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How to Turn Curses into Blessings.

A New Teaching!

Newest battle sent from Hell to attack Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu Praise YAHUSHUA! Thanks to those who are there to pray me through these battles. They are the ministries prophetic prayer warriors. Other Prophet's told me to rest up, for Satan was raising up a battle against me, and it would be harsh. Little did they know, when the Enemies are exposed Hell becomes very Angry! It is time for those who have been deceived to be set free. Because YAHUSHUA knows and sees all. He hears the ones that are held captive! But I have learned MUCH in these battles, exposing these servants of Satan and binding up the wounds in the name of YAHUSHUA, where it is possible, for not all want to be free. I am held accountable for what I know and now pass these lessons onto all those who want to know MORE about how to use your Spiritual weapons in these end times.

Dearest Family of YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA) I have suffered many attacks by those professing to love YAHUSHUA, but who are really of the synagogue of Satan. These attackers are Satanists, practicing the occult and demon conjurers, yet they come as angels of light, just as the Bible states. I have been intimidated, threatened, and have had curses sent at me through my e-mail, even my children have been attacked through their witchcraft. I have seen and heard things that few would believe, yet I do not underestimate the power of their evil (for the Bible says be not ignorant of Satan's devices) YET I KNOW THIS, THERE IS NOTHING GREATER AND MORE POWERFUL THAN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA MESSIAH AND THE BLOOD HE SHED AT CALVARY. THIS COMBINED WITH THE WORD OF GOD MAKES US MORE THAN A CONQUEROR, THROUGH YAHUSHUA, SO BACK OFF DEVIL!! YOU HAVE NO CLAIM ON ME, MY LOVED ONES OR THIS MINISTRY!

I have to admit that recently, I have let my emotions and wounds get a hold of me and I called upon YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to judge those that were trying to destroy me and this ministry (also my faith). They also tried to discredit My soon coming partner, some even going so far as to call him the Antichrist and my dream lover. This is truly blasphemy, for they speak against the Holy Spirit who is sending him. Multitudes of Prophets from around the world have confirmed this through prophecies, dreams, and visions. Satan shudders in fear, for he knows when these two anointings of the Holy Ghost come together it will be as if a nuclear bomb hit hell and multitudes of souls will be saved. I must be doing something right, for that's when we know the devil gets really mad and tries to attack! But Praise YAHUSHUA, I have MANY prayer partners lifting up this ministry, and my name in prayer, asking for wisdom, anointing, protection, blessings, and correction, boldness, strength, finances, and more of a discerning spirit. This is stirring up the gifts of the Holy Spirit within me, including prophetic gifts, allowing me to speak more clearly through visions, dreams, and revelations, all backed up with the Word of God! Always, any messages covered in the shed blood of YAHUSHUA, and NO way will Satan get a toe in this Ministry! NO Judas's or Demons allowed!

Pray that the Holy Spirit will correct me, if my foot strays from what I am anointed to do, and have been commissioned to accomplish for YAHUSHUA's Glory Alone! I don't understand this, but it was prophesied over me by a man in a dream this September 1998 that YAHUSHUA would use me to bring 88 percent of YAHUSHUA's sheep out of the Wilderness! Why he said that number I have NO idea! Even One percent would be a honor! Pray I accomplish what has been prophesied and someone will be sent to me to explain what this even means! If you know, let me know.

YAHUSHUA will bless mighty everyone who supports or prays for this ministry and asks YAHUSHUA to use it to bring tens of millions of souls to YAHUSHUA! Send the partners to help me to do this. Open all the doors he wants open, and shut all the doors YAHUSHUA wants Shut! If you would also remember to cover ALL who help me in this ministry even those who are praying, then you also will be covered with the same blessings! Anyway, back to the Wars sent from Hell.

I had not rested when one attack came, I go without food many days and nights, just wanting to minister. YAHUSHUA told me I was abusing the anointing by abusing this temple and by not resting and caring for this body. I was out of balance, and opening myself up to attacks. So be warned, learn this lesson from me and even in ministering REST and take care of your body! We can't minister on a sick bed or from Heaven.

