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Do Not Be Like A Lot's Wife

Given through Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
November 25, 2008


This Word was given to two biological brothers who were both following YAHUSHUA together and following the Truths in this Ministry. YAHUVEH led these brothers out of America to another country with a very specific calling for each brother. The enemy has been able to divide these brothers and one of the brothers emailed us and told us he was returning back to America. We prayed for them both and this is the Word that was received.

YAHUVEH said to post this Word before the People because it is meant for more than just these 2 brothers. This will not apply to everyone, but if it does apply to you put your name in this warning and please listen. It is now 'Crunch Time' as we say in America, meaning this is the end of the road, it is time to do what we are to do in this world so we can go home. Time is so short! YAHUVEH is getting very strict with the Bride of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. The Holy are getting more Holy and the unholy are getting more unholy.

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Stop behaving like children, there is no time for this nonsense. United you will STAND, divided you WILL FALL. The words of hate spoken are not your own.

My Beloved (Put your Name here), when did I give you permission to return back to Sodom and Gomorrah, you will not find it as easy to ever leave again if you disobey and you return. I already know what you are going to do. My Beloved (Your Name), why would I send you back to America to fight Catholosism for the words you have spoken you need right there in your own homeland. I told you I would raise up a job right there in ............ It was you ......... that said, "My brother must help me with this, he is not to take a lowly worldly job," but I your Beloved YAHUSHUA know ALL things and I said, "Alright, have it your way," and now you have seen what happens when you disobey.

I warn you now, I speak to you both, DO NOT RETURN BACK TO SODOM AND GOMORRAH, it is only fit for MY DESTRUCTION. I will spare those who are MY children who are walking in obedience. DO NOT be like a Lot's wife. Stop looking back at what you use to have. Once you put your hand to the plow, you DO NOT look back.

You will find out when you get away from the evil spirits in a house that I warned you there would be a great battle (they were living in their biological dads house who is against this Ministry), there will be peace among you, if you will but let it. You will be stronger as brothers and stronger in love, stronger in UNITY. If you can NOT do this in your love for one another as brothers, DO this in MY LOVE, IN MY FORGIVNESS, IN MY COMPASSION! Do NOT test ME, I want no more excuses, this is INTOLERABLE! DO you want to be MY Bride or not? Do you want to walk in the Great Tribulation?

Remember this MY Beloved Son ...... Remember this MY Beloved Son ......., it is ALWAYS darkest before the dawn. Everytime you hear a voice say, 'just give up' you know you are on the brink of a great breakthrough. No one told you it would be easy (Your Name), I only told you it would be worth it. No one told you it would be easy ........., I only told you it would be worth it. NOW STOP behaving as though you are children, you are men who have been chewing spiritual meat for a long time.

DON'T make ME spank you. I know your hearts and I know they are for ME. Get back to fighting the devil and the evil spirits that surround you and stop fighting each other! For the hateful words, the hurtful words wound I your Beloved YAHUSHUA even more than they wound one another. The words of hate and you can't say you speak words of love wound your IMMAYAH, the Sweet HOLY SPIRIT within you, as she grieves as you have allowed the spirit of division to divide what I PUT TOGETHER.

I have allowed that biological father to drive you out for I have known all along the spirit within those that you think are your family that are no family at all, lightness and darkness can not go together.

Now I command you both to come together in PEACE and in UNITY and stop fighting one another and DO NOT TEST ME IN THIS, for you are now in a boot camp for all those called to be MY Bride and if you think it has been tough thus far, we have only just begun. I have but a short time to get MY Bride fit for MY coming again. Words to the wise, DON'T BE LEFT BEHIND!!!

How can you expect ME to forgive you if you do NOT forgive one another. And (Your Name), I warn you now, read duet 28, if you return to America you will be in willfull disobedience and I will NOT bless anything you do, you will be outside MY will, outside of MY umbrella of protection from the storm that will come upon America and has started to come upon America like crashing waves only getting larger and larger until America WILL BE DROWNED. I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH I told you to get OUT. By MY own hand I led you out, and if you disobey it will be your own hand that returns. I give you a choice, I now tell you the consequences. In MY eyes this WILL BE SIN!!! Because I LOVE YOU, I warn you.

I speak out of MY Ringmaiden MY Prophet because you say that you can't hear ME, now you have NO MORE EXCUSES. LINE UP WITH MY WORD AND EITHER SHAPE UP OR KNOW YOU WILL BE SHIPPED OUT AND NO LONGER BE MY BRIDE!!! For you have been called and now your decision is 'WILL YOU BE CHOSEN'. These are tough Words bur Words you both need to hear and they are not only for you but for so many of those who are called to be MY Bride. I'M not going to be surprised for I already know the names on the list, but I send forth this warning to all those who wonder in the end 'Why wasn't I chosen?' I DO NOT choose a disobedient Bride, so be forewarned. I want you by MY side.

It is MY desire you together fight the evil in that land. Become stronger through this weakness of the flesh of demanding it your way. LAY YOUR FLESH DOWN, PICK UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME. We have a work to do and I have chosen you two, now lay your foolishness down.

These are the Words I have to say to you this day, because you say you can not hear ME I speak out of the lips of one who does hear MY voice, who pays a price to have the anointing to hear MY voice. Come TOGETHER AGAIN IN UNITY AND LOVE OR SUFFER MY CHASTISMENT, FOR I LOVE YOU BOTH. I HAVE JOINED YOU BOTH TOGETHER it is satan that divides.

End of Word

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