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JESUS the GOOD SHEPHERD’S Name in Hebrew?

To say “THE GOOD SHEPHERD” in Hebrew, we say “HA ROEH HA TOV” (“HaRo-EH HaTOV”).

It’s a title. But that’s not what this is about today. We’re going much deeper to a little-known secret—you haven’t heard before—revealed in the Hebrew language. Outside of our books, this is the first time this information is being published online in such a way.

Read John chapter 10 with this knew knowledge, and you’ll be astounded at how awesome our GOD is!

Most believers know the MESSIAH by the Name “JESUS,” but it’s not actually HIS Name — it’s more like a Greek-Latin hybrid word—and believe it or not, it has no recognized meaning. (It’s your choice if you want to use the Name JESUS, but at least take this opportunity to learn something new!) On the other hand, HIS Hebrew Name literally means “YAH/GOD saves.”

But that’s not the secret and we’re not talking about “Y’shua” an Aramaic nickname but HIS full and original Name, “YAHUSHUA,” which not only means “YAH/GOD saves” but is the prefect Name for the GOOD SHEPHERD.

Why? Shepherds save sheep and that’s obvious. Right?

But there’s more to this.

The Name “YAHU-SHUA” describes, in Hebrew, HIS role as the ONE & ONLY GOOD SHEPHERD and tells the on-going story of HIS relationship to us, YAH’S sheep. It also shows HE is GOD while at the same time, sent by GOD the FATHER (John 1:1; 10).

The SON’S Name was to Mean “YAH SAVES”!

When Mary (Miriam in Hebrew) was pregnant with the SON OF GOD, Joseph was told to give her offspring a Name that meant “HE [YAHUVEH] shall save HIS People” (Matthew 1:21). The English name JESUS does not fulfill this verse as it has no meaning in any language, being a Greek-Latin hybrid.

However, this verse describes precisely what YAHUSHUA means. YAHUSHUA is Strong’s Concordance number H3091—defined as coming from H3068, YAHUVEH, and from H3467, yasha, which means “he saves, delivers, rescues” etc. Together as YAHUSHUA, this means YAHUVEH saves.1

YAHUVEH’S Saving Cry & Wealth

An alternative derivation of the second half of YAHUSHUA’S Name (compare to Bat-shua, H1340) is the related word shua. It has a double meaning.

It can be defined (H7768-9, H7773) as “to be free,” “to cry out for help,” or a “saving, delivering, rescuing cry.” In other words, call on the Name of the LORD YAHUVEH—through “YAHUSHUA,” the saving-cry, for Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Victory and Vindication!

And on the other hand, shua (H7770-1) also carries the meaning of wealth, riches and splendor or freedom, liberty and generosity—even opulence—for in YAHU-SHUA is found all the treasure and abundance of Heaven (Eph 1:7; 3:16, 14-27; Col 2:2-3; Phil 4:19; Rom 2:4; 9:23; Col 1:27).2 Only through HIM do we experience true freedom! ALL we need, or could ever want, is in HIM alone to the GLORY of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & RUACH HA KODESH!


Both shua & yasha are child root words from the same family of Hebrew words describing shepherding—look at the letters in the Hebrew script and the similarity between them and their parent root: shin-ayin, two Hebrew letters.

Together, what do the shin-ayin represent?

The names of each letter are also words: shin literally means “teeth,” and ayin, “eye.” Each has a simplistic, symbolic meaning.
During the time of the patriarchs, who lived a nomadic lifestyle (think of Abraham), the letters in this word, would have been understood as ayin, watching over the sheep and watching out for beasts, and as shin, destroying the enemies in defense of the sheep.


So YAHUSHUA’S NAME even testifies:

HE is the GOOD SHEPHERD of YAH’S Sheep;
HE WHO WATCHES OVER ISRAEL neither slumbers not sleeps (Ps 121:4)
HE is the LIVING ONE, WHO was dead, and rose again.
Now alive forevermore, HE is the ONLY TRUE DOOR!5
Over death and hades, HE holds the keys (Rev 1:18).
HE holds the RESURRECTION POWER (Mt 27:52) that frees!

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