If you are a Christian watching YouTube, there’s a great chance you might be
listening to the false prophecies and teachings of YouTube user “Still Small
Voice,” Clare du Bois.
If you are listening to her, I would like to ask you 2 questions:
According to Clare du Bois, there are no rules or commandments. Clare attacks
GOD’S Word continually. Her false Jesus calls the Bible full of error,
erroneous. But it is her false prophecies that are full of error and false
commandments. For example, Clare commands us in the Name of God NOT to use the
Bible to evangelize to someone, claiming it is not safe – don’t take your Bible!
Clare du Bois false prophecy:
YAHUSHUA said to those who want to follow HIM and believe in HIM, “If you abide
in MY Word, you are MY disciples indeed” (John 8:31b), “If anyone loves ME, he
will keep MY Word; and MY FATHER will love him…” (John 14:23a) & “He who does
not love ME does not keep MY Words…” (John 14:24a). YAHUSHUA taught HIS
Disciples to study the Scriptures for they speak of HIM.
HE would never discourage anyone from studying the Holy Scriptures. Clare du
Bois is continually discouraging people from studying the Bible. On her website
Clare says that Bible studies are “limited in what they can impart to your
YAHUSHUA said, as recorded in the Bible: “The Words that I speak unto you, they
are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE.” (John 6:36b).
The Bible is YAHUSHUA’S Word, HE is the LIVING WORD!
According to Clare du Bois, the emphasis should only be on the experience of
God’s so-called “presence” – but how can you test the spirit if you do not know
HIS Words as written in the Bible? Clare re-writes GOD’S Word and Rules:
However, the Bible teaches, “This is the love of GOD, that we keep HIS
Commandments; and HIS Commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). YAHUSHUA
also said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I
have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17).
Clare divides GOD’S Love from HIS true Biblical Commandments as if they are
opposite. In fact, her false Jesus is teaching and ordering you to disobey and
break YAH’S Commandments! This is NOT true love.
By attacking the Commandments of YAH Clare du Bois is showing she belongs to the
devil. The Bible says, “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to
make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the Commandments of GOD, and
have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.” (Revelation 12:17).
According to Clare and her false prophecies, having to obey Commandments and
Rules equals a “cold-hearted religion full of do’s and don’ts”. It is all about
“His love” with Clare du Bois. Excerpt of Clare du Bois’ false prophecies here
Some of satan’s most prominent New Agers in the world such as Oprah Winfrey are
preaching the exact same “love, love, love” garbage, claiming that Jesus Christ
on the cross is nothing more than an image of love and yet that there are many
ways of getting into heaven.
According to Oprah Winfrey Jesus merely came to show us the
“Christ-consciousness” and now anyone who is loving and kind like Jesus was,
will make it to heaven—even without Jesus! Oprah claims to be a Christian but
says it is not necessary to be one! And she respects all faiths.
Oprah Winfrey does not believe that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH / JESUS CHRIST is the
SON of YAHUVEH GOD and the Only Way to Heaven. She angrily rebuked some years
back, a women on her show who confronted her with her lies, as they told her
that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to Heaven. Oprah angrily said, “there can’t
possibly be one way!” (See footage in above video.)
Neither does Clare du Bois believe there is only one way. One of her “ways to
Heaven” is by practicing the occult and having outrageous experiences such as
her body going into a tremendous ecstasy and having ‘love awareness’. Clare has
never even repented of her sins, sorceries, witchcrafts and occult practices of
all kinds, neither has she ever acknowledged YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as her LORD
What Clare du Bois is teaching and preaching is NO different than what Oprah
Winfrey is teaching the world. Oprah will lead people straight into the arms of
the antichrist. Clare du Bois will do exactly the same and is in fact already
doing it as she conditions the minds and spirits of the people to receive the
soon-coming antichrist as “Jesus Christ”.
Read what YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH have prophesied through Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu years ago about Oprah Winfrey and her leading the world astray: Prophecy 92 & Oprah Winfrey’s Last Chance! (many years ago)
The Genuine Biblical faith is based on YAHUSHUA the SON GOD, repentance from sin
and living a Holy Life (keeping the Commandments). Clare du Bois’ “faith” has
all of this missing! These are absolute essential Biblical basics! Genuine faith
is a FACT, not a feeling! The Bible says: “For in the Gospel the righteousness
of GOD is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just
as it is written: ‘The Righteous will live by faith.’” (Romans 1:17).
Clare du Bois’ doctrine is not based on faith, but it’s about feelings/emotions
and outrageous experiences that are falsely interpreted as being from GOD. Clare
du Bois says that her ‘conversion experience’ was outrageous and according to
her it “had to be because her pride was outrageous.”
What?! So God rewards her pride with an outrageous experience that didn’t even
involve true repentance or the acknowledgement of His Son Jesus Christ? I don’t
think so!
Clare du Bois’ belief system of having to have feeling experiences rather than a
genuine experience that is based on faith, also perfectly lines up with Oprah
Winfrey’s doctrine.
Oprah says: “God is a feeling experience, not a believing experience. If your
religion is a believing experience, if God for you is still about a belief, then
it’s not truly God.”
I rebuke these antichrist doctrines in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! I want
to make the people that have been watching Clare du Bois aka “Still Small Voice”
aware that there is NO difference between Clare’s doctrine and Oprah’s doctrine!
The only difference is that Clare’s doctrine is more subtle and in ways even
more dangerous! Because people truly believe Jesus Christ Himself is speaking
through her!
On January 17, 1997 – YAHUVEH warned us through Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu of
satanic plants in the Churches: Prophecy 3
Clare du Bois is a perfect example of a satanic plant in the midst of a
Christian community.
Now I ask you, do you still want to go to Clare du Bois aka (evil) still small
voice for your prophecies? For you might as well listen to the devil himself!
The spirit of antichrist is speaking through Clare du Bois’ mouth. This woman is
practicing the occult in your face. She has never even left the occult. In her
videos she is throwing up all kinds of occult hand signals in your face. Who
would do such a thing if they have really left and repented of the occult?
HORNED HAND when she prophesies. Look at the demons manifesting on Clare du
Bois’ face:
OCCULT NECKLACE – circle within a circle which is a witchcraft & freemasonry
symbol, in the middle of a cross:
Clare du Bois shows that she wants to mix good and evil as one: Christianity and
the occult. This is her agenda. Do you want to go this woman, who confesses to
be a trance medium, as she is putting people in a trance with her slow monotone
hypnotizing voice to get people to receive her false prophecies as being from
Jesus, and yet it’s nothing more than antichrist garbage. Her “Jesus” who tells
you that he just wants everyone to unite, no matter what denomination, no matter
what doctrine, no matter what lie you believe.
Clare du Bois states: “…we do not focus on doctrinal differences and debates,
rather we are immersed in His love”
In other words: Tolerance of ANY doctrine. You will see this again and again
with Clare du Bois, her “ministry” is about uniting all denominations and
According to her own testimony, Clare du Bois drew her inspiration for a greater
intimacy with God straight out of Catholicism. Catholic idolatry helped her
so-called “faith” – Clare is Catholic!
Clare du Bois’ false Jesus has told her that you shouldn’t warn anyone about
hell because that’s not going to get them saved:
The Bible teaches clearly that some only come by fear! It states in Jude 1:23:
“But others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire…” YAHUSHUA HIMSELF said
in Luke 12:5: “But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear HIM who, after HE
has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear HIM!”
Bottom line, as Psalm 111:10 states, “The FEAR OF THE LORD is the beginning of
WISDOM, SHE gives us the fear of YAH!
An angel says, in Revelation 14:7, “Fear GOD and give Glory to HIM, for the hour
of HIS Judgement has come…”
So who are you going to believe: YAHUVEH GOD and HIS Bible, or Clare du Bois?
It is a simple decision for us here in AmightyWind Ministries: WE BELIEVE THE
HOLY BIBLE which is the WORD of YAH.
Clare du Bois’ false Jesus says through her “Don’t take your Bible” (in regards
to witnessing to someone).
This false Jesus just says to talk about “his love” but not about hell, or
fearing YAHUVEH GOD, or not even about what YAHUSHUA did on the cross for their
sins! This is crazy! And what is more crazy is that people are falling for it.
This insanity proves that she is putting a spell on people for them to believe
such nonsense.
We in AmightyWind Ministry stand in one agreement, and we REBUKE YOU Clare du
Bois in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for your blasphemies and sorceries and
witchcrafts! YAHUVEH will expose you and reveal your rotten fruit for all to
see, and put you to an open shame so all who love the truth will abhor you and
your evil works inspired from the pits of hell!
To all the crowd of “still small voice” Clare du Bois who have been watching her
videos and taking in her antichrist doctrines, do you REALLY believe that
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, the true JESUS CHRIST from the Holy Bible would say these
things that this woman is proclaiming? Do you really believe that YAHUSHUA came
to this earth to yoke you together with lies, antichrists, occultists and any
denomination out there whether that is Catholic or Mormon or Jehovah’s Witnesses
(for example)? Doctrines and people who do not even believe YAHUSHUA is GOD or
that HE physically rose again from the dead. Do you really believe that? Or
people who in truth are worshiping lucifer rather than YAHUVEH GOD? Do you
really believe this is why YAHUSHUA was crucified, so he wouldn’t mind these
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH came to destroy the works of the devil! HE came so that HIS
Children in HIS Name and Blood would have the same power to tear down the
devil’s strongholds!
“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy
the works of the devil.” – 1 John 3:8
YAHUSHUA came to take our sins away! Not to cause us to sin!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH came and died on a Cross for our sins, so that by faith in
HIM we could have our souls saved and that we could be forgiven and go to
Heaven, and so we could be delivered from the devil and his evil works which
includes ALL of his lies and the people that represent him!
The Bible says that the RUACH HA KODESH came to guide us into ALL truth! (John
16:13) NOT into all lies!
YAHUSHUA came to set the captives FREE (Isaiah 61:1 & Luke 4:18)! NOT to put
them in bondage with any lie out there!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is NOT speaking through Clare du Bois! You must wake up in
the Name of YAHUSHUA, wake up! Many of you have been deceived by a familiar
spirit through Clare du Bois that poses as Jesus Christ!
I call upon all who are being convicted right now by the Precious RUACH HA
KODESH, please come back to YAHUSHUA and renounce Clare du Bois and her evil
works – renounce satan and the false Jesus that is speaking through her. Rebuke
this woman, call her out, expose her and warn others – do whatever you have to
do to redeem the evil of supporting this evil woman, because Clare du Bois is an
antichrist agent who wants all denominations and lies and doctrines and people
to unite.
Clare du Bois wants to make you believe that Jesus Christ is scared:
Clare du Bois wants to make you believe that YAHUSHUA is just a mere mortal man
who gets scared, who merely enjoys the breeze with you and the morning sun, and
who tells you not to talk about the Cross or warn people about hell. (Evil)
still small voice Clare du Bois has NOTHING to do with the true Biblical faith
and doctrine – the basics of Salvation.
FACT: Clare du Bois is waging a WAR against true Biblical
Warriors of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH out there it is time to rise up and speak out
against this evil. Warn the people! Because people are being led to hell as
Clare du Bois lulls them into a false security in a false Jesus.
I beg all who are reading this, please DO NOT listen to Clare du Bois aka still
small voice’ videos ever again. The only reason one should ever prayerfully
watch any of her videos is to expose the lies in a video and warn the people.
Only if you are strong enough to do so spiritually, if you are living Holy and
not struggling with sin, if you do this prayerfully and take the spiritual
warfare very seriously – can you take on the evil forces in this woman, in the
Name and through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH of Calvary only!
Clare du Bois aka (evil) Still Small Voice is dangerous as she is using the
spirit of mind control and mind manipulation. She has been in ALL forms of the
occult and KNOWS how to put people in a trance and open them up to demons! Clare
du Bois is practicing the occult IN YOUR FACE! She is a trance medium,
hypnotizing her viewers into receiving messages straight from hell. Please don’t
let this happen to you anymore. Don’t open yourself up to the antichrist spirit
I pray for all those whose Names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, who
have listened to Clare du Bois aka (evil) still small voice, that you will snap
out of it, break free in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I pray that YAHUSHUA
will deliver and that you will renounce, rebuke and expose her lies – all in the