And recently, I have rested, and believe me I understand why this happened. Whenever I learn a lesson I pass it on to others, hoping they won't have to suffer like I did to learn that lesson. Recently, I even heard the audible voice of God, (this is a new gift of the Holy Spirit that has been happening this year) speak to me and these words I came never forget for they are spoken to my spirit and soul. " The ones sent against this ministry, I shall destroy. For this ministry is named after the Alpha and Omega and not you. I protect what is mine." Let my enemies mock, for it will only make YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's wrath hotter. I received for others prophecies that confirmed this saying YES, YAHUSHUA would punish his and my enemies as he has said. Those seeking to destroy this ministry and who call me a false prophet and worse, saying I am not even of the LORD, BEWARE, you are touching God's anointed. Although this persecution has been harsh (the life of an prophet is not easy), but now I see clearly why Satan did it! To take my eyes off of the many mandates from YAHUSHUA, to expose the wolves in sheep's clothing! They pulled an OJ Simpson tactic! Get the heat off of the guilty and put the heat on the innocent one. Now I am only using the word innocent meaning, I am not the evil one as I was accused, ONLY because YAHUSHUA saved my soul and put HIS Holy Spirit in me! In my fatigue and yes, anger, I fell for a trap of Satan. After all, Satan seeks to kill and destroy. Lesson learned No weapon formed against us will prosper and keep your eyes off man and keep them on Almighty God and YAHUSHUA, YAHUSHUA Messiah.

The time is short, and Satan is angry. It is time to expose his servants who speak his lies. Beware, for many of these groups profess to love YAHUSHUA, but instead try to control the mind, body, spirits, souls and finances, of deceived believers. Beware these Wolves in Sheep's clothing abound. Remember the dangers of Jim Jones and Heaven's Gate, and David Koresh for a few examples. There was even one Brother, (a new babe in Christ) in California who paid $1,000 to have the privilege of joining a church, because he was told that was the way to be saved. After this they asked for an additional $500. He was told to tithe regularly and it was none of his business where the money was going to. One night the Holy Spirit led him to this site. He wrote me and later I spoke to him on the phone assuring him that the Gift of Salvation is free, no amount of money can buy it. He was concerned because the Pastor said his regular tithing of hundreds of dollars a month wasn't sufficient. He told me he was being pressured to contribute to the purchase of a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle for a birthday gift for the Pastor and he wanted my advice on what he should do. I told him to flee that place and that Pastor will answer to YAHUSHUA someday for fleecing the flock. Another Sister wrote me telling me how her church was involved in the Laughing Revival. When she had attended a Church social function she heard others mocking the Holy Spirit by pretending to speak in tongues and pretending to fall under the power of the Holy Ghost, having food fights, and mocking an older lady who always stood up every Sunday, testifying to the goodness of the Lord. All of this happened while the Pastor and his wife looked on amused. When she lovingly rebuked them, the Pastor's wife rebuked her back, telling her that she had no right to tell them what to do. Only the Pastor has that authority. She wrote me suffering depression, I prayed with her, she has since left that church and warns others. There are other people on the internet that preach the word of God, yet they boast of the fact that they have MPD (multiple personality disorder) and they are deceiving the people to believe that having multiple personalities is a blessing from God. Even though some of them come from a satanic background and some of their alters are evil, they are telling others they will still go to Heaven. This is a lie straight from the pits of Hell, this is demon possession, not just mental illness, they need deliverance. There is but one soul, and all those alters will either go to Heaven or Hell. They must all get together and agree to become one in the Lord, YAHUSHUA for doesn't the word of God say that we are to decrease daily and he is to increase daily? I speak this in love for the souls that have been trapped by Satan's lies. If I don't warn you, who will?

The Spirit of religion is increasing his hold on people, it is one of the worst evil spirits to try and get someone free of! For they have a form of Godliness, and yet NO Godliness within! So sad! They are even fooling themselves into believing they are going to Heaven when they will soon be a Citizen in Hell! Listen to the song/vision given to me 6 years ago. This ugly song describing hell is leading many souls to YAHUSHUA. (Jude 1, "Some cometh by the way of fear.")

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord, God will deliver you of them all. We all have known persecution. We place this all in the hand of YAHUSHUA knowing he will take what was meant for evil and turn it around for HIS Glory!

But as for the enemies, yes, even those who call on Satan or practice black arts and witchcraft, they cannot, I repeat CANNOT, destroy this ministry or ME and my loved ones for all belong to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the Holy Spirit! NOT even myself belongs to me! Does that make sense? So they can call down Judgment and Fire and damnation all they want. They can threaten my life! It makes no matter, for NOTHING CAN HAPPEN OUR GOD DON'T ALLOW! I plant this seed of persecution, what was meant will turn around for good for the salvation of souls as a greater anointing upon this ministry as well as myself, so I can hear more clearly and see more clearly and the Holy Ghost will bring Millions of souls to YAHUSHUA, through this ministry! Satan I take your weapons now and turn them against YOU! also ALL your demons, and all your hell's children that you have raised up to come against this ministry, myself and those that labor with me. I am believing in faith that the enemies used of Satan will realize that they have been used as a weapon against a Holy ministry while there is yet time for them to repent. It's not me they have attacked, it is the Alpha and Omega Ministry. It is Jehovah, YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit who anoints and sends this Handmaiden, his messenger, forth! The Bible says it's like sticking a finger in Jehovah's eye! So beware!

Recently I have apologized to those who had written in the guest book and were spammed by a certain person. I ask the Lord YAHUSHUA to take these lies and expose the one who sent them, that you will discern which spirit this person is of. It is not the Holy Spirit. For those that believe these lies you will be held accountable before Almighty God some day. For it was the Holy Spirit that led you to place a blessing in the guest book and you discerned what spirit I was of. It was a servant of Hell that spammed you and made you doubt. I now ask YAHUSHUA to turn this around, bringing forth more warriors to stand by my side and fight these enemies with me. I praise YAHUSHUA that multitudes of warriors will join me in this ministry and help me to reach the millions for YAHUSHUA for YAHUSHUA'S Praise, Honor, and GLORY ALONE! I also plant this seed of Persecution that was sent against me to convince me there is no husband, my partner coming in this ministry as well as in life! Because of this attack, I plant what was meant for evil to turn for GOOD! My faith will only GROW stronger NOT weaker and YAHUSHUA will every week send me MORE confirmation what he has promised shall come about QUICKLY and like Prophet Debbie prophesied " COME HELL OR HIGH WATER NIKOMIA IS COMING" ALMIGHTY GOD IS A GOD OF ALL CONSUMING FIRE AND HE WILL BURN UP ANYONE THAT GET S IN HIS PATH!

I have been told by my enemies who practice black arts and witchcraft that my partner will not come, they claim they have fasted and prayed against this. One person even said all she sees is blood. But all I see is blood, the shed blood of YAHUSHUA of Calvary and it is stronger than any of their curses. Shortly I will be introducing [my former husband] to all of you as it has been prophesied by many. The devil is a LIAR! and he can't stop what YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit has ordained! NOR can anyone practicing Witchcraft! or Satanism! NOR can any harm come to [my former husband], this ministry, me, my loved ones, or those that support and labor with me! These weapons that were formed against this ministry and me only serve to bless me. For you see, before I was attacked I couldn't have planted these seeds that started out as persecution, accusation, and destruction. Now I give it to YAHUSHUA and say "Sweet YAHUSHUA, I give this to you and now ask that all this evil be turned around for your praise, honor, and glory alone!"

I pray for blessings on all who help to support this ministry. I now plant that seed for MORE to come and join with me financially, as I take this gospel of YAHUSHUA and his prophetic words and teachings around the WORLD for the Glory of YAHUSHUA ALONE!

My enemies call me greedy, and yet in 23 years I have never taken a salary. Every dime that comes in to this ministry goes back in to it. I plant this Lie of being called greedy and instead of evil coming forth from this lie, instead it will turn around and this ministry will NO longer have to be concerned with how Jehovah Jireh will support this Minister, ministry, getting it into the foreign lands, on foreign Internet servers, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, buying the tracts, ministry cards, etc. and paying the HUGE phone bills where I pray for hurting souls, yes I even accept collect calls!

We also will build a church building for YAHUSHUA's Glory, NOT one but MANY! and they may NOT be the lush palaces that wealthy ministries are building, but it will have a Wealth when it comes to soul bringing, and also a wealth of Holy Ghost Spiritual gifts, and a Wealth of faith, and Wealth of loving, loyal Congregation. OUT to be YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA pleasers, NOT Man!

A Wealth of Wisdom shall come forth! And we will know what to do and be prepared for the War that is coming against YAHUSHUA's Bride! The wealth of the Wicked is Stored up for the Righteous! We are Righteous in YAHUSHUA's name! Because Satan has called me Greedy, I claim that wealth NOW in all ways to be used for YAHUSHUA's glory and to bring souls into the kingdom of Heaven!

I plant all persecution, accusation, and destruction, every weapon sent against me, every person sent against me, and this ministry, and instead say I FORGIVE YOU! and I pray for the salvation of YOUR souls! and And YOU who are reprobate, and insist on trying to destroy that which is Holy! Almighty God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will deal with you personally!

Because I have been called a false prophet, I sow that lying seed also, and NOW greater revelation from HEAVEN from the mouth of Almighty God YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA, Greater dreams, and revelations! Greater Boldness, and wisdom of the Almighty God YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit, Greater signs, wonders, and miracles shall follow US that believe! a greater gift of Prophecy! and I ask NOW that for YAHUSHUA'S GLORY ALONE! that I have fresh manna to feed the Sheep and lambs and greater anointing to bring the LOST to YAHUSHUA! and bind up the wounds of his abused, broken, feeling forsaken, depressed, suicidal children.

Prophetic Warriors of YAHUSHUA in the amount of 500,000 will join with me to send forth this message! We will know one another! We have already begun gathering on this cyberspace space temple wall. Gabriel has blown the Shofar Horn! Get ready for the coming of YAHUSHUA, the sound waves have been blocked thus far! but it's TRUE YAHUSHUA IS COMING BACK FOR A CHURCH WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE! Prophetic warriors NOT afraid to expose the wolves in sheep's clothing! Prophetic warriors hearing clearly the voice of the Holy Spirit and having the BOLDNESS to speak forth what man deems foolishness! But it is TRUTH FROM HEAVEN! Prophetic warriors of YAHUSHUA going into the enemy camps and taking back what belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven!

Prophetic warriors that will hear clearly, as will I, where we are to go in this world, before martial law, is declared! Before the mark of the Beast! If we must go through a small portion of the tribulation NOW I DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS! but if we MUST then YAHUSHUA has a place to hide his People! Where in this world is that place? Moses had a promised land to get to, Lot left Sodom and Gomorrah and knew where he was going, Noah had a Ark, and David had a cave! There is always a place for his People to gather and worship him! I don't believe we will all die! or be imprisoned! I believe what has been prophesied I will know this place, and like Moses he will show me where in this world this place is, and how to get ALL his true Bride of YAHUSHUA there safely! Yes there will be some martyrs but the majority will be protected I believe! In faith I am believing those on this list including me, will be counted in that number of being protected, and all those that I consider my prayer partners that I prayed would never be imprisoned, tortured, or murdered! Instead we will live to Glorify YAHUSHUA and be here when the catching away, (rapture) comes about any day!
We are to live in this world, but stay separate and Holy!

Now I ask you to start praying that YAHUSHUA sends me that VISITATION that has been prophesied to me, and it will be QUICKLY as Clinton will be as a lion backed into a corner, and things will get more difficult in America! I prophecy this now, beware of GORE when I hear his name I hear BLOODY GORE! He is a Cheshire Cat, the grin on his face is mocking! I have nothing against HIM politically, this is what I am shown in the Spirit!

