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The Seven Covenants of YAHUVEH

A covenant is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, based on unlimited responsibility. The two parties are YAHUVEH and us. It is important we understand HIS Covenants. Everything HE has done, is doing, and will do is based on these. As HE operates by these, so we are to operate. All other agreements, accords, etc. are of satan. On the other hand, a contract is based on limited liability. Therefore, a covenant is trust between parties, and a contract is distrust between parties. A covenant cannot be broken if new circumstances occur, a contract is voided by mutual consent.

1. The Covenant In Eden (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:15-17)
  • Man was to fill the whole earth with his descendents.
  • Man was to have dominion over animals, but not eat them. Rather his food was to consist of the trees and plants (herbs, vegetables and fruits).
  • Man was to maintain the garden (the Torah).
  • Man was to abstain from eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (false religion).
  • The penalty for disobedience was death.
2. The Covenant with Adam (Genesis 3:14-19)
  • There is a curse upon the man, woman, and serpent.
  • There is a promise of a Redeemer.
  • There is a promise of the defeat of the serpent (satan) by the seed of the woman, the Messiah.
3. The Covenant with Noah (Genesis 8:21-9:17, 24-27)
  • The promise that a flood will never destroy the earth again.
  • Institutes the principle of human government to curb sin.
  • This is the first biblical covenant to specify a sign: the rainbow.
4. The Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3, 15, 17)
  • The covenant promises a land, a people, and great blessing to Abraham.
  • The covenant also promises great blessing to the world through one of Abraham’s descendents, the Messiah.
  • Is also referred to as the "covenant of the promise."
  • The scripture records the ratification of the covenant as well as the covenant sign: the circumcision.
5. The Covenant with Moshe (Moses) (Exodus 19-24, 31)
  • This covenant assumes the continuity of the Abrahamic covenant.
  • It is a multifaceted covenant designed to enable the children of Israel to enjoy the promises YAHUVEH made to Abraham.
  • This covenant shows us how to receive, benefit and approach YAHUVEH.
  • The covenant sign: the Shabbat (remember, we are commanded to remember/keep the Sabbath. Exo. 31:12-19).
6. The Covenant with David (2 Samuel 7:12-16)
  • This covenant continues the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants made with the descendents of Israel.
  • It is made with David (kingly dynasty), assuring him of the continuation of his ruling dynasty. He was the last descendant who would sit upon David’s throne and rule over the united house of Israel will be the Messiah. Sign: the Temple
7. The Renewed or New Covenant (Jeremiah 31;31-34, Hebrews 8:6-13, Matthew 24:4)
  • This covenant assumes the continuation of the previous Israelite covenants. It is a renewal of those covenants.
  • The ratification of this covenant takes place in the period of the Brit Hadasha (New Testament).
  • Some of the promises of this covenant await fulfillment in the Messianic Kingdom.
  • This covenant also states the following:
    • "I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts." (Jer. 31:33)
    • "I will be their Elohim and they will be My people." (Jer. 31:33)
    • "They will know the Lord." (Jer. 31:34)
    • "I will forgive their sins." (Jer. 31:34)
    • "I will give you a new heart." (Ezek.36:22-30)
  • Sign: blood of YAHUSHUA the Messiah

The first three covenants are universal, applying to the whole of creation. The fourth covenant is unconditional and the 5th covenant is conditional.

It is important that we receive and being to walk out the Abrahamic covenant; without this covenant, we do not move to the promises and blessings contained in the others.

The Cutting of a Covenant

We are shown this process in Genesis 15:9-20. Abraham is told by YAHUVEH to cut the pieces in half and place each piece opposite its counterpart.

  • In this instance only YAHUVEH walks between the pieces. Why? YAHUVEH is telling us that he is the ONLY ONE who can establish this covenant forever. The responsibility of maintaining it is on HIM, yet Abraham (and us; remember, "all nations blessed through Abraham") is shown, that this covenant is being established with us forever.
  • When a covenant was cut, both parties would walk between the pieces.
  • As they did this, they would say, "if one of us breaks this covenant, then what has happened to the animal will happen to us." As each person passed the other, it was called pass over.
  • This covenant was considered a completed work; they understood what they had inherited, do we?

Note the number order of each covenant


Echad, Oneness


We were to be ONE with YAHUVEH


Division, Struggle, Witness


We struggled with YAHUVEH, which brought division, yet there is the witness of a promised redeemer.


Divine of YAHUVEH


The sins of man had become evil continually, with the divine mercy of YAHUVEH the world is destroyed by water-a mikvah ritual cleansing with a fresh start.


Works of Messiah


The works of the Messiah begin with the promise being made to Abraham.


Grace of YAHUVEH


The grace of YAHUVEH extended and now enabling us to enjoy the promises HE made through Abraham.




Man; David as a type of YAHUSHUA who was a human yet divine. We see here with David, how man fully controlled by YAHUVEH is to operate in his final restored state.


Completion, Perfection, Sabbath



We are now completed, perfected, renewed in the final Messianic reign. We rest-Shabbat in HIM.