And I have one last thing that only very few will realize the impact of the
Word. Beware of the aliens, they have already taken over and are in the top
Cabinet Representatives and political positions. Beware… and I don't speak of
aliens from another country. I speak of the aliens that satan has sent and
beware of the one who writes the books, 'Aliens on the Internet.' Beware of the
woman who comes to you in a disguise and tells you to put your faith in orgone
(that) it will, "keep away the demons. It will keep away the aliens. Put your
faith in orgone." I tell you this is nothing but lies! Put your faith in MY SON
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, in HIS NAME and in HIS Blood for that is the only place
redemption will come.
Sherry Shriner, your day is coming. I'll not go into more of
that. But I've given MY Daughter a Prophecy that waits for the right time and
the right season. I know who you are. I know what you are. Beware anyone who has
supported her work. For she warns you about the plans of the government, but
this vessel sold out long ago. She set you up in ways you do not know. Benny
Hinn operates under strange alien fire. A word to the wise, stay away from him.
I'm going to hold all of you listening responsible where you've planted your
financial seed. It had better be to a work that you know that is of ME.
Prophecy 92
There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an author
of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the bible codes to
conform into the image she chooses. She says her name Sherry in numerology means
YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it is TIME for YAHUVEH
to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes truth with lies.
Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns about when she
wrote and now sells her book "Aliens on the Internet." She only posts a picture
of herself of what she looked like in school years ago. Where is her picture for
today? She fears others will see what I, YAHUVEH, am revealing now. She works
for both sides of the guards one from earth and one from hell.
Sherry Shriner mocks Apostle Paul (Shaul) and says, "Any book
in the bible he wrote, throw it out!" She twists scriptures to try and prove
Paul was not one of the apostles, so therefore he is of serpent seed.
Sherry Shriner has sold her soul to satan and allowed her body to be
taken over by alien powers for fame and fortune. She mocks this Ministry and
warned Elisheva when Elisheva told her that Elisheva's middle name is Sherrie
and Elisheva was going by the name Sherrie when she was used to birth
Amightywind Ministry. Upon hearing this Sherry Shriner told
Elisheva years ago over the phone, there is room only for one Sherry here, and
that is Sherry Shriner, you stay Elisheva.
Sherry Shriner also did Elisheva's name in bible code, which
she normally charged a hundred dollars, she let Elisheva know. She spent days
doing her bible code for free and let her know that both of them are generals
and leaders. However she let Elisheva know there were the words "gibberish
tongues" in Elisheva's bible code. Elisheva rebuked her and reminded her of
what is written in the Book of Acts, that speaking in Holy unknown tongues is
speaking in tongues of men and angels. Sherry Shriner argued
back and said, "Paul taught that and you have to throw it out."
Sherry Shriner mocks speaking in Holy tongues. She mocks
because satan at one time, by her own testimony, gave her demonic tongues. This
is because Sherry Shriner had head knowledge and no heart
knowledge of the one she called Jesus Christ at the time. Now to confuse people,
she calls what the Book of Acts calls speaking in an unknown tongue, the work of
the devil. Sherry Shriner is a false prophet, time and again
this has been proven as she has given bible codes with dates and nothing comes
to pass.
Beware, Sherry Shriner does have some knowledge satan gave to
her in exchange for her soul, that she was never to know. Do NOT go to her
website, unless you have I, YAHUVEH's permission, for there are tracking devices
for both of the leaders she works for. If you are looking for her to protect you
in anyway, beware, for your names are already on a list of hers. If you have
purchased the emergency rations she sells, your name is on a list she has
compiled. If you are on her email list, beware, you are also on the Governments
email list as well as satan's.
Sherry Shriner sells her Orgone and claims her Orgone will keep
demons, aliens, sickness, disease, poverty, and weather disasters, away from
you. I, YAHUVEH, now decree, Sherry Shriner you have been warned, HOW DARE YOU
say something you make with your own hands can defeat the demons, or cure
anyone, or control the weather. Sherry Shriner you are a FALSE PROPHET to the
highest degree.