So NOW pray for the finances to come quickly, what nation to put new internet Church in. There are four more, they must be in the north, south, east and west in various parts of the world! I still am waiting for instructions, and these internet sites must be able to handle REAL AUDIO for the power is NOT only in the written word, but in the SPOKEN WORD! Every time I am given a prophecy , he stores it up in me, unable to release it UNTIL I SPEAK IT FORTH TO ANOTHER PERSON! I need the wisdom to know how to help our brothers and sisters who he tells me to help in this ministry, to help them get to the secret place in this world he has hidden for his true bride! I have seen a huge caravan! Pray the Visitation from Heaven will come this year! I must know where to lead the people! Long ago, and my enemies will attack me for saying this, I was told I had the anointing to lead like Moses, and Deborah! Now it was confirmed! I laughed when I was first told this by strangers sent to me, on the phone, then in the space of 5 minutes, I have call waiting, and another I knew called me and said the same thing, not knowing why! So, although I have been persecuted and accused of seeking titles! NOW what was secret because of this attack, and I didn't speak it all this time for even I don't understand what this entails! Yet the LORD says to me Speak It This Day!

LET THEM ATTACK! I will sow that seed of persecution, accusation, insults and MORE blessings will come forth! I will know where to lead the people

Where a safe place is on this earth in these end times! Where we will have a church that will be 24 hours of praise and worship and blessings! Where only the Holy will gather! Where the enemies of this world won't be able to touch US! Where YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA, and the Holy Spirit and all the angels from Heaven will protect US, feed US, clothe US, and provide for ALL of our needs! as we await the RAPTURE OF THE BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA!

This is what YAHUSHUA taught me to teach YOU, if you are in poverty, then it's like the widow who only had enough oil and flour for one last loaf of bread! She gave it to the prophet Elijah of Old, and look what Almighty God did! She never had lack again! Later even her son was brought back from Death!

Whether it's a seed of persecution, or abuse, SOW it ! Plant it in His hand! Forgive and give it back to YAHUSHUA and say NOW I expect this in return for that evil, since you said "All things work together for good to those called of GOD and called according to HIS purpose" Good must come from Evil! God must turn it around to bring YAHUSHUA GLORY!

As prophesied by ONE on this list, There is a VISITATION coming from HEAVEN! She said it may be Michael the Archangel. Since I have had VISITATIONS of YAHUSHUA three times I wonder if it will be him? I am expecting this any day. Will it be Angel Michael that comes? or YAHUSHUA? All I know is because I am obedient and asking you to pray for what the world would call me insane for, please pray this VISITATION from Heaven will come quickly!

I see things in the spiritual realm about America and we must FLEE quickly! Plus I have proof in the natural realm that will NOT be revealed here at this site for it's in America. That's why I need wisdom how to get more sites with foreign providers, and more finances to do this, as well as how to get it into their languages!

One last thing, the reason Satan is trying to steal my faith in my soon coming partner, is because [my former husband] has the answers from the Holy Ghost, the pieces of the Puzzle I don't have! Please pray that which hinders him and has kept him from reaching me thus far will be removed completely and quickly in the name of YAHUSHUA of Calvary and Nazareth!

Praise YAHUSHUA! See I have passed the test this day! along with you. Now we know PLANT any seeds of Adversity, tribulation, tears, pain, accusations, insults, destruction, and sickness, and give them back to YAHUSHUA and say "Now YAHUSHUA please bring something GOOD out of all of this as your word plainly states, and I thank you in advance!"

I offer my hand now to those that persecute me and say "I forgive you, in the name of YAHUSHUA." I offer you my hand again, will you allow me to lift you up and help you to stand, free from Satan's lies, in the name of YAHUSHUA, through the blood of YAHUSHUA under the anointing of the Holy Ghost! YAHUSHUA is telling me telling me to POST this on the Church site for ALL to read and he will teach them also as together we learn, and Next time the enemy attacks I will be wiser in the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Oh to be MORE like YAHUSHUA ! For people to see more of HIM in me! and NOT see Elisheva! That I may DECREASE! So that YAHUSHUA may INCREASE is my Prayer! It should be all of OURS!

Come LORD YAHUSHUA our YAHUSHUA MESSIAH! COME QUICKLY! is my Prayer! Come take your Bride home! Don't rely dear family on your churches you attend each Sunday, or that Pastor, there is coming a day OH, SO QUICKLY! The Churches are underneath the Judgment of Almighty God for leading his flocks astray, and abusing them, and fleecing them! Leaving them naked and bare! I was sent to the internet to go and find them and minister to them!

Where the few good Pastor's are (the Pastors with the heart of the Good Shepherd) that are truly Shepherds that are loving YAHUSHUA's lambs and sheep truly blessing them, not controlling them, not endangering them with false doctrines of devils, false signs, wonders, and miracles! Where the Good Pastors are, beware, for I tell you this, don't even rely on them wholly to hear from the LORD YAHUSHUA, for there is coming a time OH, SO QUICKLY! you won't have that building to gather in! The doors will be closed, barred shut! and you must learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit yourself. Hearing instructions for it will literally mean your life is at stake! So learn NOW, before its too late! When YAHUSHUA comes again to gather his Bride it won't be because of a RELIGION but because of a LOVING, OBEDIENT, LOYAL, RELATIONSHIP with YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA Messiah! Don't depend on that Pastor to save you! or count you worthy! count on YAHUSHUA! Have faith in HIM and NOT which Church you attend!

One last thing I must say, for this entire time, I thought again I was only writing a few, and now realize I have been speaking to all as this will be posted so the world can read it. Concerning the Demonic Cults, their Prophecies sound so good, and yet they are as a deadly as a cobra! They are used of Satan to lead the people to the Anti Christ! Their wolf's mask are being ripped off! Under the anointing , through this Ministry this day! Beware! NOT all that glitters is GOLD! TIN shines forth also! manipulated by man or woman! or Satan! and MORE info is coming in on many different cults and wolves in sheep's clothing. To those who have ABUSED YAHUSHUA'S SHEEP, IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA! LET GOD'S PEOPLE GO FREE NOW! And everyone ELSE you hold captive! For YAHUSHUA is going to send the captives or those that you have abused this way! and I will continue to Expose the Wolves in Sheep's clothing!


Woe be unto you who say you belong to YAHUSHUA and yet freely serve Satan! GOD IS NOT EASILY MOCKED! To those held captive, YAHUSHUA says FLEE FROM THESE WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING! while there is yet time! REPENT FOR EVEN GIVING THEM A DIME! For you have fed the wolves in sheep's clothing! If I care so much for those I don't even know, how much more does YAHUSHUA CARE? People will you agree with me in prayer, ALL the WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING WILL BE EXPOSED! The bible says in the end times even the VERY ELECT will be DECEIVED if POSSIBLE! the only reason word "IF" is in there is IF you are willing to listen to the sheep in wolves clothing instead of exposing them! OH, HOW FEW ARE! EVEN THE PASTORS CARE ONLY FOR THEIR OWN FLOCKS!

Pam Clark, who has a prayer alliance was charging, $50.00 for PRAYER! A pastor wrote me and told me this! she was going to charge HIM! Pam's prophetic Site! I won't give you the URL because I won't take part in leading the flock into the wolves den! She teaches that prophets should never speak of judgment or wrath, or repentance for only words that build up and edify each other should be prophesied! Who takes Holy Prophecies and edits them to suite her whim! She use to post some given to me, this was when I first came on the internet, but when I said touch not God's anointed words, when she wanted to make the sentences flow better! Not want to offend man! She stopped posting them, much to my relief! For I found she is NOT what she pretends to be! She has set herself up as a Judge of the Prophets! A Pastor was told he wasn't hearing from the Holy Spirit because he spoke of Judgment and wrath and repentance! I warn you YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit send the Prophets to warn to repent! before they send the judgment, wrath, or doom! Pam Clark, like Andrew Strom and Craig Martin, NONE claim to be prophets and ALL seek to lead the sheep astray by teaching there is NO SUCH THING as a TRUE "THUS SAYETH THE LORD!" ALL teach there is always some FLESH in it ! Then why do they believe the bible? Craig Martin is SELLING courses that TEACH how to prophecy! Although he is NOT a prophet he says he can teach prophecy! and for a price, it used to be $500.00 for a course until YAHUSHUA sent me and others with a prophecies for him! with a warning! GOD'S gifts are NOT FOR SALE! YOU CAN'T LEARN PROPHESYING! It is a ANOINTING! WOE BE UNTO YOU WHO HAVE LEARNED AND PAID FOR THESE COURSES! and there are MANY! I don't know what he charges NOW! Craig, and Andrew, and Pam all REBUKED me openly and Pam Clark went so far as to LIE about me on her web site! So many broken people YAHUSHUA has had me minister to, after many prophets, were told that they were NOT prophets by these people! Well, these 3 don't think I am a prophet also! So dear ones join the club! MORE wolves in Sheep's clothing! You have been warned!

Am I fearful for the persecution that will come by exposing them once again? NO! for I have learned to plant that persecution. I realize they are deceived by Satan, so I forgive them. I pray they will see the error of their ways! And like I said I will PLANT any persecutions, or accusations, that come my way, and give it to YAHUSHUA, and BLESSINGS will come forth! Today I pray you will do the same! I am told I shouldn't name the people? Tell me how then can I obey YAHUSHUA and warn where the wolves are in sheep's clothing? Would you rather me shut up and just let the sheep and lambs be devoured, fleeced, spiritually crippled, killed, abused? Led to the Anti Christ, or HELL! It would be much easier, for it seems MOST of the spiritual leaders close their eyes and ears to the cries of the Abused broken body of YAHUSHUA! Well the Holy Spirit won't let me, although I would like some help in this mandate of the LORD. Ezk. 3 17:21 Read it ! NOW then tell me I must not cause division! I must cover their sins with my love! I have no LOVE for Satan, and when YAHUSHUA sends a broken man or woman who is a prophet and told they must NOT prophecy for that is NOT their calling! If Pam Clark, Andrew Strom, or Craig Martin told them this, I can be assured most likely they are trying to shut the mouth of a true prophet! Just like they tried to shut my mouth! READ a prophecy given to me "DON'T MUZZLE MY PROPHETS!" Woe be unto those who try! as you can see we only YELL LOUDER! AND THE PROPHETIC ANOINTING ONLY GETS STRONGER! All for the Glory of YAHUSHUA ALONE! Satan seeks to silence and lead the prophets astray! For he knows in these end times we need the Prophetic warriors this is a name YAHUSHUA gave me for the 500,000 troops he told me to gather on the wall ..Jan. 21, 1997, two dreams back to back! Minutes apart!

I was recently told they are being gathered! Through this computer! And it's those that are coming here to be taught and fed and encouraged, learning NOT from me, but from the Holy Spirit speaking forth like he taught me today, I pass the lesson onto you also. This is the Cyberspace WALL! And I may never know your names, but YAHUSHUA DOES! Write me and let me know if you're a prophetic warrior blessed by this internet Church. I really want to get to know you.

I will be your Tonto... will you be mine? YAHUSHUA knows the Prophetic warriors need one another! If your calling is NOT of a Prophetic warrior that is a prophet that also has anointing to be a warrior for YAHUSHUA, Spiritually! But those who are not, then don't feel bad, you are the ones we are sent to protect and encourage and teach, for YAHUSHUA Loves you SOOO MUCH! YAHUSHUA doesn't want you to fear what is to come, he will let the Apostles, Prophets, and Prophetic warriors know in advance, what is to come, and what we are to do, and where we are to gather in YAHUSHUA's name! As we together await the soon coming arrival on earth of YAHUSHUA! who is coming to take HIS bride Home!

Come Lord YAHUSHUA! Come Quickly! is my prayer! Help your Bride to be ready for your coming, without Spot or wrinkle!

Much love in YAHUSHUA's name
Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu