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A Beautiful Letter Written To Our Mother IMMAYAH, The RUACH HA KODESH

A Letter Sent Home. An Invitation for the Bridegroom to come.

This is an e-mail we received from a Brother in Hong Kong. It is so beautiful, we want to share it with everyone.

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My Momma, my Wisdom, my Comfort and my Guide.

Oh, Momma, when can I come home?

I intend to linger in this world no more.

The last time I saw you, your beauty, your feminineness, your role model as a Mom, …

Is insurpassable!

Oh, how I wish to be at your side, being nourished again, being tendered again, my dear Momma, I love you.

Oh, how I wish to be back home, the place where I came from, to go out no more, to be where I should be, home!!!

Oh, what a wonderful idea is that. To realize that my Abba and Momma are waiting for me to return. What an expectation!

What a joy it is to be a part of that big family.

Oh, how I wish to be home. To be where I should be. To have what I should have. To love whom I should love, home!!!

Oh, how wonderful a place it should be. A place of refuge. A place of no sorrow. A place of full peace. A place I called home!!!

Oh, Abba. Oh, Momma. I have been waiting too long. I have been expecting this moment in time all my life.

A journey to awakening, only to find, that I am in a place I called home!!!

Beauty is no beauty, home is no home, joy is no joy, in a lonesome world that I await, to be taken back to my real home.

A moment too long, a place too small, a world too sorrowful. I hope for the time, when I will sit down with my Abba, my Momma, my Bridegroom, at the big table of the marriage supper of the Lamb. Wow, what a wonderful scenario that will be.

All Hail, all Hail, all Hail, to a wonderful family, in a place I called home!!!

Joy, peace, glory, wisdom, all in ONE. All who overcome, will be part of this oneness. A place I called Home!!!

Dear, dear, dear, Abba, and Momma, how I long for your love, your cherishment, your kindness, your parenthood, your recognition, your approval, and most important, your LIFE in me.

A creation longing for the creator. A child calling for Abba and Momma. A warrior, yet so tender in heart.

I can feel it. I can hear it. The war drums. The war cries. The army of Yahuveh. The power, the glory, the acuteness, the intenseness there is. Yet, the heart is so tender.

The anointing, it is real, it is like a world in me, a flow of living force, a stream of words, a reality, it is burning, it is acting, it is finding an outlet for its outpouring. It is much much much more than pure words…

What a beautiful feeling it is. I am so far, yet I am so close to my Abba and Momma. I feel lonesome in this lonesome world, yet my heart is so filled with feelings, with fire, with compassion, and with love.

Be it a world without mercy, a world without love, a world without light, my Saviour is within me, guiding me, protecting me, shining forever so brightly within me, transforming me, accompanying me to walk the PATH to glory. I want to yell for joy, I want to shout, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Glory be to our King, Yahushua ha Machiach, my Bridegroom, my love.

I cannot live without you. Please come and take me home. I hope that I will be with you, for all Eternity, never to be parted again. I finally find a place in TRUTH, a place I called HOME.

Lo and behold, the Bridegroom is coming!!!!!!

Joseph .....
Hong Kong

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