You can watch him smile from ear to ear as he delivers philosophy instead of
the Gospel, on the "Hour of Power" his weekly service broadcasts. He is
Christianity's "number one TV preacher watched on hundreds of stations in more
than 180 countries with an audience of over 20 million, capturing the largest TV
audience each Sunday of any televangelist. He is Robert Schuller, pastor of the
Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, a successful" television ministry
which makes more than $50 million a year. And why not, success is what Schuller
is all about, it is the essence of his message.
Robert Schuller was brought up in the Reformed Church in America. In 1951 in
entered the pastorate at Hope Church in Chicago. In four years this church grew
from 38 to 400 members. In 1955, his denomination sent him to Orange County,
California to establish a new church there. After trying unsuccessfully to rent
numerous facilities, Schuller finally rented the Orange County Drive-In Theater
for his Sunday morning service.
It was Billy Graham who suggested to Schuller in 1969, "Bob, why don't you think
of telecasting your services." Although it may not have been as obvious what he
believed then, it certainly is now.
Schuller's intent was to fill his church, to do this he sought to discover what
people wanted and make them comfortable to come to church. He went from door to
door asking them what type of church they would like to attend. His mission was
to change his church to a place where non-Christians would feel comfortable
enough to come in and then eventually "accept YAHUSHUA." This would be
accomplished by preaching only positive messages! Anything on the sinfulness of
man and his fallen condition was eliminated. From this new concept he revamped
his sermons and built up a congregation of over 9,000, a very successful
ministry in the eyes of the beholder.
What made Schuller successful in his ministry? He had found something wrong with
the ancient gospel? He now has the new improved modern version. Schuller
promotion can be attributed to how wonderful life can be if we all come together
as one and be positive. His preaching is "Gospel of positiveness and Success".
It has been embraced by numerous unbelievers and quite a numbers of Christian
leaders as well. Schuller has stated, thousands of pastors and hundreds of
rabbis and over a million Muslims a week watch his Hour of Power. The only way
to please this wide of an audience is to have only positive things to say lest
some feet get stepped on. He believes, "God is trying … to build a society of
human beings who live out the golden rule" (Self-Esteem p. 135).
Schuller believes he has found a basic defect in modern Christianity and
identifies the problem "What is that basic flaw? I believe is it the failure to
proclaim the gospel in a way that can satisfy every person's deepest need -
one's spiritual hunger for glory. Rather than glorify God's highest creation -
the human being - Christian liturgies, hymns, prayers, and scriptural
interpretations have often insensitively and destructively offended the dignity
of the person..." (Self-Esteem, p. 31)
Bella Stumbo, staff writer for the Los Angeles Times, after an extensive
interview with Schuller, wrote: "In short, Robert Schuller believes that God
placed him on this Earth to preach possibility thinking" ("The Gospel of
Success," 5/29/83, Los Angeles Times, p. 24). To Schuller " this message is,
vitally important" he at one time wrote: "I believe in positive thinking. It is
almost as important as the resurrection of YAHUSHUA" (Michael Nason and Donna
Nason, Robert Schuller: The Inside Story, 1983, p. 152). Interesting statement
considering the fact that positive, or possibility thinking was not mentioned at
all by Christ or taught by his apostles.
Currently he has broadcasted well over 1000 programs. From his pulpit he has had
speakers from all different religions, Hollywood, psychologists to new agers.
"In the past, Schuller has also given his Hour of Power pulpit to a long list of
New Agers, cultists, and occultists, ranging from Gerald Jampolsky (who uses A
Course in Miracles, to influential Mormon leader, Jack Anderson." (Reported in
the 1/88 and 2/88 issues of the CIB Bulletin .)
The book, A Course In Miracles, has been taught at Robert Schuller's Crystal
Cathedral and is right in line with Schuller's philosophy. This is a book from a
disembodied voice dictating its contents, who claimed to be YAHUSHUA. Its
purpose was to correct the errors in the Bible. The course teaches that
"forgiveness" is simply recognizing that sin does not exist and therefore there
is nothing to forgive. To accept the Course's teachings is to reject all
Biblical doctrine, yet those who embrace it are able to call themselves
Christians. This book's promotion to ignore our sinful nature is right in line
with Schuller's philosophy.
In Self-Esteem: (Schuller's son attributes Norman Vincent Peale, as "responsible
for dad's possibility thinking.")
When Peale died, Schuller was in tears on his broadcast 1.16.94. Schuller told
how Peale had been his inspiration and mentor and the man who had the greatest
influence upon his theology and ministry. He attributed to Peale as starting the
positive thinking movement. Peale was known to be a 33rd degree Mason who also
rejected the Christian doctrines of justification by faith alone, of sin, the
physical resurrection of YAHUSHUA. Peale has said ... "Your unconscious mind...
