As in the day of Noah the people mocked! and Oct. 4, 1998 they mock! but this
won't stop YAHUSHUA from returning for HIS Bride!
The Holy Spirit and the BRIDE say Come! Lord YAHUSHUA, Come! YAHUSHUA has a way
of escape for his beloved Bride His Children! and Servants! Just Believe! He
will PROVIDE! a way of escape!
YAHUSHUA'S COMING! Read signs of the end times! Look UP our Redemption Draweth
Nigh! Then read Get ready for a Shock, Gabriel has already blown the Shofar
Horn! Gabriel has already blown the Shofur
Horn! The Bible says as the disciples witnessed YAHUSHUA going up in the Clouds
so we will see HIM return in the Clouds! Are you Ready? Or are you Part of the
Bride of YAHUSHUA Messiah that is in a Deep Spiritual Coma! WAKE UP TODAY! In
the NAME OF YAHUSHUA MESSIAH! or are you the Counterfeit BRIDE ! Change your
Righteousness is as FILTHY RAGS the bible says compared to YAHUVEH'S and
vision when I was speaking on the Phone with another Prophet in Hawaii named
Barb, Bobby to her friends :) This was Oct. 3,1998 we were under the anointing
and Having Church! via the phone, I called her. Holy Ghost showed me a vision of
two brides...One is laying in bed and she is dressed in White bridal gown
waiting her Bride Groom! YAHUSHUA! She is pleasing to the sense of smell
perfumed and beautiful with her finest Jewels on!
The other Bride is in a pale off white faded bridal gown . And she is a STENCH
to the Nostrils of YAHUSHUA! She also is waiting, but He is NOT coming for this
Counterfeit Bride! This is the disobedient Church! This is the Luke warm if
YAHUSHUA comes he comes but I really don't want to hear about it Church! This is
the Church that thinks Abortion and Homosexuality is NOT offensive in the eyes
of the ONE who wrote its a ABOMINATION in YAHUVEH's eyes! Yet they quote the
same scriptures, preach out of the same Bible and say in the name of YAHUSHUA
Messiah! and yet the LORD YAHUSHUA says your a STENCH TO HIS NOSTRILS! These are
NOT my words but the words the Holy Ghost gave me Oct 3, 1998
YAHUSHUA will NOT come near YOU as you appear NOW! You take up offerings and use
it for your OWN personal satisfaction! You call yourself a GOD! and preach
Doctrine of Devils! Your on the airwaves and many are FAMOUS! You preach God is
a God of LOVE but NEVER speak about the side that GOD is Almighty in Wrath and
WAR! You Speak of Positive and things itching ears want to hear! And even
Believe in Heaven! but don't dare warn of HELL! or REPENT and TURN AWAY FROM
The Lord YAHUSHUA Awoke me grieving for he said so few Christians were going and
listening to the warning at the Hell site, see index menu and they didn't think
they needed to hear the song given to me of a real Citizen in Hell being sung
right now, as nearly 7 years ago YAHUSHUA did what the Rich man who went to Hell
asked God to do, and that was send back a person from Hell to warn HIS brothers
how awful Hell is! YAHUSHUA gave me a open vision of the first level of HELL! I
heard the song being sung by a Fallen preacher of YAHUSHUA Messiah a Man, that
never came back to the saving grace of YAHUSHUA Messiah!
There is NO beauty in Hell of any kind! Even Liberace plays OFF KEY in HELL!
YAHUSHUA told me that! Sorry Liberace is NOT in Heaven! :( But how few will
listen! The Best Singer! Sings OFF KEY and UGLY in HELL! NO BEAUTY IN HELL OF
ANY KIND! This happened to me March 9,1992 and the song has been gathering dust
in my drawer until THIS APPOINTED TIME!
If you know someone Suicidal send them to this Link! For their souls sake!
YAHUVEH told me when we as Christians commit Suicide when I questioned him where
the person goes...He just told me words I still remember " YOU WILL APPEAR
YAHUSHUA said the Congregation coming here are SMUG in there own SALVATION and
selfishly think they don't have to hear what YAHUSHUA told me to tell the world!
but what they fail to realize, someone you know will be "A CITIZEN IN HELL" who
is it going to be? What friend? What member of your family? even distance
family? What Neighbor? The burden should be greater on you! like it is ME! after
you hear the HORROR of the song and explanation of what I saw and heard!
