I would like to tell you how the Almightywind Last Chance ministry made a huge
difference in my life. I am a Christian, but I was always lukewarm. Revelation
I was living a life where I did not really had a relationship with YAHUSHUA
(JESUS). When I was younger, I accepted YAHUSHUA as my saviour, but I always
felt something was missing. I read my bible and prayed occassionally, but now I
know it was not enough.
I was still living a sinful life.
I had a lot of earthly idols, like my car and music and sport. I was using swear
words, now and then and drinking alcohol at every social event.
One morning, I was walking past my bedroom. Suddenly I felt an urge inside me to
go to the corner of my room and look for something. I ignored it and continued
with my dailiy tasks. The next day, I felt the urge again and this time it was
stronger. So I went to the corner of my room and I found a pile of books there.
I discovered my bible underneath some fishing magazines. As soon as I picked up
my bible I just knew that I had to start reading it. I opened it and the first
book I started to read was Isaiah. I continued reading until 5 pm that day.
Afterwards I discovered that I have almost read all the prophetic books in The
Old Testament. Then the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) started revealing to me
that most of those books that I have read in the bible are based on things
happening in our lifetime and some scripture still have to come to pass.
The RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) started showing me scripture of the importance
of repentance and confessing our sins to YAHUVEH. Also that we should give our
lives completely to YAHUSHUA and ask HIM into our hearts. Then HE will forgive
us our sins. I went on my knees and did just that. Today I strife to lead a
sinless life, and I also asks YAHUSHUA for forgiveness when I do sin.
The Day When YAHUSHUA Appeared To Me
May 2006
It was a Tuesday, the day on which my gardener works for me. My gardener is a
black man.
I was working in my study at home. It was 9 o clock in the morning.
It was about the time when my gardener usually arives for work.
I was busy typing something on my pc, when I suddenly heard really loud
footsteps coming down the pathway towards the door of my house. I looked outside
the window and I saw a tall, white man, walking past my study, wearing a blue
shirt with brown trousers. He was walking very quickly, so I couldn't see his
face. I stood up and started walking towards the front door of our house,
expecting him to knock at any minute.
As I reached the door, I suddenly heard a very loud whistle. It got louder and
louder. Before I could look outside, the whistling stopped. My dogs started
barking in a very unusual way. I was under the impression that they were barking
for the man standing infront of the door. I couldn't explain the whistling
sound. It was someting that I have never heard before. Suddenly, out of nowhere,
I heard my gardener's voice, calling my dogs.
I was astonished. It seemed like the tall white guy just disappeared into thin
air. I have never heard any footsteps of him leaving. And there was no where he
could go. Neither did I see him go past my window.
I looked through the window and saw my gardener opening the front gate outside
and walked around the house. I didn't know what to do..I was stunned. I then
went to the back door of our house to greet my gardener. That's when I saw the
most amazing thing.. As I looked into my gardener's face, I saw the face of a
friendly man with beautiful big blue eyes. He had white hair and a white beard.
It's a bit difficult to describe, but I saw a whole different face than the one
my gardener has. Only for a moment, the man smiled at me and I replied back with
a nervous smile.
I then looked away for only a second. When I looked back, I saw my gardener's
face again, but the eyes were still big and blue. Then, in an instant I saw how
his eyes become smaller again and changed back to the color brown. That
experience changed my whole life. I kept on reading my bible daily and I prayed
three times a day. I really started to form a relationship with YAHUSHUA.
I still wasn't always sure who's face I have seen that morning, until months
later, the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) revealed his name to me, in scripture.
It happned one morning. I was sitting on a couch in our living room. I opened my
bible and read some scripture from Acts 20. As I was reading, my wife called and
I placed my hand on the bible while speaking to her. A minute later we ended our
conversation and I decided to continue reading my bible. When I looked down I
could not believe my eyes. My bible was open on a different page. In fact, I was
looking at Acts 26 now. "How is this possible", I thought to myself. "My hand
was on my bible the whole time I was speaking to my wife and it was open at Atcs
20." Now it was open on Acts 26. I started reading Acts 26 and that's when I
discovered it!
Acts 26:15-18
"And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.
But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this
purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou
hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; Delivering
thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open
their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan
unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them
which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
Great things started happening in my life.
Miracles started happening daily.
We serve a Great GOD YAHUVEH!!
This is my story of how I was led to the Amightywind Ministry
June, 10, 2006
I started searching the internet for the truth.
The RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) has led me to the Amightywind ministry.
I was driving my wife to work. I'm currently working at home.
As I stopped at an intersection, something on the right side of the road drew my
attention. I just had to look, turning my head way backwards. I saw an
electricity supply box. I noticed a few words were spray painted on it.
Two words were in the color white. take" and "trust". The other word were spray
painted in an orange color. But I could not make out what the word was exactly.
Something like "Elia" or "Elisha". The paint were flowing downwards, which made
it hard to read clearly.
I have found the feeling of urgency to read this, very strange.
The next day, after fetching my wife from work, I thought I just had to go back
to the same box and read the words again. And there it was. The same two words
in white paint. "take" and "trust".
And...the word "Elijah" spray painted in another color, in the same spot as the
day before. Even spelled out very clearly. This time, the color of the word
"Elijah" was in purple. Also with a different hand writing. There were no signs
of any orange paint on the same spot, from the day before.
Then a wonderful thing happened.. My wife and I suddenly looked at the sky and
saw the sun, reflecting rays from behind the most beautiful clouds. The rays
were so bright and touching the ground. It was a sight that we have never seen
before. We both felt so calm during that moment.
As we looked infront of us we saw the name "Elijah" written in two places. This
time spray painted on the walls of a building across the street.
At that moment, I felt that I just had to search for the name "Elijah" on the
internet. Then I remembered discovering this prophecy a few days ago:
It was late at night when I read it, so I did not read everything.
But, after reading the name "Elijah" on the electricity supply box, I just had
to go back and to the home page: http://amightywind.com
This is how I came across the Almightywind website.
----------- Elisheva Eliyahu then replied on my email, and this is what she has
written: "I am so overcome with emotion to think how much YAHU'SHUA loves me to
put my name on that electrical supply box. With the words take, and trust. I
asked HIM why those two words, and HE said " he was telling you to take and
trust the words that Elijah speaks forth for it is all truth. My mothers maiden
name was Elias and my Father's name was Elijah. I use my maiden name because the
anointing in it is so strong. All this is in my testimony. "
My Family And I Had Encounters With An "Angel"
July, 5, 2006 - July, 15, 2006
After discovering the real truth on the Almightywond website, my family and I
started to notice a man, making his appearance on several different occasions.
I began seeing this man walking next to the road. It didn't matter in which part
of my town I was driving, it just so happened that he was there, walking next to
the road.
He is tall and has long black hair with dreadlocks. He is always wrapped in
blankets, no matter the time of the day. His trousers are shredded at the
An angel appeared to my wife after she was almost hijacked.
One evening my wife was almost hijacked by four criminals. They followed her car
and tried to push her off the road. She doesn't like to drive in cars that are
going too fast. The fastest she normally drives on the highway is 40 mph. That
night she could feel the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) telling her to drive as
fast as she could to get out of danger. At first she didn't listen, but the
second time the criminals almost ran her of the road and she obeyed the voice of
As she started speeding up, she could feel the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT)
telling her to turn left or right at different turnoffs. A few minutes later the
suspect car with the four criminals was no where to be seen.
Suddenly she came to a halt at a red traffic light. That was when she noticed
the same man with the dreadlocks, standing opposite the road. She paused for a
moment and then realized he was looking straight at her, smiling and nodding his
head, as if to say, "Good job, you have obeyed the voice of the RUACH HA KODESH
* * * * * *
An angel appeared to us, next to the road.
One afternoon, I was driving on the highway. We were taking my father-in-law to
a bus stop. He had visited us for a few days. While I was driving, I suddenly
noticed that same man with the dreadlocks, standing next to the road. We were
driving towards him. When our car want past him I realized that he was looking
directly at me. We had eye contact for about 5 seconds. Afterwards I told my
wife, "what is the chance of that same man standing next to the road, on that
perticular day, looking at all the cars and having eye contact with everyone
going past him? Surely he must have appeared on that spot, moments before we
drove past that location."
* * * * * *
An angel visited my parent's house.
This man also visited my mother's house, one morning.
My mother's house is about a 30 minute's drive from my house. The directions to
her house is really complicated. Even I could not find their house for the first
time, after they have moved in, years ago. My mother had to guide me by
cellphone to their doorstep.
It was early morning. My father was busy working in his garden.
Suddenly he noticed a man standing outside their gate. The man nodded and my
father went to the gate. The man started speaking and all he wanted was a glass
of water. My father then fetched the glass of water and asked if he could give
him anyhting else, like some money, but the man refused and thanked my father
for the water and left again.
* * * * * *
An angel appeared to my sister.
My sister have also heard about the unexplainable visits and encounters with
this man. One day she was visiting me and we were sitting in our livingroom
having a cup of coffee.
I started telling her about this man with the dreadlocks. She were so amazed and
also wanted to see this man. I answered, "I you believe, you will see him. Ask
YAHUSHUA in your prayers and believe and you will also see him."
The next morning, 7 am, I was awaken by my cellphone ringing. It was my sister.
She were shouting with joy and I had to calm her down. Her words were, "I saw
him, I saw him! I saw that same man with the dreadlocks, wrapped in blankets,
just outside my house, this morning. I was busy pulling out of my driveway, when
I noticed him standing next to the road. Last night I asked YAHUSHUA in my
prayers if I could also see this man.."
My sister is living on the other side of town. Almost an hour's drive from my
Surely this man is an angel, disguised as a homeless man.
Finding the truth on the Almightywind Ministry
June, 5, 2007
I started reading the prophecies on the Almightywind website. I began to realize
that it is truly our Heavenly Father and HIS Son who is speaking to us here on
earth. HE is using Elisheva Eliyahu to speak forth HIS words. HE calls Elisheva
HIS anointed Ring Maiden. HIS Elijah of new.
It is so wonderful. The same day I have read the part where YAHUVEH says
Elisheva is HIS Elijah of New, I opened my bible at Malachi 4:5-6. I was
speechless. "Behold,will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the
great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers
to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and
smite the earth with a curse."
I discovered the real truth about Hell. Things you would not normally hear when
you go to church. I also discovered how YAHUSHUA (JESUS) really hates sin, but
HE loves the sinner. HE does not want any of us to go to hell. HE wants us to
live a holy life and repent and completely turn away from our sins.
1 Peter 1:16
HE wants us to have a relationship with HIM.
The Almightywind ministry taught me about the jewishness of our MESSIAH. ABBA
YAHUVEH (GOD) and HIS Son YAHUSHUA (JESUS) really wants us to know THEIR true
Hebrew Holy Names. The Name of our Heavenly Father (GOD) is YAHUVEH and the
Name of HIS Son (JESUS), is YAHUSHUA. The true meaning of YAHUSHUA is..."YAH
saves". HE wants us to know how important it is for us to keep the Jewish Holy
Days. HE wants us to know how important it is to keep the true sabbath days
holy. YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is also telling us there is an anointing power in
using THEIR true Hebrew Names.
YAHUVEH Has Revealed His Name To Me, In The Clouds!
June, 5, 2007
We were visiting some friends and family on a farm. Upon our return, We were
driving through the last gate on the farm. I stopped the car and jumped out in
order to close the gate.
Suddenly, I felt the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) tell me to look up into the
sky. I looked up in the air and saw some strange looking formations in the
clouds. It almost looked like stripes in the air. At first I thought it was
numbers being formed.
Then I began seeing huge letters. It was reading Y......A......H. YAH!! Yes,
YAHUVEH was spelling HIS name in the clouds.
I was speechless and my eyes were filled with tears. Our Heavenly Father YAHUVEH
was actually writing HIS NAME for us in the clouds. I was so filled with joy, I
could barely continue driving.
Two days later, I felt led by the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) to open a book
in a
bookshop and read a few lines. The name of the book is "My little book about
JESUS ( YAHUSHUA)". On the first page I opened, I read the following scripture
from the bible:
Malachi 4:2 "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise
with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the
YAHUSHUA Has Put The Most Beautiful Colors In The Clouds!
Today, something so spectacular happened...
I was in the process of developing the new Almightywind website.
During a coffee break, I was sitting on our couch, thinking what colors I should
use for the "index" page of the Amightywind website design.
I was looking at the clouds outside. It was cloudy and the sun was hidden behind
the clouds. Suddenly the sun started shining brightly. The sun rays began to
shine brighter and brighter.
Then, something amazing happened.. The clouds around the sun started changing
Yes! Some of them turned to a light pink. Some were light yellow. Others were
light blue. The most beautiful colors I have ever seen in my life.
No computer program will ever be able to generate such colors.
I was completely overwhelmed and tears started running down my face.
I thought to myself, "Isn't clouds supposed to be white?"
All the clouds further away, were still white.
Except those around the sun. They were shining with rainbow colors. Oh, so
beautful! All the colors were blending with each other.
Then I remebered reading about a child who had visited Heaven and he had seen
YAHUSHUA, with the most beautiful rainbow, Glowing on top of HIM.
Then I just knew within myself that it was YAHUSHUA and MAMA RUACH giving me an
idea of how the webpage should look like.
Today, the index page consists of all the colors I have seen in the clouds.
YAHUVEH Has Shown Me His Mighty Hand In The Clouds!
October, 19, 2007
A few days ago, I was driving in my pickup truck. Suddenly I saw some clouds in
the sky that I have never seen before. Then I felt the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY
SPIRIT) telling me inside that I should look at the clouds above me. I stopped
my pickup truck and got out. I was amazed at what I was seeing. The clouds above
me were forming long cylinder looking shapes.
Then I realized that it looks like a big hand in the sky. I could see the
outline of a palm and attached to that were the fingers in the clouds. The sun
were shining brightly through the two fingers. Could it be? Was it the HAND of
YAHUVEH? I just know HE is keeping HIS hand of protection above us.
I got into my truck and drove away. 20 seconds later I stopped at a red light. I
was wondering if I would still see HIS HAND. To my amazement, HIS HAND was gone.
The sky was filled with dark clouds and the sun was not shining anymore.
I was speechless! I have never seen dark clouds cover the sky at such a speed.
YAHUVEH Has Saved Me From A Car Accident
September, 10, 2007
Yesterday a miracle happened..
It was about 7 pm. It was dark already. I was on my way out to quickly go to the
shop. As I was about to leave, when my wife suddenly had some stomach aches. She
asked me to
stay for a few moments and said that I should rather read my newspaper, which I
have bought earlier the day.
From experience I knew that the only reason why she gets these unusual aching
stomach cramps is when she has a feeling that something bad is about to happen.
I stayed a while longer and quickly paged through the newspaper. About 2 minutes
later, my wife were feeling a bit better and I decided to quickly go to the
On my way, I stopped at a robot. When the light went green, Something inside me
told me to pause for a moment before droving forward. I was about to step on the
gas, when I suddenly heard tyres of a car, schreeching and then I saw a car
coming towards the crossing.
It was a man, driving too fast, and he could not stop his car at the robot,
which was red for him. He slammed his brakes, but to no avail. His car were
sliding about 15 feet forward, out of control. Luckily I reached the crossing,
alot later than I would have, if my wife did not tell me to stay a little
longer. The man in the car was drunk, and he sped off, driving over both lanes,
struggling to keep his car on the road.
Praise YAHUSHUA for warning us beforehand!
When I reached the shop, the most amazing thing happened.. I was about to get
out of my car, when I suddenly realized that I was seeing rainbow colors on the
dashboard, on my hand, and on my car seat. It was as if there was a little
rainbow inside my car. No object could reflect such beautiful colors from the
outside. The sun wasn't shining either.
I was stunned! Then I smelled the sweetest smell in the air. All I could think
of was milk and cookies. It was so ironic, when I came back home, my wife gave
me a chocolate with the title "Milk and Cookies". She told me that she had
bought the chocolate earlier that afternoon.
We serve a Great GOD YAHUVEH!!! All Praise and Honor to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and
I Smelled The Most Sweet Fragrance Of The RUACH HA KODESH
One evening, I was sitting in my study, and I was busy designing a banner for
the Amightywind website. I had some trouble in finding the correct colors and
image for the banner. Then I felt led by the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) to
search the internet. After a short search I knew exactly which image and which
colors to use in the banner design. I just knew indside that it was the RUACH HA
KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) whom gave me those great ideas.
Suddenly I started smelling the most sweet fragrance I have ever smelled before.
At first I thought that it was the smell of my wife's perfume, but then I
realized that it was 1 o clock in the morning. My wife had gone to sleep long
ago. Then I just knew that I was the smell of the sweet fragrance of the RUACH
I Saw The Blood Of YAHUSHUA During My Baptism
September, 16, 2007
I was baptized this weekend.
YAHUSHUA has led me to a dear friend of mine, who also gave his live to YAHUSHUA
three years ago. He baptized me yesterday, in a swimming pool. When I got into
the water, it was freezing. But when I went underneath, the most amazing thing
happened! The water suddenly felt warm. My eyes were closed and I saw a white
flashing light and then I saw something that looked like red flowing water.
Afterwards, YAHUVEH had told my friend that the red flowing water I saw,
actually was the Blood of YAHUSHUA cleansing my body and mixing with my blood.
Upon our retrun, I saw a man walking next to the road. He was wearing a shirt,
with the number 7 PAINTED on his chest. 7 is the unique number of YAHUVEH! The
paint was still wet and running. I did not know what that meant...
YAHUVEH Has Struck Our House With Lightning
And The Enemy Has Scattered In 7 Different Directions
Today we had heavy thunder storms and I was almost caught in a hailstorm.
Luckily I made it back home just in time. Then it started hailing...
I could hear YAH's anger in the clouds.
Suddenly our baby were not at ease. I tried to get her to sleep, but she wasn't
very calm. I placed her in her bed and she continued to roll around and cry now
and then. At that time I felt that it must have been attacks by the enemy,
making her feel that way.
The next moment, the lightning struck our house. I jumped up and was filled with
goosebumps. I was shocked...It was the loudest lightning strike I have ever
heard in my entire life. Our house was struck by lightning before, but this
time, it sounded like a cannon shooting next to the house. It was like a shotgun
sound, times 10.
I thought to myself that our baby should now be wide awake, but I was wrong.
When I went into her room to see if she were frightened, I could not believe my
eyes. She was so calm and sleeping like a baby.
It was as if YAHUVEH made the enemy scatter in 7 different directions. PRAISE
I did really think that our baby would have been wide awake after such a loud
I really think YAHUVEH is speaking to all people from the heavens and
thunder..If only people will realize that it is YAHUVEH speaking, and that they
have to listen...
Two days later I got confimation from a friend that it was indeed YAHUVEH WHO
made the enemy scatter, when our house was struck by lightning. Afterwards
YAHUVEH said, "sent Nel MY regards!"
I have given my life completely to YAHUSHUA.
My motto now is "YAHUSHUA will provide".
HE is truly providing in our finances, health and spiritual needs. Miracles
started happening in me and my family's lives. I started praying and reading my
bible two to three times a day. Since then, my life completely changed and it is
wonderful to know that YAHUSHUA will protect us and will be with us, until our
time here on earth ends.