Ripping the Wolves Mask of Pensacola The Laughing Revival
Laughing Revival is grieving the HOLY SPIRIT, swift judgement is coming to this
Movement that is possessing people our brothers and sisters with DEMONS! The GOD
OF CHAOS is ruling in places where this Laughing revival which are DEMONS
If you received your conversion at one of these places accepted YAHUSHUA and have
these symptoms as listed below QUICKLY seek the help of your Deliverer YAHUSHUA
Christ and go to another Pastor or lay pastor someone who knows about
Deliverance and GET DELIVERED before its too late! These people think they are
falling to the feet of YAHUSHUA ! But they are falling to the feet of the
Anti Christ! Instead of the true Christ another from the pit of HELL!
Don't even walk into these buildings that have this movement going on unless you
are going there prepared to do Spiritual warfare! YAHUSHUA is going to be raising
up his prophetic/warriors to expose these demons but DON'T GO IN ALONE! Take
troops filled with the Power of the Holy Ghost that are mature warriors for
YAHUSHUA and Knows Spiritual warfare! Go in Fasting and prayed up! Keep your
armor of God on renewing it by faith speaking it forth!
Before you enter make sure ALL sins are repented, turned away, and washed in
YAHUSHUA's blood! Don't attempt exposing these wolves or helping these
people without having the gifts of Speaking in tongues! The HOLY SPIRIT knows
the names of the demons! I am writing this under the anointing of the Holy
Spirit it is HIS instructions NOT mine!
Remember these lambs are being led to slaughter there souls lay on the altar of
Satan and they know it NOT! Protect your Soul do NOT be deceived NO matter what
you hear that you may agree with, partake of NONE of the services JUST pray! if
your called to intercede for these sheep who think they stand before the Good
Shepherd YAHUSHUA,and instead stand before the BUTCHER of HELL! Watch the
demons tremble as YAHUSHUA sends forth HIS Prophetic/ Warriors to do battle with
the demons sent to POSSESS and TRANSFER the DEMONS to our other brothers and
Sisters in YAHUSHUA!
Please hear me for the MOST part even the Pastors have been POSSESSED! Great
MONEY is being raised to promote these Demons in ALL the congregations! There is
a real falling in the spirit but there is a counterfeit! Pensacola and Toronto
laughing revivals that have invaded even main line churches BEWARE! But remember
for every moving of the HOLY SPIRIT that is REAL there is a counterfeit! One
last warning the HOLY SPIRIT is telling me to warn my brethren is DON'T LET
ANYONE LAY HANDS ON YOU AND PRAY who has been contaminated by this demonic
The people that are coming should be prayed for BUT don't lay hands on them!
Rebuke, bind, command those EVIL SPIRITS to LOOSE them! and GO TO THE PLACE
JESUS SENDS THEM! NEVER TO RETURN ANYMORE! If someone is to be delivered they
MUST WANT DELIVERANCE if NOT then DON'T CAST THEM OUT ! Bind up the demons till
the time of there deliverance! This end time revival is NO revival ! it is lambs
being led astray! They think they are finding the arms of YAHUSHUA the Good
Shepherd and instead finding themselves being led to the God of CHAOS!
YAHUSHUA will PUNISH all the Pastors who have endangered his Precious Lambs
and Sheep! Some are selling ALL just to come and experience YAHUSHUA! NONE
of this lines up with the Bible! Read below and then write me and tell me what
your experiences has been. I am commanded to rip the mask off this movement! In
YAHUSHUA's name we must stand together and Bind these demons away from our
brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA!
Pastors you must cleanse your Churches and repent and ask forgiveness for
bringing this movement into your churches! YAHUSHUA will forgive you but you are
held accountable for what you have known! Warn your people! Anoint your
Churches! Don't tolerate this GOD OF CHAOS in your churches anymore! But BEWARE
Don't stop the true movement of the HOLY SPIRIT! Falling under the power of the
HOLY SPIRIT is REAL you must have discernment to know which is genuine and which
is counterfeit!
Woe be unto the Pastor that brought this God of Chaos to USA ! Woe be unto the
Pastor that opened himself up to these demons, his name is Rodney Howard Browne!
REPENT today and Renounce this Evil! The same vessel that encaptured YAHUSHUA
Christ's sheep can help to set them FREE! But first he MUST get Deliverance
HIMSELF! Jan and Paul Crouch You helped promote this movement your held
accountable for this!
Repent Today! Turn away from this evil ! Get deliverance and expose this wolf in
sheeps clothing! Help me RIP OFF this God of CHAOS and MOCKERY that rules this
laughing revival! Lets MOCK Satan and his demons, Rip off this Mask once and for
Judgement has already started at the House of the LORD! This movement is even in
my small country assembly of God church! Same Symptoms as described below!
Pastor takes his Church to Pensacola at least ONCE a month and I live in
Indiana! Remember in the end time even the very elect will be deceived IF
possible! Offending some, enlightening others through the truth of YAHUSHUA.