You slander Elisheva Eliyahu, because you know both of you are called to
be leaders. She is a leader for I, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and OUR Beloved, Precious
RUACH ha KODESH also called MOMMA WISDOM. Sherry Shriner you
have sold your soul to satan, you are one of satan's leaders, this is true. You
have head knowledge, it is true, but that is all you have. You even copy the
Hebrew ways of this Messianic Ministry to confuse the people. Before your only
target was the Christians in the name of JESUS, now you target the Jews in
Sherry Shriner you are not even who people think you are, you
are a worker of inequity and I warn now, let this broadcast far and wide warn
everyone. Sherry Shriner promotes her Orgone for the
destruction of minds, bodies, spirits and souls! Do not put your faith in Orgone,
put your faith in I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA to protect you in the days of
calamity! She says she knows you can pray to YAHUSHUA for protection, but that
is the hard way, instead she says, "Buy her Orgone and it is the easy way."
BLASPHEMY! Nothing can protect you but the Name and the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA
Sherry Shriner I, YAHUVEH, rebuke you now for saying, 'Your
Orgone will protect people from demons and UFO's full of demonic aliens.' MY
Little Ones, do not discard the warning about the UFO's and aliens, but realize
only I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can and will protect you in the days
of calamity and tribulation. This is the truth about the Orgone she makes and
sells and tells you to plant all over various parts of the world, or tells you
to wear it on a neckchain or put it in your bedrooms or inside your home.
Here is a truth I, YAHUVEH, speak forth from Elisheva Eliyahu. It is
Elisheva that has a Holy Warrior Spirit as David had as a Shepherd Boy, when he
battled Goliath. Sherry Shriner is not the grand daughter of
King David of old as she claims. In fact Sherry Shriner is a
Goliath of evil speaking forth doctrines of devils and secrets revealed to her
by satan and mixing in some biblical truths to confuse the people.
Sherry Shriner is the 'Alien on the Internet' and she is not what she
portrays herself to be. You have been warned.
I send you forth Elisheva Eliyahu, to do what you have asked ME not to
do and that is to expose, battle and speak forth words to this 'Alien on the
Internet' named Sherry Shriner in the Name of YAHUVEH! Sherry
Shriner you target the Christians and Messianic Jews because they are the ones
satan wants to destroy the most. Beware Holy people and warn others. The Orgone
she makes she claims is her secret recipe and that it works different than other
Orgone, but in truth it will attract the demons, your homes will become
possessed with evil spirits, the land you plant her Orgone will be as a tracking
device to the devil and the aliens who are already here in disguise. They are
satan's fallen elite troops!
Because you put your faith in her Orgone I, YAHUVEH, will allow sicknesses to
come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH, will allow your homes to become infested with
evil. I, YAHUVEH, will allow poverty where you had prosperity. I will allow the
destroyer to destroy all you own if you do not repent, dig up, warn, and demand
your money back spent on her books, emergency supplies, and her Orgone and
redeem the finances I gave you, into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH, have warned you,
if you depend on her Orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This
image of a woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies!
For those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you
will see.
Why do you think she brags her Orgone is better than anyone else's? Because she
has a secret recipe? Her Orgone will not save anyone, and will harm everyone who
does not repent and ask ME for forgiveness for the stupidity of believing the
lies sent by satan.
She exposes the enemies of YAHUSHUA for one purpose and that is to gain your
trust. Why do you think she calls Benny Hinn evil names, and tells you when he
ministers go and plant her Orgone where he is ministering around the world? I
will tell you why, "It is because this empowers his strange occult fire!" How
else can satan get you to take part in planting her Orgone if you do not think
you are fighting evil? Why do you think she now begs for money to build her
Orgone factories around the world. Yes, even internationally she wants to
contaminate the atmosphere because this benefits satan's elite forces that are
coming from space. They are the Princes and Powers of the Air and some are
already here! THEY NEED HER ORGONE!!! This Orgone is also affecting global
warming, so be warned.
Elisheva has delayed this word going forth because every time she would read
the prophecies concerning this, she would be fought in the supernatural realm
and dreams of aliens would attack her. Yet someone must warn MY Holy Children
that are caught up with the spirit of mind control and mind manipulation. Even a
visit to Sherry Shriner's site without I, YAHUVEH's permission
is dangerous. Do NOT go to her site, do not even look up her name, unless you
know you are prayed up, and the devil is bound up along with the demons and you
are strong spiritually and you have MY permission. Pray against this evil Sherry
Shriner and what she is doing and what she has done.
