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Prophecy for Africa Forecoming!


Beloved Family of YAHUSHUA we greet you around this world, HAPPY PENTECOST! We celelbrate Pentecost because it celebrates the day the Ruach ha Kodesh filled the disciples to overflowing and signs, wonders and miracles did follow. Read the book of Acts and know that the same HOLY SPIRIT can fill you the same way.

YAHUSHUA had to die for our sins and arise from the dead for this to happen, but HE did instruct the disciples to go to the upper room on Shavout, the day of Pentecost, and they were filled with a new anointing like all of us who are Holy before YAHUSHUA can also expect. I love the precious RUACH HA KODESH. Without the comforter, also called the HOLY SPIRIT, coming to us so we are drawn to YAHUSHUA'S loving arms, who could be saved? Without the conviction of the RUACH ha KODESH reminding us to stay Holy, and to encourage our faith, where would we be? I am so grateful for the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. Nothing in the world can take its place.

My husband and I and our Son have been traveling all over Europe and even Africa. We have met with some of the Bride of YAHUSHUA face to face. We are trying hard to get the time to translate 4 new prophecies and get them posted. There just hasn't been enough hours in the day it seems.

The newest prophecy is an African prophecy full of hope and revelation. It is the newest word from YAHUSHUA and is full of anointing and power. Please intercessors, we are trying to get settled down long enough in a house so we can catch our breath and give you fresh mana from Heaven! We are also trying hard to find time to work on the new book that is being produced and about to be released. We receive so many invitatons to minister in the international countries and we are trying hard to reach all who invite us, but time is so short now. The Great Tribulation is not afar off.

Never did I dream I would be traveling in so many countries so quickly. I kept saying to those who invited me, "I will see you in my glorfied body and preach in your church at that time." Wrong! We are still in our mortal bodies and although it is taking a toll on us, we are trying hard to go where we are invited by pastors who believe what this ministry stands for as well as with the Bride of YAHU'SHUA!

I must admit the stress level has been at the highest we have ever known. We really need and appreciate your love and support and also intercessory prayers like never before! We took the greatest leap of faith, including finanically, when we left USA for the last time.

Satan doesn't play fair. My husband's brother Rick committed suicide during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. He took his own life by walking in front of a train. Please intercessors, pray for [my husband] and his family. When my beloved husband is able, he is going to write a memorial to Rick. The saddest part is the tragedies in my husband's family still haven't stopped. We just received news that my husband's dad now has cancer of the pancreas and needs surgery. Please pray for them. Seek and pray for what is needed as the RUACH leads you to do.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, pray in Holy Tongues for the Ruach knows what is needed, or pray and ask YAHUSHUA how to pray for this family. We are in need of urgent intercessory prayers. The countries we are taking this Holy anointing to has princes, powers, principailites and rulers in high places that do not want this anointing released where the people will be saved, delivered, and healed!

Remember this, only what you do for YAHU'SHUA will count in eternity. Only what you do in HIS name will stand. Don't use your finances for selfish purposes or it will be like stubble and hay. Ask yourself...are you building up your treasures on earth or in Heaven? I know [my husband] and I only have treasures in Heaven, for on earth we don't even have a house to call our own or furnture. Even our vehicle was left behind. We have laid everything on the altar of sacrifice for the glory of YAHU'SHUA.

Have you also done the same?

Our special prayers and love go to our partners who faithfully support this ministry around this world. You know who you are. Most importantly, YAHUSHUA knows who you are and we will share the same rewards in Heaven. You are the answer to our prayers, and you are the ones we call friends of this ministry. You are the ones we tell our secret prayer needs too because you have proven how much you love us and we can trust you!

HAPPY PENTECOST! And much love to our family of YAHUSHUA around this world.

Love and blessings in YAHUSHUA'S name


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We are now traveling in Europe to gather together the European Bride of YAHUSHUA. We greatly appreciate your prayers for our guidance and safety during this time!

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These prophecies will be released together shortly now that my husband and I are safetly out of America. They are the Exodus prophecies which follow the Passover, just as the exodus of the Jews from Egypt immediately followed the Passover, at which time the first-born in each household was taken EXCEPT in those dwellings with the Blood of a [spotless and without blemish] lamb put above and on each side of the entrance door.

OBEDIENCE of the Bride of YAHUSHUA to the leading of the RUACH HA KODESH has never been more important! IF and WHEN you are instructed to flee America, you are to FLEE and NOT LOOK BACK [remember what happened to Lot's wife!]...and IF you are instructed to REMAIN, then you are to remain and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA when they lead you to a place of sanctuary! There is NO EXCUSE for disobedience and it will only put you at the mercy of the enemy if you do not follow the instructions of your Commander-in-Chief!

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We have left EVERYTHING behind as we now travel in Europe. If you believe in what this ministry teaches and that you are part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, then contact me. We will be led by the RUACH HA KODESH to contact those as HE instruct us during this time of ingathering for the Bride in Europe!


The needs of this ministry have never been greater, and if you have not done so before, NOW is the time to get serious about laying up for yourself TREASURE IN HEAVEN! That treasure is everything you do for YAHUSHUA as you are led by the RUACH HA KODESH. Nothing else will matter. As you are led, help support this ministry, as we not only work for the ingathering of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, but also to reach lost and hurting souls! We encourage you to put it ALL on the Altar of Sacrifice so that what YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA desire to accomplish through this ministry CAN BE DONE and QUICKLY! Whatever you sacrifice for HIS sake now will be to HIS Glory, Praise and Honor and can you even imagine hearing the sweetest words ever spoken by YAHUSHUA when you stand before HIM soon: "WELL DONE!"

You cannot imagine HOW SHORT TIME IS!

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When you read the prophecies directed to America, realize now that THEY ARE ALSO DIRECTED AT CANADA! Even though a border separates these two countries, THEY ARE PROPHETICALLY TOGETHER UNDER THE SAME JUDGMENTS previously reserved only for America! Do not presume that fleeing from America to Canada will take you to safety--unless you are being led to a sanctuary by the RUACH HA KODESH which will be wherever you are led! Remember, if you do not FLEE when told to FLEE and go only where the RUACH leads you, you will be like a mouse ready to have a large, red cup dropped over you. Without the protection and covering that comes ONLY with COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to YAHU'VAH and YAHU'SHUA, that cup will find you, then come down and then there will be no place to go except right into the clutches of the enemy. You have been warned!

OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE! Just as Elisheva has done...you MUST be willing to leave EVERYTHING behind and NOT LOOK BACK and walk forward in OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! You cannot have it both ways. If you expect protection, safety and HIS blessings, you must do it HIS WAY!!!

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Oh, how many will hesitate, grieving over beautiful homes and families and jobs that they are being told to LEAVE BEHIND. And in so doing, they themselves WILL BE LEFT BEHIND! Because they did not PUT ME, I, YAHUVEH, and My Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA absolutely FIRST IN THEIR LIVES!!! IT CAN BE NO OTHER WAY! Heed this warning!


What you do for ME, do quickly! For time runs out quickly!

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Bless you all. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support. And most of all, thank you for your OBEDIENCE!


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Beloved Sister Joaninne,
I seen a vision of a huge, powerful red magnet today [4.28.06] and YAHU'SHUA gave you the magnet along with the others like Lydjusca and Sandra, Lyda and those I don't know yet in Holland. Now I see a ring which symbolizes me as the Ring Maiden and I am being pulled to the Bride of YAHU'SHUA in Europe! This is a new mandate given to me after FEAST OF UNLEAVEN BREAD! Now I will be shown how to assemble with them, face-to-face. I was told today, "Elisheva, you have tarried for the American Bride long enough! There are other nations who have the Bride of YAHU'SHUA, who need the truths I have given you and the anointing!"

Holy Prayer Warriors and Bride's Prayers, COME FORTH!

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