[has a] power that turns wishes into realities when the wishes are strong
enough."'( Norman V. Peale positive imaging p. 77) Positive thinking is just
another term for faith. ( Norman Vincent Peale, What Does It Take to Be a
Schuller had appeared on Larry King Live on 1.28.94, to promote his book,
Achieve Your True Potential Through Power Thinking or Power Thoughts. He said:
"Forty years ago in 1953, the seminal book was published, The Power of Positive
Thinking. Twenty years later, a book was published, Move Ahead with Possibility
Thinking, and now 20 years later in 1993, there's a book Achieve Your True
Potential Through Power Thinking or Power Thoughts. So it's from positive
thinking to possibility thinking, to power thinking, and each is a level. ...
Positive thinking says, 'Hey. I am somebody. I can do it.' Possibility thinking
picks up on it and says, 'Okay, how is it possible and how can we make it
possible,' and power thinking says, 'Okay. I am. I can. It's possible. Okay,
let's you and me do it. Let's just make it happen.'... I sum up this in a
sentence. Faith plus focus plus follow through equals achievement, and many
people fail because they just don't have the faith in themselves, and others
have the faith in themselves, but they don't focus."
The biblical attitude of faith (trust) in God is not what Schuller is
describing. He consistently reinterprets the biblical words to mean something
that was not meant in Scripture or practiced by the church. It becomes based on
his own predilection; which is a self-birthed muster up in yourself any thing is
possible attitude. " And I can feel the self-esteem rising all around me and
within me, 'Rivers of living water shall flow from the inmost being of anyone
who believes in me' (John 7:38). I'll really feel good about myself"
(Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, p. 80). The "rivers of living water" that
YAHUSHUA spoke of in John 7:38 was hardly self-esteem but the Holy Spirit who
would indwell true believers who ask for forgiveness for their sins.
Schuller's influence upon our culture has been widespread. As an author of more
than 25 books, several of them have become national best sellers. His books are
often on The New York Times best-seller list. According to Christianity Today, "Schuller
is now reaching more non-Christians than any other religious leader in America."
Schuller's influence has had a tremendous impact on our culture." The mesaage of
Christ without dealing with sin is having a broad appeal.
Robert Schuller, in his book Self-Esteem: the New Reformation, writes, "I
contend that his unfulfilled need for self-esteem underlies every act ...over
and over again that the core of man's sin is not his depravity but a "lack of
self-dignity", Self-esteem is ... the single greatest need facing the human race
today." (p. 15) He calls this esteem "divine self-esteem" (p. 95). "If the
gospel of YAHUSHUA can be proclaimed as a theology of self-esteem, imagine the
health this could generate in society!" (Self-Esteem, The New Reformation Word
Books, 1982 p. 47)
His new reformation is not repentance or a renewed sense of dependence on God
and his word. No humbling our self before Almighty God. In fact it is the very
opposite a boosting of ourselves to a "divine self-esteem." The Bible tells us
that our righteousness is like filthy tags before God (Isaiah 64:6), that we've
all sinned and fall short of His glory (Romans 3:23), and that there are none
who are righteous (Romans 3:10). All this and more is denied by the
philosophical musing of a man who claims to represent Christ, His gospel, and
the church.
In fact he states "I don't think anything has been done in the name of Christ
that and under the banner of Christianity that has proven more destructive to
human personality and, hence, counterproductive to the evangelism enterprise
than the often crude, uncouth, and unchristian strategy of attempting to make
people aware of their lost and sinful condition." (Time, March 18, 1985)
Is this an unchristian strategy? Paul wrote that, "Christ YAHUSHUA came into the
world to save sinners" (I Timothy 1: 15), and Christ Himself said that He came
to call "sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:32). Yet Schuller rejects the depravity
of man which he calls "error" (Self- Esteem the New Reformation,p.162) Romans
3:23 all have sinned. Who is in question here the Bible or Schuller?
By his statements he is inadvertently saying the writers of Scripture got it
wrong. John introduced YAHUSHUA with, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away
the sin of the world!” (John 1:29 ). YAHUSHUA often spoke on sin directly and
indirectly. YAHUSHUA said when he goes away; the Helper (who is the Holy Spirit
of God) will be sent.“And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin,
and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:7-8).
In responding to a question from Paul Crouch on TBN's 12.8.87 television show,
concerning those who claim Schuller doesn't preach repentance, Schuller's
response was, "I preach repentance so positively, most people don't recognize
it" If we can't recognize it how can the sinner? We see that John the Baptist
called sin, sin. So did YAHUSHUA they didn't try to disguise it so it would
taste good. Actually if it is not spelled out clearly people by human nature try
to gloss it over. What Schuller is doing is helping sinners ignore their
essential problem and giving them a placebo for a solution.
YAHUSHUA later told a parable of a rebellious son leaving his father,
representing a sinner he finally saw his life ruined, repenting and returning to
his father's house, (representing the Heavenly Father) YAHUSHUA described the
repentant son as saying, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy
sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son" (Luke 15:21). Schuller's
doctrine has no repentance and diametrically opposes the Scripture. "I may not
deserve it [salvation] but I am worth it so don't say that I am unworthy"
(Self-Esteem, p. 74). "The most serious sin is the one that causes me to say, 'I
am unworthy. I may have no claim to divine sonship if you examine me at my
worst.'" "For once a person believes he is an 'unworthy sinner,' it is doubtful
if he can really honestly accept the saving grace God offers in YAHUSHUA."