I paid a price with my Health to bring this song to the world through the
anointing of the Holy Ghost! I became VERY SICK and thought I would DIE! just
getting a glimpse of HELL! On the 10th day YAHUSHUA said ..Now sing this song!
You will hear my voice sound like the Devil taunting! Demons Mocking! Souls
Screaming in torment! Actual words being SUNG that I heard in HELL right NOW!
Why aren't the Pastors writing me and saying they will take this to their
NONE have thus far! I am accused of PRIDE by my enemies! Yet I tell you this I
have been given the anointing to SING and write gospel songs by the Holy Ghost.
Yet NOT any of the beautiful songs, sung in a normal voice, has the promise that
this song has! at least a MILLION SOULS will COME TO YAHUSHUA after hearing this
song! The REPROBATE will LAUGH and MOCK! Their names were never found in the
Lambs book of Life! Jer. 6 vs. 27-30 But those that need MORE then JUST
YAHUSHUA's love to compel them! As it states in Book of Jude in the Bible, some
cometh by FEAR! I can't scare you into Heaven! But if you know Someone that
needs scared AWAY FROM HELL!
Please Copy and send this explanation and song to them! I have made myself look
like a fool for the sake of YAHUSHUA Messiah our YAHUSHUA Messiah! So souls
would be WARNED and they won't be a Citizen in HELL! Many Pastors don't want to
OFFEND and WON'T TEACH ! The bible plainly says "Jacob I have LOVED Esau I have
HATED! Yes God Hated some people! Pharaoh was created for YAHUVEH's Wrath!
Pastors PREACH THE TRUTH! YOUR HELD ACCOUNTABLE ! There is One Pastor with Gray
White hair, elderly, Robert Schuller! not sure on spelling of name Your in your
Crystal Cathedral and Life looks so wonderful as you smile, never offending
But I tell you your deeds are NOT pleasing unto the LORD YAHUSHUA! REPENT today!
Change your off white Garment and put on the Wedding Robe of YAHUSHUA! Sparkling
White! Your prayers are wishy washy and you pray Blessings on our Political
leaders! No matter what they do to offend the Kingdom of HEAVEN! Yes I also PRAY
for our Leaders! but its that they REPENT so they don't go to Hell! Your
Be YE HOLY as YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH, and the HOLY GHOST is Holy! For the MOST
part the Church the Bride of YAHUSHUA Messiah lays in a SPIRITUAL COMA! If
YAHUSHUA would have come on Rosh Ha Shanah how FEW would be taken back HOME!
Watch the signs in the Heavens! as once before it shouted the coming of OUR
SAVIOR when YAHUSHUA was born! The Star was given as a sign! So watch the Sky
and know this As we see all these things come about "LOOK UP OUR REDEMPTION
TRULY DRAWETH NIGH! Thank you Gregg Killian for writing the below Proving its
LATER then we THINK!
The Holy Spirit showed me last night Oct.4,1998 early Morning! Even the Rapture
is going to be counterfeited by Satan! The Government will use UFO and radiation
for the reason the Dead in Christ YAHUSHUA Raises! Satan will have a Army of
Dead raising Also ! Read the prophecy "
Get ready for a shock Gabriel has already Blown his Horn.". There is a time lapse
! Beware of the counterfeit rapture! UFO's are REAL but they come from HELL!
Abductions already taken place! next step will be Mass amount of People
disappear! In The United Nations the Maitraya is being Channeled from a person
speaking surpassingly words of Wisdom! Its LATER then we THINK! read below and
How many Christians know that there has already been ONE BLOOD-RED MOON AND ONE
'SACK-CLOTH' MOON over Jerusalem in 1996, precisely on the Passover Sabbath and
the Eve of the Feast of Tabernacles? And how many know of the other significant
signs that are occurring at the moment - obviously pointing to imminent events
that must surely be about to shake this planet? THIS ARTICLE OWES MUCH TO THE
Some Christians seem to view the concept of 'signs in the heavens' as being
somehow akin to godless astrology or pagan superstition. However, the Bible
makes it very clear that God Himself very often employs such celestial signs, to
prepare and warn His people of imminent earth- shaking events. We are told in
Genesis that God created the sun and the moon "for SIGNS and for seasons" (Gen
1:14). "And I shall show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth
beneath..." (Acts 2:19). The Bible declares that this will be particularly true
of the Last Days.
