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YAHUSHUA Came to Me Again! I Grabbed HIS Robe & said, No! I won’t Let Go!

“She said within herself, ‘If I may but touch HIS garment, I shall be whole’” (Matt 9:21).

Oh beloved family and darling children in YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS), I am so happy. I had another glimpse of YAHUSHUA. Some might consider this a dream, but “I know WHOM I have believed” (2 Tim 1:8-12). HE came to me once again and stood next to my bed. I not only touched the hem of HIS garment, but actually grabbed hold of HIS robe and said, “No, I will not let go!”

I didn’t want to let go, and especially not until YAHUSHUA spoke to me words I needed to hear.

YAHUVEH calls me an apostle, and part of this means I’ve seen YAHUSHUA. This past December I shared with you that near the end of Hanukkah in 1987 I saw YAHUSHUA face-to-face and I asked you to keep this in prayer:

I also want my faith increased, so lately I have been praying for HIM to come to me in this way again, to allow me this honor once again! I ask of all you who stand in agreement with AmightyWind Ministries, please stand in agreement with this prayer for me. If it is HIS will, HE will. If not, I still say, “YOUR will be done ABBA YAH & YAHUSHUA, not mine!”

Sometime during the midnight hours of Shabbat, just over a week ago, on February 27th 2016, it was such a spiritual experience—I don’t even want to call it a dream. I know it was not a dream. What I know, is that I really did grab hold of YAHUSHUA’S robe because HE was standing at the side of my bed! I reached out and I held on tight—as YAH says in that one Prophecy—to the hem of HIS garment.

Read Prophecy 7, Hold on Tight to the Hem of MY Garment! 1997

This was a very personal experience, but YAH is leading me to share it with you to encourage you all and also to show you that YAHUSHUA has answered your prayers for me.

From touching YAHUSHUA’S hem, the hem of HIS garment—actually, I just grabbed hold of it! I had a hold of HIS robe! The hem would be the very bottom and I wasn’t at the very bottom. I was just hanging on to it. And I wouldn’t let it go until HE talked to me. I mainly remember my tightly held fist, refusing to let go!

Why I was allowed to do this I don’t know! I only know it was real.

I know this was not a dream. It is too vivid, and I wasn’t going to let go of HIS garment. We can’t do anything that we are not allowed to do or ask questions during a visitation unless YAH wants us to do so. It is already be pre-ordained what we will do. In open visions, it is the same way.

No one else in the house heard or saw anything, but remained
sleeping in bed. I didn’t tell anyone until I awoke in the morning. I don’t know why I was given the honor of seeing YAHUSHUA this time.

In the midst of the night, I awoke from sleep and saw YAHUSHUA standing by my side of the bed. I have a step stool there because the bed is tall, and HE stood on the right side of the stool!

As HE stood at the edge of my side of the bed, without second thought, I reached my hand out to grab HIS robe. I always sleep close to the edge of the bed, so it was easy to reach HIM.

I remember so well, how I was determined not to let go of HIS robe! I remember HE spoke to me the entire time I grasped it, holding tight.

Later, I struggled and struggled to remember what HE said, but did not until later the next day. Though I cannot recall all the exact words to you now, I know what has been confirmed to my spirit. And YAHUSHUA reveals to me more as I need. I know much of it is locked in my spirit.

Your prayers are that powerful! Do you know that? Year after year, around Hanukkah, on the anniversary of seeing HIM face-to-face, I wait.

I say, “This is our anniversary YAHUSHUA. Will YOU please come? I’m waiting up for you! All night!” I couldn’t wait for evening and bedtime, because I thought well HE will come sit at the side of the bed again, like HE did all those years ago in 1987. (Gosh that’s a long time ago!)

And I waited and HE didn’t come. Year after year, I waited and I waited. But you know what? YAHUSHUA is never, ever late. HE came this time, at a time when I know that I know it was needed. I am not a fly-by-night prophet. I’ve been saved, sanctified and filled with the HOLY GHOST (RUACH HA KODESH)—for many many years now, I’ve been serving HIM.

YAHUSHUA was showing me HE doesn’t just care about 1 year anniversary, 2 year anniversary, 3 year anniversary, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…and counting. HE doesn’t care about that stuff quite in the same way we do—of course HE cares about the year and anniversaries of events—but HE comes when there is a purpose.

I’m not an instant gratification prophet that tells you what your itching ears want to hear or that anyone can prophesy or work miracles at will. No, that’s not how it works. It’s YAH’S will be done, not ours.

Whether you actually see HIM—or a long waited answer to our prayers comes—remember, our prayers don’t always get answered when we want them to be answered. YAH is not a Microwave GOD. HE can answer our prayers instantly if HE wants to, and sometimes HE does.

HE’S always right on time, but seldom is it our timing. And we must remember this.

I was in need of a miracle and YAHUSHUA gave it to me! HE came at a time when I needed it most. I don’t know what miracle you are in need of, but I prophesy to you this day that if you will not let go, your victory is on it’s way! Sometimes you must strive for more. YAH told me long ago, sometimes “it may take wrestling for your blessing” (Prophecy 7, Hold on Tight to the Hem of MY Garment! 1997).

Gen 32:22-3225

When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26 Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27 And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” 28 Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel,[b] for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

Hos 12:4
He strove with the angel and prevailed;
he wept and sought his favor.
He met God at Bethel,
and there God spoke with us—

From hanging on tight to YAHUSHUA’S robe, the next thing—I do know the next part was a dream. From grasping YAHUSHUA’S robe, I went into a dream that I was a mother of many many adopted children, with a humble country home. Please share your discernment.

Read full dream Kitten on an Old Country Road Dream

When I awoke, I was praising YAHUSHUA. I know that I know that I know, signs wonders and miracles do really follow this Ministry. We’ve had miracle, after miracle after miracle, more than I’m even able to share.

I love you very, very, very much. I want all my spiritual children to know that none of you are being neglected. Your love, your messages and all your beautiful prayers, one after another. The anointing! Oh my gosh! I cannot write back each one of you. I love you so very, very, very much. The love that is in each one of your prayers—I weep with joy—that’s all I have to say, to be loved like many of you love me. And I know you love me because YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH are in me.

Each prayer is so very anointed. Each prayer of yours I read, the anointing oil pours forth! Some of you writing amaze me at the level of anointed prayer you write for me! Thank you is the only words I can say, and in Heaven we will know who prayed the last prayer for me right before YAHUSHUA appeared to me!

Each year I was expecting, hoping YAHUSHUA would appear to me again, on one anniversary, but HE came on another and I didn’t even realize—I really had forgotten it was the anniversary of Prophecy 90 about the RUACH HA KODESH (Hebrew for HOLY SPIRIT) but YAHUSHUA didn’t. Some of my spiritual children reminded me the next day as we were celebrating the progress of the Asian outreach.

Read Prophecy 90, What is Name of the RUACH HA KODESH?

YAHUSHUA appeared to me as a guarantee to show me HE will do all HE has promised to! Everything preordained must come to pass! HE also came as an encouragement to the laborers in the Asian harvest field.

How can I repay all of you who support this ministry in any way? Except in Heaven we will be together and never separated! But even now on this earth, even those of you I will never see face to face, or speak to, we are one in spirit.

We are all being severely tested. If you are not experiencing it, believe me you will be tested more. I’m sorry when we aren’t able to write more—we are all in a test. Don’t give up. Don’t quit is my message for you today whoever is being sorely tested, enduring trials and tribulations of your faith. Remember, with joy, they are worth much more than gold (1 Pet 1:6-7).

Love & blessings in all ways to all who are a blessing to the Ministry and all supporters of the Ministry, who consider it a blessing to them!

YAHUSHUA bless you. I love all of you.
I am so blessed, as I feel your love & prayers

Momma R.m., your Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu

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