(Self-Esteem, p. 98) The Bible says the very opposite.
This is psychology and it has come into the church disguised as a help to our
self worth. But this is humanism and is antithetical the very essence of the
gospel "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ
YAHUSHUA came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief" (I Tim. 1:15).
Question: What is sin?
Answer: "What do I mean by sin? Any human condition or act that
robs God of glory by stripping one of his children of their right to divine
dignity - Sin is any act or thought that robs myself or another human being of
his or her self-esteem." (Page 14)
Th Bible's definition is the transgression of the law, missing the mark, not
living up to God's perfect standard, anything that contradicts the nature of
God. Which means we are SINNERS.
Question: What are demonic influences?
Answer: "Any analysis of 'sin' or 'evil' or 'demonic influence'
or 'negative thinking' or 'systemic evil' or 'antisocial behavior' that fails to
see the lack of self-dignity as the core of the problem will prove to be too
shallow." (page 15)
Question: What does it mean to be born again? (p. 68).
Answer: "To be born again means that we must be changed from a
negative to a positive self-image-from inferiority to self-esteem, from fear to
love, from doubt to trust. How can this happen? It happens through a meeting
with the Ideal One. From my perspective I would expect such an Ideal One to
ignore or reject me because of my own shortcomings. But if in fact the Ideal One
receives me as his peer and treats me as an equal even though he knows who and
what I am-the ill I've done, and the good I've failed to do-then something
profoundly deep will happen at the core of my personality. I will be born
again." (page 68)
Schuller's "salvation experience" is not the normal born again one He states
that at some time after he took his position at the Garden Grove, he was
overtaken by a fear of failure for about two years. Finally he prayed, "Dear
YAHUSHUA, if you're alive (emphasis mine), and I can't even prove you are, I
pray that you'll reach into my mind and take out this horrible fear. Save me,"
after which he felt a pressure in his head, then release and peace (p. 130).
Taking a aspirin may have had the same affect and would have had no theological
consequences. His salvation was one of eliminating the pain from fear.
Question: Should a minister preach that all are sinners in his effort to win the
Answer: "A theology of salvation that starts with an appeal to
the value of the person will produce mentally and emotionally healthy human
beings. At the same time, a theology of salvation that exploits the person's
intrinsic guilt and insecurity can and often does produce neurotic converts.
Christians abound who are walking cases of uptight, defensive, angry, fearful,
neurotic meanies. Why is this? What else can we expect if the call to conversion
is a blatant appeal to a person's "depraved, unworthy, totally sinful nature"?
If the seeds of evangelism are dropped in the smelly swamps of self-shame, we
can expect the emerging convert, who has been 'born again' in a womb of shame,
to be saturated with a negative self-image." (page 152)
Salvation according to Schuller's theology is not God rescuing us from sin,
death, and hell (Eph.2:1,5,6; Jn. 3:14-21); but instead is a "rescue from shame
to glory … guilt to pride … fear to love … distrust to faith … hypocrisy to
honesty" (p. 151). This means many can have salvation apart from Christ's death
on the cross and what Christ did, dying for sin was wrong! What it is can be
described as a discovery of self, with all its trappings of pride.
He also stated "YAHUSHUA knew his worth, his success fed his self-esteem.... He
suffered the cross to sanctify his self-esteem. And he bore the cross to
sanctify your self-esteem. And the cross will sanctify the ego trip!" (Living
Positively One Day at a Time, p.201)
Schuller on the Phil Donahue Show8/12/80, said, "YAHUSHUA had an ego. He said,
'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.' Wow, what an ego trip He was
on!" This is how distorted his views are that God is on an ego trip! The creator
of all men. The one who out of love came by humbling himself as no other man ,
to the point of death on the cross and died for those who even reject him.! This
he calls egotistical. "Christ is the Ideal One, for he was Self-Esteem
Incarnate" (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 135). My bible says He was God incarnate!
In fact Schuller prays self esteem prayers "Father we thank you for giving us a
legacy of self-esteem and self love." (broadcast 1590, 2,000) Self is not to be
the focus of a Christian unless they are dealing with overcoming sin. even then
it is a work of Christ. We thank God for YAHUSHUA who is the savior from sin not
for him boosting our ego.
In his book Schuller explains away our problems as well as the punishment
replacing it with self-esteem .
Question: What is hell?
Answer: "It is the loss of pride that naturally follows
separation from God-the ultimate and unfailing source of our soul's sense of
self-respect- A person is in hell when he has lost his self-esteem. (Robert
Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation pp. 14-15.) According to Schuller,
hell is not punishment for those who rejected Christ, we can be in it now if we
believe we are sinners.
To accept "his philosophy" one would have to throw out the entire New Testament
which focuses around YAHUSHUA and His purpose for coming, to redeem mankind from
sin by his work on the cross. But then it may damage one's self-esteem to hear
that he is a sinner.
He affirms that "YAHUSHUA never called anyone a sinner" (pp. 100,126, 157) was
it a mistake when YAHUSHUA called the Pharisees names such as "hypocrites, white
sepulchres, serpents, generation of vipers, fools" (Matt. 23) YAHUSHUA was
concerned about building up their self image. YAHUSHUA did preach repentance,
would be useless if people were not sinners (Mk. 1:15) Schuller teaches that the
church's problem is that it has had a God-centered theology for centuries, when
it needs a man-centered one; we're not bad, merely badly informed about how good
we are.
If we go to a doctor because we are having pain and have an x-ray it reveals
what is wrong with us would we get mad at the doctor for telling us the results
that the x-ray revealed. Is that rational, do we never get another x-ray because
it showed us our sickness! Schuller wants to be liked by all people and still
represent the Lord. But his failure is seeing what the Lord himself said we
would be hated by all men for his name sake not loved. He actually pronounced a
woe against those who are loved by all. People should be reacting to our giving
the message, it should make them either glad or mad. Glad because it is the
truth and it is by grace or mad because they refuse God's way and are challenged
in their falsehood of working their way to heaven.
On The Ecumenical Edge
In 1992, Robert Schuller launched a new organization called Churches United in
Global Mission (CUGM), "to share positively the message of YAHUSHUA... (in) a
spirit of unity that is truly Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, evangelical and
charismatic." A friend of mine wrote from Moscow, "On his [Robert Schuller's]
Sunday morning telecast he said something like, 'If being a Protestant means
that I protest my Catholic brothers ... [or] against my Orthodox brothers ...
[or] against believers of other religions, I am not a Protestant."'(quoted in
Berean Call)
Schuller is currently promoting CAMP-Christians and Muslims for Peace. Which is
an organization of both Christians and Muslims finding "Common Ground" by being
dedicated to the promotion of Peace and Justice, as well as reconciliation the
world’s two largest religions. Schuller, whose Crystal Cathedral houses the
offices for "Christians and Muslims for Peace," told Imam Alfred Mohammed of the
Muslim American Society that "if he [Schuller] came back in 100 years and found
his descendants Muslims, it wouldn't bother him...." Schuller is unconcerned
that Islam denies that YAHUSHUA is God and that He died for our sins (they teach
someone else died on the Cross in His place). In its place they offer good works
for salvation, and death in jihad as the only sure way to the Muslim's "heaven.
This is more than just warming your hands at the enemie's fire.
During the Pope's visit to Los Angeles in 1987" Schuller said: "It's time for
Protestants to go to the shepherd [Pope] and say 'what do we have to do to come
home?'" (Calvary Contender 11.15.87). When Schuller was planning for the
building of his Crystal Cathedral, he made a special trip to Rome to ask the
Pope's blessing on the building plans (Foundation, March-April 1990).
Schuller's monthly newsletter Powerlines (May 1998), wrote of his meeting with
Pope John Paul II in Rome, "It was the fourth time Dr. Schuller and the Pope had
met, hand-to-hand, heart-to-heart at the Vatican." The article also added a
brief note concerning the discussion between the Pope and Schuller: "When the
Schullers met Pope John Paul II in March, the Pope expressed interest in how our
churches could work together to take part in the Vatican's preparations for the
Jubilee celebrations of Christianity's third millennium in the year 2000." Pope
John Paul II also blessed Mrs. Schuller, an act which Robert Schuller said may
have caused his wife to be healed five days later when Mrs. Schuller suffered a
mild heart attack. "How could Arvella help but be healed when the Crystal
Cathedral Congregation is praying for her, and after she had received private
blessings from the Pope and a special visit from the pastor of the largest
Protestant church in the world, David Yonggi Cho," Schuller said. Both the Pope
and David Yonggi Cho are leading millions of people astray by the false
doctrines they propagate, and Schuller is perfectly comfortable commending these
men as servants of God! (Source: May-June 1998, Foundation magazine.)
The New Age Friendship
Sir John Marks Templeton is the founder of The Templeton Prize for Progress in
Religion. Templeton's beliefs are clearly expressed in his writings. He is an
evolutionist, pantheist, universalist, and occultist and in no unequivocal terms
rejects the God of the Bible, Christ as the only Savior and only way to God. He
claims that heaven and hell are states of mind we create here on earth, that
truth is relative, and that Christianity is no longer relevant. He states,
"Behind this book is my belief that the basic principles for leading a 'sublime
life'... may be derived from any religious tradition Jewish, Muslim, Hindu,
Buddhist and others as well as Christian...." (John Marks Templeton, Discovering
the Laws of Life, 1994 inside front of jacket.)