YAHUSHUA Himself warned of this 'End-time' period: "And great earthquakes shall
be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and GREAT
SIGNS shall there be from heaven... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in
the moon, and in the stars" (Mt 21:11,25). The Bible even talks of the moon
being "turned to blood" as a sign that we are nearing the very end of the age.
(Joel 2:31, Rev 6:12).Significantly, there has already been ONE BLOOD-RED MOON
AND ONE 'SACK- CLOTH' MOON (caused by lunar eclipses) over Jerusalem this year,
falling precisely on major feast-days of the Jewish calendar. The first of them
came on the evening of 3 April 1996, which was the beginning of the Feast of
Passover. The second came on the evening of 26-27 September 1996, which was 'Erev
Hag HaSuccoth' (the Eve of the Feast of Tabernacles).
And there will also be two such eclipses in 1997, falling precisely on the
feast-day of 'Purim' (23 March 1997 - a 90% eclipse) and also in the middle of
the 'Days of Teshuva (Repentance)' on 16 September 1997. There will not be any
further total lunar eclipses over Jerusalem until 21 January 2000. The chances
of such a string of eclipses occurring over Jerusalem precisely on these
significant dates surely has to be far more than coincidence. It is also worth
noting that if we take the Jewish month of Nisan as being the first month of the
year, as the Jews were commanded in Exodus 12, then the first three of these
eclipses all occur within the space of just ONE BIBLICAL YEAR. (April 1996 to
March 1997).
But what causes some eclipses to turn the moon blood-red? Well, the answer is as
follows: A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full, and the earth passes
between the moon and the sun, thus blocking the sun's light and casting a shadow
on the moon for a time. However, often during a total lunar eclipse, the moon is
not completely dark, but is faintly illuminated with a red light refracted by
the earth's atmosphere which filters out the blue rays. Occasionally a lunar
eclipse occurs when the earth is covered with a heavy layer of cloud, which
prevents light refraction, making the surface of the moon completely dark (like
sack-cloth). However, the first lunar eclipse this year certainly turned the
moon blood-red. As one Jerusalem resident commented of the Passover eclipse:
"Did you see that beautiful 3-D Red Moon? It was awesome; The most beautiful
sight I've ever seen in the sky..."
The words of the prophet Joel regarding blood-red moons are somewhat more
ominous however: "And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth,
blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness,
AND THE MOON INTO BLOOD, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come"
(Joel 2:30-31). These words are found in the same passage that speaks of the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon "all flesh" in the Last Days. In other words,
the prophesied great End-times Revival and harvest occur in the same immediate
It is also interesting to note what the Jewish Talmud (book of tradition) has to
say about blood-red moons: "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for
Israel... If it's face is as red as blood, [it is a sign that] the sword is
coming to the world..." Interestingly enough, on the very day of the 'Erev Hag
HaSuccoth' Sack-cloth moon this year (26 September 1996), renewed violence broke
out between the Palestinians and the Israelis (due to the opening of a tourist
tunnel near the Dome on the Rock), after many months of comparative peace. Who
knows where all this renewed bloodshed might lead?
It seems very clear that the signs mentioned above are obviously designed by God
to point us to the significance of the JEWISH FEAST-DAYS AND FESTIVALS at this
time. And indeed, the significance of these Feasts for the Last Days is well
worth looking into. The three most important Feasts that God instituted for the
Jewish people were, of course, Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Significantly, YAHUSHUA the Messiah was killed exactly on the Passover nearly
2000 years ago, with the details of His death corresponding precisely to
symbolic Passover rituals (the slaying of the sacrificial lamb, etc). And fifty
days later, precisely on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was outpoured
upon His disciples for the first time, thus beginning the Christian Church. Many
Christians today believe that the last great move of God before the end - the
last great 'harvest' - will somehow be tied directly to the coming of the third
one - the Feast of Tabernacles (which is a festival celebrating the 'first
fruits' of harvest). It was actually during the Feast of Tabernacles that
Solomon dedicated the Temple, and while the musicians 'lifted up their voice
with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD',
suddenly the cloud of God's glory filled the Temple (2 Chron 5:3-14... Might it
not be the same in our day also?) These are some of the reasons why I feel it is
so significant that these blood-red and sack-cloth moons are pointing to
particular Jewish Feasts.
I also want to make an additional point about the Passover here. During the
Passover meal, it has been Jewish tradition from time immemorial, to set a place
at the table for Elijah the prophet, symbolizing the fact that they expect
Elijah to come, "preparing the way" for the Messiah. As Greg Killian wrote,
"Pesach [Passover] is when we expect Elijah to begin turning hearts and
preparing the way for the King". As the Scriptures declare: "Behold, I will send
you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the
LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart
of the children to their fathers..." (Mal 4:5-6).
Many Christians today also believe that 'Elijah' is about to arise again during
the Revival/harvest period that will precede the final JUDGMENT and the return
of Christ. The reason I mention all this is that it gives an 'End-time' aspect
to the Passover which may be one reason why God is again pointing to this
particular Feast at this time. Perhaps 'Elijah' really is about to emerge again,
just as John the Baptist did almost two millennia ago). Some people today scoff
at the idea that we are nearing the end of the age, and the final Judgment of
all the earth. When they are reminded of the unprecedented bloodshed, and the
terrible droughts, earthquakes, famines and plagues that have scourged the
planet in recent years, they say that such natural disasters have occurred right
down through history. (Yes, but on such an epic scale?) Perhaps even now they
will continue to scoff, even with blood-red and sack- cloth moons hanging
ominously in the Jerusalem sky. But are we not witnesses today to the exact
signs prophesied in Scripture, pointing to the 'time of the end'?
These blood-red and sack-cloth moons are by no means the only spectacular "signs
in the heavens" that are occurring at the moment, however. In July 1995, the
comet Hale Bopp was discovered by two amateur astronomers from America. What
fascinated astronomers at the time was that while it was still far beyond the
orbit of Jupiter, the comet could actually be seen with small telescopes.
Leading astronomers admitted to being astonished at the discovery. "It is
unheard of for a comet to be visible by small telescopes while so far away,"
said Dr Brian Marsden of Harvard University, an expert on comets. "It could
become the comet of the millennium as it comes in towards the sun over the next
year or two." This giant comet is now estimated to be about as large as a
mountain (between 25 and 100 miles across), making it probably the biggest comet
ever discovered. The last time it visited the inner solar system was about 4000
years ago. And amazingly, the day that it will make it's closest pass to earth
is 23 March 1997 - the very Feast Day ('Purim') when there is to be another
blood-red (or sack-cloth) moon over Jerusalem. (More on the meaning of this
particular Feast in a moment). In fact, the comet will be easily visible on the
very night that the eclipse itself occurs.
It is interesting to note that when it was first discovered, this comet was
located right inside the drawn "bow" of the archer in Sagittarius. Those
Christians who are familiar with the 'Divine witness of the stars' will be aware
that Sagittarius is known to signify the Redeemer's triumph. The figure is that
of a mighty warrior with a bow and arrow, riding forth majestically. Most
importantly, the barbed arrow in his bow is aimed at the heart of the Scorpion.
In the Apocalypse, the apostle John sees the same mighty conqueror going forth:
"And I saw, and behold a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow, and a
crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer" (Rev
Of course, there is nothing new in God using such "signs in the heavens" to
alert mankind to spiritually significant events. As everybody knows, it was just
such a sign that enabled the wise men to locate the newborn Messiah, YAHUSHUA,
almost exactly 2000 years ago. According to the traditions of the Jewish Talmud,
it is especially alarming to have a comet pass through the constellation of
Orion (which is exactly what Hale-Bopp is doing): "There is a tradition that it
never passes through the constellation of Orion, for if it did, the world would
be destroyed..." However, the Jewish Feast of 'Purim', which is clearly being
drawn to our attention in the most obvious way by the above signs, actually
celebrates a very significant DELIVERANCE in the history of Israel. If you read
the book of Esther, you will see that this was the day that the king's
right-hand man Haman had purposed for the exiled Jews to all be put to death.
The holiday is called Purim after the selection process which Haman used to
select the date of the Jews destruction: a lottery (or a "Pur"), using
astronomical forecasting . This method was supposed to result in the date that
the Jews were most vulnerable to attack.
In fact, this was astronomically true - the Jews WERE most vulnerable on the
13th of Adar. One of the miracles of Purim was that Esther - godly Bride of the
king - was given the ability to totally reverse the astronomical implications of
the day so that the Jews would instead be victorious. Because of this miracle
which came about through the lottery - the "Pur," the holiday is called Purim.
