Obeying YAHUVEH vs. Man Regarding Keeping The Sabbath
Listen To YAHUVEH's Answer In Real Audio:
We have been getting many emails from women lately, asking for direction
regarding the true Sabbath day, Friday sunset until Saturday sunset.
Their question generally asks, "I know the true Sabbath is Friday sunset until
Saturday sunset and it is my desire to honor the true Sabbath. But my Christian
husband believes Sunday is the Sabbath and insists I go to church with him and
the family on Sunday. I am torn as to what to do because I know I am to obey
YAHUVEH instead of man. But I also know I am to submit to my husband in
everything as it is written in the Scriptures. Please help, I am looking for
We took this question to YAHUVEH in prayer and this is His answer He gave us.
[We started praying in Heavenly tongues and this is the interpretation.]
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"Wives will not be held accountable for what their husband forces them to do.
Especially a man who claims to worship and serve me, to love My Son, to know My
Word, to be the spiritual head of the household. He will be held accountable. If
they did not know, I will not hold them accountable, they will be judged for
what they know and because I have told that wife to submit to that husband and
he leads her astray, it will not be her that will be punished, it will be him.
The only way I will punish her is if she does not boldly stand up and decree
what is the true Sabbath. She must still observe the true Sabbath. She must
insist to have the right of the rest of the Sabbath or I will hold her
accountable. IF she accompanies him to church on a Sunday, she must let everyone
know she does not observe that [day] as the Sabbath. As she does this to the
pastor and those in the congregation, it will get so uncomfortable, her husband
will wish he had never forced her to go.
You can not compromise what you know to be wrong.
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Given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu on Rosh HaShanah, September 7th, 2002.