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Great Wall Of China “a Taste Of Things To Come!” | Asia, Israel & The Lost Tribes

Book Excerpts, Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT by Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu / May 30, 2015

What does the devil fear about the coming days? What can we look forward to?

Here’s “A Taste of Things to Come,” an excerpt from my book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT (RUACH HA KODESH) 2nd Edition. We use the Hebrew Sacred Names of GOD: YAHUVEH (i.e. YAHUVEH) and YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS).

As we behold an the start in Asia of a HOLY ANOINTED WILDFIRE, promised in one Prophetic Word, we’ve been waiting since the High Holy Days of Rosh ha Shanah, Yom Kippur 2014 for GOD to speak another Prophecy that calls the entire Asian Bride forth. Please keep this in prayer!

Stay tuned and stay in prayer for what YAH has been doing in the Asian branches of AmightyWind!

Asian Spark Shall Become A Holy Anointed Wildfire!

Evening October 17, 2014 – 7th Day of Sukkot & 8th Assembly

I have still been waiting for the rest of the Word to Asia to come forth for all YAH’S Beloved there. I know it will come. It just is not ABBA’S Timing for it. But I am so excited about what I have been learning since Rosh ha Shana. About Asia, about the beauty of Ancient Hebrew and how you can even find it inside the Ancient Chinese language!

I can feel the joy of Heaven. This has stirred up the Anointing so much, it just got on me—such joy! And excitement! What YAH has been showing me and speaking! It’s awesome!

ABBA says it again and again, HIS Asian Bride, HIS Chinese Bride is so unique. I don’t know the whole meaning of why there’s the unique Anointing. But HE told me this. There is a different Anointing on them!

It just rubs off. It’s awesome! It literally leaps off the pages when they write to us!! It’s absolutely awesome. I love it!

Oh my gosh, I got so excited when I heard they were part of the Lost Tribes. It goes right into my spirit and I just have to rejoice out loud and gives shouts of praise, Hallelu YAH! I mean, they are so unique!

And “the first shall be last” (Luke 13:29-20) is Scripture. You know?! It’s like, you think of China as the Ends of the Earth. At least Japan, you know, is the ‘Land of the Rising Sun!’ So those islands and the Pacific ocean, that’s called the Ends of the Earth—although I know the world is round! Going from one part of the Earth to another!

There’s—I’m telling you—something so awesome YAH is doing!

I want to be able to convey this—this excitement—so the Asian and Chinese Bride will understand how special they are. And not just the Bride, but the Beloved, Precious Guests too. YAH wants all the Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect—all the Bride and Honored Guests—to understand how important they are! How loved they are!

You are so loved! Never doubt it! Asian Beloveds, you are so loved. And there is a connection to the Hebrew even!

The Asian believers have been so persecuted, and so many think themselves unworthy, but I just want you to know, and YAH wants you to know: you are so special, so loved from Heaven. You have to believe it. It doesn’t matter if we think we are worthy, because YAH is the ONE WHO makes us worthy.

And I want the Guests to know how special they are…

Here we are at the end of Sukkot. It’s seven or eight days long, depending on how you want to define it. And you know one of the special things is the importance of Guests—having Guests to invite to your Sukka.

The Jewish word, Aramaic, for these honored guests is “ush-pi-zin.” And the tradition is that these are like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David—and there’s a similar tradition for Hanukkah but then they’re called “the Seven Shepherds.”

And of course it’s all symbolic, but all of them are important and all these important men of GOD are called guests!

YAHUSHUA mentioned this when HE said, “Many would come from the East”—that’s you Beloved Asia—“and from the West, and they would take their places at the Feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” (Matt 8:11).

At every Wedding, there is a Bride and Groom, and there has got to be Witnesses! And the Guests—they are all Witnesses. This is what Sukkot is also. Not just about Booths. Yes, it celebrates the time of Moses, and the Great Miracle of YAHUSHUA’S Birthday! Praise YAH, for where would we be without YAHUSHUA?!

But Sukkot is also the Wedding Party and Celebration. “Blessed are all those”—EVERYONE—“who is invited to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB” (Rev 19:9) is what the Bible says! Amen!?

Sukkot is also the Festival of the Ingathering of the Nations. The Lost Tribes of Israel will be gathered together again from among all the Nations and will be as a Mixed Multitude. Just like when they came out of Egypt!

That is what Sukkot is all about: YAH being GOD with us, HIS People, who HE gathers. YAHUSHUA said HE also came “for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” (Matt 10:6; 15:24). To the Jew first and then to the Gentile (Rom 1:16)! Everyone is important.

You know, so many of the Ancient Israelites—their descendants are still in Asia. Some of them have been so assimilated and mixed in, they don’t even know it any more, especially in China. I believe YAH has been showing me some things about this. Israel is part of Asia after all. Majority of the Earth’s population lives in Asia.

Oh my gosh! Even the Chinese characters for “Asia”—it is the same as YAH’S Name! Literally! It can literally be interpreted “YAH’S Continent!” That is Asia in Chinese, “YAH’S Continent”!!! If that in itself is not special, I don’t know what is. There is something so special about those of you in Asia and I don’t have all the answers, but YAH knows…

YAHUVEH promised Abraham his descendants would be like the sands of the sea. YAH said, “Though your people be like the sand by the sea, Israel, only a remnant will return” (Isaiah 19:22). The population of China and Asia is so massive like the sand of the sea.

You know, I want people to know it’s not all about the bloodline. It’s not our own blood that saves us—only YAHUSHUA’S Blood whether we be Jew or Gentile—it is only through YAHUSHUA’S Blood that any of us can be forgiven and saved!

The Bible says only a remnant of the Lost Tribes will be restored—and it’s got to be through YAHUSHUA! There is no other way…

The seventh day of Sukkot is called “the Great Salvation” and it’s so awesome, it’s like it spills over into an Eighth Day because you just have to keep on rejoicing! All this is symbolic of YAHUSHUA, because HE is our GREAT SALVATION! There is no other.

And we should never stop rejoicing and celebrating this! HE will redeem men from every generation, nation, tribe and tongue; Beloveds, this is what Sukkot is all about and the waving and rejoicing with branches (Rev 7:9), okay?

Just recently, before Sukkot, there was the second of the Blood Red Moons in what’s being called the Blood Red Moon Tetrad. This one was most visible over Eastern Asia and the Pacific Islands—like I was saying, what people call, what the Bible calls the “Ends of the Earth.” [The forth is coming in September 2015.]

Hong Kong has unrest. Japan had a volcano erupt on September 27th which was Yom Teruah (Rosh ha Shanah) on the observation based Hebrew calendar we keep. Then, our Yom Kippur was followed by the final day of China ‘s National Day Golden Week, and the following day (October 8th), the Blood Red Moon. YAH is doing something with Asia and HE is showing us.

During Sukkot, there has been another super typhoon (i.e. super hurricane) that was over Japan. Don’t forget, that’s the “Land of the Rising Sun,” and the Ends of the Earth and there’s evidence that some of the Lost Tribes went, at least, that far.

I pray YAH calls forth the Japanese Bride and the translators. Japan has really had it tough over the last years, and YAH wants to save HIS remnant that’s there. So to the Japanese Beloveds listening to this, please contact us, please translate.

Do it for YAHUSHUA. Do it for your people so they too can find the ONLY SALVATION.

That goes for all of the nations and languages. Please come forth and get these Prophecies to your people while there is still time!

In January 2006, my beloved husband had what we sometimes call the “wok” dream because in the dream there was a Chinese cooking wok with 12 olives in it. There was more to that dream, but when I heard my beloved [husband] tell it to me, YAH said this represented the 12 Tribes coming together and YAH would use me to do it, including the Lost Tribes. Then, I received Prophecy 81 “Oh Israel I, YAHUVEH, rebuke you!”

I can’t say I understand that whole dream or Prophecy, but I’m definitely understanding more and also about the wok.

Remember, Israel is also part of Asia. The Middle East is part of Asia.

The wok is not only Chinese, but used all over Asia—all along the path of the Silk Road, because it was convenient for nomads and those who had to travel, like the Lost Tribes.

Could that have something to do with why YAH used a wok to represent gathering them together? Are most of them still in Asia? Is the largest population found in China?

I don’t know, but there is something special about Asia, about China. Right now YAH is really raising up the Chinese Bride, and I pray YAH calls forth the rest of the Asian Bride too, and the International Bride of YAHUSHUA.

Momma Rm

in YAHUSHUA’S Love, your Pastor Elisheva

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