I will share some secrets that I have not revealed to anyone but my closest
friends. To tell you the truth, I didn’t want my enemies to know these secrets,
but it seems the Precious RUACH ha KODESH says, “Now is the time for the enemies
of YAHUVEH to know.” OK, I but do and obey every Word the RUACH ha KODESH says.
I now understand why this new Prophecy had to wait until the date Aug. 27, 2007.
It will shake up this world spiritually and physically. For those who will
believe and receive, a greater anointing, like in the times of old when the
disciples and YAHUSHUA ministered to the people, will come forth again. The Holy
will truly be endowed with a stronger anointing then before with healing,
delivering and resurrection power, in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Especially for the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and those who put HIM first in
their life and love, will truly be blessed with this new prophetic revelation
entrusted to YAHUSHUA’S RingMaiden.
This date has been a special anointed time since Aug. 27, 1986. It started with
a vivid dream about a Spiritual Rod that was in LOCKER 827. Following is the
dream I had on Aug. 27, 1986.
In 1986, I was attending high school and I was topless and since I was very well
endowed, the boys were scoffing and mocking me in the class room as I had no
covering. I knew my covering was in LOCKER 827. But LOCKER 827 was on a very
high floor and I had to ride the escalator to reach it. (I fear heights and
escalators in real life) In my dream, I ran down the school hallway to get to
the escalator to go to LOCKER 827 and I stood at the bottom of the escalator
step, not wanting to step on it. I was fearing the height and movement.
Then I saw a crippled woman in a wheelchair riding the escalators. She had just
gotten on before me. I watched as she came out of her wheelchair and held the
banister with NO FEAR. I felt ashamed of myself for fearing and she gave me the
courage to ride the escalator. I went up to the TOP and went to LOCKER 827 where
I took out a covering for myself like a beautiful very long WHITE linen blouse.
I put on the garment and knew no one would ever laugh at me again, as I had a
new covering now. There was also a Golden ROD that was in the locker.
End of Dream.
On the 1 year anniversary of the LOCKER 827 Dream on August 27, 1987, I was
alone sitting upright in my bed with my hands raised up singing songs of praise
to YAHUSHUA, who I then called JESUS CHRIST. (I didn't know HIS Hebrew name at
that time). I was asking YAHUHSUA, "What the Golden ROD was that was in the
LOCKER 827 dream from the year before?" After I prayed this I was so shocked
when I physically felt a heavy weight fall into my hands that dropped my hands
to my lap.
OK beloved family, let me be the first to admit, sometimes I ask for something
from Heaven, like a sign asking is this really happening, because it seems so
weird, how could this happen? When YAHUVEH answers your prayer, like in the way
HE did with the Spiritual Rod given to me, you wonder for brief seconds, was
that a smart thing to do? I was so shocked, again I want you to picture this.
I was sitting upright in bed, minding my own business (My dearest friends who
travel, live, and minister with us, will tell you that when I say the words, “I
was just minding my own business,” is usually when the most Heavenly spiritual
experiences happen, or when the most vicious spiritual battles the enemies send
against me occur.) When my hands that were both lifted high praising our MESSIAH
had a heavy weight dropped into them, my hands literally fell to my lap without
me having any control over that.
Now that may not sound like a big deal, right? Well, when I went to lift my
hands I could feel the weight in my hands still and I could not lift my hands!
They were as if they were paralyzed. I could not lift my hands or arms. I
laughed nervously out loud, trying not to show fear, as the spirit of fear made
me wonder, “OK, you got the ROD, but you will never lift your hands again,
you’re paralyzed.” I fought that spirit of fear (as if Daddy YAHUVEH didn’t know
what I was thinking). Instead, aloud I said, “OK, praise YAHUVEH! You proved to
me the Spiritual Rod is real. Thank you!” Still I couldn’t move my hands! Now I
started wondering what I was going to do, how was I going to explain all of
this? Tears started streaming down my cheeks and fear whelmed up in me at the
thought of being paralyzed.
I am the mother of identical twins and one of them, Jonathan, was knocking on
the bedroom door. I quickly said, “Jonathan don’t come in here, Mommy is busy.”
Of course, before I could get the words out of my mouth, Jonathan had opened the
door and was staring at me, looking so cute with his Winnie the Pooh bear footed
pajamas on. He said to me, “Mommy, what are you doing?” I said, “Praying.” He
said, words I will never forget, “Mommy, what is that on your lap that you are
holding in your hands?” I said, “Jonathan you can see something in my hands?” He
said, “Yeah, it looks like a long metal stick that is bent in the middle.” I was
so excited that YAHUVEH had let him see the Rod. At least I knew I wasn’t
insane! “I said, Jonathan, can you draw the long metal stick for me?” He ran and
got his crayons and he came back and used his gold crayon and he drew the Rod
with a jagged Z shape in the middle. I was shocked and so grateful. He never
touched me, or my hands. When he was done, he said, “ Mommy, are you going to
cook dinner? I am hungry.” I laughed, and said, “Ok, Mommy will be there, go and
play now.” He left and shut the bedroom door.
When he left I just started crying and praising and worshipping YAHUVEH over
again and again. My hands, when they dropped, were palm down and open. All of a
sudden I felt the weight leave my hands and I lifted my hands in the air, no
longer feeling the weight in my hands or arms. What a relief! However, I heard
YAHUVEH say these words to me, “I have given you a Spiritual Rod to fight your
enemies, and your enemies are MY enemies, but I have also taught you that this
Spiritual weapon from Heaven will never be used in your strength and power, you
couldn’t even lift it, if it wasn’t for the anointing. When this Spiritual ROD
is used, it is MY ROD of Wrath and you want to know why it is bent out of shape
in the middle?
It is because it is bent out of shape with MY rage and fury to those I call my
enemies and who are only fit for my wrath, rage and fury! You will never be in
control of this ROD, for it is not yours to use as you will. Only through MY
HOLY anointing will this Spiritual ROD be used and I give you one instruction
you must never forget. This is not your wrath, rage and fury, and when it is
used, you must never look at the tip of it, or it will come back on you!” (After
all this time I still don’t know the meaning of the words, “Don’t look at the
tip of it.” I think it means don’t feel sorry or get in the way of the enemy
that YAHUVEH is pointing it at.)
I had another dream about the Spiritual Rod after this happened to me on August
27, 1987. I was taken to Heaven before witnesses, and returned dressed in
different beautiful clothing and carrying a rod. I saw myself fighting demonic
creatures under the sea, on land, and in the sky, always having the victory. I
would fight these demonic creatures, and servants of satan, and as I was
fighting these creatures in my Glorified Body, I heard the words, "Level 1" and
then the ROD made a loud sound that was indescribable and I awoke as if it went
off in my ear. It was so loud!
Immediately I fell back asleep and this time I saw and heard the same thing,
fighting these demonic creatures with a ROD I held in my hands and when I got
victory I heard the words, "Level 2". Then again the noise was heard and awoke
me. I couldn't stay awake. I was immediately back asleep and this happened over
and over again until I reached, "Level 12". Each time I had the victory over the
enemies for the glory of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH even though I did not know HIS
Hebrew name at that time, and called Him JESUS CHRIST.
End of Dream
I won’t release too many secrets about this Spiritual weapon here, I don’t need
to tell our enemies everything. I will say it took many years and it was like
weight training. When I would be praying with up lifted hands and when I least
expected it, “Plop,” into my hands the Spiritual Rod would again be placed from
YAHUVEH’S hands. This time though it didn’t paralyze my arms, but I can feel the
heavy weight and my veins would even bulge and even hurt days later like I had
been lifting weights and still holding something heavy, and during prayer I
would cry out, “YAHUVEH, ouch! Please have mercy.” HE would lift it off of me
Another time on Aug. 27, I don't remember the year, the Spiritual Rod of YAHUVEH
was used and a violent storm arose because YAHUVEH was full of fury at my ex
husband for violently abusing me. There was not a storm in sight, nor did the
weatherman predict one. However, as I wept loudly and prayed, “Prove to me
YAHUVEH that you care!” YAHUVEH used the Spiritual Rod that day as proof for
what had been done to me, and I had warned my ex husband that my GOD would take
vengeance and he would be struck down dead on that day going to work. My ex
husband mocked and said he wasn’t afraid of my God, he wasn’t afraid of anything
my God could do to him. I watched my ex husband through the window get into his
truck and sit there.
I was praying under a very strong anointing, praying for YAHUVEH’s wrath to
strike this enemy of mine down, as this enemy had physically hit me and
violently abused and defiled me. I started out begging either take his life or
mine but don’t make me live another day with this evil man. I felt the Spiritual
Rod again fall into my open raised hands, and the Rod of Holy Tongues came
forth, (It is different than my normal Holy tongues. They are spoken so rapidly,
there is no way to describe it and it seldom happens, only along with the
Spiritual Rod, they go together it seems.) I heard clashes of lightening and
thunder start so loud it shook the house! The wind started blowing like an
instant tornado, the lights started flickering on and off. The storm came out of
nowhere and I truly believe that YAHUVEH would have killed my ex husband that
day, if I hadn’t told my ex husband he would not live to return back from work.
I cannot describe the storm that hit so quickly. I rejoiced, knowing at last I
would be free of this tyrant, my worst enemy on earth. At last my children would
no longer suffer from the hands of this abuser. I noticed the arm of my skin and
it looked like it had been sunburned after using the Spiritual ROD. I ran to
look in the mirror and my face looked like it had been sun burned. The storm
grew more intense outside, the next thing I knew my ex husband came running in
the door. I said, “What are you doing here? You’re suppose to go to work, you
have an important meeting, remember?” I could tell there was fear on his face
and he said he wasn’t going anywhere in 'that storm'. He called and cancelled
his meeting, and he hid the rest of the day and night in bed, and I did not see
him nor did we speak.” Even after the storm stopped, which was only about an
hour, he never went to work that day. I know he feared if he had gone to work
that day he would have been struck down dead.
Sometimes I wonder, did I do wrong in letting the enemy know what my YAHUVEH
told me HE would do when he left for work. If I had not told him, would he have
been struck down dead in that storm? I will never know. Lesson: I learned to be
careful what you reveal to your enemies. I also know spiritual fireballs come
out of the Spiritual ROD, because I have seen this in the past. Also, each time
YAHUVEH put the Spiritual ROD in my hands, and I thought, “Gee, this isn’t heavy
anymore.” HE would only increase the weight of it again and I would realize,
“NO, I can’t lift it without HIS strength and mercy.”
I am only allowed to mention one of the precise times it was used and that is
because it was on Aug. 27, 2003, when my beloved husband and I were
watching the news and interceding in a heavily anointed prayer, praying on
behalf of Judge Roy Moore. I will explain later who this man is. I had my hands
lifted up in prayer high in the air and my husband’s hands were clasped in mine
and all of a sudden, “PLOP,” I felt the heavy weight of YAHUVEH’S Spiritual ROD
in my open hands. A Rod of Holy Tongues of anger came forth from my lips on the
enemies of YAHUVEH and my arms ached from the weight of this unseen Spiritual
ROD. My husband was holding my hands when all this was happening. He also felt
the weight of the HOLY SPIRITUAL ROD of YAHUVEH’S Wrath, Rage and Fury!
His arms were going numb from the pain of helping me hold it, even under the
anointing. It was so intense! My husband had seen me pray and this happened
before when YAHUVEH used the Spiritual ROD, but he had never experienced helping
me to hold it. If you were to ask [my husband] he would tell you it is real, he found
out the hard way. YAHUVEH’S rage was so heavy on Aug. 27, 2003 and in that rage
it was directed at those who were HIS enemies and forced Judge Roy Moore to
remove the monument that honored not only the Ten Commandments but the
Declaration of Independence and the Forefathers of America who would have
defended that monument ! We were praying against those in the Government forcing
Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore, in Alabama to remove the beautiful stone monument
with the Ten Commandments on it where all our laws are based. What hypocrisy
this was and a mockery of the Judicial system for doing this. YAHUVEH was so
furious, and it was the anniversary of the ROD given to me when all this was
Here is a brief outline of what was going on. You can read the entire story of
this in Wikipedia or search the internet. Judge Roy Moore should be a hero in
every Holy person’s eyes. I know he is in mine. If I can’t meet him on earth, I
look forward to meeting him in Heaven. I don’t believe there are very many Holy
people in the Judicial or Government system anymore. If anyone knows how to
reach him for me, please do and tell him about this Ministry please. You will
blessed by YAHUVEH for doing this. Please tell him I have a personal prophecy
for him. Judge Roy Moore Supreme Court Justice believed Alabama Supreme Court
building required something grander than a wooden plaque.
When Judge Roy Moore's tenure as circuit judge began, he brought his wooden Ten
Commandments plaque with him, hanging it on the walls of his courtroom behind
his bench. Moore told the Montgomery Advertiser that his intention in hanging
the plaque was to fill up the bare space on the courtroom walls and to indicate
the Ten Commandments' importance to him. He states that it was never his
intention to generate controversy; still, as he told the Atlantic, he understood
that the potential for controversy was there, but 'I wanted to establish the
moral foundation of our law.' His final design involved a 5,280 pound (2400 kg)
granite block, three feet wide by three feet deep by four feet tall, covered
with quotes from the Declaration of Independence, the national anthem, and
various founding fathers.[5] The crowning element would be two large carved
tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. High-grade granite from Vermont was
ordered and shipped, and Moore found benefactors and a sculptor to complete the
job. He had it put in the Rotunda.
Late the night of July 31, 2001, despite some initial installation difficulties
and concerns regarding structural support for the monument's weight, Moore had
the completed monument transported to the state judicial building and installed
in the central rotunda. The installation was filmed, and videotapes of the event
were sold by Coral Ridge Ministries, an evangelical media outlet which later
used proceeds from the film's sales to pay Moore's ensuing legal expenses. The
next morning, Moore held a press conference in the central rotunda to officially
unveil the monument. In a speech following the unveiling, Moore declared, 'Today
a cry has gone out across our land for the acknowledgment of that God upon whom
this nation and our laws were founded....May this day mark the restoration of
the moral foundation of law to our people and the return to the knowledge of God
in our land.' [edit] Federal lawsuit On October 30, 2001, the ACLU of Alabama,
Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Southern Poverty Law
Center were among groups which filed suit in the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Alabama, asking that the monument be removed because
it 'sends a message to all who enter the State Judicial Building that the
government encourages and endorses the practice of religion in general and
Judeo-Christianity in particular.'
The trial, titled Glassroth v. Moore, began on October 15, 2002. Evidence for
the plaintiffs included testimony that lawyers of different religious beliefs
had changed their work practices, including routinely avoiding visiting the
court building to avoid passing by the monument, and testimony that the monument
created a religious atmosphere, with many people using the area for prayer.
Moore argued that he would not remove the monument, as doing so would violate
his oath of office: I had wept , for America and prayed and interceded so hard
that the Torah laws called by Christians the Ten Commandments. would remain and
YAHUVEH would not allow the enemies to remove them. You don’t want to know what
YAHUVEH said would happen to his enemies that had any part in removing this
Monument, not only in this life but in the after life, all of them will pay with
hell and the Lake of Fire.
It would be interesting how these people who persecuted Judge Roy Moore are
doing now. The people that satan used to do his will, and take part in this do
not realize that their enemy was not Judge Roy Moore, but in truth they wrestled
with Almighty YAHUVEH who wrote the 10 laws with HIS own finger in a tablet of
stone and gave them to Moses to be inscribed as laws. Because of the price that
YAHUSHUA paid at Calvary we are no longer under the 613 laws, but we are
expected to obey the 10 laws. All countries whether they know it or not have
similar laws set up. Thou shall not murder. Thou shall not steal. Etc. (Do you
know that the actual Torah law reads thou shall not murder, not thou shall not
kill.) There is a difference, for instance, war, defending your life if need be.
We were in Montana at the time and could not have gotten there in time to
protest but we wanted too. We prayed that the people in Alabama and surrounding
states called the Bible belt would protest so loudly in Alabama and protestors
would march to the Whitehouse demanding the monument stayed. We prayed so many
people would defend Judge Moore and what he was doing that there would be
traffic jams because of all the people who cared. Alabama would admit there were
so many protesters they didn’t know where to lodge them all. This would occur
because of all the protesters in and throughout the world who would fight for
the right to keep the Ten Commandment Monument on the property of the Supreme
Court property. When the Pope comes to a town there is not room for all the
people. What has the pope done to defend holiness? I prayed the men who tried to
remove this Holy monument would be struck down to the ground by YAHUVEH like HE
did when the ark was touched without HIS permission
As we prayed, however, under the anointing and holding YAHUVEH’S Spiritual Rod
of Wrath, YAHUVEH spoke to me and said HE allowed this to prove how many people
compromise and refuse to fight for what they know was right! HE gave the people
a chance to prove their loyalty to YAHUVEH, the Christians, and the Jews who
claim they love YAHUVEH and honor the Ten Commandments and yet did little too
nothing to protest this act of blasphemy! HE said Alabama and the surrounding
states called the Bible Belt would pay one day for the choices they made not to
get involved. Do you really wonder now why 2007 has had so many life threatening
storms around the so called Bible belt? Check out what happened in Alabama with
the storms just in 2007 alone. YAHUVEH has not forgotten and especially when the
date is Aug. 27! Judge Roy Moore, however, your treasures are great in the
Kingdom of Heaven, and your name is Honored and YAHUVEH is well pleased with you
for defending Holiness and YAHUVEH’S laws.
The majority of the judicial system doesn’t even know the meaning of the word
Holy. Judge Roy Moore laid his job on the line, but refused to deny YAHUVEH when
he was asked 3 times if he would continue to pray to his GOD. He said “Yes, I
would.” Great are your treasures in Heaven Judge Roy Moore ! Blessed are you
when you are persecuted for YAHUVEH’S name sake, for such were the prophets of
old. Why didn’t every Orthodox Jew and those who call themselves Rabbi protest
loudly? After all, this is the laws that were written with the fiery finger of
YAHUVEH given to Moshe’ (Moses). Why didn’t the Catholics world wide protest and
why didn’t the pope speak forth loudly and defend the Supreme Court Justice
Judge Roy Moore! It is with much sadness and shame to admit it is said only
about 400 people showed up to protest on the day this was removed. Is it any
wonder YAHUVEH is showing HIS fury in the storms toward the so called Bible Belt
in America? Do you think YAHUVEH forgot what happened on Aug. 27, 2003?
America, you think YAHUVEH has forgotten what you did? What would happen in Iran
if the Koran laws were banned from public view? I can only imagine. Yet they
fight for the rights in their Koran. They defend the one they call Allah, more
than the Christians and Jews do for our Holy Scriptures. Have you forgotten the
Holy Scripture that says, “If you deny me before men, I will deny you before the
Heavenly Father and if you confess me before men, I will confess you before the
Heavenly Father and HIS Angels.” Shame on all who could have done something to
encourage Judge Roy Moore and instead did nothing. You will be held accountable
for this, mark my words. America was set apart for Christianity’s sake for
freedom to express religion and honor our Creator YAHUVEH. When this country now
stands for atheists, satanists, no morality even in the organized churches where
any sin is condoned as freedom of lifestyle and freedom of pro choice to murder
the babies!
America, you will reap what you sowed on that day Aug. 27, 2003 when you
persecuted a Holy man who was promoted by YAHUVEH’S hand to be Supreme Court
Chief Justice and all he wanted to do was remind people what the laws of this
land were suppose to be founded on, the Ten Commandments and the Declaration of
Independence. On August 27,2003 the monument was moved to a non-public side room
in the judicial building. The Monument was not immediately removed from the
building for several reasons--pending legal hearings, the monument's weight,
worries that the monument could break through the floor if it was taken outside
intact, and a desire to avoid confrontation with protesters massed outside the
building. The monument was not actually removed from the state judicial building
until July 19, 2004. This is only one example of what happens on Aug. 27.
Last year it was prophecy 87, a Prophecy that made me weep with the revelations
given to me, and I kept asking why are you speaking this forth from me Oh
Honor MY Holy Days) Given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 8/27/04 Another
example is what happened under the most intense anointing of my life in Maui,
Hawaii in the year of 1995 Aug. 27th. For those who haven’t read how the
anointing was so intense it burned my face and made it glow, as I was used to
minister to the people in Maui Hawaii, I will give a brief description to honor
the Precious RUACH HA KODESH and a special date Aug. 27th.
I look forward to see what new spiritual revelations are released to me and
through me for YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA’S Glory! Anointed In Hawaii Years ago, I
ministered under the greatest Anointing of my life thus far. I was ministering
to people in Hawaii under the power of the HOLY GHOST. People were being filled
with the HOLY SPIRIT's power in different ways as I touched them in the name of
JESUS CHRIST and prayed blessings upon them one by one. I then went and touched
another prophet, I later learned his name was Mike, and I was thrown across the
room, a large room! I landed on my back, no one caught me! Those there said that
I laid there and prophesied and ministered under the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT for two and a half hours! That is not counting the hour or more of
ministering afterwards. The anointing literally was BURNT into my flesh!
Let me explain. Although I don't claim to understand, I am going by the little I
know, and what others told me that day. The HOLY SPIRIT said to the men, Mike
and John, the two prophets covering me, that this anointing would have killed
this vessel if he had not poured his strength into me. They were laying hands on
my cheek, and forehead, one at my right side, and the other at the top of my
head! They started praying a DOUBLE portion anointing on me of Elijah, but when
they did, the HOLY SPIRIT said, "NO, she has that already, pray a TRIPLE portion
anointing of ELIJAH!" So they did! This was what was burnt into my flesh with
the White Hot Anointing of the HOLY GHOST! Without it would my flesh have lived?
Well, YAHUSHUA is God so it's hard to believe I could have died, and yet why did
HE warn the prophets to pray for my life? Anyone have any explanation? I would
like to understand better.
I cannot remember what took place those hours, for it had nothing to do with my
flesh, only the HOLY SPIRIT within me! My health was not that strong when I came
to Hawaii, that's why I went there, to get well. But now this anointing was
taking over the flesh, and NEVER did again. After I recovered from this, was I
exhausted! Not until I returned from Hawaii! Going 24 hours. Oh, to have that
energy again! Back to where I was. People, I am told, were standing over my body
and the anointing was causing them to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and they
were falling under the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT! Miracles were happening! People
received the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT, and anointing to go forth as Mighty
Warriors for YAHUSHUA! Oh, what a awesome day that was! I had a vision as
YAHUSHUA held my hands up in the air and there was a Rod in my hands, and that
when the Rod was used I saw satan topple from his old throne in hell! Like an
earthquake had shaken hell!
YAHUSHUA laughed at the devil and he quickly picked himself up and sat down on
his ugly old throne again. But for a brief moment the devil was knocked off!
Read about the Locker 827 dream in which this Rod is spoken of. One woman told
the people that she had seen four angels standing guard all around me! One on
each side of me! When I arose from the floor, people were saying, "Look at her
face!" I thought surely it must be my makeup, maybe it was smeared or something
worse, women you understand what mascara can do, I just wanted to run to the
mirror to see how bad my eye makeup must have looked! But instead I was blocked
and the people were standing all around me circling me and standing in line, and
they were all coming to touch my face! The look of shock on my face would be
priceless if someone had thought to take a picture. They were Praising JESUS
CHRIST (YAHUSHUA) for what they were seeing, and the way HE had spoken through
me and anointed and delivered people! The woman, who saw the Holy Angels
standing guard, was standing there and others too, with their mouths wide open
in surprise.
The heat on my face was unlike anything I have felt and the people were amazed,
for the anointing had left a glow on me unlike anything they had seen. I just
kept ministering to the people under the Power of the HOLY GHOST. One by one
they were ministered to until I was too weak to stand. The anointing drains you!
Your flesh just can't take that kind of Fire of the HOLY GHOST for long periods
of time, by now it must have been 3 and half hours this had gone on nonstop. The
last one in line was a man named Frank. I didn't know him. I knew no one there
except the one that brought me to this celebration. For you see, these people
had fasted and prayed for me to come to Hawaii although I didn't know it. This
was the first time I was in Maui, Hawaii. I had been in contact with another
Minister at AOG Church in Maui. He had been counseling me because although I was
a Minister I was in a life threatening marriage and I needed sanctuary for my
son and I. He asked the Church to fast and pray and believed for a way for me to
come to Hawaii. So when I heard many of the members had been praying for my way
of escape, I was taken to a home to thank them.
Not knowing this was a celebration party being held in my behalf. I just wanted
to be a blessing to those who had blessed me enough to do this. That's what the
HOLY SPIRIT had me do when I walked in, to Bless all those that Blessed me in
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH'S name. (I used the name I knew, Jesus Christ) That's how
all this started. I still marvel at the goodness of YAHUSHUA. This man named
Frank approached me and said he was a Buddhist and a leader in the Buddhist
Church that lead people to Buddha. He said he wanted to meet 'Jesus' [YAHUSHUA],
for his wife had brought him there to meet me. I am nobody and still can't
understand any of this. Anyway, he said he saw all that had happened here and
said he wanted to accept 'Jesus' [YAHUSHUA] as LORD and Savior! The people were
shouting with Joy! For he said he knew, 'Buddha couldn't do what Jesus
[YAHUSHUA] did that day!' HE said these exact words! Oh Frank, I look forward to
meeting you in Heaven. Then I had the greatest privilege of my life leading this
man to YAHUSHUA in prayer! Is there any greater joy than leading a soul to
YAHUSHUA? Showing him the way of Salvation, and Frank rebuked satan, and Buddha!
What a day of rejoicing that was! When I prayed and barely touched him, the
Power of the HOLY GHOST came upon him, knocking him to the floor. YES, there is
a genuine moving of the Holy Sprit that does this!
Just because there is a counterfeit that the devil uses to mock the HOLY SPIRIT,
don't think there isn't a real touch of YAHUSHUA! You cannot stand in the
presence of Almighty God! And when he touches you, the flesh must fall! Again
don't just assume when you see this it's all Godly. In MANY churches, especially
those with the laughing revival, it is DANGEROUS! Let NO man lay hands on you
suddenly the word of YAHUVEH states! Back to where I was speaking :). Brother,
Sister, hear me, this man was just a plain kind of homely man, but as I prayed
the anointing that changed my face, changed his and he fell under the power of
the HOLY SPIRIT and prophecy came forth, saying that he would be leading MANY
others to YAHUSHUA, OUT of the Buddhist temples! And when he got up off the
floor, the people and I were amazed because HIS FACE had changed to a RADIANCE
and he was no longer homely, but HANDSOME! Oh, dear YAHUSHUA, be with Frank and
his wife as I write this! Anoint HIM once again for your Glory! Protect your
I know this sounds incredible. And MUCH more happened, even the Rod that was
placed in my hands in the Spiritual realm. I don't feel free to go into this too
much right now, but for years the LORD has taught me much about a Rod HE has
given me in the spiritual realm. I have even been to school in my dreams, levels
1-12, learning to USE it. This Rod was given to me in the Spiritual realm 11
years ago! And 8.27.1998 is the anniversary of that day! I knew I had to be
careful who I spoke this to, for there was danger in telling the wrong person.
That is what I used to think, but NOW I have it confirmed in the multitude of
prophets and I no longer fear the wolves who have been devouring YAHUSHUA's
sheep and lambs, HIS precious Bride, HIS precious Children and Warriors! Watch
out wolves, the Rod, which I admit is a spiritual weapon, is going to beat you
off YAHUSHUA'S Sheep! Your masks will be ripped off, for you appear to be a
sheep and yet are ravenous WOLVES out to devour, maim, KILL, and lead astray
YAHUSHUA'S flock! I have the anointing to expose you! And, “Vengeance is Mine
sayeth YAHUVEH,” in HIS Word that cannot lie! HE will repay you for you have
tried to steal HIS Flock! And when you couldn't, evil wolves in sheep's
clothing, some disguised as pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers, and
evangelists, Beware! The Rod from Heaven will STOP YOU!
We all have Spiritual weapons, pray and see what you have been given. For our
weapons are NOT carnal but Spiritual! HE has also given me a Mighty double-edged
Sword! I went to the bathroom, barely able to stand, and looked in the mirror to
see what the people had seen, Brothers and Sisters let the HOLY SPIRIT bare
witness to what I am saying, I did NOT recognize my reflection! The face was so
GLOWING and my eyes so BRIGHT and a different color of my white skin than I can
describe! I never would say this for I don't call myself beautiful. Hear me, I
am NOT beautiful! I never claimed to be. Beauty is NOT that which is outside but
is inside! The HOLY SPIRIT had done something so strong that it shined in my
face. Was this the Shikinah Glory like Moses experienced? I don't know, but I
will say it's NOT for my glory but for YAHUSHUA'S! For it was NOT my reflection
looking back in the mirror but SOMEHOW the HOLY SPIRIT had TRANSFORMED my face!
Anyone I touched the rest of the day, and even when I went to Church that night,
fell UNDER THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST! Just hugging one woman in Church in
front of the podium before Church started, I felt led to say, 'Be ye filled with
the NEW WINE!' And this stranger collapsed under the Anointing, and stayed there
at least 20 minutes AFTER Church started!
The Pastor was filled with jealousy for he knew the people saw what had
happened. He was NOT pleased for she lay there while he Preached! One person
said, 'Elisheva. Pastor Morroco, is NOT happy. You shouldn't have done that!' I
said, 'But I didn't do anything! Tell it to GOD! This is NOT my power but the
HOLY SPIRIT'S Power!' Leaders of the Church were taking me from one person to
another to minister to the people! Pastor Morocco, if I am remembering the name
correctly, just tried to ignore what was going on. Again I think this is the
closest thing to Happiness I have ever known. To be used in such a way...to be a
blessing to YAHUSHUA and HIS people! NOT worldly happiness or joy that is so
fleeting and fragile, but the JOY of the LORD, of knowing we have been used in
pours out HIS anointing in ways NOT commonly seen.
The next day, as
a minister and his wife came to my hotel, I was to leave with them and minister
in another island in Hawaii. I was putting my liquid foundation makeup on
quickly for they had arrived early and well, here is the strangest thing of all.
My FLESH was as if it was peeling off from being BURNT yet there was NO PAIN! I
have witnesses to this if ever you want to put this in writing, I couldn't cover
with makeup where this was happening! I never was in the sun one time, because
the year I went it was the hottest on record. That figures right? (LOL, I hate
the heat and it is just a reminder to me how YAHUSHUA calls me HIS
air-conditioned baby! We use the air conditioner even when others think it is
cool outside. A fan is blowing on me even in the winter.)
The Anointing of the Precious RUACH ha KODESH which at that time I called HOLY
SPIRIT had BURNT my SKIN it was so intense! That makes me wonder about Moses
when his face beheld YAHUVEH’S glory and he wore a veil because it shone so much
it frightened the people. Did his face appear to be burned afterwards from that
SHKHINAH GLORY anointed fire? NOT as a sun burn, NO different! NO PAIN! And this
lasted for three days! I was so grateful for makeup again after that. The
anointing had burned my Flesh where the two prophets had been touching my face
as they prayed! Strange as it sounds and YAHUSHUA will confirm this as you read
it. Well, now you either think I am insane, or the HOLY SPIRIT has witnessed to
you that SHE really had put a STRONG anointing on me that day. Never has it
happened again. But this is just a small sample of the miracles yet to come as
is stated in Joel 2:28, “In the end times I will pour out my spirit!” READ it!
It is NOT because of who we are! Only that we are willingly vessels to be used
by YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH and the RUACH HA KODESH to their Praise, Honor and
Glory, proving OUR Almighty God is still the same yesterday, today and forever!
I know it is prophesied that one day even my shadow, and others ministering by
the HOLY SPIRIT for the Praise, Honor, and Glory of YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA Messiah)
will be anointed, like YAHUVEH did with Paul and the people were healed! I am
NOT suffering delusions of grandeur. This truly did happen and MORE as YAHUSHUA
is my Witness and please, HOLY SPIRIT confirm in the Spirit what I have spoken
is the TRUTH to the GLORY of YAHUSHUA! I look forward to ministering again in
Hawaii for there are many faithful, anointed Soldiers for YAHUSHUA! Aloha
Beloved in Hawaii! Well, I never dreamed I would tell anyone this, but whenever
I say I won't that is when the HOLY SPIRIT says, 'Speak it NOW!' I left MANY
anointed Spiritual prayer warriors that were raised up that day for YAHUSHUA. My
friends, in many ways I feel I left my Heart in Maui with you. Thus far I will
always believe that is the strongest anointing I have ever experienced. I came
to Maui on Purim and left on Rosh Ha Shana. Of course, at that time I didn’t
know these Jewish Holy Days. I was just a Pentecostal evangelist and prophet. IF
anyone knows Helen, I only know first names, or Meleona, please email me. Oh how
I dearly I love my Brothers and Sisters! My ex husband came with legal papers
saying I had to return with my youngest son at the time. I was so devastated
because I wanted to remain in Maui, and people were even talking of building a
church for me to minister in.
Now I understand why I was forced to leave Hawaii, but at that time I couldn’t
understand why soon after that awesome anointing I was forced to return to the
main lands. I know now that YAHUVEH had a heavier calling on my life and it is
being a prophet to the nations, and ministering over the Internet and traveling
the world to help bring in YAHUSHUA’S harvest of souls. All of this I have
spoken as I remembered it. Much more took place, many miracles in the AOG Maui
Church , but that is for another time as the HOLY SPIRIT permits. Another
blessing in Maui, Hawaii, I have not mentioned before was that I was taken to a
Samoan Pastor’s house. I was told no one had ever ministered behind this
Pastor’s pulpit in the Church. I was greeted by this huge man of faith and his
entire family just stared at me as we sat down on the couch. So many people were
in that room, I am not sure if all were in his family. I don’t remember what I
said or did but for some reason I started praying and prophesying. When it was
over I had the greatest compliment.
The Samoan Pastor had invited me to Minister in his church the next Sunday! I
didn’t know about the True Sabbath yet. Now I don’t minister in Sunday Churches
anymore. At that time and season though I wasn’t held accountable for that yet,
for I didn’t know any better. I ministered in many churches nearly every day
while in Maui and the miracles are too numerous to write here. In Heaven I shall
see these people again and look forward to it.
The number 27 is very anointed for me. Joainne (who now is called Joainneyah,
because the Precious RUACH HA KODESH blessed her with a name with the word YAH
in it as proof YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA want the world to know even her name
reflects Them) came to us on July 27, 2006 in Fresnaye South Africa and that
very night July 27, 2006 the Arch Angel Michael appeared in a restaurant in
Camps Bay South Africa, and my husband and I both saw him. The other’s backs
were turned away from where he was standing. If you haven’t read the story and
how I was blessed that day and look forward to his return again. It is not anything that I boast about, because it has
nothing to do with me, other than striving to live Holy and obedient unto our
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH so HE will not be ashamed to call me HIS Bride and Ring
Maiden. With all my mind, body, spirit and soul I just want to leave this earth
as Enoch did with the same testimony, that I was found pleasing YAHUVEH (There
is no greater desire than this in my life on this earth.) before I am translated
to Heaven, caught up to be with our YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH along with the rest of
the Bride of YAHUSHUA.
Sukkot 2007 also falls on the 27th and when I awoke today I was told to glorify
MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH because my spiritual experiences on the 27th is is about
our HEAVENLY MOTHER'S Sweet HOLY SPIRIT anointing that bring glory to YAHUVEH
AND YAHUSHUA. I am obeying and sharing what only a handful of people have known
thus far. I freely admit I am nobody special only a willing clean vessel to be
and glory.
Please don't anyone read this and put me on a pedestal, because I am just made
out of dust like everyone else on this earth. When my job on earth is done, I
look foreward to returning home to Heaven to worship and kiss and kneel at the
feet of our Beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and shout loudly PRAISE YAHUSHUA I AM
HOME! Each day my prayer is that we just want to be pleasing unto YAHUVEH as
unto an Enoch and leave this earth without death touching this mortal body, and
to be caught up in the air to Heaven, and have the same testmony we were found
pleasing YAHUVEH.
Our prayers and blessings with all of those who love and worship YAHUVEH,
SHKHINAH, who is in Hebrew our MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH!