Pentecost is coming! Just a week away! In preparation, a brother in YAHUSHUA
(Hebrew for JESUS) has been studying the Bible and our webpages on Pentecost, (Shavu’ot
in Hebrew). Last week, he asked some very important questions about tongues.
Many of you may have similar questions, but before we dig into that, we’re just
going to share this dream.
I was surprised when I saw the date of this dream, almost exactly 10 years ago
this week. I was newly saved, sanctified and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT—only
baptized in the RUACH HA KODESH (Hebrew for HOLY SPIRIT) less than six months
before and this was one of the first dreams ABBA YAH gave me.
It’s got an important lesson for us all. Truthfully, something I’ve continued to
learn more about for years. Some things we learn the hard way, but hopefully you
won’t have to!
I was at some kind of Christian gathering. I didn’t recognize it as any church I
knew of, except it seemed to be a Pentecostal or Charismatic church group or
something. It was not during a service as there were only a few people here and
there, walking around or talking to each other.
I noticed one man, and got the impression he wasn’t “saved” or, at least,
something was wrong. I thought, “I want to find out if he is born again.”
Perhaps talk to him about what it really means to be “born again” (John 3:6-8)
and what “eternal life” (John 17:3) really means—to know YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for
JESUS) personally.
Even though he was some kind of a Christian in a Christian church, something was
not right and I wondered about his relationship with YAHUSHUA and if he even had
one. I thought I should at least go over and talk to him a bit, and check things
On my way over, I heard him mention to someone something about praying in
tongues. In other words, he could speak in tongues.
With that, I simply thought, “oh never mind…”
Without thinking, I figured he’d been saved, sanctified and baptized in the
RUACH HA KODESH, that he’d been “filled with the HOLY GHOST and began to speak
with other tongues as the SPIRIT gave […] utterance” (Acts 2:4).
That’s when the dream continues with a change of scene. The physical realm
pealed back like a veil. All of a sudden, I saw the spiritual realm clearly and
the physical realm became faint.
The next thing I saw was, well, surprising.
There were two stereotypical looking demons (with reddish, dark skin and horns),
except what stood out most is that they were very short. They were laughing and
mocking. It was extreme, cartoonish and they were pointing at this man…
I could see the man as he prayed in tongues, and there were some odd
manifestations in his body at the same time.
Then I saw behind this, two demons saying, while laughing, mocking, pointing and
rolling around like fools, “Look! Haha! He’s going to hell. Haha! He thinks he’s
going to Heaven just because…” More laughter and then their punchline, “Because
he can speak in tongues!!!”
They said, “We fooled him! He thinks he saved!”
In the dream, I was startled, in quite a bit of a shock. I totally wasn’t
expecting that. I had known there was such a thing as counterfeit anointing and
counterfeit tongues, but to actually see this as a reality was quite another
thing. The dream felt so real.
The demons went on, “Not only that! We even fool others into thinking he is
End of Dream.
Those are the more obvious lessons (and we’ll soon be adding the Scripture
verses to back that up). But something else that is very important although a
not-so-obvious part of this dream is that Christians can have false tongues.
In fact, you can be born again and have both the Gift of Holy tongues and yet
also have a counterfeit at the same time if there is a legal right for it to be
It is not a sin to not understand the Gifts of Prophecy or
speaking in Holy Tongues of men and Holy Angels, but do not speak against what
is Holy—just because you have not experienced it, or you had a bad experience
with the counterfeit.
Some reading this have had an experience of being filled with demonic tongues.
So…do not deny the genuine just because you opened yourself up to the
counterfeit through sin—or your blood line is full of the occult.
I, YAHUVEH, warn you that satan is evil in all ways. (Prophecy 90, What is the
Name of the HOLY SPIRIT?)
Many Christians think it’s not possible, but satan is that evil, and this is
the End Times. This is another reason why Holiness and obedience are so
important. In the inspired words of Apostle William Seymour, “Keep your
eyes on [YAHUSHUA] and not on the manifestations.”
Beloved Brothers & Sisters of AmightyWind, this is exactly what Apostle &
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah, our Pastor, also has taught for years—and what YAHUVEH
GOD ALMIGHTY has spoken in many of the Prophecies given to her.
Why is it so important to keep our eyes on YAHUSHUA?
“[I]f you get your eyes on manifestations and on signs you are liable to
get a counterfeit, but what you want to seek is more Holiness, more of GOD.” –
Apostle William Seymour
We aren’t to seek for tongues, but the BAPTISM OF THE RUACH HA KODESH & FIRE,
and most of all, the BAPTIZER, WHO is YAHUSHUA—we don’t seek the gifts, but the