Nancy B. the artist I told you about who YAHUSHUA sent me to, was given a
prophecy and I had the privilege of being used to prophecy to her that she was
the one that was to paint "One Minute Until Midnight." YAHUSHUA used her to bring
the vision I had and he gave her confirmation as we both confirmed much of what
is seen in the picture.
For instance I saw Gabriel and Michael in white tunics and YAHUSHUA in white robe
trimmed in gold. I knew the angels wore gold also...we confirmed without even
discussing it! I saw Gabriel has having Golden blonde hair, and the style and
Michael has black hair, and YAHUSHUA has dark hair and blue eyes, again this was
The anointing came upon Nancy when I called her on the phone as directed and her
daughter anointed her with olive oil as I prayed in the power of the Holy
Spirit! Nancy said she could barely stand she felt like she was going to fall!
as the power of Almighty God came upon her and her head, hands, feet, ears,
eyes, and heart was anointed! I prayed in tongues and Nancy felt the Power of
the Holy Ghost come upon her in a mighty Way! For YAHUSHUA's Glory Alone!
I want to tell you Thank you for your prayers, for when I saw this picture for
the first time she finished in on 3/6/98 and I had just received the photographs
of it, as well as the scanned picture you see here now. It takes a lot to take
my speech away but when I saw it I feel like I have been to Heaven! I could
barely speak! I was having a hard time speaking English and stuttering ! I felt
spacey, like my spirit was in Heaven and my body here on Earth! This lasted all
evening! Please don't judge this picture by the scanned picture you can't begin
to understand how this does NOT reflect the beauty. The computer cannot
duplicate the GOLD Metallic and Shiny! Great details on every face and every
item! Nancy has seen Heaven and she has painted what no one has painted before!
YAHUSHUA has two tears coming down the right side of his face.
Read the One Minute Until Midnight prophecy again and you will see the vision
Nancy brought to LIFE in this picture and understand THIS IS REALLY YAHUSHUA!
GABRIEL looks like he is portrayed and Michael also. YAHUSHUA sweated drops of
blood at the Garden of Gethsemane. I believe he has two tears of blood coming
from his eyes in Heaven for the grief of the lost grieves him so. I didn't see
Archangel Michael on the steps but I saw him awaiting the orders of the Father
ready to send his Angelic troops into WAR to come take US home!
You didn't think there was going to be a Heavenly War when YAHUSHUA comes again for
HIS bride! What Nancy saw is even more exciting for she saw Michael running up
the stairs for he has been summoned by the Father God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
(YAHUSHUA ). Michael's sword is drawn and it is SO BEAUTIFUL! And he is ready
for BATTLE as he is called into action to give orders to his Angelic Troops!
Gabriel, look carefully his face, has the creases for his cheeks are puffed and
ready to sound the Shofar trumpet ! Look at the detail of his tunic! We had
confirmation on this! Examine Michael's handsome face, a look of a warrior! both
are built rugged and very strong! Notice the rippling Muscle's in his arms and
legs! Don't think the Painting even begins to compare with this scanned picture.
YAHUSHUA OH precious YAHUSHUA! His hair is so thick and wavy and dark...neatly groomed
beard..well he is GOD after all and his crown sparkles with gems and Gold unlike
this earth can imagine. Gold everywhere! He kneels on a blood red carpeting for
that is the covering of HIS bride is it NOT? His two tears coming down his face
for he weeps for those that will be left behind! The ones he grieves the most
for are those that think they are on the way to Heaven and instead will be left
behind and go to HELL! For they have a religion NOT a RELATIONSHIP with Almighty
GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA ) Those that think they can live UNHOLY
and see how close to HELL they can live and still make HEAVEN he weeps for! They
have been deceived!
Anyone who has prayed to another saint to intercede for them or even his MOTHER
Mary instead of going directly to YAHUSHUA for HE alone is the ONLY
INTERCESSOR ! It is HIS Shed blood that washes away our Sin! YAHUSHUA took
our place at Calvary and NO ONE else's name under Heaven or Earth can we pray
too and expect to be saved, or expect Father God YAHUVEH (Jehovah) to answer our
prayers! Its in the name of YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA Messiah) alone! He is the
don't be mislead this doesn't mean we purposely sin because he paid the price!
Because we LOVE him we must OBEY him! The Holy Spirit keeps us from purposely
sinning because we want to be Holy as HE is Holy! Nancy saw a gate that Michael
is touching as he ascends the stairs! She didn't know the reason the Holy Spirit
drew that through her was because YAHUSHUA IS THE ONLY GATE! WE ENTER INTO
This isn't an ordinary gate though, it has Pillars! A golden gate with Pillars!
We are to be Pillars of righteousness! Nancy didn't know that either but the
Holy Spirit explained it to me. Nancy saw the crosses behind the throne. The
Holy Spirit took her hand and just started painting lots of crosses! She was
amazed! Those crosses are like a Holographic image behind the throne of our
Heavenly Father God YAHUVEH (Jehovah) and it reminds the Father of the price
YAHUSHUA paid for US! I told Nancy I saw cheribums and they had their faces covered
with their wings and they were weeping and grieving seeing YAHUSHUA weep and
grieve! For as much as he rejoices at coming to take US his bride home, he also
grieves for those that will be left behind, and those that will go to HELL!
