Do not weep for ME, MY Daughter. Be not deceived MY Daughter for I am not easily
mocked. Weep for John Hagee. Do you not see MY Daughter? I told
you as you and your husband were out in that tent on the 27th of September 2007
[Sukkot]. I told you, you heard MY footsteps and I told you I was walking this
earth in a form you would not recognize. One after another, those who say they
represent ME, those who say they represent YAHUSHUA, those who say they are
filled with the RUACH ha KODESH and they have no part of US! OUR SPIRIT is
nowhere near them. John Hagee, you are fit for the fire of MY destruction! You
deny MY SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as MESSIAH! You're lining your pockets with
gold for fame and for fortune. You sold your soul for it was determined long
ago. John Hagee, I Prophesy through MY Ring Maiden now, you are
doomed! For you not only lie to the Christians, a mammoth church worldwide, you
deny MY SON YAHUSHUA to the Jews knowing not even the children of satan could
remove what was written above the stake where YAHUSHUA was crucified, "KING OF
You are so puffed up in pride. Do you think you hide your wickedness from ME?
You shall choke on your own words! For you have the spirit of the antichrist !
You tell the Jews there's another yet to come. You prepare them for the one that
comes as a counterfeit, the son of satan! You John Hagee are
doomed! For you shall not only fall into the very bowels of hell but the Lake of
Fire shall swallow you! You are a traitor! You are a Judas! As you betrayed ME
before, you betray ME again! I Prophesy you John Hagee, are
You, Juanita Bynam, you think you're so beautiful. But when I look at you, you
make ME want to puke! Your stench reaches all the way to Heaven along with
John Hagee's. You, all of you, including Benny Hinn, satan
fills all of you! I Prophesied through this Handmaiden, "Every Ministry Named
After Man Shall Fall!" I gave you time to repent and yet none of you have. You
sold your soul to satan and you, Juanita Bynam, you fill the women's hearts with
the spirit of lust with your talk. You set an example that is nothing but shame.
You are a shame to MY NAME!
So John Hagee, you shall hear this Word and your face will turn
red with rage and this will only hasten your demise because you're doomed.
Today, I've exposed your lies and I give this warning to all far and wide all
over this world, "If you are supporting this man and any of those names you have
heard, you are supporting the work of satan." For these servants are not MINE.
You are heaping the gold and the silver in their pockets. You are paying for the
mansion over their heads and the tailor made threads and these are not MINE.
Prophecy 92
John Hagee, you are a Judas, a wolf in sheep's clothing,
preaching out of both sides of your mouth. You lie to the Jewish people and say,
"YAHUSHUA did not come to earth to be Israel's Messiah." You tell them "YAHUSHUA
understands why you do not receive HIM as Messiah." You set them up to receive
the antichrist as Messiah, and have sold them out for silver and gold. For the
sake of feeding your greed for fame and fortune, you feed the sheep and lambs
some truth mixed in with abominational LIES!
John Hagee, I have released another prophectic message through
this Prophet and you are doomed, and all those who are in your congregation had
better flee, while there is yet time! The Evangelical Prosperity Pimps invited
in the demon of greed and pride, and that demon invited in the demon of Judas.
Those I have named and tose I will name have compromised MY truths. Instead of
lifting up MY Name they lift up their names, putting it on buildings, ministries
and churches.