Evangelists and Pastors are suppose to feed MY truths and to lead by example.
These evil ones have compromised, twisted MY words to conform into their own
self made comfortable image that strives to offend no one. All of these named
have proven by their works and thoughts they have lost their fear of YAHUVEH.
They will all quote the scriptures, but all of them have gone astray. Creflo
Dollar, I have this against you, you worship the Almighty Dollar! Paul and Jan
Crouch, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Creflo
Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick Joyner, Pat Robertson,
Oral Roberts, Richard and Lindsey Roberts, Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks, Paula
White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike Murdock, Carman, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod
Parsley and Kim Clement. These are just a few examples of Evangelical Prosperity
Pimps and they are pimps for the devil as they have forsaken their original
calling and humble beginnings. Evangelical Prosperity Pimps have named the
Ministries or Churches after themselves.
Joel Osteen you are lukewarm and I, YAHUVEH, vomit you out of
MY mouth. You preach psychological babble that can not save anyones soul. I,
YAHUSHUA have this against you Joel Osteen, you preach the
devil's doctrine of the antichrist, a new age feel good religion that leads
everyone who believes you to hell! Joel Osteen where will you hide when it feel
like the astrodome crashes in on you?
You fool yourself Joel Osteen, you chase away the Holy who warn
you to repent of your sins, and warn you about hell. Just because you deny there
is a hell does not mean you will not spend eternity there with your wife and
children and all your congregation that believe your lies, if you do NOT REPENT.
Just because you refuse to warn about the devil, does not mean satan is not the
ruler of your heart and soul. You are exposed and the people reading this will
warn others and send this Prophecy to all those mentioned in this Prophetic
Word. Holy People FLEE from these Evangelical Pimps for Prosperity.
Prophecy 102
Joel Osteen, you have a price to pay. With your soul, you shall
pay! You're nothing more than the Orator (Speaker). You stand behind a pulpit
but there's nothing Holy in you or your wife and the congregation that fills
this hall and fills the pews, layer upon layer, I do not know any of you! You
are not Holy.
You come to have your ears filled with only that which gives you the desires of
your hearts. You do not want to know anything that has to do with your spirits
except think happy thoughts and be happy! You're under a drug; you're under an
illusion! You're under mind control, you're under mind manipulation! You fill
the offering plates overflowing, heaping the wealth to one who thinks himself
(Elisheva starts having difficulty speaking. The devil does not want her
speaking and is attacking her vocal chords.) as an emperor.
Joel Osteen, and I speak to all the pastors who follow in his
steps, I'm going to strip the golden calf right before your eyes away from you!
You shall wear the curses of Deut. 28 like it's second skin for you have led the
people astray. The blind leads the blind. You have their eyes focussed on the
wealth of this world so they will not look at the poverty of their soul!
It's only a matter of time!
Prophecy 107
Then you have one last category. Those who have a pretense, who pretend to be
Holy to make a show before man. They sit in their crystal cathedral or they come
in the form of a man named Joel Osteen. The spawn of satan is
what I call you. The prosperity pimp preacher to teach you to worship the
almighty currency of whatever nation you're from and tell you to heap it upon
them. These that preach the false doctrine and tell you homosexuality is not
wrong. Same-sex is just as holy as between a man and a woman. I could go on and
on, but I need not for you know what sin is.(Revelation 3:14-22)