YAHUSHUA doesn't know the time or day he is coming, for he waits for the Father God
YAHUVEH to tell him....If it was up to YAHUSHUA he would just keep delaying because
he doesn't want any to be LOST!
But Father has a time and season and he has let YAHUSHUA know and his prophets know
the time is nigh! He has shown the clock hanging in the air the hands are
metallic Gold and although there is NO Clock in Heaven there is NO other way to
portray to US for it is" One Minute Until Midnight and YAHUSHUA comes in the
Midnight hour!" One more interesting notation...Nancy is a New Born Again
Christian. She was saved in a Messianic Church. I told her that in my vision
Father YAHUVEH is on his throne and everyone was waiting for his Orders. Gabriel
ready to blow his horn, Michael ready to receive orders to go into battle with
his angelic troops! YAHUSHUA weeping and praying interceding for the people, The
Cheribums weeping and grieving for Almighty God YAHUSHUA is grieving. YAHUSHUA
waiting for the orders to go and get HIS bride and take US home! Nancy and I
didn't see the face of the Father God YAHUVEH not even in my vision.
When it came time to draw YAHUVEH she prayed and said Father I don't want you
getting angry with me for not making you look good enough, so please Holy Spirit
draw HIM for me. This is what she saw, A bright LIGHT coming from the throne of
Almighty God YAHUVEH! No face or form ,only the brightest Light imaginable! I
see a Cross in that light do you? a white cross! Nancy didn't know this till I
told her what I saw. The Holy Spirit drew this, he used her anointed hands as
they shook before she started painting and he drew the bright Light! Awesome
huh? I told Nancy I am NOT surprised about her NOT seeing Almighty God YAHUVEH
our Heavenly Father...for NO man hath seen him and Lived! Moses seen his back,
and felt his hand but the bible says YAHUSHUA has been seen but NOT YAHUVEH! In
Heaven I believe we will see him but will we see a face or form or just the same
bright light Nancy saw? I can't wait to find out.
I have prayed on a dollar amount low enough for even the poor to afford, for
YAHUSHUA 's anointing NO man or woman can put a price tag on it. If you want
this painting and it would be a perfect gift for you or your Church or loved
ones. Please e-mail me and let me know. We are going to pay to have the prints
made which are quite expensive! You can see why I need the money upfront to be
quite honest the ministry doesn't have this kind of money. So if you want this
picture that I believe will BLESS your home with an anointing like you have
NEVER experienced before. Every Picture will be prayed over before it's sent and
I believe after praying YAHUSHUA will NOT allow this picture to hang in anyone's
house whose name is NOT found in the Lamb's book of life! For the reprobate will
HATE this picture for their spirits will know this is Heaven and they are NOT
destined for Heaven! Show this to your loved ones you have grieved over
wondering whether they will be saved. Watch their reaction.
The Holy Spirit will draw the unsaved by the STRONG ANOINTING on this Picture!
Again, if you want this picture let me know. I am sorry but we can't afford to
frame this for you, or mat it, but then everyone has different decor in their
home so you probably will prefer choosing your own. Again I have the painting
and I need to know who really wants this painting. Don't judge it by what you
see on the computer! It's so very beautiful! This painting has been given as a
gift to this ministry. "One Minute Until Midnight" Suitable for framing.
March 17th, 1999 was the anniversary of 4th year this Temple has been on the
internet! This is just another blessing for His Church! The members of this
congregation! and on this pastor! I love you so much YAHUSHUA, YAHUVEH, and The
Holy Spirit! You are OUR Almighty GOD we worship and Serve! Thank you for this
blessing! Please move and confirm in your people's hearts you want them to have
this anointed painting hanging in their homes. Dear YAHUSHUA I believe everyone
that has this picture NOT one of them will miss the rapture! or Heaven! I
believe Holy Spirit you will USE this painting to draw the souls and bring those
that belong to you already increase the anointing in them to a mighty degree!
Please pray for the finances so I can buy the prints to get them into your
hands! Please trust me!! "One Minute Until Midnight" along with the prophecy fit
for framing, is the MOST anointed painting you have ever seen! If I could afford
it I would GIVE these paintings away just so I could hear all the miracle
reports that will come as you take this blessing and anointing into your home or
your loved ones home. Enough said, now listen to the Artist as she describes
what happened as she painted. She worked sun up till late in evening and didn't
even stop to eat most of the time, as she worked under the anointing. Satan
attacked her health but YAHUSHUA had the Victory! Remember there is a price to pay
the more you are anointed. I have paid a price, Nancy has paid the price...for
the servant will suffer for our Master has suffered for US. If anyone wants to
HELP me buy the prints in large quantity please e-mail me. The more we order the
less it costs.
I love you all.
Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah
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