Keep in mind: this Prophecy was unknown to AmightyWind until 2012.
Pentecostal Rebirth and Azusa. At the start of the last century (early 1900s), Holy Revival swept around the world. Thousands of souls were saved and received the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT in measures unknown since the book of Acts!
But the only one place the SHEKINAH-GLORY (Manifest, Abiding Glory of GOD) was present was the Apostolic Faith Mission at 312 Azusa Street, L.A. California! The SHEKINAH-GLORY rested there daily, for years (1906-1909)! The Azusa Street Mission Revival, the greatest Move of GOD in modern history, was the birth of the modern Pentecostal Movement. During that revival, it was prophesied that in 100 years another, but greater outpouring would begin and the SHEKINAH-GLORY would return:
Azusa Prophecy (1909-1910). As the Azusa Revival began to wane and the SHEKINAH GLORY began to leave, both William Seymour and Charles Parham just days apart, while on opposite sides of America, prophesied:
I tell you that ANOINTING IS COMING THAT IS GREATER THAN ANY OF THE AZUSA [REVIVAL]. Thus far you have only said you are “Messianic Jewish.” So the Pentecostals barely come—except those that I send one-by-one. But now I send you forth. THIS IS THE NEW BIRTH! […]
EVERY DAY should be a DAY of PENTECOST! EVERY DAY I want to fill you with MY POWER! EVERY DAY I want to speak to ye’! For the Pentecostals—all over the world—are crying out! And they’re saying, “FILL me with YOUR ANOINTING, OH YAHUVEH.” Oh they call ME […] ‘JEHOVAH.’ But I know MY Name. (Prophecy 77, 2005)
YAHUVEH has promised an ANOINTING greater than that of Azusa and it is spreading as a HOLY WILDFIRE! See p. 165 for entire Prophecy. As the 100-Year-Old Azusa Prophecy foretells, this is a world-wide Ministry and those who stand with AmightyWind Ministry (meaning all those who truly defend Holiness and live in Holiness) are experiencing the genuine SHEKINAH-GLORY in these End Times.
Neither AmightyWind nor the Azusa Revival was named after man. Did GOD in HIS foreknowledge choose the location Azusa Street and its name on purpose? When examined, there are similar elements in the name of the Ministry and the name the Revival was known by.
There is an old joke, “Azusa—everything from A to Z in the USA,” which compares to this Prophetic Word:
America [U.S.A.] even your initials were given to you by “I AM,” US, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is the [“US”] U.S. and A. is for Almighty. This nation was to stand for United States of ALMIGHTY. For you once served the ALMIGHTY LIVING GOD, “I AM” and YAHUSHUA. (Prophecy 49, 2001)
“Azusa,” originally “Akusanka”—from Tongvan, a native L.A. area language—means “a place of water” or “GRAND MOTHER.”
AmightyWind Ministry is named: “ALEPH & TAV, AMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH HOLY WILDFIRE, Last Chance Ministry.”
The Hebrew letters Aleph & Tav are like A & Z in “AZusa” or the Greek letters Alpha & Omega that stand for YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA (Is 48:12; Rev 22:13).
The ANOINTING in the Ministry spreads like “A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND” (Acts 2) of the SPIRIT and it’s a HOLY “WILDFIRE,” which also represents SHKHINYAH’S FIRE as was present as Azusa! Prophetically, the HOLY SPIRIT is also the ONE WHO Births with Living Waters.
The significance of “GRAND MOTHER” is clear considering the Hebraic perspective of THE HOLY SPIRIT as HEAVENLY MOTHER, the SHEKINAH GLORY (present at Azusa) and how Prophecies 89-90, given to Prophet Elijah, reveal the SPIRIT’S Motherly Nature!
Elisheva Eliyahu & William Seymour
You wonder, “Where is the ANOINTING POWER of the First Church with signs, wonders and miracles?” […] Get back and do what the First Church did, and you will see these miracles once again! (Prophecy 79, 2005)
The Bible promises the ULTIMATE REVIVAL, “life from the dead” when in the UNITY of the SPIRIT, Jew and Gentile unite—when Hebrew Roots and the Lost Tribes of Israel are restored, it will be the greatest revival ever to be seen (Romans 11:11-24; Ezek 37). This of course implies unity among the Gentile races as well.
A large part of Elisheva Eliyahu’s calling is this Unity. Remember, YAHUSHUA is the JEWISH ROOT OF DAVID (Rev 22:16). Do not allow spirits of racism, sexism or anti-semitism to keep you from accepting all the End Time Revelations and Truths in this book and Prophecies!
Many have bemoaned and wondered where are the miracles of Times of Old? […] If they will embrace the Truths of the True Shabbat and I don’t mean Sunday! Learn the importance of honoring YAHUSHUA through the Holy Feasts. […] Use the Hebrew Sacred Names. LIVE HOLY and do NOT compromise […] You will see a GREATER ANOINTING than you’ve ever experienced in these END TIMES. (Prophecy 90, 2007)
Remember, it was through the Jewish People the MESSIAH came and to the Hebrew People that the SHEKINAH-GLORY was first revealed to the world (Rom 9:4-5).
When MY Children see each other, they had better only see RED, MY Blood. Stop dividing your churches by colors. I see no color. I AM all races in one. Stop judging one another by outward appearance. For where the spirit of prejudice is, MY RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) will not stay, will not dwell. […]
Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples [churches] I have poured MY Anointing out upon […] This sickens ME […]
I choose to use this vessel because she thinks she is the weakest of the lot, but I say once again, I will use the humble and meek, those who no one thinks I will use for MY POWER shows up best in weak people. Others know it is not of them and they don’t boast. For they know it is only MY ANOINTING that breaks every yoke, fetter, chain, shackle and bondage. It is NOT by your might NOR power but by MY SPIRIT (Prophecy 1, 1996).
Beware for when we try to plan the Anointing or force a Move of GOD, it can be an open door to the counterfeit. We must remember it’s not by our flesh, or our might and power, but by YAH’S SPIRIT (Zech 4:6) and GOD uses the weak to show HIS strength!