Templeton and his new age views were first introduced to the church by none
other than Robert Schuller in 1986. Schuller continues to endorse him by putting
Templeton's picture on his Possibilities magazine front cover, and running a
major interview with Templeton. In it Templeton articulated his Unity of all
Religions beliefs, 'Your spiritual principles attract prosperity to you material
success comes ... from being in tune with the infinite.... The Christ spirit
dwells in every human being whether the person knows it or not nothing exists
except God." ( Possibilities, p. 12 Summer 1986, pp. 8-12.) Templeton has become
famous for offering a million dollars from his religious research center that is
developing progress in religion. Maybe Schuller would like to be the next
On an Amway motivational tape, Robert Schuller sums it up: "You don't know what
power you have within you! ... You make the world into anything you choose. Yes,
you can make your world into whatever you want it to be." (R. Schuller
possiblity thinking :goals Amway corp. tape)
What is this power within? Schuller's article in the Summer 1986 issue of
Possibilities magazine explains the central message being that 'all is God and
God is all,' the article also declared that, "The Christ Spirit dwells in every
human being, whether the person knows it or not" (p. 12). So now we are born
with Christ instead of with sin. The Bible says the very opposite, Galatians
3:26-28 "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ YAHUSHUA." These
heresies are upheld by Schuller to his readers and those who watch his TV
Schuller has addressed Unity ministers in training, at the Unity School of
Christianity in Kansas City, not only stating that he agreed with their
teachings (which, among other things, reject the gospel of Christ, and teach
Yoga, reincarnation, and other New Age philosophies), but he also commended
Unity and offered his success techniques to help Unity grow larger . In an
address to a Unity congregation in Warren, Michigan, Schuller's motivational
talk presented YAHUSHUA as "the greatest Possibility Thinker of all time!"
(Reported in the 1.88 issue of the CIB Bulletin .)
Unity is a Mind-science cult, with occultic beliefs incorporated as well.
Actually they accept just about anything except the biblical record.
"The classical interpretation of this teaching of Christ on 'bearing our cross'
desperately needs reformation...."
"The cross Christ calls us to bear will be offered as a dream... an inspiring
idea that would incarnate itself in a form of ministry that helps the
self-esteem-impoverished persons to discover their self-worth through salvation
and subsequent social service in our Savior's name..." "So the proclamation of
possibility thinking is the positive proclamation of the cross!..."
He was asked, "Dr. Schuller, we hear a lot of talk these days about the New Age,
the Age of Aquarius, the type of New Age thinking that we are involved in with
Holistic healing and various other things that are part of what is called the
New Age. Will you describe the role of what you might consider the New Age
minister in the '80s and beyond?"
Schuller replied, 'Well, I think it depends upon where you're working. I believe
that the responsibility in this Age is to 'positivize' religion. Now this
probably doesn't have much bearing to you people, being Unity people, you're
positive. But I talk a great deal to groups that are not positive...even to what
we would call Fundamentalists who deal constantly with words like sin,
salvation, repentance, guilt, that sort of thing. So when I'm dealing with these
people...what we have to do is positivize the words that have classically only
had a negative interpretation." ( address at Unity Village, Unity tape)
Schuller states, "It is important to remember that meditation in any form is the
harnessing, by human means, of God's divine laws....We are endowed with a great
many powers and forces that we do not yet fully understand. (He believes these
are valid methods for "the harnessing, by human means, of God's divine laws.
"A variety of approaches to meditation . . . is employed by many different
religions as well as by various nonreligious mind-control systems. In all forms
. . . TM, Zen Buddhism, or Yoga . . . the meditator endeavors to overcome the
conscious mind ...
"The most effective mantras employ the 'M' sound. You can get the feel of it by
repeating the words, "I am, I am," many times over.... Transcendental Meditation
or TM... is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian.” (Peace of Mind
Through Possibility Thinking, pp. 131-32)
TM is religious and is Hinduism, its promoted by the Maharishi who is Hindi, and
leads to union with the Hindu God Brahma and to eternal separation from Christ.
A variety of meditation is employed by many different religions TM, Zen
Buddhism, or Yoga .
Robert Schuller can say “It is important to remember that meditation in any form
is the harnessing, by human means, of God's divine laws." He is essentially
promoting another religions practices within the church.
He writes "I discovered the reality of that dynamic dimension in prayer that
comes through visualizing..... Don't try to understand it. Just start to enjoy
it! It's true. It works. I tried it." (The Fourth Dimension, Foreword) Schuller
consistently promotes New Age concepts, including the visualization of spirit
guides. An occult technique (learned from demons posing as "Masters" of a
"Temple of Wisdom" on the "astral plane") first brought into the business world
by Napoleon Hill, whose teachings Schuller promotes. Just as his mentor Norman
V. Peale said "God is energy. As you breathe God in, as you visualize His
energy, you will be reenergized!" Norman V Peale, PLUS The Magazine of Positive
Thinking, May 1986, p. 23).
To Schuller, "faith" is a power of the mind and "God" is there to help one
"believe" and activate our mind power which will change our environment. For
example, on an Amway tape, Schuller exults, "You don't know the power you have
within you! ... You make the world into anything you choose." It is Babel again,
only in a more sophisticated form. The power of thinking becomes the magic
stairway that leads to the paradise where all one's wishes can be
fulfilled--nothing but an "evangelical" form of Christian Science or Science of
Mind! (6.93 Berean Call ).
Schuller proclaims, "to keep you believing in the Great Believer, Who believes
in us ... believe in the God Who believes in you ... Be a believer in belief and
believe in the Great Believer. Someday you'll be in heaven because you believed
in the Great Believer." This is not the message of the Bible or Christ, and is a
complete denial of the gospel which alone can save.
Schuller smiles as he says " Now-Believe and You Will Achieve. (tough times
never last but tough people do p.161 1984) But the bibles solution is, as you
follow after Christ deny yourself then you will see the change from his power in
your life. The church today has adopted his model of positive thinking or
possibility thinking, as well as the word faith promoters who think faith is a
force that we can muster up in ourselves. Much of what we see today in positive
attitude is hyping ones imagination to think only good can happen
'I can' is the motto of his motivation, not I can do all things through Christ a
declaration of dependence, just I can. Could we change what the Apostle Paul
wrote to "Christ YAHUSHUA came into the world to save those who lack
self-esteem, who have not found their full potential, of whom I am chief""
It was the apostle Paul who said at the end of his life he was the chief of
sinners what a negative confession. Did he learn anything at all from Christ?
According to Schuller he was wrong, and he Schuller is right.
"For I determined not to know any thing among you save YAHUSHUA and Him
crucified -; And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's
wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power. That your faith should
not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (I Corinthians
"The classical interpretation of this teaching of Christ on 'bearing our cross'
desperately needs reformation...."
Schuller declares: "Christ was the world's greatest possibility thinker. Do we
dare follow him?" (Self-Esteem, pp. 22, 117-19) does anyone dare follow the
Christ of possibilities or the one who was in reality the creator knowing the
end from the beginning.
The Bible says "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord
YAHUSHUA" "God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8) Did he say SINNERS?
Schuller does equal damage on the doctrine of the Bible's inspiration. He
states, "Can anything be above the Scriptures? Yes, the Eternal Word transcends
the written Word.… Christ is Lord over the Scriptures; the Scriptures are not
Lord over Christ" (p. 45).
YAHUSHUA said his words are spirit and life, they go together as He is the word
made flesh. Its not either or but they are both in agreement. Actually God says
in the OT, "I have exalted My word above My name. Contrary to Mr. Schuller's
view The written word is the eternal word.
"Remember, 'If your pride is rooted in your divine call, your humility is
assured. The Cross will sanctify your ego trip.'... For the Cross protected our
Lord's perfect self-esteem from turning into sinful pride." (Self-Esteem, p. 57,
"Self-love is a crowning sense of self-worth. It is an ennobling emotion of
self-respect... an abiding faith in yourself. It is sincere belief in yourself.
It comes through self-discovery, self-discipline, self- forgiveness and
self-acceptance. It produces self-reliance, self- confidence and an inner
security, calm as the night." (Self-Love, The Dynamic Force of Success, p. 32)
"Self-esteem then, or pride in being a human being,' is the single greatest need
facing the human race today. .. I strongly suggest that self-love is the
ultimate will of man--that what you really want more than anything else in the
world is the awareness that you are a worthy person. ... Do not fear pride: the
easiest job God has is to humble us. God's almost impossible task is to keep us
believing every hour of every day how great we are as his sons and daughters on
planet earth." YAHUSHUA said to Love the lord your God with all your heart soul
and strength not yourself this way. Humble yourself, not exalt yourself. If we
humble ourselves he will exalt us, if we exalt ourselves he will humble us.
Pride, self focus is what caused the fall of Lucifer and Schuller is promoting
this as the solution. "YAHUSHUA said I am the way, the truth, and the life: no
man comes unto the Father, but by me." (2 Pet 3:9; Jn 14:6).The way is not
possiblity thinking, nor an ego blast.
Peale has said, "Positive thinking is just another term for faith." ( Norman
Vincent Peale, What Does It Take to Be a Christian) Robert Schuller's
Possibility Thinking is no different than Norman Vincent Peale's Positive
Thinking, which is no different than the Positive Confession's false "faith"
that cannot save.
They may mean well in the end they detour people from the true gospel, which is
the power of God. Schuller ponders"… isn't that what the gospel is? Isn't God's
message to sinful humanity that He sees in each of us a divine nature of such
worth that He sacrificed His own Son so that our divine potentialities might be
realized." No it is not!
Anything less than the preaching of the cross as the gospel is deficient. Having
a positive attitude or incorporating possibility thinking can replace or improve
our dependence on Christ's work for us in salvation or sanctification. The cross
is and will always be God's instrument to save.
Schuller says:"Is there any possibility of a person being, quote--saved
--unquote, without accepting YAHUSHUA in a way evangelicals preach it today? My
answer is, I don't know. That's the honest to God truth. But I believe in the
sovereignty of God and the sovereignty of YAHUSHUA. I hope so. Is it possible to
be saved without making public repentance? I think so. On the cross, YAHUSHUA
said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' He didn't say,
'Father, forgive them because they repented.' YAHUSHUA has a different theology
of salvation than most preachers." (from O' Timothy .)
YAHUSHUA had a different theology than repentance! Yes if he is a different
YAHUSHUA. "Christ YAHUSHUA came into the world to save sinners" (1 Tim. 1:15)
like it or not we all fit this category. The Lord ... is longsuffering to
us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to
Schuller's non offensive positive gospel of to "believe in SELF" is hardly new,
but most ancient. One who has familiarized themselves with the word of God might
ask themselves, "Does Schuller even know what the gospel is?" All this makes it,
"the gospel according to Schuller," not according to YAHUSHUA!
The "Hour of Power" is Running Out of Time!
Robert Schuller has bragged to Paul Crouch (TBN) that he had to lock the
doors because so many people wanted in his church! Since when did YAHUSHUA have
to lock anyone out? When the crowds were too many, he preached to the masses
outside the majority of the time. Shame on Robert Schuller and Jerry Falwell!
Schuller is also planning to E-X-P-A-N-D the Crystal Cathedral to handle the
influx of people just itching to hear exactly what Mr. Schuller is willing to
tell them. It's ALL about MONEY. Robert Schuller does NOT care about the souls
of the people pouring into his church, just their wallets and purses. What a
tragedy that people put their trust in a man who will take them to Hell with
If you are a regular visitor to the Crystal Cathedral, LEAVE and do NOT return,
YAHUVEH's Judgment is upon this man, his ministry and his multi-million dollar
building and there is danger! Stay away or YAHUVEH's Judgment will be upon you
also when the glass begins to fall!
One of Norman Vincent Peale's most "successful" protégés is Robert Schuller.
Schuller teaches that there is no need for one to recognize his own personal
sin, no need for repentance, and no need for the crucifixion of self. Concerning
the latter point, Schuller teaches just the opposite philosophy-that self is to
be exalted-which is nothing less than an outright denial of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. (See Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, wherein Schuller says, "Jesus
knew His worth; His success fed His self-esteem. He suffered the cross to
sanctify His self-esteem and He bore the cross to sanctify your self-esteem. The
cross will sanctify the ego trip" [cf. Matthew 16:24].)
Yet, Graham endorses this apostate as well, saying, "Robert Schuller is a great
man of God, whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop and loose" (cf. John the
Baptist's statement when speaking of Jesus in John 1:27!). Graham is also the
one who advised Schuller, back in 1969, to start his "Hour of Power" television
show. Graham made a personal appearance on Schuller's 1000th anniversary program
(aired 4/2/89), relating how he had encouraged Schuller 20 years earlier when he
said, "Bob, why don't you think of telecasting your services."
This is the reason why so many are being led astray by these 3 read what they
really believe and get ready for a Shock! then Pray they REPENT quickly. For
Jesus showed me there are multitudes that died and thought they were going to
Heaven for what they had been taught and instead went to Hell!
I can't even imagine what Robert Schuller will say when he stands before YAHUVEH
on Judgment day and explains WHY he thought he had a right to build this empire
and fleece YAHUVEH's flocks! To build a Crystal Cathedral and live the lifestyle
of the Rich and Famous! I was amazed when the newest message was written and the
Holy Ghost spoke words against this man! For I NEVER watch him! I barely know
about HIM! Truly the bigger they are the harder they FALL!
The Wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is falling on Robert Schuller!
Due to the escalating costs of television broadcasting, competition from "info-mercials,"
and continuing repercussions from the televangelist scandals of recent years,
Robert Schuller's nationally syndicated "Hour of Power" program has hit some
hard times as of late. The situation is so dire that Schuller reportedly told
the Orange County Register that he will shut down the "Hour of Power" in all or
some of the 179 U.S. broadcast markets unless viewers donate $3.2 million to
cover the debt of the program.
Despite the fact that Schuller's empire consists of the $20,000,000 Crystal
Cathedral, a $23,000,000 Family Life Center, and untold millions in prime real
estate holdings, Schuller refuses to sell off assets to help defray the
programming costs of the "Hour of Power." "We could sell a chunk," Schuller
noted, "but that would be like the government subsidizing something that should
be paid for by the private sector."
Before we jump on the no-government-subsidy bandwagon inherent in Schuller's
analogy, consider the following blip in Schuller's reasoning: while "Hour of
Power" viewers contributed $17,000,000 of the $20,000,000 needed to build the
Crystal Cathedral (and another $14,700,000 to Schuller's local congregation),
Schuller now refuses to sell off some of his empire's viewer-funded assets in
order to assist the "Hour of Power" in its time of need.
On his own analogy, who subsidizes whom? Didn't the "private sector" already
contribute its fair share? Predictably, Schuller now touts that good business
dictates that he not co-mingle funds. In essence, what Schuller's position
reduces to is the following: as long as benefits continued to flow in, it was
good business to co-mingle, but now that benefits need to flow out, its good
business not to co-mingle.
