For those of you new to the Torah, you have heard the Torah or Old Testament
called or referred to as the Law. This is not a correct description of what the
Torah is.
The Torah is the Teaching and Instruction from YAHUVEH to Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob – the Children of Israel and all those who follow YAHUSHUA.
YAHUSHUA himself keep the Torah. Remember, he said "he did not come to do away
with the Law or Torah, but he came to fulfill". In order to fulfill something,
you have to do it, participate in it, walk it out.
The Torah was never given as the means to Salvation. Salvation as you know is
through YAHUSHUA. The Torah was given to help you walk out your life blessed vs.
cursed; to live life more abundantly. Even for those of us who have had pretty
good lives so far, there is still a level of blessing that YAHUVEH desires his
children to have which we have missed. We have become accustomed to things as
they are, and think we are doing well.
As we begin to study the Torah, we will study the word from a Hebraic
Understanding vs. Greek/Roman. You will begin to understand why the Torah has
not been done away with. You will see that GRACE (favor extended by YAHUVEH, even
though you do not deserve it) has existed since Adam. YAHUVEH was gracious to
Adam; he could have destroyed him, but did not.
As we begin this study, I will use the Hebrew terms, but will show in
parentheses the Greek/Roman or common terms that you are familiar with.
In Hebrew the Scriptures or Old Testament is called the "Tanach". This word is
an acronym. It is broke down into three parts, the Torah, Prophets, and
Writings. For now we will focus on the first 5 Books or the Torah. I will
reference the Prophets, the writings, and the Brit Chadasha (New Testament), but
our focus for now will be on the first 5.
Also, for your information, I use what is called "The Chumash" Stone Edition. It
is a blue bound Torah. As we go through the study, any references I make to
chapter, verses will be based on this, but you will still be able to follow. It
would be very helpful for you to purchase one, but please do not feel that you
cannot study without it, that is not true.
As you will see from the Torah Cycle Study Calendar, we are now at the portion
called "Vayeira in the Hebrew" and means: And He Appeared. We will begin our
study here at Chapters 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. I will provide some basic teaching on
each chapter.
Left – Judah ("What you do") |
Right – Ephraim ("Why you do") |
Phonics |
Visual |
Short term memory |
Long term memory |
Auditory |
Sight words |
Repeating same thing |
Big Screen TV |
Black and White |
Humor, Emotion |
Logical |
Land of Options |
Detailed |
Change Schedule |
Loves Numbers |
Change, Variety |
Loves Structure |
Hard to Close |
Likes Closure |
Stored in Pictures |
Store Words |
Colors |
Organized |
Visions |
Does not like types & shadows |
Likes types and shadows |
Abraham (Faith-Store Words) |
Noah (Rainbow-Stored in Pictures) |
Eve |
Adam |