Spoken through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
While my husband and I were praying with Adam on the phone, this message came
"BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA I give you a new mandate. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!"
It is Shabbat on a Saturday and we had been speaking with another Partner in
this Ministry on the phone. We had just prayed for the peace of Jersalem while
on the phone with Adam from Canada, another member of the Bride of YAHUSHUA and
I and my husband together praying together.
My husband was telling him he was reading a book, "Countdown to Jerusalem." On
February 4th, 2006, he heard these words...
"As you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, so too you pray for the hastening of
YAHUSHUA to come. For HE alone is the Prince of Peace."
And then under the anointing, YAHUVEH spoke to me the below words while we were
on the phone with Adam. My husband ran and got the tape recorder and recorded
them so we could write them down later.
Beloved Son of mine, it is a good thing that you pray for the peace of
But do you realize as you pray this, as a member of the Bride, you also are
praying for the hastening of the anti-messiah [antichrist] to come, for that
must come first.
You are praying for the hastening of the Great Tribulation, for that must come
first. For only I know how much blood must flow before Yisrael will bow their
knees to YAHUSHUA Messiah, the only Prince of Peace! So continue to encourage
the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Tell them to take my prophetic messages first to the Jews
and then to the Gentiles. The greatest burden on the Bride of YAHUSHUA'S heart
should be for the Prince of Peace to come to Jerusalem. HIS name is YAHUSHUA. HE
is the MASHIACH! (Messiah)
Everything you see happening now must happen, it was preordained. Even I,
YAHUVEH, knew the stubborness of the hearts, the rebellion, I have warned
through MY Apostles and Prophets through the Holy Scriptures again and again.
Even the modern day Holy Prophets speak forth the same warnings. How few listen.
So Elisheva...be brave, be bold, no longer withhold the rebuke I have for
Yisrael and all the nations who dare to touch her. MY vengeance they will wear.
It is only I, YAHUVEH, who have the right to chastize MY child, for I have said
I will never leave nor forsake Yisrael! This Ministry has been sent to warn
Yisrael, as well as I have made you Elisheva, a prophet to the nations.
Just because you are from America does not mean I only send you to America. I
send you to the nations of this world, but especially to Yisrael. I had Adam
call you so that the anointing will be stirred up. A tri-cord is not easily
broken. So this word could come forth. You three are a blessing unto ME. Look
not at yourself through your own eyes for your own eyes will deceive you.
Instead look at yourself through MY eyes, through YAHUSHUA'S eyes. The Bride of
YAHUSHUA must not look at themselves through their own eyes, for their eyes will
decieve them. They will say, "I am not beautiful enough, I am not Holy enough,
to be called YAHUSHUA'S Bride."
Only I know who I have chosen to be YAHUSHUA'S Bride and I have put the
witnessing Spirit inside YAHUSHUA'S Bride.
I will not tell you what will happen on February 20, 2006, I only say wait.
Ponder it in your heart and wait. I have instructed you to test every spirit
that speaks and so you have and you shall continue.
Elisheva I have promised you the angels would come, Holy Angels straight from
Heaven. It is satan that hinders you getting this word to MY people and getting
this rebuke to Yisrael. Souls will come to YAHUSHUA. MY remenant will speak
forth as a new anointing hits them in Yisrael. Some of YAHUSHUA'S Bride in
Jerusalem resides, Thus far they hide.
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Given to Elisheva Eliyahu