If you discern you are also to take an active role in rebuking the lies coming
from the mouth of this reptilian alien who is also part of satan's alien elite
troop, do it NOW. She names others who are in high profile and governmental
positions and calls them reptilian, who better to know another reptilian, than
one that is of the same alien elite troop? Beloved Children, I tell you this so
you will not fear when you see things come to pass, you thought was only a
figment of another's imagination. Even the horror movies you watch depict actual
monsterous creatures in hell which will walk this earth during the Great
Prophecy 93
You shall shout it from the housetops. You shall shout it from the internet.
First I show you and I expose the one called Sherry Shriner as
a false prophet, as an alien and now I show you Linda Newkirk who has crossed
the line and can no longer even use the excuse of insanity. She dares call
herself the Queen of Heaven? Even the spirit of insanity has no excuse before
ME! Linda Newkirk, you have committed BLASPHEMY! No excuse for your mental
health! For you were warned not to print this! Delusions of grandeur have now
destroyed you. Not only your mind, not only your body but now you've doomed your
soul. And all those who have bought her books, and have bought Sherry
Shriner's books, I hold you now accountable. Burn those books!
Elisheva, I rest you up for a great war that's coming, for the new revelations
I'm speaking forth. The small message I've already spoken, you will post it
before the world to let them know there's something more coming. YAHUSHUA's
Demon Stompers, well done, MY faithful servants! Well done MY faithful beloved
ones! You stand in the front lines. You sacrifice an hour of your time. For this
Ministry is no ordinary ministry. I use it as a David to slay the Goliaths. The
one who calls herself Sherry Shriner, claims to hear from ME
and reveals so called Bible codes she twists at her whim. But she says, "Throw
away any disciple that followed Paul." I tell you true, this one isn't listening
to Heaven at all. But Linda Newkirk, you crossed a line not even Sherry
Shriner has crossed. Beware MY Beloved Ones, for the devil is angry,
for he knows his time is short. Linda Newkirk, you have not only aroused the ire
of ABBA YAHUVEH, you have not only aroused the ire of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, but
you have aroused and you have grieved to the extreme the ONE who is called the
RUACH ha KODESH! I am the only QUEEN OF HEAVEN!!! And I will share MY Glory with
no one!!
Orgone cannot protect you. I have spoken forth from this Ring Maiden's mouth. I
have exposed this lie. It draws the evil! It does not repel the evil. Now
they're getting tricky. Because they want to confuse the innocent so they take
this ministry of amightywind and they twist the Words within. I prophecied, I
warned in advance, do not set your hearts on the words that Shelby Corbitt says.
What started out as innocent deception became an outright lie now motivated by
the word pride. Christmas came and went. YAHUSHUA was not sent. Where are the
Holy holding these prophets who prohesied (accountable). Where are the Holy and
calling it what it is and it is a lie. Not even the one that I speak forth now
knows the date that YAHUSHUA comes for I said that I'd send the Holy angels to
tell you right before HE comes. Live each day as though it were your last. Make
sure no sin is found in you. Take it to the cross at Calvary for only the Blood
of YAHUSHUA can wash it away. Only through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA and the
Name of YAHUSHUA can you start a new day. Watch and wait but away with the date
setters. Close your ears. Are you not tired of the pain yet?
I am releasing revelations as I set Elisheva aside and the secrets that have
been locked in, starting with Ezekiel 9, for I tell you this, it shall be
secrets and revelations for she is that Scribe and Judgment starts at the House
who claims to be of YAHUVEH. Sin is to know what is right and still continue to
do wrong. "I come for a Bride without spot or wrinkle," YAHUSHUA speaks it forth
again and again. Linda Newkirk, how dare you think you can just let anyone in?!
Who gave you the keys to Heaven? Where did you get the keys Linda Newkirk? You
have prophesied falsely. Now let the Holy raise up, everyone that hears this
Word and rebuke her! Rebuke Sherry Shriner! Remember the
warning I have given because the war has just begun. And it's not even 2008.