Interesting that God is so clearly pointing to this particular Feast-day at this
time, isn't it?
Another significant 'sign in the heavens' that is occurring at present very
possibly equates with the 'Woman crowned with twelve stars' found in Revelation
12: "And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with
the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars; she was with
child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery... And
the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might
devour her child when she brought it forth; she brought forth a male child, one
who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up
to God and to His throne, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has
a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for 1260 days" (Rev 12:1-5).
Over the next four years (1996 to 1999), precisely at the time of the Feast of
Trumpets in Israel (Tishrei 1), there will be a sign in the heavens that has
never occurred before and will never occur again. The new moon will be 'born' in
the constellation of Bethulah (the Virgin) on this date during each of these
four years, and will then move directly to the feet of the Virgin within 24
hours. The Sun is just below the horizon, so that Bethulah is 'clothed' with the
Sun. Positioned over the Virgin's head is the constellation known as "Bernice's
Hair",- this is the crown of twelve stars! And higher, above her legs, we find
Draco, the Dragon, poised to devour her child when it is born.
Greg Killian believes that the three-year period of this sign may represent the
"birth pangs" of the woman. In 1996 and also in 1999, this sign occurs on the
Sabbath. His thought is that these birth pangs may begin in 1996, with the
actual birth taking place in 1999?
Please remember that this particular positioning of the constellation Bethulah
(the Virgin) - about to give 'birth' to Lavanah (the moon), has never occurred
before, and will never occur again, due to the procession of the equinoxes. The
new moon is a very significant factor to all those who follow the Jewish
Talmudic tradition, and is the basis of the whole Jewish calendar system. (It is
believed to be symbolic of the Messiah).
There are a number of other interesting factors which also point to these years
(particularly 1996 and 1997) as being important ones in God's End-time calendar.
As is well-known by many Christians, 1996 has seen the celebration of exactly
3000 years since the founding of Jerusalem as David's capital for Israel. Many
also believe that 1996 brings up exactly 2000 years since the birth of Christ
(most likely on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles), though some believe
that the correct year is actually 1997. The idea that God has a specific
timetable that He is working through, with certain 'signs' indicating important
seasons of spiritual activity, should not be foreign to those who study the
Bible. Many prophecies (notably those of Daniel and Revelation) have times,
years and dates specified in great detail, and it is obvious that God is
ordering events and spiritual seasons on the earth to coincide precisely with
His long term plan. And this applies even more to the 'Last Days', which is the
period that we have now very much entered into.
Just as an aside here, a number of Revival-oriented readers might also be
interested to note the thrust of a prophecy reportedly given at the tail-end of
the great "Healing Revival" of the 1950's by the man who is universally regarded
as the key leader of that move of God. (The Healing Revival essentially lasted
from 1947 through 1955, and was the last true 'Revival' as such to hit the
Western world. We have had Charismatic renewal and the "YAHUSHUA Movement" of
the '70's since then, but nothing this powerful). This prophecy which was given
in Chicago on the 16th of January 1956, stated that the church was about to go
into a "wilderness" period for forty years (obviously implying that on the other
side of this wilderness lay further Revival).
And of course, forty years on from 1956 brings us to the year 1996. Perhaps true
Revival really is just around the corner? The year 1997 is obviously also being
pin-pointed by God, with blood-red moons and unprecedented celestial signs, but
also with patterns of spiritual activity involving YEARS AND DATES as well. Many
Christians recognize that as this age draws to a close, the spiritual impact of
the church on Israel, and Israel on the church, becomes more and more
significant. A number of Christian leaders have noted that significant events
affecting Israel over recent decades have often mirrored or foreshadowed trends
that were occur- ring in the church also. And I believe that this will become
increasingly true as we near the very 'time of the end'.
There is an interesting pattern of significant dates involving Israel over this
past century or so, which it would be good for us to look at with this in mind.
The following is a very significant set of dates that have been crucial to the
successful formation and survival of modern Israel:
(a) 1897. The first Zionist Conference in Europe, led by Theodore Hertzl.
(Two-thirds of the delegates were Messianic Jews). Crucial to the eventual
formation of Israel.
TWENTY YEARS LATER: (b) 1917. The British Generals Gordon and Allenby (a
Christian) and their armies take Jerusalem without firing a shot. When camped
outside, after praying about the situation and getting a Scripture about a
"flock of birds", they decided to send biplanes over the city and drop clay
tablets bearing the words: "Leave the city now, signed Allenby." The Turks
thought the word 'Allenby' resembled 'Allah', and they fled the city,
surrendering Jerusalem entirely without a fight!
THIRTY YEARS LATER: (c) 1947 (- November). The United Nations officially
declares Israel to be a recognized state. (It took the Israelis another nine
months to defeat the Arabs who were occupying the land).
TWENTY YEARS LATER: (d) 1967. The Six-day War. Against all odds, the vastly
outnumbered Israelis are completely victorious, and now occupy the whole of
Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and the Sinai, etc.
THIRTY YEARS LATER: (e) 1997. Blood-red moons over Jerusalem. Who knows what
will eventuate for the nation? It is interesting to note the Revivals and
significant trends that began in the church at around the same time that things
were happening in Israel. And this "foreshadowing" has become even more
pronounced in recent years, I believe. After a relatively quiet (and in the
church, 'stagnant') 1980's, the 1990's are again proving to be a tumultuous and
eventful period for both Israel and the church. Like Israel, in the last couple
of years it seems to me that through spiritual compromise, the church has
literally been 'giving away' huge sections of it's own territory to the enemy,
who have no doubt been rubbing their hands with glee. However, when true
Reformation and Revival come (with the corresponding godly leadership), this
whole "Laodicean" scenario will be completely re- versed, and it will be Satan
who will be on the back foot. (Surely this mighty move of cleansing and
repentance is not too far away now.
And like Israel, it will begin with a complete change of leadership - the
kingdom being taken from one group and given to another). Who knows - perhaps
1997 will be a significant year toward the emergence of such a mighty move of
God? I have been amazed at what has been occurring in the political scene in
Israel over the last few years or so. I believe that it was quite significant
symbolically that the Jewish Prime Minister Rabin (who had really been buying
peace by giving away Israeli land to the Arabs) was killed at a peace rally in
'Kings of Israel Square' in Jerusalem in late 1995, and was replaced by Mr.
Peres, whose name is literally part of the "writing on the wall" where it says:
'Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and the Persians' (Dan 5:28).
The very man who was continuing Rabin's policy of giving away Israeli land had a
name that Biblically carried the sense of a kingdom being taken away and
divided! And I find it interesting also that Mr. Peres has now been replaced as
leader by Benjamin Netanyahu, whose first name means 'Son of the right hand' and
whose last name means 'Beloved of God'. Like this complete change in the
leadership of Israel, I believe that the church is also about to go through a
complete 'Reformation' of it's leadership, which will lead to a tremendous
Revival, though this may come at quite a price. I am convinced that, as always,
only a comparative "remnant" from today's church will make it through into the
coming move of God. What God has been showing many praying people in my own
country about the coming move is that it is to be a "street-revival" - a street-
based outpouring of the Spirit of God, bringing tremendous conviction of sin and
deep repentance. But after this mighty 'harvest' comes an equally mighty
JUDGMENT, which will fall upon all the earth.
To conclude this article, I would just like to return again to the fact that AT
THIS VERY TIME - IN OUR DAY - there are awesome Scriptural prophecies being
fulfilled, which have implications that are almost too vast to take in all at
one time. WE ARE LIVING IN THE VERY LAST DAYS - the very 'time of the end' that
the Bible speaks of. RIGHT NOW. And God is sending His "signs in the heavens" to
warn us of what is about to come upon this generation. The question is, what
will you, what will I, do about it? Will we allow apathy to continue to dominate
our lives? Will the church "laugh and party" it's way into the next millennium?
Or will we allow God to bring true Reformation - beginning with us? To me, one
of the most frightening Scriptures in the entire Bible is the one that speaks of
people in the End-times, "eating, drinking, partying, marrying", etc, blithely
ignorant of what is coming upon the earth. But isn't much of Christendom in our
day largely in the same 'bless-me, bless-me', inward-looking state? Church
awake! Clothe yourself with righteousness and Truth. The "happiness club" days
are gone. It is surely time now to get serious with God.
Surely only those who are seeking Him with all their heart can expect to make it
through the dark days that lie ahead.