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New Seal Of The Alpha & Omega Amightywind RUACH Ha KODESH Wildfire Ministry!

Everyone having an active part in this ministry--through prayers, encouragement, financial support, will be blessed for taking part in this ministry's harvest.
We encourage those who do take part in this ministry to commit themselves, as we have, to:

1. Walk in obedience (by faith and not by sight) in holiness.

2. Have their sins washed clean in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA after accepting YAHUSHUA, the Son of YAHUVEH, as one's LORD and Savior, through repentance and turning away from all sin.

3. Picking up their cross and following YAHUSHUA, laying their lives on the Altar of Sacrifice.

4. And allowing YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to remove anything and anyone from their lives that does not line up with HIS Will, according to the Holy Scriptures.
Such a commitment and walk insures that one is hereby sealed from the wrath of YAHUVEH!

Luke 21:36

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Luke 9:23-24

And HE said to them all, If any man will come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow ME. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for MY sake, the same shall save it.

Beloved family, the anointed seal given me on December 24, 1987 has NOW become a REALITY on our front page! This awesome seal was created by a member of this ministry who has been anointed to make this seal everything YAHUVEH wanted it to be...AND HE HAS! The enemy has tried so desperately to stop the Seal from being created and placed here...but he has FAILED! Glory, Praise and Honor to our Beloved YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH for this awesome Seal...sealing this ministry from harm from the enemy and sealing those who are part of this ministry and who have placed EVERYTHING on the Altar of Sacrifice to follow YAHUVEH. This ministry belongs to HIM and we who have been called into it are so blessed. PRAISE, GLORY AND HONOR, OH WONDERFUL YAHUVEH, thank you for this wonderful Seal!

The Seal was first seen by Prophet Elisheva in 1987, in a vision and it indeed represents the End Times and Book of Revelation and the calling of AmightyWind Ministry.

We believe the wind in this dream represents the MIGHTY WIND OF THE RUACH HA KODESH (Acts 2) and the Great & Terrible Day of the LORD (Rev 6:13; Joel 2:31; Acts 2:30; Mal 4:5).

This dream although short, if very deep in meaning.

Revelation 3:8

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open
door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast
kekept MY word, and hast not denied MY name.


Here’s my testimony for AmightyWind’s Seal.

O’ it was shown. I didn’t ask for it but in my dream it was confirmed! AmightyWind Ministry has the Endtime Seal and I believe Rev. Elisheva holds the Endtime signs for she is the Ringmaiden.

GOD anointed her and blessed her in so many ways! She is a blessing to all the Bride and Guests all over the world!

Here is the dream last Aug 14th 2012:

I was with a friend—like we’re at a quiet neighborhood but [with] many houses. And the street at first was just peaceful—across the street is a sea facing the city—when all of a sudden the sky darkened and the wind blew strange like a storm just arrived.

When I looked up, oh my, the crest/seal I see in the sky.

I was shouting, “This is the Endtime Seal in Revelation,” a logo of end sign.

And the people I told, “Look up. Its the Endtime Seal, a Crest. It is all in Revelation!” Now the wind blows again…I call on the attention of others, “Look up! Look up! The Crest, Seal! Its a sign [that] we are ending, [a sign we are in the end times].”

The start of panic and disturbances has now came up. My fear is the coming of earthquake and big storm. I was looking at the sea [to see] if the water approaches the streets for fear of tsunami after the quake….

-A Sister from the Philippines

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