Sister I Testimony (Time to Flee Church of Ichabod)
At the beginning I should probably write about how I have found your website.
My beloved MAMA RUACH HA KODESZ has reminded me again about the Prophecy from
the Book of Judges (Jael) and I again started to look for the meaning of the
name 'Jael'. I was led to look for Semitic names. So I looked in the search
engine for this name. I got results and among others I received the name
YAHSZUA, and under this name were links to your Mission. So I've read the
meaning of the name 'Jael'. It is a name of a mountain Nubian goat living on the
mountains of Israel. Then, I found Amightywind Ministry website with the
When I started to read the Prophecies, I was immediately convinced they were
from YAHUVEH and that they are true. I didn't have even a shadow of a doubt. I
felt it was my food and that I've found a priceless gift. I arrived quickly to
the teachings on Sabbath and to the request for a Russian translator. Therefore,
later I sent a request to a well known internet TV station in Poland. It was
established by a Russian man. They didn't answer me, but I will remind them, and
I left for them e-mail addresses to the Prophecies.
I will write to you very interesting testimony, how our GOD led us in
this matter.
I have shared this prophetic Word with my close Sister in faith. I found the
Prophecies on her computer and we both read them aloud. We read that the HOLY
SPIRIT is female and this also heard her believing son and they received the
I have also copied for the church a Prophecy that teaches on Sabbath the
Pentecostal Church 'ZBOR NOWE ZYCIE ' in Czechowice Dziedzice, Poland. I went
for the morning prayer on Sunday before the service (These prayer meetings were
organized thanks to my calling by YAHUVEH). I fervently prayed with my whole
heart on my knees, as YAHUSHUA has taught me, for blessings and that HE allows
me to share this wonderful Word (because earlier YAHUVEH has revealed to me poor
spiritual state of this congregation).
I was blessed when I could see with my own eyes Christian clones with words
exactly the same as in the Prophecies. I have no time, later I will read, I am
not interested.
After the prayer ended, the pastor came, so I asked him for a permission to read
the Word of YAHUVEH. First he said he had no time. I held the Prophecy in my
hands, then he asked me whether he could acquaint with it, but in a moment, he
put it aside and said he will take it home to think it over. So without
hesitation, I took the Prophecy and I knew this wasn't my church and that I had
to leave this church. When I took the papers, he began his devilish judgment
upon me. He accused me that my devotion (kneeling) is for show and this is my
pride because I am raising myself above the congregation. He rebuked me that I
judged him and the whole congregation (But in reality, it was YAHUVEH who judged
them and only gave me grace to learn his judgments) when I interceded for them
in prayer on my knees during one hour prayer in the morning, and in pain and
tears already for almost four months. He accused me to be his enemy who is
attacking him and the congregation. He asked me whether I would be next Sunday
to be judged by him and the elders of the church. In addition, he added a
satanic lie which I immediately recognized in my heart, and threats.
I was sad not because of me, but because of YAHUVEH. Then I said boldly, 'If
there is anything I did wrong to the congregation, I take the responsibility and
I reminded him that GOD is my JUDGE, and the JUDGE of the pastor and the
congregation and I submit to HIM entirely to HIS Judgment.'
I left the prayer room and I saw a terrified face of his wife. I was repelled
from her. I wanted to go out, but I went to the toilet where I met my beloved
Jolusia. She saw my sadness and asked what has happened. At this point came my
sister Maja and I said I cannot stay here. She requested but I took her hand and
we run away from there.
Besides this congregation, I was earlier introduced to another congregation.
Today, I understand why YAHUVEH let me know about them. These leaders were
thirsty for Holiness of YAHUSHUA.
So from the first church, we drove to the other congregation. I asked for a
prayer, protection because of the prosecution. They knew earlier about my
problems. I told them a few words about the incident with Prophecy. Even though
I didn't pray for opportunity to proclaim JAHWEH Prophecy, they asked my to
stand behind the pulpit and to read everything. At the end, I gave glory to
JAHWEH. I asked them to pray for discernment of the Spirit of this Prophecy, and
they did. This congregation looks great when we all knelt before ELOHIM. It was
not unpleasant for them that we were together 30 minutes beyond the schedule to
hear the Word of YAHUVEH. Afterwards we were speaking with Roman. He is truly
anointed by the RUACH HA KODESH and he received Sabbath teachings without
problem as well as the Hebrew line of Messiah.
I struggle presently with unequal yoke. I desire to start the Jericho march. I
look at it now already and pray. And though all is a little bit complex in
regard to my marriage since it involves variety of spiritual experiences, but my
beloved RUACH has lead me to entire removal of any compromise. There are only
three possibilities to which I submit entirely, a divorce, his death, or a new
man in YAHUSHUA.
If you can, please pray about it, pray for my freedom that all my house may
worship ELOHIM.
Sister I
March 7, 2010
My beloved, I am very happy by this splendid news. Do with my testimony as you
wish. I will be happy if this will built anyone up.
On Sunday, I will be with the other congregation. There is a man called Roman,
whom I consider to be a part of a true Bride of YAHUSHUA. It was he, who mainly
prayed for discernment in regard to the Prophecy of YAHUVEH. I will be speaking
with him and it will be revealed what Spirit he is of.
I was distressed by my Jola who returned like a dog to its vomit. YAHUVEH has
tested her heart and revealed what I didn't know earlier. But ABBA YAHUVEH is
good for HE said in the Prophecy we shouldn't be sad when we see it. I was sad
because of her may she yet manages to convert. I am sending you a copy of a
letter for which I was judged, prosecuted, but I rejoice because today I know it
is YAHUVEH who revealed to me a Word that came after a period of difficult
prayers and it seems to be true. The Word says that HE will visit this church
and try them twice and will divide true grain from the chaff upon HIS own
threshing floor with HIS own winnowing fork. Forgive me that I am referring to
the HOLY SPIRIT as 'HE', I didn't know better at that time.
The letter to the pastor of the Pentecostal Church 'ZBOR NOWE ZYCIE ' in
Czechowice Dziedzice, Poland.
Dear pastor,
GOD knows I am a person who has difficulties to express myself, to be well
understood and therefore it is better for me to write than to talk.
I am undertaking it because I see the situation requires it. I don't have the
right to judge you, Pastor; neither do I know you more than GOD know. Our
judgments are often false, therefore they are unjust.
Nevertheless, it is different when LORD Himself, through HIS mercy, reveals to
us things hidden from us, so that they may receive grace of Holy Prayer to
change a particular thing, and I hope that you, Pastor, understand it.
It was truly a miracle that I could become a child of GOD, in the Kingdom of GOD
in heart, and also to have real fellowship provided by a church of Christ,
indispensible for every Christian. But real sadness and indescribable pain for
CHRIST Himself, for the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT was when CHRIST allowed to be
disgraced and got atrocious stripes by his torturers, and we are the torturers
because of our sins HE was beaten and pulverized so that GOD could love us like
HIS own SON, raised our spirits to life to be a part of eternal GOD HE has left
us upon HIS narrow way and has given to us HIS HOLY SPIRIT who searches the deep
things of GOD MOST HIGH so that we can go with Jesus living Holy life. For
without HIM the work of the Cross cannot manifest in Christian life.
But we, people can backslide so easily, make a mistake, transgress and it can
pass unnoticed and their results are miserable.
Dear Pastor, there was great godly joy in my heart when I had found you. I have
today many precious ties in this congregation, but Holy life requires much more
than human ties, for we are heading towards FATHER in Heaven and there is a
battle for our life and death everyday this is how valuable we are.
The SPIRIT lives in me fully and has led me through many godly moments, of which
however, I am deprived today. Perhaps this will be tough talk and not pleasant,
but truth is separating marrow from the bone.
GOD is more important to me than my own life. Those giving lives to GOD are the
most misunderstood ones, hated and prosecuted even by their own. Every Prophet,
Shepherd or Servant experience it and I am not an exception Jesus and the Holy
Spirit visited me, healing my flesh and enabled me to receive powers of God so
that I could tolerate Shekinach and to understand the power of GOD 'Dunamis'. I
have started a diary where I describe in details GOD's visitation and also
demonic visitations, but this isn't the purpose of this writing, but to tell
you, Pastor, about a Prophecy related to the congregation and a calling me to
pray for this congregation.
GOD has spoken to me in a terrifying manner, showing me the heavy weight of
guilt and a curse that is upon the congregation as a result of living unholy
life. Here is the Word of the Lord:
You grieve the HOLY SPIRIT. Wrath of GOD is upon you; uncleanness of the hearts;
religious spirit. If you don't repent, the Church will die in its numbness.
I was terrified since I could see Holiness of GOD. So lying, shaking from fear,
I broke into tears incomprehensibly and prayed for mercy for two hours. And yet
this day, I met with Jola to share with her this revelation.
This is how Lord has called me to the Prayer Service and I have fulfilled it
fully. I have informed you, Pastor, that there was a Word that the Prayer came
before HIS Altar and the Lord has appointed time of visitation, so that HE could
clean HIS threshing floor with HIS winnowing fork.
The biggest pain in all this is this that dead word and grieving of the Spirit
is being felt in the Lord's heart I feel it, with pain perhaps I am wrong God
But I pray for Pastor, so that GOD will make Pastor to be powerful not only in
knowledge, but the power of His Word, in power working Dunamis, that comes from
the Holy Spirit, to whom we must give place as King in the Church it is He the
most important on Earth, the most important! Only He will lead us with JESUS to
the FATHER. We should be His vessels and servants, and not He ours. It is He
that is refining us like gold! He is our blacksmith! But we despise Him, devalue
and offend, what a shame!
And this Word, which describes our congregation:
Oh, you foolish Galatians, are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are
you now being made perfect by the flesh? Gal 3:3
This terrifies me, hurts and repels. I don't want any more to stomp the Holy
Blood of JESUS with those who don't discern CHRIST body, to receive His Blood
with filthy heart, to poison myself with a sweetened Gospel. I have no more
strength to resist, for already I suffered in Spirit and now I need help through
a fellowship with strong ones, well rooted in CHRIST children of GOD.
May GOD of Peace bless us so that we don't hold any grudges against each other
in our hearts.
With Lord GOD
Sister I
When reading the testimony about the Church where the pastor refused to read the
Prophecy, the Pentecostal Church 'ZBOR NOWE ZYCIE ' in Czechowice Dziedzice,
Poland, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu heard YAHUVEH speaking: This church is
now Ikabod (Glory of YAH departed, 1 Samuel 4:21)