True, Schuller may not resort to sensationalistic antics such as climbing to the
top of a tower and refusing to come down. And he may not implore people to put
their hand on the television so they can "feel the warmth of the Lord." But like
such faith healers, he has told people what they wanted to hear, tickling their
ears and pandering to their man-centered worldview.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their
own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they
shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Perhaps his present difficulties are due at least in part to the fact that his
theology--or rather anthropology--has left viewers spiritually malnourished. And
maybe, just maybe, after a steady diet of this pap, his viewers are beginning to
discover that they could find the same nutritional value in Psychology Today,
albeit without the baptized vocabulary. After all, at least, Psychology Today
doesn't ask for donations.
My thoughts from the Holy Ghost...the BIGGER they are, the HARDER Fall! I can
stand before Yashua and truthfully know I do NOT fleece HIS Flocks, for 27 years
I have been saved, spending much of that ministering...and never even had a
salary! What I do is a Gift unto the LORD YAHUSHUA MESSIAH! Poor Robert can't
say that. :-( He has the wealth of the world and may lose his soul because of it
! No price is worth our Soul!
Much love to all in YAHUSHUA's name
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Updated Message From Elisheva
Robert Schuller admits
he is a feel good religion he will not preach on anything controversial like
homosexuality or Abortion. Robert Schuller refuses to call himself a Christian,
instead he insists he is a Follower of Christ so he doesn't offend other
religions including Muslims. Robert Schuller appeals to the masses that want to
only hear of blessings and not warn of obedience and Holiness and the
consequences of sin which includes Hell.
Robert Schuller has been seen with the recent
politicians including Clinton and Bush and yes even Arafat! He never speaks of
sin nor repentance nor warns of hell. Robert Schuller is a new age minister.
Robert Schuller has the favor of the rich and the
famous of this world including the Pope. Robert Schuller will one day answer at
the Judgment seat of Christ for how can he say he is a follower of Christ and
not teach Holiness and Obedience? Robert Schuller is a one world religion and
his Crystal Cathedral stands for beauty without any substance.
How many people in America could 20 million dollars
feed and give shelter too? Now Robert Shyster Schuller is building up all
surrounding land to build onto his empire. Robert Schuller is a lukewarm
minister that transfers that spirit onto those that support his lavish lifestyle
fit for a king. Shame on any Born Again Christian that has helped feed his
appetite for greed for money, power and fame.
Robert Schuller laughs and mocks true Born Again
believers and followers of YAHUSHUA our LORD Jesus Christ. Robert laughs all the
way to the bank. I watched a program about him on the biography station a few
nights ago and listened and watched as he boasted on his wealth and
accomplishments in building the Crystal Cathedral, even how a man in his
congregation who was 90 years old and bought a ten year bond. Robert laughed for
how foolish was this man to think he would live to collect it.
I have seen a vision of Robert Schuller and the
glass building he built come crashing down upon his head. Robert was standing at
the pulpit in a purple robe and as the earth shook the glass started falling
from the top of the ceiling he lifts his arm up bending it at the elbow to
shield his face with a look of horror. Is this vision to be taken literally or
spiritually I can't say.
I know this he won't be smiling in hell nor the lake
of fire. How many souls could have been saved IF he really would have been a
minister and not sold out to this beast system? Only YAHUSHUA knows. A true
minister is willing to lay down his life and all he owns for the sake of the
sheep and lambs if heed be. Can you even imagine Robert Schuller or his family
going without even a meal to give to others? A servant is not greater then his
master the Bible says. When you look at the Crystal Cathedral you know this man
does not worship nor serve the same LORD JESUS CHRIST our YAHUSHUA as we do. The
Bible says man cannot serve two masters, else he will hate one and love the
other. Mammon or money is what Robert Schuller worships and he has compromised
the true gospel of JESUS CHRIST our YAHUSHUA.
Robert Schuller will find out the hard way that this
Apostolic prophet has seen his future if he doesn't repent. California was given
to me as one of the 5 states to warn of coming devastation. I don't think it is
coincidence that the Crystal Cathedral is in California. Please read again or
listen to Prophecy 64 and realize that HOUR OF POWER has
NO anointing Power of the Holy Spirit! The Crystal Cathedral is a monument built
to the Churches of Babylon that the people have been told to FLEE before it
comes crashing down.
One thing the HOLY SPIRIT told me tonight was to
tell the congregation reading this, "When you flee the churches of
Babylon, do not think this means you are to sit idle and not reach souls for our
LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR YAHUSHUA. In fact you have a greater responsibility to go
out and bring souls to YAHUSHUA ha Mashiach. We are the called out ones and we
have a greater responsibility to be our brothers keepers, for the only YAHUSHUA
someone may see is the way you treat them with love and kindness. What greater
kindness can there be then sharing the truths of the Holy Scriptures even if it
offends them. We must love them enough to warn them there is a Heaven to gain
and a hell to shun.
Anyone not worshipping YAHUVEH our Creator and
YAHUSHUA (Lord Jesus Christ) our Messiah, is serving satan the devil. There are
only two choices and our job is to be the finger that points the way to Heaven
and YAHUSHUA! The Robert Schuller's of this world will not do this! Will you help
me to do this? The harvest is great and the laborers are few.
Love and blessings in the name of YAHUSHUA
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu