Please tell others this must be stopped! Delta is the first to test this. Give a
sign to our Government that we don't want this. Let Delta know you don't want
this. America was once known as the "Land of the free." No other nation does
what America is going to do.
I always tried to fly Delta in the past, but now after reading what they are
testing, it infuriates me that this could happen to an American. Remember what
the end result of this will be.
I was sent this today and I remembered a prophecy given to me years ago that is
posted that said, "You will find you will have a new meaning of the word fear of
Prophecy 26 - Hear Me, Fear Me, Believe Me!
When I read this today, these words I heard again. Please don't fly Delta!
Please pray against this from being accepted. If you don't care now, you will
later. What happens when race and religion will also qualify or disqualify you
from being able to fly on a commercial airline?
What does our Bank account and credit report have to do with being allowed to
fly? Oh People, start protesting now before it is too late! I voted and
encouraged others to vote for George Bush because he said there was too much
Government in the people's business. What has happened? For now even our privacy
will be invaded in a more perverse way. If you do nothing after reading this,
then don't be surprised when you hear the bell tolling...for whom does the bell
toll...the death of our individual privacy and freedoms ...yes even as an
American Citizen to travel by commercial plane where ever and when ever we
I am speaking out as long as I am able. Copy YAHUVEH'S prophecies and audible
words and dreams down now while you are able.
* * * * * * *
Will Your Credit History or Bank Account Keep You From Flying?
The government is getting ready to test a new risk-detection system that would
check background information and assign a threat level to everyone who buys a
ticket for a commercial flight.
The system, ordered by Congress after the Sept. 11 attacks, will gather much
more information on passengers. Delta Air Lines will try it out at three
unidentified airports beginning next month, and a comprehensive system could be
in place by the end of the year.
Transportation officials say a contractor will be picked soon to build the
nationwide computer system, which will check such things as credit reports and
bank account activity and compare passenger names with those on government watch
Advocates say the system will weed out dangerous people while ensuring
law-abiding citizens aren't given unnecessary scrutiny.
Critics see a potential for unconstitutional invasions of privacy and for
database mix-ups that could lead to innocent people being branded security
There also is concern that the government is developing the system without
revealing how information will be gathered and how long it will be kept.
"We may be creating a massive surveillance system without public discussion,"
said Barry Steinhardt, an American Civil Liberties Union director.
Transportation officials say CAPPS II - Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening
System - will use databases that already operate in line with privacy laws and
won't profile based on race, religion or ethnicity.
"What it does is have very fast access to existing databases so we can quickly
validate the person's identity," Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said.
An oversight panel, which will include a member of the public, is being formed.
And the Transportation Security Administration will set up procedures to resolve
complaints by people who say they don't belong on the watch lists.
Transportation Department spokesman Chet Lunner said a Federal Register notice
about CAPPS II that said the background information will be stored for 50 years
is inaccurate. He said such information will be held only for people deemed
security risks.
Jay Stanley, an ACLU spokesman, was skeptical.
"When it says in print, 50 years, we'd like to see something else in print to
counter that," he said.
Airlines already do rudimentary checks of information the passenger supplies,
such as method of payment, address and when the ticket was reserved. The system
was developed by Northwest Airlines (NWB) in the early 1990s to spot possible
Unusual behavior, such as purchasing a one-way ticket with cash, is supposed to
prompt increased scrutiny at the airport.
Capt. Steve Luckey, an airline pilot who helped develop the system, said CAPPS
II will help identify a passenger's possible intentions before he gets on a
Unlike the current system, in which data stays with the airlines' reservation
systems, the new setup will be managed by TSA. Only government officials with
proper security clearance will be able to use it.
CAPPS II will collect data and rate each passenger's risk potential according to
a three-color system: green, yellow, red. When travelers check in, their names
will be punched into the system and the boarding passes encrypted with the
ranking. TSA screeners will check the passes at checkpoints.
The vast majority of passengers will be rated green and won't be subjected to
anything more than normal checks, while yellow will get extra screening and red
won't fly.
Paul Hudson, executive director of the Aviation Consumer Action Project, which
advocates airline safety and security, is skeptical the system will work.
"The whole track record of profiling is a very poor to mixed one," Hudson said,
noting profiles of the Unabomber and the Washington-area snipers were wrong.
Nine to 11 of the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11 were flagged by CAPPS, but weren't
searched because the system gave a pass to passengers who didn't check their
bags, Hudson said. People without checked bags now are included.
Two other post-Sept. 11 efforts by other federal agencies to gather information
on private citizens encountered roadblocks.
Operation TIPS, a Justice Department initiative to encourage citizens to report
suspicious activities, was shelved last year because of widespread opposition.
Similar privacy concerns prompted Congress to cut off funding for the Pentagon's
Total Information Awareness, which would mine government and commercial
databases to identify potential terrorists. Lawmakers want the Defense
Department to come up with better oversight policies.