Even a beloved talk show host that the world knows once was MINE but now has
gone astray. The world embraces her for she stands for the world. She no longer
stands up for Holiness, but instead scoffs at what she knows is Holy. She mocks
the Word of YAHUVEH she once believed. Seeking other gods for her itching ears,
she has gone a whoring after other gods, yet tell her to REPENT and come back to
ME for it is I who have given her this favor and popularity, so she would lead
others to MY saving Blood at Calvary. Tell this to Oprah Winfrey. Tell her MY
Child, tell her for ME for Princess Diana's fate will be hers for all eternity
if she doesn't quickly repent and come back to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who paid
the price, so she could be from satan's grip set free. Tell Oprah
Winfrey, to come back to Calvary to come back to the roots of her
forefathers where she belongs. Tell her no one can love her like I love her.
Tell her I have blessed her with every desire of her heart, and nothing can fill
that GOD made void but ME. I am waiting for her to return and yet she calls
herself MINE, and MY Spirit is far from her. Tell her for ME MY Daughter, I weep
for her. I weep for this world she leads astray. Tell Oprah, MY
Child, tell her for ME though she may mock, she will know in her spirit a
Prophet of YAHUVEH has warned her and the one I have sent is thee. Tell her MY
Child, tell her for ME, return to the GOD of Holiness she once worshiped,
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who paid the price at Calvary. Tell her she must live by
the Holy Word of YAHUVEH, or she will never see her family that waits for her in
Heaven. Tell her, tell her MY Daughter for ME for I have called you to minister
to the world's talk show host Oprah Winfrey.
Tell her she was meant to be MINE, yet she has run from ME time after time. Tell
her MY Daughter, tell her for ME. All of MY Children that watch her each day,
and make her rich, quote the words that she says, I now convict you sorely with
a message like this. You call yourself by MY NAME, yet you watch her daily take
the meaning of Holiness and profane. Rise up and tell her, tell her for ME, you
also are MY voices that must bring her back to the Spirit of repentance through
MY Blood Shed at Calvary. Tell her MY Children; tell her for ME it's you she
tries and pleases and not ME.
Prophecy 92
Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her, by watching
her programs or buying her books she promotes. Oprah Winfrey
will send you to hell if you believe Oprah's gospel. She
rebukes Children of MINE before the world, who were sent to warn her that there
is only one way to Heaven and that is through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. The women I used to do battle with her called ME by the Greek name
JESUS CHRIST when they confronted her on her television program. Oprah battled
with them before millions and rebuked them angrily and said, 'She refused to
believe there is only one way to Heaven.' She believes there are multiple paths
to Heaven, one way can not be right.
Beware of Oprah Winfrey, as I prophesied through Elisheva Eliyahu years ago she has sold her soul to satan for fame and fortune and now
does her good works saying, "Good works is one of her way's to heaven." She
became a Judas and where once she taught the truth, she has now forsaken it and
chosen a path that leads to hell. You have been warned, and I will hold MY Holy
Children accountable for supporting or encouraging her in anyway. Oprah Winfrey
will lead souls to the antichrist, the one I call the only begotten son of satan,
who came before in the form of Judas.