when breaking forth in
true repentance upon a person causes them to desire to share, and spread the good news
abroad. False conversions, My Daughter, are done silently and in secret. No one is to look
upon the supposed repentant person. It is to be secret one looking... eyes
closed. WHO My daughter does their work in secret...WHO My child does their work in
darkness? I ask of you, and I ask of My Pastors this question. I require of My Pastors, of
My Evangelists, to repent of their leading to false conversions. Tell them to counsel
those desiring to accept YAHUSHUA. Tell them to counsel and pray in the the
open. Tell them to make certain that the person who lifts their hand, or who profess to
accept YAHUSHUA, really means it. And to be sure they understand the seriousness of their
decision from the depths of their heart. Eternal Life or Eternal Death hang on this
decision. This decision is to be made in the light the presence of My eyes hearts.
Only the enemy of your souls works in darkness, in secret. Satan, the destroyer of souls
works with blinders on shut eyes...secret, secret. I the Lord God grieve by my Spirit
at the false conversions in this land. Tell My Pastors to repent. Tell them the converts
who are truly called by My Spirit must shout it from the housetops that they have been
Born Again. All things, I the Lord God do, are done in the light. The light is Christ.
Tell the converts to count the cost of true conversion. The road to Eternal life is not an
easy one. Converts must be willing to surrender to Jesus Christ [YAHUSHUA
Messiah] completely. I am weary
with false repentance...I am grieving with such nonsense. Tell My pastors, tell My
people, TRUE REPENTANCE...TRUE SALVATION comes forth IN THE LIGHT... never in
secret places, thus saith the Lord your God.